The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 166 Jingzhou Special Envoy

Chapter 166 Jingzhou Special Envoy
Deng Ai's next thoughts are divided into two parts: Guan Yu's defeat and the capture of Fancheng.Among them, according to Liu Chan's request, the focus was on defeat.It not only discusses in detail how to guard against Jiangling and Public Security, but also how to configure the garrison along the Yangtze River and how to use them to prepare for Soochow's sneak attack in time.

It even mentions two retreat routes once the defeat is invincible: one takes Jingshan near Xiangyang, crosses Daba Mountain and Shangyong, and returns to Yizhou. This road is extremely difficult.

The other is via Wuxi Man, and then along Jiangxi to Berkshire.This route is not so easy, and it needs the cooperation of General Zhang Fei to send the warship to the territory of Wuximan to meet it...

Finally, Deng Ai specifically mentioned that if Shi Guangyuan's three strategies of top, middle and bottom can be successful, the King of Hanzhong needs to send someone who can at least restrain Jingzhou officials, otherwise everything will just stay on paper It's just nonsense.

After Liu Chan listened to this, Deng Ai's entire report not only integrated Shi Guangyuan's top, middle and bottom strategies, but also added a lot of his own opinions, which can be regarded as very good.Especially the emphasis on the last point has really hit the point.

Liu Chan immediately praised Deng Ai a few words, sent him home to rest for two days before meeting him, and then asked his family to prepare a carriage to take Deng Ai home.

Liu Chan handed Deng Ai's manuscript to Zhuge Qiao, and asked him to sort out the manuscript with him, omitting the content that discussed the gains and losses, advantages and disadvantages of Guan Yu and Mi Fang, and just made a complete plan from an objective standpoint. .

After spending two days, Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao finally worked out a manuscript with only thirteen pages, and Zhuge Qiao submitted the copy to Zhuge Military Adviser for review.

After seeing it, Military Master Zhuge's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, and he praised this report as a model for future manuscripts!However, the military adviser believes that the content in it is of limited help to the current war situation in Jingzhou.Because even the military adviser himself didn't quite believe that Guan Yu would be defeated to the point of desperation in the end.So Zhuge Qiao told Liu Chan that he would keep this report, but it was not suitable for the King of Hanzhong to see.

When this news came, it was like pouring cold water on Liu Chan's enthusiasm.He tried to calm himself down, pondered why the military division had such thoughts, and soon came to a conclusion

——Now is the time when Liu Bei is in high spirits. Such a proposal of his own may undoubtedly be regarded by him as shaking the morale of the army.If Mrs. Wu adds more oil and vinegar to herself, the matter may become more serious.Army Master Zhuge probably saw these points!
Thinking of this, Liu Chan sighed in his heart, if this is the case, then this son will have to go to Jingzhou in person!

But if you want to go to Jingzhou, you must first get Liu Bei's consent. What kind of reason do you want to go?Liu Chan told Zhuge Qiao what he thought.Although Zhuge Qiao was surprised that the prince was about to risk his life again, he unexpectedly did not dissuade him. After all, in his opinion, the Jingzhou party was not that dangerous.

Before Liu Chan asked him for help, Zhuge Qiao had already said: "If the prince really wants to do this, I can only go with him. The prince should go to meet the King of Hanzhong in person now and ask him to agree with you. Go to Jingzhou."

Liu Chan nodded, and asked Zhuge Qiao what reason he should use to persuade Liu Bei.Zhuge Qiao is best at dealing with interpersonal relationships, and he has already thought of a reason, saying: "The prince should not mention the matter of Dongwu sending troops to Jingzhou to the king of Hanzhong, otherwise the king of Hanzhong may be disgusted, and it will be counterproductive. So , the prince can tell the King of Hanzhong that the war situation in Jingzhou is now in a stalemate, and the king of Hanzhong needs to send a special envoy to persuade the soldiers and boost the morale of the whole army. Of course, the prince is the best candidate for this special envoy."

Liu Chan was overjoyed, patted Zhuge Qiao on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Aqiao, you are really a roundworm in my stomach. I think you can predict everything!" Then he ordered his family to prepare a carriage, and he wanted to go to Hanzhong Palace.

Seeing the figure of Liu Chan leaving in a hurry, Zhuge Qiao couldn't help but feel a kind of doubt in his heart.Because he has been thinking about a problem unknowingly recently, Shizi stays with himself and Deng Ai all day long, there is nothing special about it, but whenever he encounters a major event, he seems to be able to know what others don't know The inside story, make unexpected decisions.

The unexpected management structure of the National Academy of Medicine and the concept of not allowing the government to intervene are simply unheard of.Furthermore, when it comes to the matter in Hanzhong, Shizi's opinion at that time has completely surpassed any official in Yizhou, and even accurately predicted the time when Cao Cao sent troops.And this time, the incident in Jingzhou seems to be evolving in this direction. What's going on?

