Chapter 180 Old Enemy ([-])

Liu Chan saw that the old boatman was unwilling to take the little salt under his hands, knowing that the people in the mountains have such temperaments, and they always follow the concept of "no merit, no reward", so he smiled and said: "Old man, we had a good conversation today, and you invited us at home again." When eating, we Han people pay attention to 'reciprocity', just like you barbarians don't like to owe favors to others, so you just take the salt."

The old boatman still postponed, because the price of the salt was enough for him to treat several meals.Seeing this, Liu Chan stopped persuading the stubborn old boatman, but went to the old boatman's granddaughter Ajima, handed all the salt to her, and said with a smile: "Since your grandfather is unwilling to accept it, then I will give it to you." Here you go."

Ajima helped the old boatman ferry every day, met more people, and knew more about the world, and knew that Liu Chan's salt was of course not for herself, but just a trick to give to her grandfather, and then she blinked her big eyes Blinking at the old boatman, it seems to be asking for the old boatman's opinion.The old boatman still shook his head at her.

Seeing this, Liu Chan stepped forward to block Ajima's sight, waved to her, and told her to go back to the kitchen quickly.Ajima knew what Liu Chan meant, and she actually liked the salt in her heart, so she smiled happily, turned around and ran to the kitchen happily.

Seeing this, the old boatman could only sigh.But Liu Chan has done things to this point, according to the rules of the mountain people, he can no longer refuse, otherwise the relationship between the two parties will be broken. In the future, people will say that he is mean, and hurt the face of the guests in order to save his own face. .He thanked Liu Chan again, and then immediately went to the back room and brought out two jars of rice wine brewed by himself as a treat.

The appearance of these two jars looks like the jars used by Sichuan people to pickle pickles in later generations.It's just that its volume is much smaller. It seems that the wine inside is only about seven or eight catties, and it is sealed with a layer of mud, which seems to be some years old.

After the old boatman stretched out his hand to open the seal, the inside of the wine jar immediately exuded a strong aroma of wine, which is really fragrant!
Most of the wines from the Three Kingdoms period were rice wines with low strength and a fairly aromatic taste, but this was the first time Liu Chan had seen such fragrant wines as Lao Chuanfu's.He couldn't help but praised: "Old man, your wine is really mellow!"

Wine is a must-have item in every barbarian's home. When entertaining guests, a comparison must be made. It can be said that the quality of wine is related to the reputation and glory of a family.So the old boatman was even happier when he saw Liu Chan praising the quality of his wine. His back, which was slightly hunched, suddenly became straight.

When the old boatman got excited, he told Liu Chan that his rice wine was not simple, but was brewed using a secret method. First, it was brewed with coarse grains, and then it was brewed again with rotten wild fruits picked up from the mountains...

As Liu Chan listened, he thought to himself that it was no wonder the wine was so mellow. Feelings were not only rice wine, but also fruit wine.

At this time, Ajima also delivered the meals one after another. There were fish, meat, wild vegetables and vegetables, and the dishes were very rich.Especially the bowl of bamboo shoot soup, the soup color is pure and transparent, it looks really mouth-watering!

Due to the large number of people, everyone could only sit on the spot. Liu Chan, Zhao Feng and his wife, and the old boatman were together, and the rest of the guards walked around by themselves.The old boatman wanted to pass a jug of wine to the guards. Although they were all very hungry, they didn't dare to pick it up, because Liu Chan's soldiers were absolutely forbidden to drink.

There is absolutely no ambiguity in Liu Chan's execution of the law, even to the point of being almost harsh, and even himself can't tolerate himself violating military discipline.But now that he is a guest at someone else's house, he can't spoil the host's face, so he said: "You take the bar, but it can't exceed three bowls."

When the guards heard this, they immediately cheered.In fact, these guards are all huge, and it is not a problem to drink two jars, not to mention that this jar of wine is not enough for each person to get three bowls.So everyone knew what Liu Chan meant.

So, soon, there was a sound of toasting inside the stilted building, accompanied by the sound of falling rain hitting bamboo leaves outside, which was quite interesting.

Later, Liu Chan saw that there was not enough wine for the guards, and he had already eaten three bowls, so he asked the old boatman to give them more wine from his own side, so that each of them could make up three bowls.Therefore, everyone ate this meal very happily, and it didn't end until more than half an hour later.

After eating, Liu Chan chatted with the old boatman again, and by the way, he learned about the situation in the mountains, and heard a sound of horseshoes outside, and someone shouted to this side: "Is there anyone? Come to the ferry, someone We have to cross the river!" Judging by the momentum, the person coming must be a strong man full of spirit.

The old boatman was a devoted man, he got up from his seat immediately and was about to go downstairs.His granddaughter Ajima said a few words to the old boatman in the aboriginal language, and then rushed downstairs by herself.Liu Chan guessed that she should let the old boatman stay with the guests, and let her do the ferry work.

After a while, a guard came in and reported that Miss Ajima was arguing with the guests crossing the river, and the other party had a large number of people.When the old boatman heard this, a trace of nervousness appeared on his face, and he quickly stood up and rushed downstairs.

Liu Chan was afraid that an accident would happen to Lao Chuanfu and Ajima, and they had been bothering here for a long time. Now that the rain had stopped, it happened to be time to say goodbye, so he followed the old man downstairs.

