The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 175 Brothers meeting

Chapter 175 Brother Meeting ([-])

At noon the next day, Liu Feng finally came to a hill in front of Liu Chan's camp, and immediately sent someone inside to report.

Looking around Liu Feng, Liu Chan's camp was built on an open field, backed by a small river, and on the left was a dense bamboo forest, which grew green.

In front of and on the right side of the camp, two trenches were dug, nearly [-] feet wide and more than ten feet deep, to protect the camp tightly.

There are hundreds of tents in the camp area, arranged very neatly, the distance between each tent is about the same, each row of tents is laid out in a straight line, and the layout of all the tents is almost square, obviously it has been precisely planned Measurement!

There were five soldiers in one army patrolling the camp in an orderly manner, but no soldiers were seen wandering inside.

Liu Feng, who is a military general, was very satisfied with this arrangement, but it also made him curious about Liu Chan having such an outstanding general by his side.He called Liu Chan's interrogator for questioning, but saw that his face became a little ugly, probably because he was tired from the non-stop running all the way, and he couldn't help feeling a little contemptuous in his heart.

Liu Feng thought to himself, Liu Chan, although you have outstanding generals, but you have a group of cowardly soldiers by your side, what can you do?Liu Feng stopped looking at the messenger officer and pointed to the camp ahead and asked, "Who planned this camp? Why is it so organized?"

The messenger's face became a little strange, as if he was not too happy to answer.Liu Feng was immediately displeased, and asked impatiently: "What do you do for food? Can't you answer such a simple question?"

The communications officer looked up at Liu Feng, and had no choice but to reply: "Report to the general, the camp should be planned by the prince!"

When Liu Feng heard this, he couldn't help but let out a cry.In his memory, Liu Chan was still a chubby kid who often sat in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking. He looked like a little fool, but unexpectedly he was quite talented.

Seeing Liu Feng's uncertain face, the messenger explained, "Your Majesty has always been very good at graphics, and he is also very good at measuring land."

Although in the eyes of modern people, graphic graphics is just a pediatric matter, but in the eyes of ancient people, it is definitely a very complicated business.So Liu Feng was even more surprised, and stopped talking to the communications officer, and began to think in his heart, feeling that he should re-examine Liu Chan's ability.

Not long after, the person Liu Feng sent out to report came back to report to Liu Feng that the prince had allowed them to enter the camp, so Liu Feng drove his horse into the camp.

After entering the camp, Liu Feng didn't intend to get off his horse out of habit. He wanted to go in and look for Liu Chan immediately, but he saw a leader rushing forward with a few people.Liu Feng thought it was someone Liu Chan sent to pick him up, so he didn't pay much attention.

Not wanting to, Na Shichang stopped Liu Feng's horse, bowed and said, "General, although I don't know where you come from, but the rules in the barracks are that you are not allowed to ride a horse inside. Please dismount!"

Liu Feng was taken aback when he heard that, how dare the other party dare to challenge his dignified deputy general?Then Liu Feng immediately felt that something was wrong, and decided that Liu Chan had deliberately sent someone to show him off, so he naturally couldn't give in, and immediately said: "Go away! You, a little boss, dare to stop the general's horse!" ?! See if I don’t teach you a lesson!”

As he said that, Liu Feng raised his whip and was about to whip Na Shichang, but was immediately stopped by the messenger behind him, and said, "General, you don't know. This village gate is in charge of Wang Shichang, the son of the world." When you come here, you must ask his permission before you can enter on horseback, otherwise you can only dismount and walk."

Liu Feng blurted out: "How is this possible? My good brother Liu Chan is the eldest son, how could he do such an undignified thing? What is the origin of this guy?"

Wang Shichang stepped forward and grabbed Liu Feng's reins, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "I don't have any origins as an official, what I have is just the authority granted to me by my son. General, why don't you dismount?!"

Liu Feng couldn't step down.He was a general in his teens, and fought for Liu Bei, but he had never been blamed so much, his face turned blue and purple.

Just when Liu Feng was quite embarrassed, a general with a black face and a medium build came out of the camp. He looked quite old.The man took a dozen soldiers and greeted Wang Shichang from a distance: "Wang Shichang, the person in front of you is the prince of Hanzhong and the deputy general Liu Feng, who came from Shangyong to visit the prince's condition. Yes, maybe you don't know the rules of our barracks. Can you accommodate me and let the young master come in?"

Wang Shichang hesitated for a while, and finally let go of Liu Feng's horse rein, and said: "Lieutenant Deng, let's forget it this time, but it will not be an example."

Deng Ai had already approached at this time, bowed his hands to Wang Shichang, thanked Wang Shichang for his understanding, then stepped forward to salute Liu Feng, and said: "The last general Deng Ai has seen General Liu. Strictly, even the eldest son himself has some exceptions, that's why he ordered the officials to come to greet him. I don't want my soldiers to offend the general, so please forgive me."

