Chapter 173
Counting the days and the distance traveled, it was only about three or four days away from Shangyong. Today, even a scout sent by Liu Feng from Shangyong came to meet Liu Chan's team.

Liu Chan immediately summoned Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai to discuss what to do after entering Shangyong.

Zhuge Qiao first said: "The spies in Chengdu have sent news that the first batch of troops sent by the queen is actually just a cover, trying to use their lives to paralyze the son. They really want to do something to the prince. The place is actually in Shangyong City!"

Liu Chan sneered, "That mother of mine is still so cruel to others!"

Deng Ai said calmly: "The reason why the queen did this is nothing more than two possibilities. First, borrowing a knife to kill someone: After killing the son in Shangyong City, put the blame on the son Liu Feng. Because most people think that Liu Feng Because he was dissatisfied with the prince, he ordered the killer; second, even if the assassination failed, the prince would first suspect that Liu Feng was behind the scenes, and there would be a rift between you brothers, so the queen could take the opportunity to win over Liu Feng."

Liu Chan nodded and looked at Zhuge Qiao.Zhuge Qiao told Liu Chan that what Deng Ai said was almost completely consistent with the facts.

After walking around the tent for a few times, Liu Chan said: "Although Mrs. Wu is vicious enough, but he is a woman, I am afraid he can't think of such a long-term. Who helped her with this plan? If it wasn't for this son who bought almost all of the Hanzhong Palace My servant, I must be planted in Shangyong City this time!"

Zhuge Qiao was responsible for this issue, and he said, "According to the report from the spies, it should be Wang Rong, the supervisor."

Liu Chan said thoughtfully: "This son of Wang Rong has only met him a few times, and he doesn't seem to show up often on weekdays. It makes me curious that a chief executive of the palace can be so mysterious. Ah Qiao, I have his information. No?"

"Yes. He used to be the chief manager of Liu Zhang's mansion. After the King of Hanzhong moved into Liu Zhang's mansion, he did not replace him. He usually trusts him. However, according to information, although this person looks harmless, in fact Martial arts are quite high."

"How powerful is it?"

"I have news from my side that Wang Rong's martial arts skills are probably not inferior to Mr. Han Long's."

Liu Chan walked to the case, tapped lightly on the case with his right hand, frowned and said: "This Wang Rong seems to be a disaster, keeping him is really in the way! I don't have time to continue playing with such a person, but I don’t know how the King of Hanzhong will react.”

Then, Liu Chan looked up at Deng Ai, but Deng Ai also looked at Liu Chan blankly, and did not comment on this, probably because dealing with interpersonal relationships is not his forte.Therefore, it is natural for Zhuge Qiao to answer this matter now.

Zhuge Qiao cleared his throat and said: "With the knowledge of the King of Hanzhong, it is impossible not to see that the relationship between the queen and Wang Rong is unusual. So if something happens to Wang Rong, the King of Hanzhong will definitely suspect the prince first."

Liu Chan nodded, and Zhuge Qiao continued, "However, Wang Rong is just an eunuch, and he dared to murder the prince of Hanzhong, so even if he died unexpectedly, the king of Hanzhong might pretend not to know. What's more, this man has a fatal wound. , dare to secretly raise a large number of dead men. This time, the ones ambushing in Shangyong City are Wang Rong's dead men!"

At this time, Deng Ai had received enough information, and said: "My lord, if this is the case, it's time to do it! We can use the power of Wang Rong in Chengdu now, and we must count Mr. Han Long."

Liu Chan felt that Deng Ai's proposal was good, and told Zhuge Qiao: "A Qiao, you send a message to Chengdu immediately, and ask Mr. Han to deal with Wang Rong himself. As for Wang Rong's dead soldiers, none of them are allowed to stay. Then Then let your people secretly pass the news of Wang Rongyin's nursing of the dead to Zhuge Junshi and the King of Hanzhong. They will definitely send people to investigate immediately, but what they get will only be a bunch of corpses of the dead!"

Deng Ai shook his head and said: "It's good to let Mr. Han do it himself, but those dead men should be handed over to the government. I know that the prince has always been afraid of them, but this time the prince didn't show up at all, so naturally there is no need to worry about someone's revenge in the future. So After Bo Song's people get the news of Mr. Han's success, they can immediately report to the military adviser and the people of the King of Hanzhong."

