Chapter 18
Sun Quan has been in a very depressed mood recently, because Liu Bei captured Yizhou, and people's hearts gradually settled down. On the ground in Jingzhou, Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu are guarding together, and their momentum is in full swing.And since Sun Shangxiang returned to Jiangdong, his ears have never been quiet—Wu Guotai would come to him from time to time to nag him, telling him to let Sun Shangxiang go home as soon as possible.

But can Sun Quan do such a thing?What's more, Liu Bei still occupies his Jingzhou and won't return it!The lord is very angry, and the consequences are very serious.Those lonely palace ladies are finally blessed. Every night, Sun Quan would vent his anger on those poor palace ladies.

On this day, Sun Quan sent someone to invite Zhang Zhao into the mansion.Seeing Sun Quan's worried face, Zhang Zhao knew that Sun Quan had something important to discuss with him, so he asked Sun Quan what he was worried about.Sun Quan sighed, turned to look northwest and said, "Jiangbei, oh Jiangbei..."

Zhang Zhao was an obedient person, so he guessed that what Sun Quan meant was referring to Jingzhou, which was borrowed by Liu Bei and never returned, and the Xiangyang area, which was firmly controlled by Cao Cao until now.

He asked Sun Quan not to be too sad, now Jingzhou Wen has Zhuge Kongming and Wu Guanyu, it may be difficult to win, the lord needs to slowly think about countermeasures.Seeing that Zhang Zhao seemed to have reservations about what he said, Sun Quan asked Zhang Zhao for advice.

Zhang Zhao said: "Maybe I only completed half of the mission last time, so I can continue."

"Liu Chan!" Sun Quan suddenly realized.Last time Zhou Shan only brought back Sun Shangxiang, but let Liu Chan run away, which is really a pity.

"Exactly! The old man has a suitable candidate now, and he needs an eloquent person to persuade him"

"Who is that candidate?"

Zhang Zhao looked around vigilantly, and then whispered five words into Sun Quan's ear, which must be someone's name plus the word.

Sun Quan thought about it for a while, then nodded and said: "This person is suitable when he thinks about it, but he suffered a lot from the transaction with us last time. Will he cooperate with us this time?"

Zhang Zhao said with a smile: "At the moment of interest and hatred, there is no room for him to disagree."

Sun Quan nodded, and then invited Zhang Zhao to deal with it in person.Because the old gentleman can't help being knowledgeable and eloquent.If he can go out in person, he will definitely succeed.

A smug look appeared on Zhang Zhao's face.But in fact, he didn't want to do it himself, and said: "My lord, I'm old, so I can advise you. But it's better to leave the execution to the young people."

Sun Quan asked Zhang Zhao who would be the best candidate.Zhang Zhao recommended two people to Sun Quan.

One is Kan Ze, who was a hero in the Battle of Chibi. Even a wise man like Cao Cao can deceive him, so his ability goes without saying.What's more, he had already met the other party last time, and everyone was already familiar with him.

The other person is Dong Xi, who can be used to assist Kan Ze.In fact, if Chen Wu has no mission, Zhang Zhao thinks he is the most suitable candidate.

Sun Quan very much agreed with Zhang Zhao's choice.Because the person who executes this role will secretly enter the territory of Jingzhou.Needless to say, Kan Ze's ability, but Chen Wuxi is good at leading elite soldiers and is very capable.However, Dong Xi was eight feet tall and powerful, so he was up to the task.

Sun Quan very much agreed with Zhang Zhao's choice.Because the person who executes this role is going to secretly enter the territory of Jingzhou.Needless to say Kan Ze's ability, but Chen Wu was good at leading elite soldiers, and unfortunately died at the hands of Cao thief.Dong Xi is eight feet long and has extraordinary force, which is also worthy of a heavy responsibility.

Half a month later, a group of people dressed as merchants ushered in an abandoned village a hundred miles away from Jiangling City due to the war.

