The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 169 The Wang family is ruthless

Chapter 169 The Wang Family Is Ruthless ([-])

On the seventh day after Liu Chan left Chengdu, it was dusk in Shangyong.

The sun is like a drunk prostitute girl, shyly hiding the blush on her face, sinking into the sky, even if the sky is full of sunset glow, it can't help but lose its brilliance.

Residents in the city raised bursts of smoke, and the night gradually enveloped the earth.

In a large and magnificent mansion in the city, a man in his thirties, dressed in a luxurious brocade robe, was walking anxiously in front of his study, as if he was waiting for something extremely urgent.

I saw that this person was eight feet tall, with a burly figure, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his high forehead looked even more handsome.But from his pair of powerful arms, it can be seen that this person is definitely not a scholar, he is definitely a general who is used to fighting in the battlefield.

This person is Liu Bei's adopted son and deputy general Liu Feng.

Soon, a servant came to report that Mr. Li Xinhui, the head of the left, Shi Lizhao asked to see him.Liu Feng immediately glared at the servant. This person is too ignorant. Can't he see that he is so anxious because he is waiting for Mr. Li?Liu Feng waved his hand and told the servant to quickly invite Mr. Li to his study.

Not a moment later, the door of Liu Feng's study was pushed open from the outside, and the bright candlelight in the room flowed down the door to the steps.

Outside the door, a middle-aged man with a height of seven feet, dressed in Sichuan brocade, with a white silk sash around his waist, with a straight nose and a square mouth, and extremely handsome, stepped into the study.

Liu Feng hurriedly got up and asked, "Mr. Li, you made me wait so hard. A few days ago, you sent someone to say that something important happened in Chengdu. What's the matter?" Then he asked Li Xinhui to take a seat .

In fact, Li Xinhui knew from his surname that he was a native of Shangyong, and he was also one of the most powerful and handsome among the local natives.

In fact, before Liu Feng captured Shangyong, the most powerful local heroes were Shen Dan and Li Zhao standing side by side, and Shen Danshao had the upper hand.Later, after Shangyong was forced by Liu Feng and Meng Da to surrender the Shen brothers, he began to suppress the local tyrants.But this Li Zhao was the only one who was good at drilling, and he hit it off with Liu Feng, so he was played by Liu Feng as his Zuo Changshi, and became Liu Feng's most trusted confidant.

After Li Zhao experienced the suppression of the Shangyong family, he was terrified in his heart, so he set up a lot of eyeliner especially in the name of doing business in Chengdu.

A few days ago, he had learned from a businessman from Chengdu that a fierce conflict broke out between the prince Liu Chan and the queen Wu, and it seemed that the prince Shao had the upper hand in the end.Moreover, there have been strange rumors circulating in Chengdu recently that the prince is about to enter Jingzhou via Shangyong.And this news was not confirmed by the news from his own people until just now.

Li Zhao bowed his hands in thanks, and after sitting down, he told Liu Feng all the news he had received.After Liu Feng finished listening, he just stood still, with a dull expression on his face. Li Xinhui couldn't see what Liu Feng was thinking at all.After he called the son softly, Liu Feng came back to his senses.

Liu Feng suddenly asked: "What does Mr. Li think about this?"

Li Xinhui didn't expect that Liu Feng would ask him this, because the mother-child conflict between Liu Chan and Queen Wu, for Liu Feng, it was obviously a golden opportunity for him to regain the position of son!He laughed and said, "Young master seems to have some doubts now, but Liu Chan passed us Shangyong this time, it is a good opportunity for young master."

Liu Feng sighed: "To be honest, Mr. Feng is now living in this mediocre place, closed to the outside world. Even if a good opportunity arises, it is difficult to do anything! Forget it, I think I am far away here. In this land, to be an idler for a lifetime, Gou Quan will be satisfied with his life."

The person Li Xinhui admired the most in his life was Lu Buwei during the Warring States Period.

As we all know, Lu Buwei did his best to invest in the hostage son Yiren of the Qin State, and finally made him return to the Qin State as the throne. Lu Buwei became the prime minister of the Qin State as a matter of course, and then ruled in Qin State for nearly 20 years!

And he, Li Xinhui, is now following the example of Lu Buwei, investing all of himself in this Liu Feng, hoping to help Liu Feng inherit Liu Bei's foundation in the future, so that he can follow the example of an extremely human minister.But now Liu Feng is suddenly discouraged and wants to back down. Li Xinhui is not worried, and hastily persuaded: "Young master, don't say such despondent words. With me, Li Zhao, I will keep you. Get what you want!"

