The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 168 The Wang family is ruthless

Chapter 168 The Wang Family Is Ruthless ([-])

After Deng Ai selected the soldiers and horses, according to Liu Chan's request, he prepared an unexpected envoy route: go north from Chengdu, enter Bashi County in Hanzhong, then take Shangyong, and then pass through a part of Daba Mountain, transfer to Enter Jingshan, cross Xiangyang, and finally come to Fancheng!
This is a very long and difficult route, and most of the routes have to go through mountains and mountains. I am afraid that only a fool would choose this route.Because Liu Chan can take Jiangzhou, then go down the river to Jingzhou, and then go north to Fancheng.Most of this route is by water, and there is no need to drill in the mountains after landing, which is obviously too comfortable.

But Liu Chan had his own ideas, and he was making the most secure preparations for Guan Yu's funeral.Because in another time and space, after Guan Yu was defeated and retreated to Xiangyang, he had to bypass Jingshan and go south to Maicheng to eat because of lack of military supplies, so he was ambushed by Lu Meng.Therefore, I am now taking this opportunity to go to Shangyong to open up the almost deserted road from Xiangyang to Shangyong again, and leave some food and grass along the way.Then if Guan Yu is defeated in the future, he should not have to go to Maicheng, but go directly to Jingshan, and finally retreat to Shangyong and save his old life!
However, Zhuge Qiao strongly opposed this route.Liu Chan had no choice but to tell Zhuge Qiao his intention, and Zhuge Qiao put away his objections.Then Liu Chan wrote a secret letter to Han Long, asking him to deliver one thousand to two thousand shi of grain into Jingshan in batches after he arrived in Jiangling.These are of course used to hoard in each cottage, but Liu Chan's letter did not reveal that his intention to store these grains was just to keep it secret.

So after making these preparations, Liu Chan went to the National Medical College to ask Zhang Fangping to leave eight doctors and Shi Hui, who had been studying pharmacology with Hua Tuo and Zhang Fangping, and finally took him under the escort of a team of more than 5000 people. Dozens of vehicles set off in a mighty manner.

Two days ago, in Hanzhong Palace, Queen Wu's bedroom.

It was only today that Mrs. Wu learned that Liu Bei had ordered the Jiangzhou navy to enter Jingzhou to deliver grain and grass to the rich businessmen in Jingzhou, and her emotions lost control again.

She couldn't figure out what was going on in Liu Chan's head. She could think of letting the army serve as boatmen for a few merchants with no status, and because of this, she easily got [-] shi of grain!
[-] shi, enough for [-] troops to use for several months!No one would have imagined that he would receive such great credit without even taking a single step towards the gate of Chengdu City!If this continues, it will be almost impossible for his son to replace Liu Chan in the future.

Wu was angry in her heart, and she was even more dissatisfied, so she had to throw things to vent.And Wang Rong, her most trusted manager, stood aside and watched Wu's madness quietly.After venting, the ground was already a mess, but no one outside the house came in to clean it up. In fact, the servants at this time had already been sent elsewhere by Wang Rong.

Wu took a deep breath, tidied up her messed-up makeup, and asked Wang Rong coldly: "Wang Rong, if this continues, Liu Chan's aura will become even more powerful. The king of Hanzhong can't control him! You must take advantage of his mission to Jingzhou this time, so that he will never come back!"

"My subordinates heard that the king of Hanzhong, Zhuge Junshi, and Fazheng were discussing that the son will not take the Jiangzhou waterway this time, but will take the most difficult direction of Shangyong."

Wu's eyes flashed, and he asked coldly: "So what? The problem is that he is said to have not only Deng Ai's 200 elite soldiers, but also Zhao Feng's [-] new guards, and even that damned Han Long sent him another Dozens of swordsmen! So many masters, where can we find someone to deal with?!"

Wang Rong was a little surprised. He didn't even know that Han Long had been given to Liu Chan's disciple. How could the queen know?He then asked: "Queen, where did you know about Han Long's retainers?"

"Huang Hao came to report yesterday. He has a wide network of contacts outside, and he knows a lot of people from all walks of life. My wife asked him to inquire about it."

When Wang Rong heard that it was Huang Hao, he didn't take it too seriously. He knew Huang Hao well.Then, evilness appeared on Wang Rong's fair face, and he said: "Since this is the case, those people are not what we should deal with. Even if we want to deal with them, it will be difficult to deal with them according to our current strength. But now the prince is going to take the way." Shangyong gave us a golden opportunity. Liu Feng, the adopted son of the King of Hanzhong, is stationed in Shangyong County!"

Wu Shi suddenly realized, and couldn't help but let out an ah, with joy on his face.Her intuition has always been accurate, and Wang Rong's plan this time is probably intended to kill two birds with one stone.While leaving Liu Chan, we must also make Liu Feng, an uncertain factor covered by Liu Chan's light, disappear forever.

Wu couldn't help being a little excited, so she asked Wang Rong to tell the plan.Wang Rong nodded, stepped forward and gently kicked away a few pieces of broken porcelain, and said in a low voice, "Liu Feng is the adopted son of the King of Hanzhong. After Liu Chan was born, his status plummeted. Now that the King of Hanzhong is on the throne, Liu Chan is established as the son, and Liu Feng is sent to a remote place like Shangyong. Think about it, can he not hate the son in his heart?"