There were about five to sixty of them, and most of them carried weapons with them, drove dozens of carriages full of things, and came slowly towards the village.However, the leader was a man dressed as a scribe, followed by a very burly warrior!

It was dusk now, and they probably wanted to find a place to spend the night.

In this chaotic era, the merchant class is definitely a high-risk group.Because now not only are there bandits occupying mountains as kings everywhere, but also those chaotic troops roaming around will do things like being murdered and stolen at any time.Therefore, most businessmen usually have such a few tricks, and they also like to go together.

But at this time, a few heads suddenly appeared on the wall of the village that was extremely quiet and lifeless.

"Brother, someone is here." The yellow-toothed guy said to a very strong man.

"Do you still need to say that? We can finally make a good fortune today. I can only hide in this stupid place for so many days. I am almost suffocated to death!"

"It's, it's..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry up and inform the village master to see what to do." The brawny man said angrily.

The yellow tooth quickly slid down the wall and rushed towards the best house in the village.

At this time, the burly man with a height of eight feet behind the scribe stepped forward.He was wearing a red square scarf, a red shirt, a long sword at his waist, and a long knife in his hand, which looked really heavy.

Especially the bearded face, the upside-down eyebrows, paired with a pair of piercing eyes, it looks really scary.

The strong man on the wall was shocked.He didn't expect that there would be such a vicious character among the merchants, and he might be an extremely difficult character.Before making a move, he had already lost for a while in terms of momentum,
In fact, this eight-foot strong man was pretended by Dong Xidong Yuandai, one of the Twelve Tiger Ministers of the Eastern Wu Dynasty.Dong Xi shouted loudly towards the village: "Listen, people in the village, let your chief come out, our husband has something important to discuss with him!"

The burly man on the wall originally wanted to wait until the merchant entered the village, and then close the door and beat the dog.Did not expect to be discovered by them.The strong man couldn't help wondering if he had been spotted somewhere.He simply stood up from the wall and shouted: "Since you know there are people in the village, you dare to be so arrogant! You want to court death, don't you?"

"Go and tell your chiefs that we are businessmen from Jiangdong, former acquaintances. Hurry up and report, don't be so long-winded!" Dong Xi scolded.His voice was like thunder, scaring the strong man.

In a short while, more than a hundred people appeared at the entrance of the village.It turned out that Fuyun Futianyuan came out with his son Fuyao and a group of personal guards.

When Fu Tianyuan saw that scribe, his face immediately became solemn. That person was actually Kan Ze who had traded with him last time and designed the Jingzhou Army together!It's a pity that he was almost wiped out by Zhang Fei and Liu Chan's army because of this, and his painstakingly managed lair was turned into ashes!
When Kan Ze saw Fu Tianyuan appear, he immediately showed a bright smile on his face, stepped forward to salute, and said, "Brother Tianyuan, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

With a straight face, Fu Tianyuan said coldly: "Seeing each other is worse than seeing each other!"

Kan Ze was not angry, he took out a letter from his arms with a smile, and said, "Here is a letter written by my lord. Brother Tianyuan will know the clue after reading it."

Fu Tianyuan took the letter hesitantly and opened it for a look, the unhappy look on his face suddenly disappeared, revealing a look of great joy.This person changed his face too quickly!
Then, Fu Tianyuan waved his right hand and said with a smile: "Brother Kan has come all the way, and he will be my honored guest. Let's talk inside, please!"

Kan Ze nodded triumphantly, as if he had expected the other party to react like this.Then, he and Dong Xi entered the village with Fu Tianyuan and came to the place where Fu Tianyuan lived.

But it is just a small tile-roofed house, divided into two entrances, the front and the back, and the place seems a bit narrow.But even so, compared to other houses, it is already much better.

After the four entered the room and divided the guests and hosts into seats, Fu Tianyuan immediately assigned people to guard the surroundings of the house tightly, and no one was allowed to approach.Only then did Fu Tianyuan hypocritically say: "The place is shabby, I hope Mr. Kan will not be disgusted with it.".

