Chapter 172 Ambush ([-])

Soon, the soldier came over and reported that another group of 23 travelers entered the guillotine!Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai couldn't help cursing these people in a low voice for being too cunning. They must be afraid of being ambushed here, so they entered in batches!
But judging from the current situation, if you don't act quickly, I'm afraid the last batch will not enter the valley until the first batch of travelers pass by.

Deng Ai couldn't help laughing at himself and asked Zhuge Qiao: "Did we predict this situation in our combat report?"

Zhuge Qiao gave Deng Ai a blank look, and did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Can we act now?"

Deng Ai just shook his head. He decided to let the first group of travelers go, and then sent the Han family's retainers and fifty cavalry to chase them from behind.As for the ambush circle, leave it to the last two groups of travelers!
Zhuge Qiao did not object to Deng Ai's plan, but immediately turned around and ordered the Han family members to prepare for battle quickly, and then personally selected fifty of the strongest soldiers and prepared all the horses for them.

When the first group of travelers walked out of the ambush circle, Zhuge Qiao and the 70 people got on a horse at the same time, and ordered them to follow him quietly.He also specially instructed everyone that they must wait until the enemy has gone far before launching a sudden attack, and it is best not to let anyone leave alive.

Deng Ai was taken aback when he saw that Zhuge Qiao wanted to go after the enemy himself.It is too dangerous for Zhuge Qiao, a son of Wen Sheng who has no strength to restrain a chicken, to actually want to go to the battlefield in person.He hurried over and grabbed Zhuge Qiao's reins, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Zhuge Qiao said with a faint smile: "You are here to command, then of course I will go after another wave of enemies. If you don't let go, they will all go far away!"

Deng Ai was not willing to let go, and persuaded: "The battlefield is too dangerous for you. In my opinion, let us generals go?" Then he asked Zhuge Qiao to get off his horse.

Zhuge Qiao felt that Deng Ai was a little funny. He was indeed powerless, but Deng Ai's martial arts were so poor that the prince felt desperate for him.Such a guy actually dares to call himself a general!Zhuge Qiao immediately wanted to make a joke with Deng Ai, but he thought that it was the time when the army was fighting and it would not hurt Deng Ai's majesty, but he didn't get off his horse either.

Deng Ai has always been not good at words, and he belongs to the action group. He knew that Zhuge Qiao would not be able to get off his horse if he didn't move, so he immediately called two guards to grab Zhuge Qiao's arms and pull him off the horse forcibly. down.Then, Deng Ai also specifically asked the chief minister, Shangguan Yi, to follow Zhuge Qiao to ensure his personal safety, and then lead others away with a whip!

Looking at the figure of Deng Ai going away, Zhuge Qiao was not angry, but rather moved.

Half an hour later, another soldier came to report that the second wave of travelers was about to enter the ambush circle.Zhuge Qiao couldn't help feeling a little nervous, because this was the first time he was in charge of commanding an army to fight.He secretly took a deep breath and let the soldier go down to inform everyone to enter the fighting state immediately.

Shangguan Yi on the side had sharp eyes and was more experienced in war, so he comforted Zhuge Qiao in a low voice: "Mr. Zhuge, don't be nervous, the opponents are just a few unremarkable miscellaneous fish, just leave it to us, you can watch here let's go."

Zhuge Qiao nodded. He had 150 people here, and the other side had few people, so they had no power to fight back.His mood immediately calmed down.

Soon, more than 20 pedestrians appeared in front of them.It was completely different from the behavior of the first batch of travelers. They probably thought that the first batch of travelers had no accidents, so this place must be safe, so they all walked leisurely, as if they were on a spring outing.

Seeing this, Zhuge Qiao secretly sighed in his heart that these people are so leisurely when they are about to die.He told Shangguan Yi to pass on the order, everyone must hold their breath, and they are absolutely not allowed to shoot arrows without his order!
Time passed by, and when those knights approached about 50 steps away from him, Zhuge Qiao still didn't give the order to act, but just stared at them closely.

Shangguan Yi knew that Zhuge Qiao was participating in the battle for the first time, and he forgot to give an order because he was too nervous.Only then did Zhuge Qiao wake up, and immediately ordered Shangguan Yi to start attacking.

Shangguan Yi was the first to stand up, stretching the assault weapon in his hand into a half-moon shape, aiming at the knight who was walking in the front, and then sternly shouted: "Everyone, do it!"

With a whoosh sound, the arrow in Shangguan Yi's hand flew out, like a black light flying towards the target.The knight hadn't reacted at all, and was shot in the neck. After a scream, he fell to the ground and struggled a few times before dying.

Then, on both sides of the valley, stood up at the same time to brighten up the soldiers in uniforms of the Yizhou Army, all holding bows and arrows, and firing bows and arrows all over the sky!

