The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 170 Capture the prisoner

Chapter 170 Capture the prisoner
Zhao Feng stood at the gate of the camp.According to his usual habit, he personally checked the deployment of the entire camp, and found that the overall situation was satisfactory.Therefore, now he is not worried about the internal situation, but the external situation is more worrying.

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhao Feng simply stood in front of the back door of the village, waiting for the scouts who had been dispatched for a long time to come back and report.

Soon, thirteen scouts came back from the rear.After Zhao Feng waited for a while, he couldn't help frowning slightly.Because according to what he knew, the number of scouts sent by Deng Ai and himself totaled as many as fifteen.It has been a long time since the agreed time to return to the camp. It seems that they must be in danger.

Zhao Feng didn't wait any longer, and asked the scouts to report the situation one by one. Three of them detected a group of suspicious pedestrians who followed behind his pair.They neither surpassed nor lagged behind, and the two sides always kept a distance of four or five miles.Moreover, the two missing scouts also disappeared inexplicably in the direction of scouting the travelers.

Zhao Feng muttered in a low voice: "It seems that it is impossible not to find out the reality of these people!"

At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes in the camp.Zhao Feng was furious in his heart, which guy who doesn't know how to live and die dares to run like this in the camp?
Then I saw a handsome young man in black clothes and black armor, riding a black horse, galloping forward with a silver gun in his hand.This person's name is Shangguan Yi, and his word is Langyu. He is Deng Ai's subordinate, and now he is the chief of the scout team.

But this person is quite young, only in his early 20s.He and Gongsun Ling were the generals of Mi Fang's family before, and they were defeated by Zhao Feng together.Later Liu Chan entered Sichuan, and he also entered Sichuan soon after. Liu Chan knew that he was capable, so he assigned him to Deng Ai.

Later, Deng Ai made great contributions many times in the First Battle of Hanzhong, and Shangguan Yi also followed him step by step, and now controls part of the scout team, one of Deng Ai's most elite forces.

Shangguan Yi came in front of Zhao Feng, the two were already very familiar with each other, he got off his horse and bowed his hands and said: "My subordinate Shangguan Yi pays homage to Captain Zhao!"

Seeing that it was Shangguan Yi galloping wildly in the barracks, Zhao Feng said displeasedly: "Aren't you afraid that Captain Deng will punish you for doing this?"

Shangguan Yi smiled embarrassedly: "Xiaguan was anxious just now when he heard that his subordinate was missing, so he rode over to ask you about the news."

Zhao Feng waved his hands and said: "The two missing people may be the hands of the group of pedestrians who have been following us recently. Apart from this, there is no other possibility."

Shangguan Yi was still young and vigorous, his heart was furious, and he wanted to get on his horse and rush out to settle accounts with those people.Zhao Feng had quick eyes and quick hands, and pulled him off the horse with one stroke, and fell to the ground in a flash.

Although Shangguan Yi's butt hurt from the fall, Zhao Feng was not injured because of his ingenious force.Shangguan Yi immediately got up from the ground and said angrily: "Captain Zhao, what are you doing?"

Zhao Feng said calmly: "I'm saving your life! The opponents may all be knights in the rivers and lakes. Do you think you can do anything to them by yourself? When the time comes, on the roster of our army, There must be one more missing person's name!"

Hearing this, Shangguan Yi felt a little ashamed, his face was obviously hot, he quickly apologized to Zhao Feng, and thanked him for his reminder, otherwise the consequences would be unpredictable, and finally asked Zhao Feng what to do next.

Zhao Feng looked Shangguan Yi up and down, and said: "I'm going to investigate the enemy's situation next. You just rode a horse in the barracks without authorization, and you have violated the military discipline of the prince. Now go to your family Captain Deng to claim the crime!" "

Shangguan Yi quickly stepped forward and grabbed Zhao Feng's arm, begging: "Captain Zhao, I will definitely take the punishment from my captain. But the most urgent thing now is to investigate the enemy's situation. You just let me follow you Let’s go together, it’s good to be your helper.”

Zhao Feng shook off the paws of this stern-faced Shangguan Yi, and refused to agree no matter what.But this Shangguan Yi was really rascal enough, he immediately reached out and grabbed Zhao Feng's arm, and refused to let Zhao Feng go no matter what...

In the end, Zhao Feng was helplessly entangled by him, sighing secretly that this person is as sticky as a dog's skin plaster!Only then did he reluctantly agree to take Shangguan Yi with him, and then he brought ten other subordinates, and drove towards the same road together.

