Chapter 177 Meeting Meng Da
Just when Liu Chan turned his back on Liu Feng and quickly passed by Shangyong City without entering, someone who was also concerned about the situation in Shangyong quickly got the news.

Twenty or thirty miles outside Shangyong City, there is a manor that occupies a huge area.

The inside and outside of the red wall are already lined with green willows, casting down some shadows.

A moat three to four meters wide was dug outside the courtyard.The river is plentiful and rippling, with many duckweeds and dark green lotus leaves floating on the surface.

Suddenly, a fast horse came galloping, and the loud sound of hooves broke the tranquility here.

Before the horse reached the gate, the drawbridge on the moat had already fallen automatically, and the big vermilion iron gate opened immediately.

The person on the horse was a thin, strong middle-aged man.After his horse galloped across the moat, he didn't dismount at the gate, but went straight into the manor and continued to run inside.

It can be seen that the scale of this manor is huge!

The man galloped to the front of a high hall before stopping. There was already a tall man in brocade clothes standing on the steps, with a anxious look on his face.

This person was Shen Dan, a powerful man from Shangyong County, and the strong man who had just dismounted was his younger brother Shen Yi, who had just brought a very important news to Shen Dan from Shangyong City.

Shen Yi didn't even tie the horse, she threw down the reins and went forward to salute Shen Dan.Shen Dan didn't speak, and walked quickly to his study with Shen Yi.

After the two entered the study, Shen Dan closed all the doors and windows, and asked Shen Yi eagerly, "Second brother, have you heard about the eldest son Liu Chan?"

Shen Yi grabbed the teacup on Shen Dan's case, took a sip, felt a moist feeling in her throat, and replied: "Brother, I have planted dozens of flowers on every road outside Shangyong City according to your instructions. A spy! But do you think it’s strange? For some reason, Liu Chan’s men disarmed Liu Feng’s men and horses in Baimasai, then bypassed Shangyong City in the middle of the night, and set off in the direction of Xincheng. Little brother today After getting the news earlier, I felt that it was weird, so I hurried to report to you."

Shen Dan nodded and sat down in his seat, bowing his head and meditating.After a long time, Shen Dan raised his head and patted the table excitedly, and said to Shen Yi: "I see, there must be a dispute between the brothers of the Liu family, that's why Liu Chan didn't dare to enter Shangyong City!"

He had to think about such a simple matter for such a long time, and his mind was really unflattering. No wonder he was suppressed by Li Xinhui after Liu Feng took over Shangyong City!

Shen Yi nodded and said, "Brother makes sense. Since Liu Chan doesn't pass through Shangyong City, we won't be able to see him. What should we do next?"

Shen Tan laughed: "Liu Chan has traveled long distances, if he doesn't resupply in Shangyong City, then he must go to Xincheng to resupply, otherwise the rest of the journey will be in the barren mountains, why should he starve to death in the mountains? Although we are losing power in Shangyong, we have food, grass and money at hand, so Liu Chan may not be tempted. I want to leave for the new city immediately, and you immediately follow with three thousand shi of grain!"

When Shen Yi heard that her brother would send out so much food at one time, she felt very reluctant, and asked, "Brother, do you really want to send so much?"

"I can't bear the fact that the child can't be tied to a wolf! Second brother, we are now being robbed of so much land and forest by that bastard Li Zhao. If we don't find a backer, maybe even our home will be annexed in a few days!"

Only then did Shen Yi nod, and walked out of the study to organize people to load the food.And Shen Dan also came to the account room to withdraw 500 gold, and took twenty retainers with him to protect himself, and the group drove to the new city.

On this day, there were only a few pedestrians on the road thirty miles away from the new city, but now it is a scene of flying pennants.

A team of thousands of people lined up on both sides of the road. In front was an official dressed as a scribe in red, and behind were dozens of officials or local tyrants in different costumes.

This red-clothed official is Meng Da, the prefect of Xincheng himself.He had already received a notification from Liu Chan's communications officer yesterday that Liu Chan's team would enter the new city today.Even if Meng Da didn't need Liu Chan's notification of such news, he would have already received the news from his Tan Ma that Liu Chan bypassed Shangyong and entered the new city directly.

Meng Da is a person with outstanding knowledge, and his intelligence is naturally much higher than that of Shen Dan. After receiving the news, he thought for a while and realized that there might be a problem between the two brothers Liu Chan and Liu Feng. Brother's city!
Therefore, Meng Da then thought, if this is the case, then he should be able to use Liu Chan's power to counter Liu Feng's suppression of him!That's why Meng Da brought so many people out of the city for thirty miles to meet Liu Chan with such great fanfare.