Everyone soon saw a lot of people lined up on the other side of the river, about dozens of people, and they didn't know their identities. There were still three people on the river bank who hadn't crossed the river.It was these three who came into conflict with Ajima.

One of the strong men was tearing up with Ajima, when he heard the man say in official language: "Give it to me, give it to me quickly, what my son likes, dare you not give it..." The man was obviously Han, Seeing something on Ajima, he was about to forcibly snatch it away.

Although Ajima can't speak official Chinese, she can understand it. She is arguing with the other party in the aboriginal language, holding the other party with both hands but not letting go.The strong man saw that a weak barbarian woman was so difficult, he was furious, and suddenly he drew his knife and wanted to chop off at Ajima!
Liu Chan had already come nearby, and seeing the situation clearly, he couldn't help but be frightened by the cruelty of the other party, and immediately shouted to his guards to save Ajima as soon as possible!

With a whoosh and a flash of white light, Shi Hui's hidden weapon and the tiger-head silver spear in Zhao Feng's hand flew out at the same time.But it was still a bit late, the strong man's knife had already been chopped off, Ajima let out a miserable cry, and fell into a pool of blood.

It wasn't until this time that Shi Hui's shuriken hit the strong man's Yintang, while Zhao Feng's tiger-headed silver spear passed through his neck. There is also a jasper firmly grasped.

This jasper is obviously Ajima's, and its color is completely translucent.It is said that there are many beautiful jades in Jingshan Mountain, and seeing it now is indeed a well-deserved reputation, Ajima is probably killed because of this.

Until this time, the old boatman, who hadn't figured out what happened before, finally understood, let out an exclamation, and was about to rush over to fight the remaining two strong men.Liu Chan was afraid that the old boatman would have another accident, so he immediately stretched out his hand to hold him back, and ordered Shi Hui to rush to treat Ajima, and Zhao Feng led people to clean up the remaining two.

I don't think so, those two strong men are very fierce. Seeing Zhao Feng and a dozen people rushing forward together, they didn't show any fear, and rushed forward with their swords drawn—a group of desperadoes came out of nowhere. !
But no matter how fierce they were, they were no match for the white-eared guards with superb martial arts skills. They were beaten black and blue in less than three moves.

Only then did Liu Chan and the old boatman rush over to inquire about Ajima's injury.Shi Hui told Liu Chan sadly that the child was seriously injured, and she couldn't be cured now, and she might need to be taken back to the military camp to be treated by a doctor before he could be cured.

Liu Chan was furious and asked Shi Hui to take him back to the barracks for treatment, and Shi Hui took him away immediately.The old boatman was already stunned by Shi Hui's words, but now that Shi Hui took his granddaughter away, he still couldn't react.

Liu Chan asked Zhao Feng to escort the two captives to kneel on the pier, and shouted loudly to the other side: "You must explain the matter clearly to me today, otherwise I will never let it go!" The captive's neck seemed to be ready to kill to demonstrate to the other party.

The crowd on the other side spread out from the middle to both sides, and Liu Chan saw a young man who looked about his own age slowly urging his mount to come out.

This person was dressed in a black silk robe, with a long face, crouching silkworm eyebrows, a pair of small eyes shone shrewdly, and the expression on his face was very haughty, he did not look like a person born in an ordinary family.

As soon as the man came out, he pointed his horsewhip towards Liu Chan, and shouted, "How about explaining clearly, what can you do if you don't explain clearly?! How dare a little barbarian woman resist me!"

Hearing this, Liu Chan became even more angry. This man is simply a cruel devil, and shouted: "The barbarian is better than a dog like you. You must first make compensation and apologize, and then wait for the severity of Ajima's injury. If anything happens to her, you must accept the most severe punishment of the law!"

The young man in black robe saw Liu Chan's stern expression, like a skilled judge delivering a sentence, he was a little stunned at first, secretly guessing where Liu Chan came from, and then smiled disapprovingly: "Do you think you are really a minister of Dali Temple? How dare you speak disrespectfully to me!"

Liu Chan shouted: "If you don't dismount again, the heads of your two people will be separated immediately!"

The black-robed young man seemed even more disapproving, and smiled again: "You want to threaten me with their lives? Hehehe..." Suddenly, he swung his right hand whip down, and three whips flew out from behind him. Sharp arrows, one of them actually flew towards Liu Chan!
Since the river was only 20 meters wide at this time, and the opponent was using a strong bow, the arrow was extremely fast, and it had already reached Liu Chan's chest in the blink of an eye!Liu Chan's martial arts skills are very sparse, and he was frightened for a while, unable to react at all to avoid it, and he was about to die under the assassination.

At this time, a silver light flashed in front of Liu Chan's eyes, and Liu Chan found that Zhao Feng's tall body in white robes was already blocking him, and a black feather arrow was knocked down to the ground.

He turned his head to look, and saw that the two captives just now had the same black feathered arrow stuck in their chests, their heads were hanging down, and they were already dead again!

There was a chill in Liu Chan's heart, the young man in black robe opposite was too cruel, his thoughts were too vicious.But where did he come from? Why did two such brave men kill him without hesitation? !
(End of this chapter)

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