A group of 12 people quickly came to a place one mile away from the place where the traveler was staying, and then all dismounted and switched to walking.Because the sound of horseshoes is too obvious at night, as long as they get close to each other, they will be able to find their whereabouts immediately.

Leading the way with three scouts, they braved the darkness and soon approached the traveler's camp, only to find that the other party was camping in an open space not far from the road.

These people didn't bring anything like tents with them, so they just gathered a few people to light a fire, and then spread some moisture-proof things like oilcloth on the ground, and fell on it to sleep.If it rains, the oiled paper is hung up to keep out the rain.So from the perspective of their luggage, these people are nothing special from ordinary travelers.

However, Zhao Feng immediately noticed something was wrong. Among the pedestrians, quite a few were methodically wiping their swords against the fire with a very calm and leisurely expression.

Zhao Feng is a person with high martial arts skills. Apart from spears, he also has a soft spot for using swords.He immediately judged from the other party's expression and movements that these people are very interested in his sword, and such a person can't be a vulgar ordinary person like a pedestrian!

Zhao Feng immediately concluded in his heart that these people should be heroes of the rivers and lakes who are good at using swords.

At this time, Shangguan Yi couldn't help touching Zhao Feng, and asked: "Captain Zhao, let's rush over now and beat him, mother, these bastards are caught off guard! I don't think they should run away with their lives!"

Zhao Feng glanced at Shangguanyi and told Shangguanyi that now is definitely not the time to act without authorization.Maybe Shizi will deal with these people differently at that time, the first thing everyone has to do now is to secretly capture a prisoner, and then quickly evacuate from this place.

When Shangguan Yi heard what Zhao Feng said, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.Then Zhao Feng waved his right hand, and his people dispersed immediately, and soon they didn't know where they went.

After a while, a guard ran back to report that he found a secret post set up by the enemy in front. Although the location was very secret, it was also very isolated. It was far from the camp of the travelers, and it was a very suitable target for arrest.

Zhao Feng nodded, and let out a clear bird cry, and his men came back as quickly as possible.Only then did Shangguan Yi understand that Zhao Feng was sending a signal to summon his subordinates, and he couldn't help admiring Zhao Feng's experience.

Only then did everyone lurk in the direction of the target of arrest.After arriving at the location, under the guidance of the notifying guard, everyone found that in an extremely dark bush, the branches were shaking faintly and uncoordinatedly with the surrounding trees.

When they looked carefully, everyone realized that there was actually a person hiding there!Can't help but secretly sigh at the cunning of this person.With a wave of Zhao Feng's right hand, four people immediately dispersed, surrounded the person from four different directions, and all of them quietly started to lurk towards the person.

Seeing that Zhao Feng stayed by his side all the time, Shangguan Yi didn't seem to want to make a move, so he lowered his voice and asked, "Captain Zhao, don't you want to make a move?"

"The prince said that the most important work should be handed over to his subordinates! Besides, I am not interested in such a small shrimp."

Shangguan Yi couldn't help being silent when he heard the words, is Zhao Feng boasting to himself how capable his subordinates are, or is he boasting how strong his own martial arts are?Then, Shangguan Yi saw a guard facing away from him, suddenly there was a bird song, and an owl flew up.

Shangguan Yi almost yelled because of this, he was already despising Zhao Feng's bragging just now: Your soldiers are actually nothing more than that!How dare you brag about your uncle!But Zhao Feng on the side remained calm and composed, without any strange expression on his face.

At this time, there was a sudden movement in the bushes. The person hiding inside had obviously noticed that there was an enemy ahead.His task now was to be vigilant, not to fight the enemy, so he immediately pushed aside the bushes and jumped to the rear.

Just when he was about to send out a signal, three figures appeared behind him at the same time, rushing towards him swiftly.The man didn't react at all, and when he realized that it was right to resist, his hands and feet had already been grabbed by three guards.Their methods of arresting people were extremely skillful, they restrained people in an instant, and then even stuffed their mouths with cloth strips, so they couldn't even call for help for a while.

All these changes happened in an instant, and Shang Guan Yi was immediately dumbfounded.Only then did he know that the guard just now hadn't made a mistake, but was deliberately alarming the person hiding in the bushes, forcing him to show up quickly!And the martial arts of Zhao Feng's guards are even more amazing!

At this moment, Zhao Feng patted Shangguan Yi on the back, as if to say to him, boy, you still have a lot to learn!Then stood up and waved, everyone took the captives and retreated quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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