Liu Feng still hesitated: "Sir, are you serious?"

"Li Zhao's heart can illuminate the sun and the moon!"

Only then did Liu Feng sigh, and said: "Since Mr. Feng's speech has reached this point, it would be too unreasonable for Mr. Fu Ni's kindness again!" In fact, Liu Feng was secretly proud of himself at this time. After staying there for quite some years, he, Liu Feng, has also learned a lot about his art of manipulating people.

When Li Zhao heard Liu Feng say this, his heart tightened immediately, and he immediately guessed that the reason why Liu Feng said this was because he didn't want to owe him a favor.So what I just said just now turned into a beggarly begging Liu Feng to act, but now it turned into a debt of favor to Liu Feng...

Li Xinhui couldn't help cursing inwardly, why is the Liu family so cunning, but on the surface they tried their best to pretend that nothing had happened, stood up and said: "This is why Li should work for the young master."

Liu Feng invited Li Xinhui to sit down, and asked, "Then what is Mr. Li's best strategy to teach me now?"

Li Xinhui said confidently: "I don't dare to make a good plan, but there is a plan right now. Although it is impossible to let the young master ascend to the position of the prince immediately, but if it succeeds, the young master's own strength can definitely be further strengthened!"

Liu Feng couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and asked Li Xinhui to tell him the plan quickly.Li Xinhui said: "Young master is now in charge of Shangyong, and Meng Da is in charge of Xincheng. The two sides have been getting along very badly. I think the reason why things have become like this should be the result of the King of Hanzhong deliberately. Meng Da's strength is used to restrain the young master. Does the young master also think so?"

Liu Feng nodded and sighed: "Mr. Li's words are exactly what Feng Zhi wanted. Since Liu Chan was born, my father has been estranged from me. Now that Liu Chan has ascended to the throne, he has even ignored me. But why did you come here, sir?"

Li Xinhui waved his hands and smiled, "That's the problem. We can take advantage of the elder son Liu Chan's passing through Shangyong to drive Meng Da out of Shangyong County." Then Li Xinhui stood up and came to Liu Feng's side and whispered In a word, Liu Feng suddenly burst out laughing, looking quite complacent.

At the same time, the mansion of Mengda in Shangyong City.

Meng Da was also thinking hard in his study at this time, pacing for a while, shaking his head and sighing for a while.

He, Meng Da, is conceited that he has outstanding talents and knowledge.I thought that after I surrendered to Liu Bei, I would definitely be highly valued. In the future, I would only be appointed as a Marquis and Prime Minister, but I didn't want to be dispatched by Liu Bei to a remote place like Shangyong, where I was bullied by that kid Liu Feng everywhere.

In fact, what made Meng Da even more upset was that Liu Feng was just a brave man. He was able to make contributions only by virtue of his relationship as the adopted son of the King of Hanzhong. How could he compare with a talented man like himself?
Meng Da sighed, and secretly thought that if God could give him a chance, he would definitely let that defiant Liu Feng die without a place to bury him!

But Meng Da didn't know that when he was plotting against others, others had already targeted him, and plotted against him to death!
Everywhere in Liu Chan's camp was brightly lit, and the camp was surrounded by wooden stakes. There were special personnel at the door, and there were assigned personnel patrolling inside.Everything seemed so orderly.

Although it was tiring on a pommel horse along the way, Liu Chan is now very used to such a long-distance life.

After dinner, he called Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai to his camp, and asked with a smile: "The order from Chengdu to treat the envoys well along the way must have reached Shangyong by now. What do you think my big brother thinks?"

Zhuge Qiao smiled bitterly and said, "What can Mr. Liu Feng think? Now that you are the prince, that is to say, his future lord, you must be warmly received!"

Liu Chan smiled slightly and looked at Deng Ai.

Deng Ai remained expressionless, and said, "We haven't seen any kind of person in the past few years, but this is the first time we've seen someone of Liu Feng's status."

Zhuge Qiaoqi said: "How to say?"

"The current position of the son should belong to Liu Feng. But since the birth of the son, Liu Feng has been gradually alienated by the king of Hanzhong, and finally lost his position as the son. It is said that Liu Feng has a strong temper. If he doesn't hold grudges for it It is absolutely impossible for the king of Hanzhong and the prince."

Liu Chan sighed: "It seems that this son's journey will not be peaceful again! Alas, to this son, are these people in my family relatives, or should they be regarded as sworn enemies?"

Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai were stunned, but neither of them said anything more, because they knew better than Liu Chan how fierce the power struggle in the royal family of Hanzhong was!

(End of this chapter)

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