From this point of view alone, Zhuge Qiao deserves to be a caring person.Of course, Zhuge Qiao is not a person who likes to dig into dead ends. Since he couldn't figure it out, he had to put it aside.He immediately went out to find Deng Ai.

Liu Chan didn't need to inform when he came to Hanzhong Palace, he went directly to Liu Bei's study, knocked on the door, and saw Liu Bei sitting in front of the desk, as if he was thinking about something.He walked up and bowed slightly to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei was a little surprised that Liu Chan would take the initiative to come to see him, beckoned to let Liu Chan sit down, smiled and asked Liu Chan what he wanted to see him today.Seeing that Liu Bei was in a good mood, Liu Chan smiled and said, "Does the son have to have something to do when he comes to see his father?"

When Liu Bei saw that Liu Chan was still joking with him, it was really rare, so he burst out laughing.Liu Chan asked about Liu Bei's daze just now, but it turned out that Liu Bei was thinking about how to name the child in Wu's belly, no wonder he was in such a good mood.

Liu Chan knew that Liu Bei had always regretted having only one son like himself, and now that he was old enough to have a son, he was naturally extremely excited.But he didn't express any opinion on it at this time, although he knew that the Wu family would definitely give birth to a boy in the future, and his name would be "Liu Yong".

Liu Chan is naturally not in the mood now, and he went to discuss the name of an embryo with Liu Bei, so he chatted with Liu Bei about Jingzhou and the second uncle.Liu Bei didn't say much about this, but fully affirmed Guan Yu's record.

Liu Chan secretly said in his heart, Master Zhuge's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he could see through Liu Bei's mind at a glance.If this prince submits that report, maybe he and Liu Bei are not talking and laughing like this now, but are furious at me!

Liu Chan immediately said: "Father, the war situation in Jingzhou has reached a stalemate. In my child's opinion, my father can send a special envoy to comfort the soldiers, let them know how much my father loves me, and improve the morale of the Jingzhou army. "

Liu Bei nodded, feeling that Liu Chan's words made sense, secretly thinking that Liu Chan had really grown up and could take care of his father, so he asked, "Who does my son think should be sent?"

"Mr. Yi Ji is a person trusted by the father and king. He also went to Jingzhou to appease the second uncle before. He is a suitable candidate."

Liu Bei felt a little strange. He thought that with Liu Chan's strong personality, he would definitely ask himself to let him play the role in person, but he didn't expect that he would recommend Yiji.Liu Bei nodded, but told Liu Chan that Yi Ji is indeed a good candidate, but he is busy with government affairs now and cannot get away at all.

In fact, Yiji and Liu Chan have such a good personal relationship, how could Liu Chan not know that Yiji can't get away now?The reason why he said this was just to pave the way for the next words, and said: "Then what about Mr. Jian Yong?"

Liu Bei shook his head, because Mr. Jian Yong didn't like Guan Yu.Liu Chan sighed and said, "Then only General Deng Zhi is left."

Liu Bei still shook his head, because this is another person who is so busy that he is preparing to go to Soochow as an envoy!Liu Bei smiled and said, "My son, Weifu still understands you. If you have something to say, just say it all, don't beat around the bush in front of Weifu."

Liu Chan laughed dryly, stood up and said, "Since the three generals are unable to go now, let the child share the worries of the father?"

Liu Bei smiled slightly and signaled Liu Chan to sit down.He already knew that Liu Chan would come to recommend himself, but he didn't expect to be so devious in front of him. He also knew that Liu Chan probably wanted to make some contributions when he went to Jingzhou.

Seeing what Liu Bei was thinking about again, Liu Chan called him father again, and then Liu Bei said: "There should be no danger in this trip to Jingzhou. But you should not always think about making meritorious deeds, and don't be here because of it." Jingzhou acted without permission, if you make any mistakes because of this, who will this king's inheritance be left to in the future?"

Liu Chan couldn't help feeling a little moved, and said, "Thank you, Father, for your concern. After my son rewards the frontline officers and soldiers, he will return to Jiangling immediately, so there should be no problems."

Liu Bei nodded, and agreed to hand over the matter to Liu Chan, and told Kong Ming to ask for anything he needed.But Liu Chan actually had something very much in Liu Bei's hands in his heart, and he said, "Can the father give your sword to the child, so that the child can also be majestic during this trip?"

When Liu Bei and Guan Zhang raised an army together, the three of them used iron gifts from rich merchants to forge three weapons. Guan Yu used the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, Zhang Fei used the Zhangba Snake Spear, and Liu Bei used a pair of male and female swords.

This was the first time Liu Chan asked for something from himself since he grew up, and Liu Bei naturally had no reason to refuse.He stood up, went to the side shelf, picked up the female sword, pulled out the sword and looked at it for a while, the sword was like autumn water, it was really a good sword!Said: "From now on, this female sword will be given to you!"

Liu Chan was overjoyed, with this female sword in his hand, he would be an imperial envoy with Shang Fang's sword in his hand, and it would be more convenient for him to do things then, so he immediately raised his hands respectfully and took the sword over.

(End of this chapter)

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