Speaking of battle arrangements, Liu Chan is indeed inferior to Deng Ai. His arrangement is indeed safe, but who in Yizhou doesn't know that Han Long has a close relationship with him?Once this matter leaks a little bit of wind, it will not be very good.

Therefore, Liu Chan shook his head and said: "The combat effectiveness of those dead soldiers must be extraordinary. If the officers and soldiers are allowed to encircle and suppress, it is inevitable that some fish will slip through the net. I am really worried. So Deng Ai, you don't have to say any more, you must let Mr. Han kill them completely. Just remove it!"

Seeing that Liu Chan had made up his mind, Deng Ai knew that there was no need to make any further suggestions.And Zhuge Qiao immediately went back to his camp to write a letter to Han Long.

Liu Chan asked Deng Ai again: "Now that we are about to enter the territory of Shangyong, should we consider my elder brother Liu Feng's problem?"

Deng Ai just said indifferently: "Does the prince still have time to play with Liu Feng?"

Liu Chan was taken aback when he heard that, and remembered that the most important thing now was the affairs of Jingzhou. Liu Feng was just suffering from ringworm, and it was really not a serious problem. It would not be too late to deal with it when he was free in the future.He said with a smile: "Deng Ai, it's you who is on the sidelines! I said, have Zhao Feng and the others reached Shangyong now?"

Deng Ai thought about it for a while, and replied firmly: "Calculating the time and the distance of their war horses, they must have entered Shangyong City by now."

Liu Chan nodded and asked Deng Ai to accompany him outside the tent.

When I got out of the camp, I saw that the moonlight in the sky was as white as silver, shining everywhere, and the pines and cypresses on the mountain turned black under the moonlight, and the singing of grass and insects was as dense as rain.

Such a peaceful moonlit night immediately calmed Liu Chan's irritable mood.

The moonlight in Shangyong City is also bright and clean.

Zhao Feng took his wife Shi Hui and [-] subordinates, and under the leadership of Zhuge Qiao's spies, they quickly shuttled through the alleys in the city without making a sound.

Although the terrain in Shangyong County is complex, in fact, Shangyong City is extremely flat.After walking for a while, everyone stopped outside a small manor with green bricks and rich houses.

The house looked dilapidated, some bricks on the fence had fallen off, and the planted trees grew high beyond the wall, and no one trimmed them, only casting mottled black shadows on the ground outside.

The guide pointed to the small manor and told Zhao Feng that the person they were looking for was inside, there were only three of them, but their martial arts were very strong, so be careful.

Zhao Feng looked at this house, compared with the surrounding buildings, there was nothing special about it, and thought to himself that these people are very good at choosing places, and it is really hard to be found here.Zhao Feng nodded and told the guide to wait outside, so he didn't have to trouble him about their affairs.

That man was just a spy, he knew that his martial arts were not comparable to these majestic warriors, and he didn't have the confidence to deal with the villains in the house, so it was best to stay outside, and he was happy to have a leisurely time.

Only then did Zhao Feng nod to Shi Hui, and Shi Hui took out a white cloth from a bamboo tube, which exuded a pungent smell.After she wiped the white cloth on her long knife, she gave it to everyone, and everyone immediately wiped it on their weapons a few times.

The guide didn't understand what these people were doing. Could it be that they had to clean their weapons before fighting?What an incomprehensible oddity!

After Shi Hui put away the white cloth, Zhao Feng waved his right hand, and the twenty subordinates immediately dispersed and sneaked into the small manor from all sides.Zhao Feng and Shi Hui looked at each other, and jumped into the courtyard directly.The two of them had such good skills that the guide was stunned when he saw them.

After Zhao Feng and Shi Hui landed, they found that the house occupied a large area, and no one was guarding it. It was hard to believe that the people inside were actually assassins.

They passed a courtyard, climbed over a wall, and came to the inner courtyard.It was pitch black inside, and it seemed that everyone who lived here had fallen asleep.

Zhao Feng and Shi Hui wanted to sneak in again, but they suddenly heard the sound of someone walking, and immediately dodged into the shadows under a tree to hide.

Through the moonlight, the two found that there was a warrior with a sword on the road ahead. He was walking while drinking a jug of wine. He was still muttering, as if he was reciting something.