The knights who were ambushing on both sides of the valley rushed out and blocked the front of the archers, and they were also cavalry with bows and arrows.After the cavalry set up their formation, they did not charge immediately, but followed the archers to shoot with arrows!
Those knights never expected to be ambushed here, not to mention that they were not an army with formal team training, so they immediately exploded, and only cared about running away.

Therefore, in such a situation of fighting each other, no matter how powerful the individual combat power is, casualties are inevitable. Soon four or five people were shot into hedgehogs, and many more were injured!

Seeing such an effect, Zhuge Qiao took a breath in his heart, and finally realized how cruel war is.He took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

The second wave of arrows rained down again, making a terrifying sound of piercing through the air, and two of the knights fell down again.

The reason why the effect this time is not as good as the first time is because the knights are already prepared to use their own abilities to block most of the long arrows.

At this time, someone among the knights finally realized that there is absolutely no way out if the situation continues like this, and immediately shouted loudly: "Everyone, spread out and rush to the rear together!"

Shangguan Yi is also a person who has been in the rivers and lakes, and he knows that that person must be a prestigious person, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to speak like this.It seems that this person must not let him talk anymore, otherwise, if he is allowed to organize these knights, his strength will be terrifying!
Shangguan Yi sneered, drew the strong bow in his hand into a full moon again, aimed at the man's back and shot an arrow.

That person probably didn't expect that someone would shoot a back arrow at him at this time, or because the surrounding clutter interfered with his hearing, so by the time he realized it, the long arrow had already arrived in front of him.He exclaimed, and immediately turned his body to dodge, but with a snap, his right arm was already pierced by the long arrow!

The man immediately let out a scream, but his slightly dark face remained unchanged.He actually completely disregarded his injury, gritted his teeth, broke the long arrow and threw it on the ground, but the wound on his arm became even bigger, bleeding profusely immediately!
It was impossible for the man's right hand to fight anymore, so he picked up the long sword on the ground with his left hand, and continued to block the arrows that fell around him. He is really a fierce and fierce character!Seeing Zhuge Qiao's heart straightened!

But Shangguan Yi suddenly praised: "This man is really a good opponent!" Then he threw away the bow and arrow in his hand, turned over and got on his mount, and rushed towards the man.

While Shangguan Yi was leaving, Zhuge Qiao also remembered the next steps set in the combat report.He sent the order again, the archers continued to shoot, and the cavalry charged the enemy!
After those knights received the order, they let out a terrifying roar at the same time. The sound continued to vibrate in the narrow canyon, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. The momentum was really amazing!

Then, all the knights drew out their long swords, and neatly drove their horses towards the knights, and joined together with Shangguan Yi.The loud noise of the horseshoes almost collapsed the mountain walls on both sides of the canyon!
Where have knights seen cavalry charge?Shocked by the momentum of the cavalry for a while, they became even more flustered, and were shot down by the archers again.

Soon, the cavalry had already charged into the crowd of knights, bright blood splashed in the air, and heads flew away from their bodies one by one! ——This is the frightening thing about the cavalry attack, which can make you unable to retreat and avoid!
When the cavalry stopped and turned their horses, there was only one knight standing on the ground behind, and that was the knight who gave orders just now!But his body was already stained with blood, his left arm was broken, and he was still holding a long sword tightly after falling to the ground.His eyes were full of despair, because his only remaining right hand had been hit by an arrow before, and he was helpless.

Zhuge Qiao couldn't bear it anymore, he closed his eyes and couldn't bear to look at that person again.

With a wave of Shangguan Yi's right hand, the cavalry charged again, and then, the last head flew up!
Thus ended the first battle Zhuge Qiao participated in.It only lasted for more than a quarter of an hour, but the blood and cruelty in it was absolutely beyond his imagination as a Confucian scholar.

Zhuge Qiao looked at the scene of blood flowing into rivers in front of him, took a long, deep breath, and suddenly felt very lost in his heart. How could he look like Deng Ai fighting to attack just now?Zhuge Qiao then ordered Shangguan Yi to quickly bring all the cavalry to support Deng Ai, and then asked the remaining soldiers to bury the knights who were decapitated.

Perhaps only by doing so, Zhuge Qiao can feel a little peace of mind.

When Shangguan Yi led the cavalry to chase Deng Ai, he found that the battlefield in front of him was in a mess, many corpses were trampled into paste by the horses, and there was not a single living enemy left.Deng Ai sat on his horse with a relaxed expression, as if he had never stepped forward to fight.

Shangguan Yi immediately stepped forward to inform Zhuge Qiao of the results of the battle, and then asked: "Captain, how is the result of your battle here?"

Deng Ai smiled triumphantly, and said, "If you don't know how to read it yourself, don't you know how to count it yourself?"

Thirteen unrecognizable bodies!

However, Deng Ai seemed to be complacent too early.When Zhuge Qiao came to join him, he informed that there were only 22 corpses there, that is to say, one person had escaped—Du Lang!
This Du Lang is too cunning!Of course, only a few people know the inside story of this.

(End of this chapter)

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