The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 19 The City Gate Riot

Chapter 19 The City Gate Riot ([-])

In the afternoon of this day, it was almost night, and the setting sun in the sky had disappeared. The white clouds that were originally like a pile of cotton wool had now turned into a gray color.

The inside of Jiangling City was as peaceful as in the past, except that a long queue had already formed at the gate of the city.Looking at the sky, it turned out that it was time to close the city gate.

At this time, two people appeared behind the crowd, walking slowly side by side.

One of the people on the horse is a young man of twelve or thirteen years old, and the other is indeed a majestic warrior with a sword on his body and a tiger-headed silver spear hanging on the saddle bridge, which is really majestic.

What is even more dazzling is that not only their mounts are all white horses, but also the clothes on their bodies are also silver white, which almost dazzles people's eyes.These two people are Liu Chan and his guard Zhao Feng.When the two came to the city gate, they found a queue of people blocking their way.

It turned out that Liu Chan was in a depressed mood today, so he went outside the city to get some air after school, and when he didn't want to come back, he encountered road congestion, so they had to stop.

However, this evokes Liu Chan's memories of the 21st century - when the Celestial Dynasty commutes to get off work every day, there is no day without road congestion.

Liu Chan said with some annoyance: "It's almost time to close the city gate, why are there so many people blocking the city gate? What are the soldiers guarding the gate doing for food!"

Then Liu Chan subconsciously thought, so many people suddenly appeared here, is there another fight somewhere?He asked Zhao Feng to go with him, and the two went to the city gate.Liu Chan wanted to see what happened in front of him, and why it was so messy.

Wherever the two passed, the crowd made way for him.When he approached the gate of the city, Liu Chan discovered that someone had a dispute at the gate of the city, which caused traffic jams!
In front of the dragon in front was a short person wearing a bamboo hat with a layer of black gauze around the edge. Judging from his figure, this person should be a woman.Beside her was a man who was also thin and short, with a very distinct scar on his face.

The two seemed to be brothers and sisters, a soldier checked their salutes and was about to let them go.

At this time, a small school in charge of the inspection stepped forward, looked at the woman up and down, and said with a smile: "You little lady, why are you so secretive? It's because you are so beautiful. Or is it because you are too ugly? Come on, let the uncle see...hehehehe..."

As the little school said, he was about to step forward and push back the layer of black veil.No, the woman reacted quickly, and immediately retreated a few steps away, not letting the little school succeed.

Seeing this, the dwarf who was walking with the woman stepped forward to separate the two of them, and said to the small school: "Master Jun, we two brothers and sisters are from Zhangzhuang outside the city, and we are going to take my sister to the city to see her in-laws today. Please do me a favor." , don’t embarrass us.”

When the little school heard that the woman was here to meet her in-laws, a lewd smile appeared on her face, her two eyes were glancing at the woman's chest, and she kept asking her her age.The woman didn't know if it was because of shyness or something, no matter what the little school asked, she just didn't speak.

The dwarf helped to answer again: "Master Jun, my sister is 16 years old this year. If you don't find her husband's family now, she won't be able to get married in the future. Please do me a favor, let us go there?"

No, the little schoolboy turned around and slapped the dwarf, and said angrily, "Go away! Did I ask you?"

Then, the little school instructed a soldier to step forward and punch the dwarf in the face again.The dwarf's body was relatively thin, and he fell to the ground in an instant, bleeding from his mouth.

"Brother..." The woman was really anxious now, she rushed over to help the dwarf up, took out a square handkerchief and helped the dwarf wipe away the blood from the corner of his mouth.

But the little school was still relentless, stepped forward and pulled the girl up forcefully, and said with a lewd smile: "Little lady, your voice sounds really good. Just let the old man see what he looks like." ! If you are good-looking, I will marry you as the second wife, it is better than marrying a poor family and suffering for a lifetime!"

Seeing her wrist being grabbed by the other party, the woman struggled vigorously and exclaimed: "You villain, let me go..." But she is a weak woman with too little strength, how could she break free from the clutches of a soldier ?

Seeing that the girl had nothing to do, the little school couldn't help feeling even more proud, so he reached out and took off the girl's bamboo hat.A very delicate face was exposed below, with a pair of watery eyes, the eye sockets were red, looking pitiful.And judging by her age, she was only fifteen or sixteen years old, which seemed quite immature.

"Hey, you are so handsome!" The principal reached out and touched the girl's face, "It's so smooth and tender!"

"Officer, please do me a favor and let our brothers and sisters go. We will definitely be grateful to you in the future, and offer you three sticks of incense every day!"

"Bullshit! Three sticks of incense every day! Are you cursing me to death?" The little principal cursed loudly, "Slap me!"

Clap, clap... Two people passed by the little principal, one of them grabbed the dwarf's arms, and the other gave him another seven or eight slaps with a wave of his palm, and the dwarf's face swelled up.

The people waiting for the inspection next to them were used to seeing officers and soldiers oppressing the people, but when they saw that the dwarf was too miserable, they became a little bit agitated.

"What do you want to do? Let my brother go!" The woman's temperament was quite strong, although tears were already streaming down her cheeks, she tried her best not to cry out.

The little principal smiled lewdly: "Hey hey hey... Actually, I don't want him. As long as you are willing to go back with me, I will not only let your brother go immediately, but also let you eat and drink spicy food every day."

"What if I don't?" the woman said angrily.

"If you don't, your brother won't be able to live today. I'll take you away too!"

"Sister, don't listen to him, even if my brother dies, I won't let you go with him!" The dwarf on the side was caught by two soldiers, but he still shouted loudly.

Although Liu Shijun is known as benevolent and righteous, in this chaotic era, not all of his soldiers are kind, and there are probably many things that bully the poor.

However, Liu Chan really couldn't stand it anymore, this small school was too blatant!He immediately stepped forward, raised his horsewhip and pointed at the little schoolboy, shouting, "Stop! How dare you be so shameless that you dare to moles a decent woman in public!"

The little principal blinked his triangular eyes, seeing that although Liu Chan was dressed in extraordinary clothes, he was still very young, so he didn't take him seriously.But Zhao Feng next to Liu Chan, dressed in a majestic warrior outfit, looked majestic, which made the little school feel a little bit scrupulous.

The little schoolboy curled his mouth, and immediately said angrily to Liu Chan: "Where did the ignorant boy come from, and dare to control your uncle! What are you molesting a good woman in public? I am arresting these two enemy spies!"

This small school is really good at eloquence. It was able to tell such a brazen lie in public. The crowd was immediately in an uproar and began to discuss it.

Seeing the situation, the small school was afraid that the crowd would mutiny at the gate of the city, so he immediately ordered his dozens of subordinates to take up weapons and guard the gate of the city tightly.Then, he pointed at Liu Chan and shouted: "Come here, arrest this kid for me, he must also be a spy sent by the enemy country!"

Liu Chan thought it was really funny, if the future of his majestic Jingzhou is mainly spies, then in the entire Jingzhou territory, Liu Bei is the only one who cannot be a spy, but Liu Bei is not in Jingzhou yet!
(End of this chapter)

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