Wu Shi nodded and asked Wang Rong to continue.Wang Rong went on to say: "So, we can use Liu Feng's hand to get rid of the son. Once Liu Feng succeeds, we can take advantage of the opportunity to expose Liu Feng's evil deeds to the King of Hanzhong! At that time, the King of Hanzhong will be furious and the son will be killed. The hatred cannot be shared, and Liu Feng must be killed. This is a strategy that kills two birds with one stone!"

Wu secretly sighed in her heart that Wang Rong's plan was really vicious, but she frowned and said worriedly: "But Liu Feng is really so obedient, will he do what we want?"

Wang Rong sneered, whispered into Wu's ear, "It is impossible for Liu Feng to be so well-behaved. So when the time comes, we need our people to push him."

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, even if Liu Feng doesn't do it himself, let's help him do it. This is a plan to kill with a knife! I believe that even if the assassination fails, the prince will definitely turn against Liu Feng. At that time, we will take the opportunity to pull Liu Feng to Let's come here! Not only will you have nothing to lose, but you will have an extra ally!"

Wu's heart was overjoyed, her trust in Wang Rong was indeed right, and she handed over the matter to Wang Rong to handle.Of course, Wang Rong would not refuse, and he would notify his dead soldiers in the near future, and he also heard that there are people in the queen's place who know the masters in the rivers and lakes, and they can be used at this time.

Mrs. Wu told about Huang Hao and Du Lang.In fact, the queen now likes Huang Hao more and more.This person can not only find out information for him, but also seems to know everything, and can play with all kinds of strange things. Many of the things he brought for him are things that the queen has never seen before. For his boring court life, Added a lot of fun.Therefore, the queen now gradually regards Huang Hao as her confidant, and entrusts him to handle many things.

Wu said: "Huang Hao has a brother who is very good at martial arts. It's a pity that when he assassinated Qu Bo last time, he was injured by the son's hands." Speaking of this, Du Lang's beautiful picture suddenly appeared in Wu's mind. With a face comparable to Zhao Yun's, my heart trembled inexplicably for no reason.

"The son has always been surrounded by two masters, one is Zhao Feng, and the other is Han Long. In that prison, if one of these two men made a move, even I was not sure that I would be able to retreat completely. Du Lang's defeat was due to love Keyuan. Then please ask the queen to find out Du Lang's whereabouts from Huang Hao's mouth, and this time let the villain come forward to meet this Du Lang."

Mrs. Wu nodded, Wang Rong immediately exited the bedroom, closed the door gently, and then called the maid to clean the bedroom for the queen.

The next night, the night was very low, as quiet as a sleeping child.

In a small courtyard in the city of Chengdu, a red lantern was hung on a vertical pole, swaying gently in the breeze.

A few unknown bugs were attracted, and bumped around the lantern, making a crashing sound from time to time.Under the lantern, the reddish light found the ground, and even the soil on the ground turned red.

There was a handsome and tall man, sitting alone in the courtyard drinking wine, his expression looked lazy.This person is Du Lang.Since he was injured last time, he has been hiding here to recuperate, and now his injury has healed, otherwise, drinking alcohol while injured is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

Facing the night sky alone, a romantic person like Du Lang couldn't help but feel that there was a fly in the ointment, and sighed: "At this time, this place and this scene, there is only a jug of fine wine, but no beauty, what a shame!" He put down the jug in his hand.

Suddenly, a warning sign appeared in Du Lang's heart, and a chilling murderous aura came from behind him!Du Lang was startled, and immediately wanted to turn around to see clearly, but there was already a slight sound of breaking through the air!
Actually shot a sneak attack!While making moves, Du Lang couldn't help cursing the other party in his heart.

With a snap, both palms collided with each other.Du Lang felt a strange force coming from the opponent's palm, and his arm was numb from the shock.He didn't dare to take the risk of fighting any more, and immediately jumped to the side, only to see a short man in black with his face covered standing firmly in the courtyard.

The chapter on the sneak attack just now was posted by this person, and the other party must be a master from his posture!Du Lang said angrily: "Who are you, why did you do such a despicable thing as a sneak attack?!"

With a hoarse voice, the man in black sneered and said, "Du Lang disappeared from Chengdu at the age of 14, and when he reappeared at the age of 18, he had already learned martial arts. Later, he traveled to Jiangdong and Cao Wei, and was dismissed as filial piety. Zeng Guarded the Zhen family in Yecheng for three years, and returned to Chengdu half a year ago."

Hearing the man in black talk about his experiences over the years so casually, Du Lang couldn't help but wondered: "Who are you, and why do you know so much about me?"

The man in black seemed to have no intention of fighting again, so he stopped Du Lang and said, "Wait a minute, don't be so impatient. I'm investigating you because I can use you! I tried your palm just now, and I know that your skill is not weak , who did you learn this martial art from?"

Du Lang raised his eyebrows: "Since you like investigating so much, why don't you go and find out yourself?"

The man was not as knowledgeable as Du Lang, so he sighed, took out a large bag of heavy things from behind, threw it to Du Lang and said, "I know you have many friends in the world, but now you are still poor. "

After Du Lang took it, he opened it and saw that it was a bag of golden gold, probably as much as two or three hundred gold!Du Lang asked in shock: "What are you doing with so much money?"

"The money is for you. You use it to find more people to help me with one thing. After the thing is done, I will have a thousand gold reward!" The man in black said, shooting out a letter from his hand, saying: " The tasks are all in it, you must do it according to the instructions inside, otherwise you will bear all the consequences!"

The man immediately rose into the air, landed outside the small courtyard, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Du Lang opened the envelope, and when he saw the contents of the letter, he took a deep breath!There was only one thought in his mind: what this person did was too cruel!
(End of this chapter)

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