Chapter 178
After Liu Chan entered the new city, Deng Ai's army was stationed outside the city, and Deng Ai could not enter the city, so he could only rest in the camp outside the city.

Meng Da had already arranged a residence for Liu Chan in the city, but it turned out to be Meng Da's residence.Although Liu Chan wanted to live in the post station, he was too embarrassed to refuse Meng Da's offer, and he had no intention of staying in the new city, so he agreed.

Then, Meng Da set up a reception banquet, which was naturally indispensable.Although Liu Chan hated banquets, but in order to make friends with officials and powerful officials in Xincheng, he naturally had to attend.In fact, for the powerful, many times it is not that they can do whatever they want, but most of the time they are involuntary.

After the banquet, Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao went back to their rooms to rest, but they heard a servant of the Meng family come in and report that his master Meng Da asked to see him.Liu Chan secretly sighed that Meng Da could hold his breath. When he greeted him today and at the banquet just now, he was talking to him about irrelevant things. Now that there are no outsiders, will he secretly come to discuss something with him? ?Liu Chan wanted to ask the servant to invite Meng Da in.

After Meng Da came in, there was a woman behind her, holding a tray in her hand with a blue and white porcelain bowl on it, which seemed to be filled with something steaming hot.

Meng Da stepped forward to pay respects and said: "It's really presumptuous to disturb the prince's rest in the middle of the night. I saw that the prince drank a lot of wine earlier, and I was afraid that you would feel uncomfortable when you slept at night, so someone prepared a hangover soup for you." The maid behind put the porcelain bowl in the tray on the table in front of Liu Chanzuo, and then asked her to leave.

Liu Chan smiled and said, "It's rare that General Meng is so careful, thank you."

After asking Mengda to sit down in front, he picked up the porcelain bowl and took a sip. He found that the temperature was just right, and it was still a very fresh bowl of fish soup, which was really refreshing.

After Liu Chan finished drinking the fish soup, he suddenly sighed and said to Meng Da: "General Meng, there were too many people before, and this son can't talk too much. Now there are only two of us here, so we don't have to be too formal in our conversation. Now you and my elder brother jointly manage the East Three Counties, and you have suffered a lot of grievances, in fact, these descendants know it, and it is really embarrassing for you."

Meng Da didn't expect Liu Chan to say such a thing, so he couldn't help being moved, and said, "Please don't worry about the lower officials. It is my duty as a subject to contribute to the King of Hanzhong. The prince is really too absurd."

Liu Chan saw that Meng Da's answer was well grasped. He really deserved to be a famous scholar from Yizhou. He said with a smile: "General Meng is really too modest. With General Meng's knowledge and achievements, naturally he should not be confined It's a despicable place here."

The expression on Meng Da's face changed, and his eyes became energetic.Because he had a feeling that the reason why Liu Chan said this sentence was not just casually, so he said: "Meng Da's talent can only govern a city."

Liu Chan waved his hand and smiled, "Before Chan came out of Chengdu, the King of Hanzhong once mentioned to me the general's talent and said that as long as there is General Meng Da in the three eastern counties, they will be safe and sound. It is impossible to turn out any storms."

Meng Da's heart moved, and he guessed that the "wind and waves" in Liu Chan's words naturally referred to his elder brother Liu Feng.Because now the only ones who can stir up huge waves in the three eastern counties are himself and Liu Feng.

I have always been at odds with Liu Feng, and the son hinted to me in front of me, either explicitly or secretly, to tell myself that he and the King of Hanzhong want to use their own strength to contain Liu Feng's power in the three eastern counties.Meng Da was secretly happy. He had always wanted to find a backer who could fight against Liu Feng, but now the backer came to him automatically.

Meng Da stood up from his seat, bowed and said: "From now on, as long as the son and the king of Hanzhong have orders, the officials will definitely go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Liu Chan thought to himself, it is really easy to talk to smart people, as long as the other party can understand.He asked Meng Da to sit down quickly, and emphasized: "Although the three eastern counties are remote, they are actually an important place. It is the link point where the King of Hanzhong straddles the two states of Jing and Yi. The location is very important. There can be no mistakes. Then everything here will depend on General Meng."

"Your official must keep your son's orders in mind. It's just that the lower official came to visit late at night, and there is actually one more thing to discuss with your son."

Liu Chan snorted and asked Meng Da to explain the matter.Meng Da told Liu Chan that there was a guest in his family who wanted to meet the prince.Liu Chan frowned slightly, he couldn't figure out who was missing at the banquet just now, and it was so late at night that he invited Tuo Mengda to meet him?
Meng Da had sharp eyes and a careful mind, seeing Liu Chan's displeasure on his face, he told Liu Chan that this man was a powerful man from the East Three Counties, his surname was Shen, his first name was Dan, and his character was Yiju.This person previously occupied Shangyong, and was later forced to surrender by himself and Liu Feng. Now in Shangyong, he is coerced by another powerful man, Li Zhao and Liu Feng.

Shen Dan, Liu Chan, naturally knew about it, but this person was a typical wall-scratcher who fell on both sides. He would take refuge in whoever warlord gained power in Shangyong.

Li Zhao, Li Xinhui, and Liu Chan have also heard some rumors from Zhuge Qiao, and they are still Liu Feng's Zuo Changshi.Liu Chan felt in his heart that there seemed to be something he could take advantage of in this battle between the two great powers of Shangyong.He just nodded and asked Meng Da to bring Shen Dan back.