Several hours have passed now, but there is still no sign of Liu Chan's team, Meng Da can't help but feel a little uneasy.Most of the people he brought with him began to look impatient and began to whisper to each other.Meng Da secretly sighed in his heart, these local officials really don't know the law, they don't even know what Wang Hua is!

He called the person in charge of the scouts under him and asked him to send a few more scouts to the front to check the situation.Soon, scouts came to report that the team of the eldest son Liu Chan had arrived three miles away.Hearing this, Meng Da immediately ordered his subordinates to cheer up and welcome the son.

Sure enough, soon, a group of troops appeared in front of the road. Judging from their momentum, they looked very majestic, and they all carried the banner of "Deng".Meng Da knew that Liu Chan's envoy to Jingzhou this time was led by the school lieutenant Deng Ai to protect him, so now he was completely sure that the army ahead was the team of his son Liu Chan.

At this time, the army stopped, and a general wearing armor and a slightly dark face rushed out from among them. He stopped his horse only when he came to the front of Meng Da's team.Seeing that the welcoming scene in front seemed a bit chaotic, he couldn't help frowning, but he still shouted calmly: "This general's son Liu Chan drove off Deng Ai, but in front of him is General Meng Da, the prefect of Xincheng?"

Meng Da stepped forward to salute and said, "I am Meng Da. May I ask General Deng, has your son's car arrived yet?"

Deng Ai also immediately saluted Meng Da, saying: "The son's car is already waiting for the general."

With a wave of Deng Ai's right hand, the army immediately separated from the middle, and the carriage of the eldest son Liu Chan slowly drove out and stopped in front of the team.Followed by two hundred white-eared guards in white clothes and armor, sitting on white horses and armed with silver guns, all of them looked majestic and high-spirited, and immediately suppressed the chattering officials and tyrants of the new city.

Deng Ai told Meng Da that the carriage that came out belonged to the eldest son Liu Chan.After Meng Da thanked Deng Ai, he quickly led people to meet him.When Meng Da came to the front of the carriage, he saw a young scholar in white clothes standing beside the carriage. He looked very handsome.Meng Da recognized Zhuge Qiao, so he nodded to him first, and then came to Liu Chan's car, bowed and said: "Xiaguan Xincheng prefect Meng Da, brought all the officials of Xincheng to pay homage to your son."

Zhuge Qiao stepped forward to open the curtain for Liu Chan, revealing Liu Chan's true face inside, a thin young man with big eyes, wearing a red shirt, looking energetic.

In fact, Liu Chan didn't want to make such a serious matter at first, but Zhuge Qiao reminded him that the three eastern counties are located in a remote place, the folk customs are different from those of the outside world, and the etiquette and laws are also very primitive. If not, I am afraid that they will not be respected by the locals.Therefore, Liu Chan's actions appear to be so rigid.

Liu Chan stepped out of the carriage, looked down at Meng Da, and found that although this man could lead troops to fight, he was actually a literati.Then he looked down at the Xincheng officials below. They all lowered their heads and dared not look at him.

Liu Chan nodded secretly, knowing that what Zhuge Qiao said was indeed true. If these people hadn't seen his majesty, they would probably still be twittering.

Liu Chan raised his voice and said: "General Meng, all the servants of Xincheng, this son is only an envoy to Jingzhou now, and I am ashamed to ask you to come to greet me in person."

Hearing this, Meng Da quickly led everyone to salute Liu Chan again.

After Liu Chan asked everyone to stand up, he got out of the carriage, stepped forward and held Meng Da's hand, and said, "General Meng is a man of insight in Yizhou. .Now that Wang Hua is implemented in the three eastern counties, it is really hard work."

Meng Da smiled slightly, the ambition in his heart was natural, it was impossible to just implement some kind of kingship in this corner, but to go back to Chengdu to make a big splash.Although Meng Da thought so in his heart, he didn't even dare to say it in his mouth, and then praised Liu Chan.

Liu Chan said again: "General Meng's achievements in Xincheng, I have heard a little about it along the way, so you don't have to be humble."

Then, Liu Chan asked Meng Da to introduce the people he brought to him one by one, and exchanged pleasantries with each of them.

Those people originally thought that they were just going through the motions today, and then went back after seeing what Shi Zi looked like.Unexpectedly, Liu Chan, the eldest son, really knows how to respect the virtuous and corporal, so he restrained his indifferent thoughts in his heart, and all answered Liu Chan respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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