The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 164 Zhang Lu's Funeral

Chapter 164 Zhang Lu's Funeral
Although Liu Chan was awake, his body strength seemed to be drained, and he was weak for a long time, so he could only rest on the sickbed every day.

However, there was an endless stream of people who came to visit, so that Liu Bei had to order that, except for those who were close to Liu Chan, those who had an official position of more than [-] shi were not allowed to visit the Prince's Mansion.This made Liu Chan finally have enough rest time.

This time he fell ill in Yizhou. Since Mr. Ma Liang is now serving as a military counselor in Guan Yu's army, the most frequent visit to Liu Chan was replaced by Zhao Yun—almost every two days.

However, what made Liu Chan feel rather strange was that Zhao Yun, who was always optimistic and forthright on weekdays, seemed hesitant to speak every time he came here recently.After Liu Chan's questioning, Zhao Yun was still unwilling to speak.

The same thing happened to Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai.These two must be by Liu Chan's side every day, chatting and joking with him.But many times, when everyone was sitting quietly, either Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai's eyes would become very strange, or they would suddenly be distracted, as if they were thinking about something.They were also like Zhao Yun's situation, both of them were very tight-lipped, and Liu Chan naturally couldn't ask anything.

Such a situation made Liu Chan feel quite depressed.But soon something happened that made Liu Chan's spirit burst.

Pang Degong actually received a letter, but the old man really hasn't written to Liu Chan for a long time.Liu Chan hurriedly opened it to take a look, the content inside was to appease Liu Chan and ask him to cultivate his sick body, and there was a prescription attached at the end!
Then, Scary brought up a brocade box from Mr. Pang De.Liu Chan opened it and saw that it was a translucent black Ganoderma lucidum. Seeing that its body was filled with a brocade box, it might be nearly a thousand years old!This is really too precious, it is simply a rare treasure in the world.

Moreover, this is the most important medicinal material in Mr. Pang De's prescription. It should be that Mr. Pang De was afraid that Liu Chan could not find a Ganoderma lucidum of sufficient quality, so he specially prepared one.

But Mr. Pang De was far away in Jingzhou, how could he know that he was sick, and even the prescription was prescribed?Liu Chan couldn't help but be curious and grateful to Mr. Pang De.

But now that I have a famous doctor like Mr. Hua Tuo taking care of me, of course I can't change the prescription without authorization. Liu Chan asked his servants to take the prescription to Mr. Hua Tuo for a look.

On the same day, Mr. Hua Tuo hurried to find him.He told Liu Chan that although the prescription is good, there are too few thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum, so where can he find it?
Liu Chan smiled slightly, and ordered someone to take out the box of Ganoderma lucidum.Most of the ganoderma lucidum was black and big. Mr. Hua Tuo was stunned at the sight, and couldn't help reaching out to touch it. It felt extremely smooth, and it should have been picked not long ago.Because the Ganoderma lucidum that has been picked for a long time will become lignified.

Liu Chan saw that Mr. Hua, who has always had no desires, lost his composure because of a thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum. He felt very funny in his heart, and said with a smile: "Sir, you can take this box of Ganoderma lucidum back, and help students prepare the rest You just keep it, whether it is to cure diseases and save lives, or to study pharmacology, it is up to you to dispose of it, is that okay?"

Mr. Hua Tuo knows that Liu Chan has always been generous and never cares about things outside his body. As long as others need them, he can give them away no matter how valuable they are.But today's thousand-year-old ganoderma is too precious. Although Mr. Hua Tuo wanted it in his heart, he still refused to accept it.

Liu Chan had no choice but to say: "Sir, don't be so disrespectful. Why do we share between you and me? Today's ganoderma can cure my illness alone. After using it, it will be useless. It's better to give it to those who need it." !"

Mr. Hua Tuo felt that what Liu Chan said was reasonable, so he nodded his head as a tacit consent.In fact, if the Millennium Ganoderma lucidum is kept in the Shizi Mansion, it may only be used as a tonic in the future, which is too wasteful.

So, after Mr. Hua Tuo thanked Liu Chan, he happily accepted it.

After more than a month, the auspicious day for Zhang Lu's burial finally arrived.

In order to mourn for the dead, people at that time had a strange idea: to keep the dead at home as long as possible—that is, to delay the burial as much as possible.

Therefore, after Liu Chan cultivated for more than a month, he did not delay attending Zhang Lu's funeral.I don't know how the Zhang family kept Zhang Lu's body. Isn't it afraid of the smell?Liu Chan could not help but have such terrible thoughts in his heart.