Zhao Feng is just a martial artist, and his knowledge is not very good. Shi Hui is a foreigner, and he can speak the Central Plains dialect fluently, which is very good, but he doesn't know anything about poetry, so the two don't care what the other is talking about. .But this person, judging from his body shape and his walking posture, is clearly a person with extremely high martial arts skills, and should be one of their three targets tonight.

Zhao Feng nodded to Shi Hui, signaling to her that this person should let him solve the problem, and told Shi Hui not to intervene.Shi Hui knew that Zhao Feng was afraid that he would be in danger, so she felt sweet and nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, the swordsman suddenly frowned, and turned to look at the shadow where Zhao Feng and Shi Hui were lurking.Zhao Feng and the two praised in their hearts, this person is really very alert, he can actually foresee the existence of a crisis!

Shi Hui nodded to Zhao Feng, raised seven hidden weapons in his hands, and shot at the swordsman, and Zhao Feng's figure rushed out at the same time.

When the swordsman saw a large number of hidden weapons suddenly shot out from the shadows, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and then saw a man in black rushing towards him with a sword in his hand, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.As soon as he threw the wine jug in his hand, there were three bangs on the wine jug, which had already been pierced by the hidden weapon, but he used this to block the three hidden weapons.

Then, he stepped back immediately, raised his long sword, and knocked down the remaining four hidden weapons after hearing four impact sounds.Really brilliant swordsmanship!If Zhao Feng wanted to kill this person quickly, it would take a lot of effort.

After shooting down the hidden weapon, the man didn't relax, because Zhao Feng's long sword was already attacking his chest with a stern light.The man's sword power was old at this time, but in order to save his life, he had to forcefully change his moves to block Zhao Feng's attack.With a bang, the two long swords collided, and sparks shot out!

The swordsman staggered and almost fell to the ground, but his reaction was extremely fast, he stepped back a little bit harder, and backed away four or five steps, distanced himself from Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng saw that the opponent was very powerful, so how could he give him a chance to breathe.He let out a low cry, swung his sword and chased him out, trapping the man in his sword screen, making the opponent flustered for a while.

The swordsman saw that he had failed in one move and was beaten to death by the opponent. He was furious and tried his best to fight with his strongest swordsmanship.However, Zhao Feng's swordsmanship was passed down by Zhao Yun himself, and now he has gained the upper hand, no matter how the swordsman fights back, it can only be a fight between trapped beasts!
After Zhao Feng attacked seven or eight moves, the swordsman was out of breath and couldn't hold on anymore.At this moment, there was a chaotic fighting sound in the manor.The swordsman was already terrified, knowing that the opponent had brought a large number of people, and this place was already surrounded.

Then this time is really bad. The reason why he has fought so tenaciously until now is to wait for the assistance of the other two companions inside. Now everything seems to be impossible.

Then, a gust of wind suddenly came from behind the swordsman, apparently the sound of a weapon breaking through the air.With a loud shout, he tried his best to block Zhao Feng's sword, and then leaped to the side.But a silvery white light flashed behind him, the swordsman screamed, and Shi Hui's long knife cut an inch-long wound on his back!
The swordsman felt relieved at this moment, because although he was injured now, he escaped death by a narrow margin.After he landed, he immediately stretched out his arms and fled to the outside.But the strange thing is that Shi Hui and the two didn't continue to chase the swordsman - isn't their mission this time to exterminate Wang Rong's three dead men?
Suddenly, the swordsman felt all the strength in his body disappear, and the soles of his feet softened, and he fell to the ground!

At this time, he had already run to the wall of the inner courtyard, which was a foot away from Zhao Feng's position, so as long as he crossed it, he could escape.But this sudden situation turned his hope into despair.Then he realized that there must be something wrong with the knife of the man who attacked him.

He turned his head and saw Zhao Feng and the two walking towards him.He struggled to get up, but unfortunately he didn't have any strength anymore, so he could only ask with difficulty: "Is your weapon filled with medicine?!"

Zhao Feng snorted coldly and said, "It can only be blamed that you followed the wrong master!"

Zhao Feng strode forward, piercing the back of the swordsman's heart with a sword, and then rushed towards the place where the fight was still going on inside with Shi Hui.

The two of them helped their men, and after they wiped out the remaining two assassins, they checked their own manpower, and unexpectedly one person was killed and three were seriously injured!Zhao Feng was secretly startled, the strength of these three dead soldiers is really high!

(End of this chapter)

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