Chapter 171 Ambush ([-])

Hanzhong Palace, Queen Wu's dormitory, the queen is sitting quietly, and the chief steward, Wang Rong, is making a report: "According to the forecast of the officials, according to the son's marching speed so fast, I am afraid that it will be at least seven days earlier than we expected. The time has come to Shangyong! The officials really don't understand, this is actually just a rewarding action, but the prince is in such a hurry, it seems that he is going to Jingzhou to attend a funeral!"

In fact, how did he know that the thoughts in Liu Chan's heart were indeed similar to those of going to Jingzhou for the funeral - he rushed to Jingzhou with the mentality of cleaning up the mess in Jingzhou.

The queen sneered: "Going to the funeral? Recently, there have been rumors that the crown prince is not optimistic about Guan Yu's war. Maybe he really wants to get involved again like the Hanzhong war!"

Wang Rong hesitated and said: "Isn't it possible? Guan Junhou is not only brave and invincible, but also uses his troops like a god. Now as long as he captures Fancheng, he can command the army to go straight to Xudu, and Cao Wei is in danger!"

The queen nodded and sighed: "Actually, I think so too. However, I also hope that Guan Yu will fail in my heart. At that time, it is best for the Wei army to kill Liu Chan among the rebellious army, and it will save us so much trouble. Let's do it!"

Wang Rong's heart trembled when he heard this, and he used a peerless fierce general Guan Yu, the land of Nanjun and an army of nearly 10 people to exchange the life of a prince Liu Chan to achieve his position?At this time, even Wang Rong felt creepy towards Queen Wu, this woman must be crazy!

Wang Rong didn't dare to think about it any longer, and said, "I have one more thing to report. Judging from the time, the whereabouts of Du Lang and the others should have been grasped by the Shizi's people, and actions against Du Lang and his party will soon be launched." .”

Queen Wu nodded, and said cold-bloodedly: "Since it is a pile of chess pieces, it is only used to attract Liu Chan's attention, so there is no need to worry about their lives or deaths. Are your people ready?"

Wang Rong nodded and said, "They will enter Shangyong City in two days. It is rumored that Young Master Liu Feng is also making moves. Shall we take another look and wait and see?"

Queen Wu immediately denied Wang Rong's proposal, because she couldn't wait to see the report of Liu Chan's death!She just ordered Wang Rong to complete the plan as soon as possible, and don't let her down like last time!
Although Wang Rong still had something to say in his heart, but seeing the decisive look on the queen's beautiful face, he knew that it was useless to persuade him now.He could only pray to God in his heart that nothing unexpected would happen this time.Then, Wang Rong made a promise and quietly exited the queen's room.

After Zhao Feng brought the prisoner back to the camp, he immediately interrogated the man.

Half an hour later, the guy knew almost nothing except that he confessed that they were knights. Zhao Feng was so angry that he really wanted to kill him.

Zhao Feng then came to Liu Chan's tent and reported: "Report, my son, those suspicious people have been following us from now on. Although they are all pretending to be ordinary travelers, but just now the subordinates caught a prisoner, and their identity has been confirmed. The identity belongs to the heroes of the rivers and lakes. And since our team left Chengdu, they have already started to stare at us."

It has not been a year or two since Liu Chan dealt with heroes of the rivers and lakes, and he already knew their temperament and behavior well. He asked, "How many of them are there?"

"Close to 30 people. What should my subordinates do next, should they continue to be closely monitored or wiped out immediately? Please tell me."

Liu Chan didn't answer right away. There are now more than 200 troops guarding him, including [-] white-eared soldiers and dozens of Han family followers. What are you afraid he will do?Are these people from a dead end?

Liu Chan looked at Zhuge Qiao, Zhuge Qiao said: "According to the report of my spies, the leader of this group of heroes recruited this time is a local man named Du Lang. It is said that this man is extremely powerful in martial arts. Cao Wei came back to his hometown Chengdu."

Out of professional sensitivity, Zhao Feng immediately asked Zhuge Qiao, "Young Master Zhuge, is this person Cao Wei sent to Yizhou as a spy? Otherwise, how could he gather so many people and always follow behind our team?"

Zhuge Qiao shook his head and told Zhao Feng that he hadn't found out whether Du Lang was a spy of Cao Wei, but it was true that Du Lang had been very close to the eunuch of Hanzhong Palace recently.

When everyone heard the words, they all knew it immediately, and they all sighed in their hearts, this Queen Wu is really endless, the prince had let him go last time, and this time he came to provoke the prince again!Especially Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai, they all knew of Wu's murderous intentions towards Liu Chan, and now they were very angry.

Deng Ai also had murderous intentions in his heart, and immediately came out to suggest that Liu Chan let these people follow behind him. Although it is not harmful, it is like a thorn in the back. If you enter Shangyong City, there is a large population, which may cause disaster.

Liu Chan felt that Deng Ai's words made sense, so he nodded and asked him to state his next steps.

