The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 20 The City Gate Riot

Chapter 20 The City Gate Riot ([-])

Liu Chan then raised his horsewhip, pointed at the five people who were about to arrest him, and shouted: "Stop! The person you want to arrest now is not me, but him!" Then, the horsewhip pointed at the little school, who was quite pregnant. For the momentum of the superior.

The soldiers stopped immediately, looking at each other at a loss, not knowing what to do next.

Seeing Liu Chan acting like this, the little school couldn't help being furious, and shouted: "This kid is too rampant. You bastards, how dare you disobey my father's order?!"

Liu Chan sneered and said, "They just don't obey your orders, so what can you do?"

Said, Liu Chan waved his right hand.Zhao Feng immediately jumped up and landed in front of the five soldiers. He was extremely fast!The five people just felt a blur in front of their eyes, and then saw a tall white figure and a pair of fleshy palms continuously greeting them.

In an instant, there were continuous slaps, and each of the five soldiers received three or four slaps on the face.Then Zhao Feng slapped each of them again, knocking them all down to the ground, then stopped, clapped his hands and stood in front of Liu Chan's horse.

Seeing this, the little school became even more angry, maybe he was really evil, and he didn't think about it carefully, if the other party had such a master to protect him, could his identity be so simple? !He immediately drew his sword and shouted: "How dare you injure a soldier, you must be a spy of the enemy country." Then he ordered his subordinates to take Zhao Feng down.

No, before he gave his order, Zhao Feng rushed to Xiaoxiao again under Liu Chan's signal.He stretched out his right hand extremely quickly, grasped the little principal's wrist, and twisted it forcefully.

The small school's martial arts is actually not very strong, how can it be the opponent of a master like Zhao Feng?So after a move was restrained, he was already panicked, and his hand was pinched by Zhao Feng's huge force, and the pain was unbearable, and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground with a bang.

Then, Zhao Feng let go of the schoolboy's collar, and lifted him up with one hand, and slapped him with the other hand, and slapped the schoolboy a dozen times.The beating made the little school stare in eyes, and his face was swollen!It was a heart-warming move, and there was a burst of cheers from the crowd.

Seeing that Zhao Feng was already imposing enough, Liu Chan stretched out his hand and took out a golden token, and ordered the soldiers in a loud voice: "You take this small school down for me, and escort it to the Jingzhou government office to deal with it!"

The small school had been beaten by Zhao Feng, but now seeing that the bronze medal belonged to the envoy's mansion, he suddenly regained consciousness.He was suddenly so frightened that his legs went limp, and only then did he realize that he had provoked a powerful person today.

He immediately fell to his knees and said: "My lord, it is clear that this official is not molesting women, these two are indeed spies sent by the enemy..."

Liu Chan couldn't help raising his horsewhip, and slapped Xiao Xiao on the back, until the man grinned.Only then did Liu Chan shout: "I was in the crowd just now, and saw what happened clearly. How can I tolerate your sophistry? Let me tell you, I hate people who bully the good and fear the evil the most. See if I don't care about it later." Cut off your head!"

So, Zhao Feng immediately assigned two soldiers to escort the small school.

Seeing that the matter was finally over, the two brothers and sisters stepped forward to thank Liu Chan.Liu Chan just smiled at the two of them, telling them that this is a trivial matter and they don't need to take it to heart, appearing extremely amiable.

But the woman was thanking, and secretly looked at the mighty and upright Zhao Feng with the corner of her eyes, her face suddenly turned crimson, but she also looked very charming, she must have been fascinated by Zhao Feng's demeanor just now .

Zhao Feng's eyes were so sharp, he immediately found that the woman was looking at him secretly, he couldn't help being stunned by the other's appearance, and his face was slightly hot following her.He couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and quickly looked away, looking elsewhere.

Although the performance of these two people was secretive, Liu Chan had already noticed them.He didn't tell the truth, but he just kept it in his heart, and when he was going back, he sent someone to check the residence of the two brothers and sisters, to see if they could match them up.

Then, Liu Chan raised his voice and shouted to the crowd: "This son is Liu Chan, the son of Liu Shijun in Jingzhou. I now announce that the gate guard school will molested women from good families in public, beat civilians, and violated military discipline. I will be escorted to the prefect's mansion for punishment today! Entry into the city is exempt from inspection, everyone enters the city immediately!"

After hearing Liu Chan's order, the crowd burst into cheers.But Liu Chan ordered the gatekeepers to escort Xiao Xiao into the city, and then rode horses with Zhao Feng and followed the crowd towards the city.

At this time, Zhao Feng just followed Liu Chan unhurriedly, but he didn't know that there was a pair of beautiful eyes looking at his back with attachment.

She whispered to her brother: "This young master is actually Liu Chan...then he should be Zhao Feng."

While driving the horse slowly, Liu Chan was also quite proud of himself.In fact, there is a reason why Liu Chan wanted to punish the little school.Because if the Jingzhou army wants to firmly occupy the territory of Jingzhou, it must win the hearts of the people here.This small school robs and beats people in public, and the impact it causes is too bad, and it will make Liu Bei lose popular support.

Moreover, Liu Chan's previous life, Yang Hansheng, liked to read martial arts novels the most, and he still had some notions of heroes saving the beauty in his heart, so of course he couldn't tolerate the act of robbing good women.What's more, by doing so, he can also improve his reputation and popularity, so why not do it?

Sure enough, soon, Liu Chan's deeds of severely punishing the soldiers who disturbed the people were widely praised in Jingzhou. Not only did his popularity soar, but the plot of the story became more and more bizarre.In the end, Liu Chan, a 12-year-old boy, was actually portrayed as a tall, mighty, wise and handsome boy, which directly left Liu Chan speechless for a long time, and sighed, it really is three people who become tigers!

However, the problem now is, how did Liu Chan know that the rescue scene he staged today will soon solve the problem.

Soon after, several soldiers appeared on the streets of Jiangling City, escorting a small school.The little principal's face was livid, with a dejected look.This person is the little school who molested women from good families at the gate of the city.

Suddenly, a silver light flashed in front of Xiaoxiao's eyes, and he felt a tingling in his throat.He wanted to stretch out his hand to scratch, but the moment he raised his hand, he suddenly felt that his throat became suffocated, and he couldn't breathe at all!Then, the physical strength of the whole body disappeared suddenly, like a broken water bag, the water in it ran away all at once.

The little school didn't even have time to let out a miserable cry before he fell to the ground and died.It turned out that the little school had a poisonous needle stuck in his throat, which instantly killed him.

The escorting soldiers suddenly became a mess, but now the streets are full of pedestrians, and the murderer has disappeared without a trace...

(End of this chapter)

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