Deng Ai, who usually cherishes words like gold and has eyes above the top, bows his head to Liu Feng so easily to admit his mistake today, can't help but see that the person on Wang Shichang's side, even the communications officer, is a little stunned.

But Liu Feng still felt very upset.Although he had also heard about Deng Ai's name and knew that he was one of Liu Chan's confidantes, he still couldn't help but glared at him, and said coldly, "The people around my virtuous brother are so majestic!"

Then, he turned his head and gave Wang Shichang another look, and rode his horse into the camp.Deng Ai sneered, looked at the messenger, and brought Liu Feng to Liu Chan's camp, and the two went in together.As for Liu Feng's ten subordinates, they were taken by Deng Ai's own followers to rest and wait elsewhere.

When Liu Feng came to Liu Chan's tent, he found that it was not much different from the general soldiers' camp in appearance, the only special thing was that it was bigger than others.

Liu Feng entered the tent, the layout inside was a little simple, with two rows of tables on both sides, which should be used for gatherings for discussions or banquets.

Behind the main seat is a main seat, and behind the main seat are two screens, which should be a resting place.

Deng Ai took Liu Feng behind the screen.Liu Feng saw a couch inside, on which sat a thin young man with a sallow complexion, wearing a white nightgown, who was also looking at him.

Liu Feng guessed in his heart that this person was his younger brother Liu Chan.But Liu Chan has changed too much in these years. The image of the chubby child in the past has disappeared now, and it has been replaced by such a young man who has grown taller and lost a lot of weight.

Liu Feng couldn't help lamenting the passing of time, so he stepped forward and asked, "Could this be my brother Liu Chan?"

Liu Chan nodded, and said in a hoarse voice, "It's the little brother. I haven't seen you for so many years, and my brother still looks the same!"

Liu Feng stepped forward and grabbed Liu Chan's hands, and said with a smile: "Brother is old, but my younger brother has grown so big! We haven't seen each other for seven or eight years, right?"

"It's exactly eight years. My brother has a good memory."

Liu Feng waved his hands and smiled, "Brother, are you praising your brother or hurting your brother? However, your camp is really difficult to enter! Brother almost couldn't get in."

Liu Chan didn't understand the meaning of Liu Feng's words, so he called Deng Ai to ask about what happened at the gate of the camp.He quickly apologized to Liu Feng, telling Liu Feng not to be offended, that's the rule here.Liu Chan also promised that when Liu Feng came back next time, he would not be embarrassed by the gatekeepers again.

Liu Feng smiled, patted Liu Chan's hand, and said, "My dear brother, you don't have to worry about such small things. Oh, your illness is better now? You are really worried about your illness in the wilderness, so brother day and night Jiancheng found two best doctors for you from Shangyong City. Just wait, they are all waiting outside to diagnose you!"

The most important thing Liu Chan needs here are doctors, and he said: "I don't know something, but my younger brother has brought some doctors with him in the army. They are all disciples of Mr. Hua Tuo, the 'miracle doctor', and they have prepared medicine for my younger brother. You'll be fine in two days."

Hearing that he was the disciple of the genius doctor Hua Tuo, Liu Feng couldn't help being a little stunned. Everyone in the world knows the name of the genius doctor Hua Tuo.But since he came to confirm Liu Chan's condition in person, it is naturally impossible to stop because of an illusory celebrity, so he persuaded Liu Chan to let those two diagnose again.

Liu Chan finally saw that he couldn't evade, so he ordered Deng Ai to go out and invite the two doctors in.Deng Ai went out to bring people in. Seeing that Brother Liu Chan must have a lot of "nonsense" to say behind him, he didn't want to listen any more, so he simply left Liu Chan's camp secretly.

After the diagnosis of two doctors from Shangyong, they all believed that Liu Chan was indeed infected with wind and cold, and the symptoms were not mild, and he needed to recuperate for two days.Liu Feng was completely relieved.

After Deng Ai came out from Liu Chan's place, he came to Zhuge Qiao's camp and saw Zhuge Qiao holding a document in his hand and looking at it.Deng Ai stepped forward and asked: "You pretended to be a messenger and went to Shangyong this time. How do you feel?"

Zhuge Qiao shook his head and sighed: "Actually, there is nothing to gain, but that lunatic Liu Feng has been on the road all day and night, and I almost died of exhaustion on the horse! However, I saw a person."

With that said, Zhuge Qiao handed the things in his hand to Deng Ai.Deng Ai took it and saw that it was Liu Feng's left chief Shi Lizhao and Li Xinhui's information.

Zhuge Qiao went on to say: "This person is Liu Feng's confidant, and he is very vigilant, and his status is the head of the wealthy family in Shangyong County. No matter his strength or wisdom, he should not be underestimated. In my opinion, Liu Feng's temperament is stubborn and not enough. It’s an infestation. But we still need to be a little more careful about this Li Zhao in the future.”

Deng Ai nodded, and carefully read the document.

(End of this chapter)

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