Shen Dan waited outside for most of the day, and he couldn't help feeling anxious.Now that Liu Chan was willing to see him, he was overjoyed, he even forgot to thank Meng Da, hurriedly tidied up his clothes, walked quickly to the door of Liu Chan's bedroom, and saluted, "Shangyong Shendan pays homage to your son."

The image of Shen Dan originally imagined by Liu Chan was a wretched man with a head like a mouse, but he didn't expect that the person in front of him was actually a big man with a tall head and a horse.He stood up slowly and asked Shen Dan to come in and talk in detail.

Only then did Shen Dan dare to look up into the room, and found that the eldest son Liu Chan was still young, with a thin figure, but a pair of deep and majestic eyes, he quickly walked into the room, turned around and closed the door.

Seeing that Shen Dan was also looking at him, Liu Chan smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Shen Dan's name, I have already heard about it when I was in Chengdu. I don't know why you came to see me late at night?" Then he asked Shen Dan to go ahead. take a seat.

Shen Dan knew that his name in Chengdu should be due to the fact that he was forced to surrender by Meng Da and Liu Chan, so he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, so he sat down uneasy.Then, Shen Dancai said: "The villain has long heard of the son's celestial appearance in Shangyong, so he came here to ask to see him."

Liu Chan saw that Shen Dan could still say such an elegant sentence as "the posture of heaven and man", which really subverted his original impression of this person again, and said with a smile: "Mr. Shen Dan, don't be polite, just say what you want bring it on."

Seeing that Liu Chan was a straightforward person, Shen Dan nodded and told Liu Chan.He came to ask for an interview this time, and brought some small gifts for the son, and asked the son to be his subordinates.

Liu Chan was also interested, but was a little surprised when he asked.This Shen Dan sent himself 500 gold and 3000 shi of grain at once, which is quite a big deal.And this should be the first generous gift Liu Chan received along the way, and he couldn't help but feel very happy.So Liu Chan didn't refuse, so he took him in without hesitation.

Seeing that he had successfully bribed Shen Dan, he was also secretly happy, and then he got to the point: "Your Majesty has learned a lesson, this villain came to visit this time, besides giving gifts to your Majesty, there is actually another matter to ask your Majesty to be the villain's master."

Of course Liu Chan knew that Shen Dan came to give gifts for no reason this time, and he must have something to ask later, so he was already prepared to sit down and negotiate the price, and the matter must have something to do with Li Zhao, so let Shen Dan talk about it.

Shen Dan stood up from his seat and began to complain to Liu Chan how Li Zhao had colluded with Liu Feng to oppress good people in Shangyong and robbed his family's land and forests.At the end, Shen Dan couldn't help but burst into tears.In fact, Liu Chan was happy to see Shen Dan go bankrupt, after all, few of these so-called local tyrants were good.But seeing him crying loudly in his own room late at night was really outrageous, so Liu Chan had no choice but to persuade him a few words before he stopped crying.

Liu Chan went on to say: "Mr. Shen Dan, I already know about your grievances. But you should also know that Liu Feng is my elder brother. Do you know the so-called inseparable relationship?"

Shen Dan was a little frightened by Liu Chan's words, thinking that Liu Chan was trying to protect Liu Feng, and immediately knelt down and said, "Your Majesty has learned from you. Although the villain has grievances, he never dares to separate himself from your Majesty!"

Liu Chan nodded, feeling that talking to this person should not be as cryptic as Meng Da's, otherwise he would be confused, so he cut to the chase and said, "Mr. Shen Dan, the King of Hanzhong attaches great importance to the three eastern counties. Secretly tell General Meng that there must be no accidents here. Your family is a local powerful and powerful, so I will not hide it from you. The King of Hanzhong has doubts about Liu Feng, so you just need to stand firmly on your side The prince and General Meng Da will naturally be able to recover their lost property in the future."

Shen Dan was not too stupid, he finally understood that the King of Hanzhong was suspicious of Liu Feng, that's why Liu Chan wanted to side with Meng Da himself.Shen Dan was overjoyed, knelt on the ground and bowed to Liu Chan again: "Now that the son has said this, the villain can rest assured!"

Only then did Liu Chan ask Shen Dan to get up and take his seat again, and then specifically told him to keep this matter a secret, even his closest relatives, brothers, wives and children were not allowed to disclose a word, otherwise he would be at his own risk!

Shen Dan was a little frightened by Liu Chan's solemn exhortation, and hurriedly obediently agreed.

Only then did Liu Chan say: "Mr. Shen Dan, the reason why Li Zhao can oppress you is simply because he is now Liu Feng's Zuo Changshi. So in order to prevent you from suffering in the future, sir, the son of tomorrow will let Meng Da The general appointed you as the local captain, and then you can feel proud."

Shen Dan was overjoyed when he heard the words, he never imagined that he would return to an official position just by paying 500 gold and 3000 shi of grain, and immediately expressed his gratitude to Liu Chan, promising: "If your son needs grain and grass in the future, Shen Dan's warehouse is up to you! "

Liu Chan was overjoyed, but of course he knew that Shen Dan's words were just empty talk.He promised to give Shen Dan an official position, but it was just to take advantage of Meng Da's favor, and everyone already owed each other nothing.

At this time, there was no need to continue the chat, so Liu Chan sent Shen Dan away on the pretext of needing a rest late at night.Then he ordered Zhuge Qiao to be called, and asked him and Deng Ai to take people to Shen Dan to get the 500 gold and 3000 shi of grain tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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