The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 165 The situation in Jingzhou

Chapter 165 The situation in Jingzhou
Finally, news came from Jingzhou that Guan Yu had prepared his men and horses and was advancing rapidly towards Xiangyang.After a battle with Cao Ren outside Xiangyang City, he won a complete victory. Cao Ren was so frightened that he didn't even dare to enter Xiangyang, so he fled directly to Fancheng.

Guan Yu's army originally wanted to conquer the small Fancheng in one fell swoop by virtue of the power of capturing Xiangyang, but Cao Ren didn't know if he had taken some stimulants recently. Under his command, the small Fancheng faced Guan Yu. The army's crazy attack like a tide, although it is shaky, but every time it can successfully repel the army at the end!

The battle soon fell into a tug of war, and Guan Yu was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but he seemed helpless.

On the other hand, Wei Guoming had a new funeral, and when he heard the news of Guan Yu's attack, the court immediately fell into chaos.Some people strongly advocate moving the capital to Yecheng in the north, because once Fancheng is captured, the remaining strongholds Dengcheng and Anzhong may not be able to hold.
However, opposing voices immediately retorted, especially Sima Yi and Jia Xu.They all pointedly pointed out that if they moved the capital under the current situation, the morale of the officers and soldiers on the front line would inevitably be demoralized, and it would become completely impossible to stop Guan Yu's army.

For a while, the two sides in Wei Guo's court were quarreling endlessly, and finally had to temporarily elect Chen Qun to preside over daily affairs.But in the face of disputes between princes and courtiers, unless it is Cao Cao himself, I am afraid that no one can clean up the mess in front of him.

However, there is one thing that everyone agrees on. Immediately dispatch the nearest army to support Fancheng. After all, Fancheng is too small, and there are only less than 1 defenders in it. !

Therefore, the [-] troops responsible for the defense of Xudu were handed over to Commander Yu Jin and immediately marched south. Finally, they were blocked by Guan Yu's army north of Fancheng and could not enter Fancheng to join Cao Ren.

Guan Yujun didn't expect Yu Jin's army to come so fast, and he was a little passive at the beginning.In fact, Guan Yu and Yu Jin confronted each other in Jingzhou a few years ago, but Yu Jin was posing to cooperate with Xiahou Dun in capturing Hanzhong, so there was no war.

Guan Yu immediately adjusted his defenses at this time, and soon stabilized the situation.At this time, Guan Yu led an army of [-] to [-], and Yu Jin's army plus the army guarding Fancheng added up to nearly [-]. With the soldiers close to each other, the battle fell into a stalemate again.

After Liu Chan heard the news, although he was happy, he was actually very careful. In another time and space, Guan Yu's defeat of Fancheng and Lu Meng's capture of Jingzhou will happen again.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately asked Zhuge Qiao to inquire about the situation behind Jingzhou.Unexpectedly, Guan Yu actually sent Fu Shiren to guard the police, and Mi Fang was the Jiangling prefect and Zhizhong Pan Jun to jointly defend Jiangling.This arrangement is almost exactly the same as in another time and space, when Mi Fang and Fu Shiren surrendered to Soochow.

After learning about the situation, Liu Chan couldn't help but turn pale with shock, knowing that things might really get really bad now!

Liu Chan immediately asked his family to prepare the car quickly, and he was going to the National Hospital to discuss with Mr. Shi Guangyuan.Now if the son has something to do, he will first go to Shi Guangyuan to discuss it, and then secretly hand over the plan to Kong Ming through Zhuge Qiao for adjudication, and then bring it back to Liu Chan.

Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai didn't know, after the son received such a good report, why should he be so anxious?The two couldn't help shaking their heads. They still had great confidence in the son's mind, so they had to follow Liu Chan to the National Hospital of Medicine.

Liu Chan told Shi Guangyuan about Guan Yujun's situation.Shi Guangyuan also felt a little strange, this is obviously good news!He asked Liu Chan what he was worried about now.

Liu Chan spread out the map and pointed to Lukou Port, and told Shi Guangyuan that he was very worried that Soochow would take the opportunity to attack Nanjun.Because the relationship between the Sun and Liu families has improved after Liu Bei ceded the three southern counties, but Soochow has always been peeping at Nanjun, so it is hard to guarantee that they will not be able to withstand the temptation and suddenly attack.

Shi Guangyuan nodded, pointed to the police and Jiangling and asked Zhuge Qiao if there were enough troops guarding these two places. His eyes were really sharp enough, and he knew at a glance that these two places were the most important strongholds in Nanjun.Zhuge Qiao replied: "The police force has nearly [-] troops, and Jiangling has [-] troops. Of course it's not enough to attack, but it should be enough to simply defend the city."

Shi Guangyuan nodded and looked at Liu Chan, which clearly meant to ask Liu Chan—do you still have any doubts?

Of course Liu Chan did, and he translated Wang Fu's warning to Guan Yu in a different way, saying: "Although Mi Fang who is stationed in Jiangling City is the uncle of this son, his character is far worse than Mi Zhu's! He is afraid of death, and he is also extremely greedy for money; Pan Jun is also a man with a sweet heart and a sword, and he specializes in flattery."

Then, Liu Chan pointed to the police and said, "Although Fu Shiren is from my father's hometown, he has no loyalty in his heart. It can be said that he is born rebellious. My second uncle went out to fight alone, but left these three most unreliable people to guard him." In the rear, the future is really dangerous!"

After Liu Chan's words, Shi Guangyuan and the three of them were a little stunned. They really didn't think about this aspect, and they sighed in their hearts. They were blinded by Guan Yu's myth of bravery and invincibility just now, so that they couldn't do it. Thinking out the most calm, it is rare that the prince still maintains such a calm demeanor, what a shame!