In fact, apart from the above reason, the Zhang family postponed the funeral. Another reason is to wait for the believers of the "Five Dou Rice Sect" to come to attend the funeral of their leader.

In another time and space, Zhang Lu was moved to Luoyang by Cao Cao, and his entourage reached tens of thousands, which can be said to have almost emptied the population of Nanzheng City.Now that Zhang Lu has passed away, the number of people who have to come from Hanzhong to attend the funeral is probably not less than the number of people who moved back then, right?
Sure enough, more than ten days before the burial, the city of Chengdu was already crowded with guests from Hanzhong.Seeing this scene, Liu Chan couldn't help but sigh inwardly, Zhang Lu is so popular!It also made Liu Chan couldn't help but think of the scene when Jiangling people paid Mr. Zhang Xing's funeral.

Later, there were too many people coming from Hanzhong. The officials of Chengdu were afraid that they would cause unnecessary accidents, so they had to personally send people to various places in the city to maintain law and order. Too cautious.

However, Liu Chan can probably understand Chengdu Ling's thoughts.He directly governs the law and order in Chengdu under Liu Bei's feet, and if there is a slight negligence, it will immediately be heard by Liu Bei, and a small negligence will immediately be magnified into a major negligence.If you have made meritorious service, if it reaches Liu Bei's ears, it will often be regarded as a matter of course, and great contributions will be discounted because of this.

Therefore, although Chengdu Ling is a high-ranking position, it is actually the most difficult position to take. Those who are not cautious and conscientious cannot be qualified.Therefore, since Liu Bei occupied Chengdu, four Chengdu orders have been replaced so far!
On this day, Liu Chan brought Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai to pay homage, but Zhao Yun also came.He separated from the crowd, came to Liu Chan, and asked Liu Chan to follow him very seriously.

The four of them entered Zhang's mourning hall together.But Zhang Fu, Zhang Lu's son, was standing at the door with tears in his eyes, thanking the guests.Liu Chan was about to go up to appease Zhang Fu, and persuade him to be sad and obedient. He had already heard about Zhang Lu—it could almost be said that he died of exhaustion trying to save himself.

Not wanting to, Zhao Yun stepped forward first, grabbed Zhang Fu's hand and comforted him: "Mr. Zhang, your father is a loyal man. Now that you have become an immortal, don't be too sad. It's important to take care of your health."

Zhang Fu couldn't help but feel a little strange. Although the Zhang family had a relationship with this handsome General Zilong in Hanzhong, they didn't actually have a deep friendship!What's more, this General Zilong is famous for his "friendship between gentlemen is as light as water", and he neither forms cliques nor cliques. How can he be so enthusiastic about himself today?
At this time, Liu Chan got the opportunity to step forward and said: "I have heard about General Zhang, and I feel really sorry for your family. Sir, don't be too sad, the Zhang family's family business has to be supported by you Let's go!"

Hearing this, Zhang Fu obviously thought of the sad place again, and burst into tears immediately.Liu Chan had to spend a lot of effort to make Zhang Fu stop crying.

The four of them entered the mourning hall, and everyone respectfully kowtowed three times to Zhang Lu.

Liu Chan suddenly heard Zhao Yun whispering in his ear, "Adou, give General Zhang Lu another knock."

Liu Chan was a little astonished, turned to look at Zhao Yun, but saw Zhao Yun's unquestionable eyes.He sighed secretly in his heart, why is fourth uncle's words and deeds so strange recently?But since it is his order, then I will do it.Liu Chan respectfully kowtowed to Zhang Lu for the fourth time, and then Zhao Yun took Liu Chan's hand and walked out of the mourning hall together.

In the afternoon, it was time to go out of the mountain. All of a sudden, the whole city of Chengdu was fired, and a funeral procession composed of tens of thousands of outsiders stretched for more than ten miles, slowly following Zhang Lu's coffin, meandering towards the Set off outside the city.Zhao Yun and Liu Chan were impressively also in the team, and they were still walking behind the family members.

It was not until a long time later that Liu Chan learned from Zhao Yun, before his death, the thrilling thunder and lightning battle he saw at the foot of Jinping Mountain that night, and the scene where Zhang Lu's soul appeared there.

At that time, Liu Chan cried, crying very sadly, with a trace of remorse.Because he already knew from Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai that it was Wu who instigated Master Zixu to murder him behind the scenes!After the two connections, it turned out that Zhang Lu was killed by himself, not by Zhang Lu himself.

The power struggle within the royal family always involved the lives of innocent people, it was so cruel!

(End of this chapter)

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