Kan Ze waved his hand, and went straight to the topic: "Brother Tianyuan, you're welcome. It should have been mentioned in the Lord's letter that Kan is here to discuss a major matter with you, right?"

Fu Tianyuan nodded, telling Mr. Kan Ze to speak up.Kan Ze said: "Wu Hou wants to ask Brother Tianyuan to help. You may know that Wu Hou's sister is Liu Bei's wife, and now she has returned to Jiangdong. She misses her child very much, and now she is sick. So Wu Hou thought Please ask brother Tianyuan to escort the child to Jiangdong, hope she recovers quickly."

Fu Tianyuan sneered when he heard the words.What kind of escort is clearly for him to kidnap the ticket!But as soon as Kan Ze mentioned Liu Chan, Fu Tianyuan hated him so much that he didn't hesitate to mention to Kan Ze that Liu Chan Xiaowa accompanied Zhang Yide to break his cottage.

Kan Ze smiled slightly and said that he had already heard the whole story.Liu Chan is only a five-year-old child, what can he do so that Fu Tianyuan doesn't have to be involved with him?And after the matter was completed, Fu Tianyuan asked the officials for money, and Soochow responded to every request.

Kan Ze's conditions are too tempting for Fu Tianyuan who is about to have nowhere to go.He is a leader among the robbers, but he is not a hero in troubled times, nor is he as far-sighted as Chu Yan, the head coach of the Black Mountain Army.He only knew that Soochow had pointed out a clear path for him now, but he didn't realize Soochow's sinister purpose behind the scenes to arrest Liu Chan.

"Okay!" Fu Tianyuan smiled immediately, "Wu Hou loves me so wrongly, Fu Tianyuan will definitely go through fire and water for Wu Hou!"

Seeing that Fu Tianyuan agreed to cooperate, Kan Ze finally let go of his hanging heart, and asked Fu Tianyuan what good strategy he could have to invite Liu Chan out of Jiangling City.

Fu Tianyuan smiled and said: "Brother Kan, don't worry, I happen to have three suitable candidates here!"

Then, Fu Tianyuan clapped his palms a few times, and saw three people walking out of the back room quickly, and then knelt down in front of Fu Tianyuan.

These three people look very strange, all of them are thin and small.What's even more peculiar is that their whole bodies are almost covered by black cloths, and black scarves are also covered on their heads and faces. Only a pair of sharp eyebrows are exposed, and a slender knife is carried behind their backs.

Kan Ze immediately became curious about these three people, and asked Fu Tianyuan for their backgrounds.Fu Tianyuan said quite proudly: "Brother Kan doesn't know, these three are ninjas from the island country Fusang, who are best at assassination and kidnapping!"

Kan Ze, who has always been well-informed, asked, "Is this Fusang the island country Wa in the East China Sea?"

"It's the country of Wa."

Then, as if Fu Tianyuan wanted to show off in front of Kan Ze, he nodded to the three of them.

One of them took out a few black objects, and suddenly threw them on the ground, followed by three bangs, and then a burst of thick white smoke filled the entire hall, blocking everyone's sight.

When Dong Xi saw this, he couldn't help but gasped in surprise, and immediately thought that Mr. Kan Ze might be in danger, so he wanted to step forward to protect him.But when he arrived at the position where Kan Ze was just now, Kan Ze had completely disappeared.

Dong Xi was startled, and quickly shouted: "Mr. Kan, where are you?..." He shouted several times, but he still couldn't hear Kan Ze's response.

Dong Xi immediately realized that Kan Ze must have been captured by the three masked men just now!He rushed out the door, only to find that Kan Ze was already standing outside the door with those three people!

Kan Ze couldn't help clapping his hands and said with a smile: "These three are really powerful, and they are worthy of this job!"

(End of this chapter)

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