Shi Guangyuan himself also felt a little embarrassed, and said with a dry smile: "The prince makes a lot of sense. If this is the case, then everyone and the old man will plan something for the prince!"

So, everyone started a discussion, and the time soon came to night without knowing it.At this time, everyone's plan is almost decided. Just like when they first entered Hanzhong, they listed three strategies:

The best policy is to prevent the hinterland of Nanjun.Either stabilize Mi Fang, Fu Shiren and Pan Jun, or directly seize their power, and they cannot be allowed to do anything that is unfavorable to the current situation.

The middle strategy is to use the power of the Wuxi barbarians in the west to attack the border of Soochow and hold back the Soochow army's attack on Nanjun.

As a bad strategy, Liu Chan personally led troops from Yizhou to the front line to assist in the battle, and captured Fancheng as quickly as possible, in order to intimidate Soochow's ambitions for the entire Jingzhou.

The reason why this strategy can only be a bad one is that: first, Yizhou is too far away from Fancheng, and the army will take a long time to move, and the battle situation may have changed by then; second, Yizhou is the center of Liu Bei, and it is impossible to send a large number The troops were transferred outside.Therefore, speaking of intimidation may only be a beautiful dream like a mirror image.

After the discussion, Liu Chan simply finished his meal at the National Hospital of Medicine.After returning to Shizi Mansion, Liu Chan had a sudden whim, and ordered Deng Ai to write a report on the content of the discussion just now, and hand it to himself in four days.

Deng Ai has always had his eyes above the top, and he wants to lead an army on the battlefield. How could he like writing work?And in Deng Ai's view, Zhuge Qiao has always been doing this.

Deng Ai immediately complained: "My lord, I can't do this. It's too troublesome to write something, so I should leave it to Bosong?" And Zhuge Qiao was obviously interested in doing this job, and he was looking at Liu Chan strangely, as if he wanted to write something. want an answer.

Liu Chan said to the two: "Deng Ai, you are getting more and more familiar with fighting now. But you also need to understand that before each battle, you should take all factors - both favorable and unfavorable - into consideration. And It is definitely the best choice to formulate a detailed combat plan."

In fact, Liu Chan didn't say one thing. Deng Ai's heart is still too wild now, and he can do whatever he wants. If this continues, he may not become a great weapon in the future.Therefore, Liu Chan wanted to hone his mind.

Deng Ai really sneered and said: "During the war, how can I have so much time to formulate a battle plan? It is the first thing for the general to adapt to the situation."

Liu Chan said with a smile: "Of course I know how to adapt. But I want you to make a combat report that takes all the circumstances into account. We'll see if it can be completed within two days."

Before Deng Ai could speak again, Liu Chan had already said to Zhuge Qiao: "Aqiao, you go home now and tell the military master the three strategies we discussed."

Zhuge Qiao nodded and went home.Kong Ming replied to Liu Chan that night: Soochow's actions are temporarily unpredictable, and the son can make his own decisions.

When Deng Ai heard this, he immediately became confident: "Your Majesty, you see that Military Master Zhuge wants you to make up your own mind, so let's not make any more combat reports. How troublesome it would be!"

Now Liu Chan is thinking about whether there is any mystery in the military master's explanation. Seeing that Deng Ai is making excuses for his laziness, he immediately drives him out of the Shizifu.And he was strictly ordered not to enter the Shizi Mansion for four days, and if he could not submit a satisfactory report by then, he would immediately return the army in his hands to Zhao Yun.

Military power is Deng Ai's favorite thing. Now Liu Chan is threatening himself to take it back. Isn't that his own life?How could Deng Ai dare to contradict Liu Chan now, so he ran home in a hurry.

He has already made up his mind that even if he does not sleep for four days, he must work out a plan that has heaven and earth and nothing on earth. The friendly army is jealous when they see it, the enemy runs away when they see it, the chief officer sees it and immediately promotes him, and the prince sees it immediately. The shocking, shocking and perfect battle plan...

Time passed quickly, and Deng Ai really didn't come to Shizi's Mansion for four days. During this period, Liu Chan was really worried about him, so he sent someone to his house to inquire, and only then did he know that he had been writing non-stop for the past few days.

After four days arrived, Deng Ai immediately rushed to Shizi's Mansion to hand in the combat report. There were hundreds of pages in it, which was really a big stack.

Looking at Deng Ai's red eyes, Raza's unshaven beard and oily face, he guessed that he rushed here without even washing his face.Liu Chan didn't read the report right away, but just smiled slightly, and asked his family to take Deng Ai down to wash and eat, and then come to see him again.

Then, Liu Chan started to look through the content, and Zhuge Qiao was naturally curious about how Deng Ai did things.In fact, Zhuge Qiao couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought of Deng Ai grinning with a pen holder recently, so he came to Liu Chan's side and looked at it with Liu Chan.

After reading dozens of pages, the two found that these were all detailed descriptions of the topography of Jingzhou and its surrounding areas, roads, rivers, mountainous terrain, and town defenses, as well as how to establish the best logistics supply route based on these factors. .Then Deng Ai came back.

Deng Ai's spirit has recovered a little after drinking and eating.Both Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao sighed inwardly: This kid really can't change his shit, he spent so much paper to teach us geography knowledge.

Liu Chan didn't read it anymore, and let Deng Ai tell the main content behind the supply route.Deng Ai first emphasized confidently that the content in front of the report is not the main content.Liu Chan looked at the dozens of pages of paper he had read in his hand, and it almost took up half of all the paper!
(End of this chapter)

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