Deng Ai walked up to Liu Chan's case, spread out the map and said, "Now the road is full of mountainous areas. Such areas are very convenient for people like Jianghu heroes who have outstanding single-handed martial arts to hide. So, once our army is attacking their At that time, if there is an escape situation, I am afraid that I will never be able to catch anyone again."

Liu Chan nodded, judging from his relatively poor geography knowledge in the 21st century, they are now in the remote area of ​​the Sichuan Basin, probably in the Daba Mountain area.

Because of the criss-crossing mountains and overgrown vegetation, the terrain here is not only steep but also complex, and it is a natural barrier to the west of central Sichuan.If anyone among those people wants to escape, they just need to drill into the mountains, and they won't even be able to find a ghost!Liu Chan asked Deng Ai to continue talking.

Deng Ai pointed to a place on the map.Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao probed to see a place specially marked in red, called Duantou Que.

Deng Ai told Liu Chan and others that this is a small valley between two mountains, the widest part is only [-] meters, and the narrowest part can only allow ten people to pass side by side.Moreover, there are cliffs on both sides of the valley, making it difficult for birds to cross.Therefore, this place is a very suitable place for ambushes.

So Deng Ai's plan is: After luring those people to enter, then take the opportunity to seal the entrances and exits on both sides, then they will all become shackles!
After Liu Chan finished listening, he secretly praised Deng Ai as an expert in geography!But he didn't say anything, but looked at Zhuge Qiao at the side.Zhuge Qiao couldn't help hesitating, Liu Chan just smiled and said: "I remember that Deng Ai made the combat report last time. Then this time the combat report will be formulated by you."

Deng Ai straightened his face immediately, and said rather displeasedly: "My son, don't you want it? It's just a few dozen 'thieves'. You only need to give me 200 people, and I promise to kill them all."

Liu Chan shook his head and said: "Although the general's ability to adapt to battle is very important, as a general, as long as he is facing a war, no matter how big or small, he should make the most complete battle plan in order to minimize the number of casualties of soldiers. To put it more clearly, this is a test of the conscience of your leading general for the lives of every soldier."

Deng Ai was silent, his dark face was slightly purple, it seemed that his face had a fever.But Zhuge Qiao bowed his hands to Liu Chan and said, "Young Master Qiao has been taught", and then pulled Deng Ai out of Liu Chan's camp. The two rode on horses and led dozens of soldiers towards the dead head.

Because a map is a map, the actual situation can only be known after visiting the site.Zhuge Qiao has already decided that the combat report they made must be the report that best fits the actual situation on the ground!Perhaps, the person who knows the eldest son Liu Chan best in this world is really Zhuge Qiao, a shrewd attendant.

The two of them brought a few white-eared guards to Duantou Que, and saw a Taniguchi in front of them.Since it is facing away from the sun, it looks like a huge black mouth extending towards the interior of the mountain.

The two rode in immediately, and the light suddenly dimmed. The wind was blowing and it felt extremely cold, making people feel goosebumps all over their bodies.

The two looked up and saw that the tens of feet high cliffs on both sides were covered with dense shrubs, which firmly blocked the sunlight, leaving only a piece of golden yellow on the trees at the top.

Zhuge Qiao said with a smile: "It's really gloomy and windy in here. If you come in alone, it's really scary!"

Deng Ai naturally knew that Zhuge Qiao was joking, so he didn't answer. He raised his whip and first thought of stretching out the canyon.

Two days later, Liu Chan's team arrived outside the Duantou Que, and Liu Chan also received the combat report from Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai.

Liu Chan just checked and found that Deng Ai and Zhuge Qiao only had two hundred soldiers to participate in the battle.Liu Chan didn't make a fuss because of this, of course he believed in Deng Ai's combat ability and ability to judge the situation, and he definitely would not intentionally bring fewer people in order to show off his strength.

What's more, Liu Chan's purpose is to want Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai to develop the habit of making complete plans before the war in the future.Because he knows that unless the army is going out, it is impossible to set up positions such as military adviser or joining the army. Therefore, in the future, I am afraid that a large number of staff officers will need to be trained to be deployed in all armies.Their main task is to formulate the most complete combat report based on the commander's combat objectives.And this habit should be cultivated from Deng Ai and Zhuge Qiao.

Liu Chan is really well-intentioned.

Liu Chan immediately agreed to the battle plan of the two, and allocated 200 elite soldiers and the required bows and arrows to the two.He also considered that the two people's martial arts skills were really not very good, and he was afraid that they would be in danger, so he sent another 20 Han family followers to follow them at any time as personal guards.

After finishing these, the army marched into the Duantou Que. After arriving at the designated place, Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai left with 200 troops. After staying, he left with the army, and handed over all the battles here to Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai.

About an hour later, 13 pedestrians appeared inside the broken head, walking around and looking around.

Looking at these people, Deng Ai couldn't help but looked at Zhuge Qiao hesitantly. His expression was clearly asking Zhuge Qiao: Why are there only thirteen of the 36 knight-errants mentioned in your report now?
Zhuge Qiao also felt a little uncomfortable, could it be that his information was wrong?He immediately called a soldier to go to the mouth of the severed head to have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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