Chapter 176
After Liu Feng exchanged a few words with Liu Chan, he saw a handsome woman approaching with a bowl of medicinal soup. She bowed to the two of them and said softly, "My lord, it's time to take the medicine." .”

Liu Feng's face twitched inexplicably when he heard the woman's "Young Master", and his heart felt a little sour.He thought to himself, if there is no such person as Liu Chan in this world, then this woman's son should be called him.

But Liu Feng knew that now was not the time to be sad, let alone stay in Liu Chan's house.He stood up slowly, and said to Liu Chan: "Brother, take your medicine first and then have a good rest. Brother, I will come to see you at night."

Liu Chan didn't see him either, and said with a smile, "Brother, you should go to rest too. You've come all the way to see my younger brother, and you're very tired." Then, he called a guard and asked him to take Liu Feng to the prepared tent. take a break.

Liu Feng nodded and followed the guard out of the camp.

Liu Chan couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, waved to the woman and said with a smile: "Shi Hui, pretending to be sick is really not something that people do, it's really exhausting this life. This kind of thing will never happen again in the future." quit!"

Shi Hui sat beside Liu Chan with a slight smile, gave Liu Chan the decoction, and said, "Your Majesty, drink the decoction quickly, and the symptoms should be relieved soon. Since I don't know the medical skills of the doctor brought by Mr. Liu Feng, So the medicine prescribed for you is a bit heavy, and you feel so uncomfortable now."

Liu Chan nodded, but the unpleasant smell wafting from the bowl immediately made him frown.But Liu Chan was not a coy child, without Shi Hui's persuasion, he squeezed his nose and forced down a bowl of dark soup in two or three gulps.

The unpleasant taste and the bitter taste immediately filled his mouth, causing Liu Chan to almost roll over on the bed, and couldn't help shouting: "Oh, what kind of medicine is this, it's so bitter, so bitter... "While fanning himself in the mouth.

Shi Hui hurriedly scooped up a spoonful of honey juice from another bowl on the tray, telling Liu Chan to open his mouth quickly and let her feed it.Not wanting to, Liu Chan refused, turned his head to pick up a cup of tea by the desk and drank it in one gulp, feeling a lot more comfortable in his mouth.

Shi Hui couldn't help feeling a little strange, and asked, "My lord, since you feel so bitter, why don't you eat honey?"

Liu Chan smiled and said, "Although this decoction is bitter, how can anyone live in suffering? Now that I have the confidence to live, I can naturally swallow the bitterness of the decoction."

A smile appeared on Shi Hui's delicate face again, and said: "Everyone is saying that the prince is young and mature. In my opinion, you think too much at a young age, and you become mature."

Liu Chan said with a smile: "You are not much older than this son."

In fact, Shi Hui is much older than Liu Chan, but Shi Hui doesn't care about these things with Liu Chan.She put away Liu Chan's soup and medicine bowl, told Liu Chan to take a rest first, after half an hour he should be able to recover as before, then stood up and was about to go out.

But Liu Chan stopped Shi Hui and asked, "Shi Hui, I promised you at the beginning that I would let you be an ordinary woman and teach Zhao Feng's husband and son at home. Later, I broke my promise and let you enter the Medical Academy to study pharmacology. Don't blame me." Liu Chan has always buried the apology in his heart, and finally found a chance to speak out at this time.

Shi Hui turned around and said with a smile: "My son, you are too serious. Not to mention that you saved this subordinate's life, and my marriage with Zhao Feng was also accomplished by you. Besides, I am afraid that this subordinate will not be able to be a quiet woman in this life." .So the subordinates are willing to serve the son all these years."

Liu Chan nodded in relief, and said, "In this way, the prince can rest assured. Please help me a lot in the future."

"If the son has any orders in the future, just say so."

Only then did Liu Chan let Shi Hui go, looking at Shi Hui's petite figure, he thought to himself that Zhao Feng is a good person and loves her very much.Otherwise, although such a woman is highly skilled in martial arts, it may be difficult for her to live alone in a foreign country.

It was night, and Liu Feng got up when the willows were on the moon.He is a born soldier, and even when he is tired, he only needs to sleep for an hour or two to relieve his fatigue.

Liu Feng walked out of his tent, the moonlight outside was extremely soft, and the bamboo forest on the mountain turned black, making rustling sounds in the breeze, like insects.

Liu Feng was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery, so he wanted to check on Liu Chan's condition.But before Liu Feng took a few steps, Deng Ai's figure appeared in front of him, accompanied by a handsome young man in a white shirt.

When Liu Feng saw this person, he felt vaguely familiar in his heart, but for a while he couldn't remember where he met him.

Deng Ai stepped forward to salute and said: "My lord, what a coincidence, the prince has already ordered the officials to prepare a banquet for you, please go this way."

Liu Feng was surprised and said, "Has my virtuous brother recovered from his illness? Why so fast?"

Behind Deng Ai, the young man in white stepped forward and replied: "Your Excellency, I don't know about it. My eldest son is still recovering from his condition, so he specially ordered me to hold a banquet for you."

Liu Feng saw that this person's words and demeanor were quite like everyone's, so he couldn't help but wonder about this person's identity, and asked, "I don't know the name of this young master Gao?"

"Don't dare. The next official is the prince's servant Zhuge Qiao."

Liu Feng let out an oh, suddenly realized.This person turned out to be Zhuge Qiao, the son's most trusted person, and also the adopted son of Zhuge's military adviser who was the most powerful under the King of Hanzhong.

Liu Feng returned the courtesy and said: "Mr. Zhuge's name is already as loud as thunder, and it is really a great pleasure in my life to meet him today."

As Liu Feng said, he took Zhuge Qiao's hand and walked towards the banquet together.Seeing Liu Feng being so attentive to Zhuge Qiao now, and remembering how Liu Feng ignored her at noon, Deng Ai sighed inwardly, family background is really more important than anything else.

The banquet was set up in Deng Ai's tent, in which there were only three tables filled with wine, meat and vegetables.Deng Ai invited Liu Feng to take a seat first, and Liu Feng, as the person with the highest status here, pretended to decline a few words before taking his seat without hesitation.Then, Deng Aicai and Zhuge Qiao sat on the lower heads on both sides of Liu Feng.

Liu Feng raised his glass first and said to the two people next to him: "I am really happy to be able to meet two young men from Yizhou today. Come, let's drink this cup together."

Liu Feng toasted, Deng Ai and Zhuge Qiao naturally couldn't refuse, and all three of them raised their glasses and drank in one gulp.After drinking the wine, Liu Feng found that the wine was indeed extraordinary, with an extremely mellow taste.

In fact, Liu Bei had banned alcohol in Yizhou for a long time in order to prevent the limited amount of food from being wasted on wine making, so these wines should be brewed by the government itself.After Liu Feng asked, it was indeed the case, and it was the wine that the King of Hanzhong was going to reward to the frontline troops in Jingzhou.

Next, Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai took turns to toast Liu Feng, especially Deng Ai changed his usual indifferent appearance, and occasionally made some jokes during the conversation, the three of them were chatting and laughing at Yan Yan for a while.

After drinking for three rounds, Liu Feng felt a little dizzy in his head, as if he was about to get drunk from too much alcohol.Liu Feng felt a little strange, he drank a lot on weekdays, why did he drink less today?Can't help but sigh secretly, the fine wine brought from Chengdu is really strong!
Seeing this, Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai each winked at Dui Pang, and then they toasted more attentively.Not long after, Liu Feng finally couldn't take it anymore and fell on the table.

Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai stood up from their seats. Deng Ai smiled and said, "Mrs. Shi's medicine is also effective. I really fascinated Liu Feng."

Zhuge Qiao laughed and said, "If Mrs. Shi hadn't been merciful and didn't take much medicine, he would have collapsed long ago! However, he won't be able to wake up within three days."

Deng Ai went forward to search Liu Feng's body, and he found a token.Zhuge Qiao and the two were overjoyed, so they came to see Liu Chan with a token.

When Liu Chan saw Zhuge Qiao and the two coming, he knew that Liu Feng had been brought down by the two of them, and Liu Feng's subordinates were even worse. They all fell unconscious after drinking a glass of wine.

Liu Chan took the command talisman, and after examining it carefully, he confirmed that it was indeed a soldier talisman.He summoned Zhao Feng, who was already on standby, to come in and ask him to take the order talisman and bring someone with him to disarm the Baimasai garrison and wait for his team to pass through smoothly.

Zhao Feng agreed, took the order talisman, and walked out of the camp to gather his white-eared guards.

Baima Mountain Fortress, 35 miles southwest of Zhushan Mountain, is a very important stronghold outside Shangyong City, and it is also the only way to pass through Shangyong County. There are 2000 people stationed inside.

If this army deliberately made things difficult, it would be very difficult for Liu Chan's team to pass.He didn't have the time to chat with them, otherwise Liu Chan wouldn't have used such rotten methods as drugging to deal with Liu Feng.

Then, Liu Chan ordered Deng Ai to organize his troops as soon as possible, and leave the village immediately.

Three days later, Liu Feng finally woke up from his drunkenness, but still felt a splitting headache.He struggled to get up from the bed, stepped out of the tent, and was shocked.

The entire camp has disappeared, and there are only three tents left in front of us. There are several Yizhou soldiers guarding around, and Liu Chan's brigade has already disappeared!
Liu Feng immediately stepped forward to grab a soldier and asked him sharply, where are Liu Chan's men now?After the soldier's narration, Liu Feng finally knew that he had been tricked and was tricked by Liu Chan.

So, Liu Feng didn't care about his headache, and immediately rushed out, stepped on his mount, and rushed to Shangyong City.

When Liu Feng arrived at Baimasai, he found that the fortress was empty.Liu Feng was immediately anxious, thinking that all the people in the fortress had been wiped out by Liu Chan, and hurried back to Shangyong City. Only then did he know that the people in Baimasai had been driven back to Shangyong City, and he was slightly relieved.

But the following news made Liu Feng angry: Liu Chan's troops had already passed outside Shangyong City two days ago, and now they are probably about to enter Mengda's new city boundary!
This also means that the strategies I have set for Liu Chan can no longer be realized.Liu Feng was furious and helpless, so he could only curse in the direction of Xincheng!

(End of this chapter)

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