Chapter 181 Old Enemy ([-])

The suppressed anger in Liu Chan's heart finally erupted, and he knew better that although the opponent had many more people than himself, he was definitely not the opponent of his white-eared guards.Therefore, he immediately ordered all the white-eared guards to disembark with him, and must capture the black-robed youth on the other side!

Although this ferry is not big, it can accommodate so many people. The three guards standing at the stern stretched out their spears and pillars at the same time and pushed them to the opposite bank. The ferry rushed to the opposite bank like a sharp arrow. .

Seeing this, the black-robed youth on the opposite bank was amazed by the strength of the three guards, and immediately ordered his men to shoot arrows at the ferry boat.

All of a sudden, dozens of long arrows struck the sky and covered the sky.Zhao Feng protected Liu Chan behind him, and all the guards blocked the arrows one after another, but no one was injured!
Suddenly, three long arrows reappeared among the crowd on the other side, all of which were aimed at Zhao Feng alone, and each arrow was shot at exactly the same time!
Seeing this, Zhao Feng had every reason to believe that these three arrows and the three arrows that killed the two captives just now should all come from the same hand, and there must be an archery master hidden in the other crowd!
Zhao Feng didn't have time to think too much, he raised the tiger-headed silver spear in his hand, and the exquisite spear move came out, three crisp sounds of Dang, Dang, Dang, and three long arrows were thrown out.However, Zhao Feng felt a slight numbness in his hands, and sighed secretly that the opponent was really strong, after the arrow was shot, he still had such strength, he was really an opponent that should not be underestimated!

The general was attacked by someone like this, and the white-eared guards under him naturally couldn't just sit back and watch.Although they don't often use bows and arrows, they are all very good at archery. It is rare for more than a dozen of them to quickly unfasten the short bows on their backs, put the arrows on the strings, and shoot the long arrows with ease, unexpectedly knocking down five or six people at once !

Liu Chan immediately cheered loudly with excitement, but there was a little commotion in the other crowd.However, if they just wanted to shoot back at this time, there was actually no time, because the ferry had already hit the shore heavily.

Zhao Feng waved his right hand and shouted: "Leave one person to protect the young master, and the others will follow me!"

Zhao Feng leaped up to a height of one zhang, jumped into the opponent's crowd like a goshawk spreading its wings, and shot at the black-robed youth. It seemed that he wanted to capture the thief first and subdue the enemy in one fell swoop.

The young man in black robe was obviously a little frightened by Zhao Feng's lightness kung fu, he was at a loss for what to do immediately, just waiting for Zhao Feng's tiger-headed silver spear to approach him.But at this critical moment, the sound of bowstrings sounded, and a black-feathered arrow shot towards Zhao Feng's heart.

Zhao Feng had been guarding against the opponent's sharp archer for a long time, he turned his gun around with a shout, and was able to pick up the long arrow.But the opponent's arrow was so strong that it stopped Zhao Feng's charge, forcing him to land, and was immediately surrounded by five strong men.On the periphery, Zhao Feng's subordinates have already fought against the opponent's people.

Zhao Feng saw that the strategy of capturing the king failed, so he wanted to attack again, brandishing the silver spear with the tiger's head and launching a fierce attack on the five enemies surrounding him.

In an instant, the eyes of the five people were filled with silver light, and they were dazzled immediately. After two moves, there were two screams. Two of the five big men were picked up by Zhao Feng's tiger-headed gun!Zhao Feng wanted to take advantage of the momentum to advance again, but suddenly he heard the sound of bowstrings and three sounds of piercing the air, and it turned out to be three arrows in a row!
Zhao Feng couldn't help cursing that person inwardly for being too despicable, but he had no choice but to give up and continue attacking the remaining three, and waved the tiger-head gun to meet the three flying black-feathered arrows.

With two bangs, the Tiger Head Spear flew two long arrows, the third one was too fast, Zhao Feng couldn't dodge it and had to dodge sideways, heck——the long arrow tore through the white robe and drew a long line on his arm Wound.Seeing this, the young man in black robe suddenly showed a vicious smile on his flustered face.

Zhao Feng raised his head and looked forward. A very burly middle-aged man was standing in front of the young man in black robe. The muscles on his body were bulging like an explosion. A ferocious feeling like a beast.He held a huge longbow in one hand, and put three black-feathered arrows on the string with the other, staring fiercely at Zhao Feng with a pair of big eyes.

With a movement of the burly man's hand, the three actions of drawing the bow, aiming, and releasing the arrow were completed instantly!Since the distance between the two sides is too close now, it is almost impossible for Zhao Feng to block with the Tiger Head Spear this time.Therefore, Zhao Feng had no choice but to retreat for the time being. With a flash of his figure, he leapt ten feet away in an instant.

Zhao Feng knew that now the young man in black robe was not only protected by a formidable enemy like the sharp archer, but also there were more than a dozen big men lined up in front of the horse, so it was almost impossible for him to succeed.So, Zhao Feng immediately retreated to his subordinates, and launched an attack on the twenty or thirty enemies on the shore together, beating them so that they were powerless to fight back!
The young man in black robe saw that his subordinates were so incompetent, and he was killed by the opponent not long after a dozen, but only one of the opponent was slightly injured, and the angry look appeared on his face again.He then looked at Liu Chan on the ferry on the river, who was concentrating on watching the battle on the shore.He wondered why Liu Chan could use the tactics of capturing the king, but why couldn't he?What's more, my own conditions are more suitable for using the strategy of capturing the king!

He turned his head and gave two instructions to the sharp archer in a low voice. The sharp archer nodded and turned to look at Liu Chan. His big eyes once again shone with a ferocious light like a beast.With his left hand, he gently took out two black-feathered arrows from the quiver, then raised his longbow, and released the arrows. The two black-feathered arrows shot at Liu Chan with the black light of death shining.

Liu Chan didn't notice the sneak attack of the opponent's sharp archer at all, and was still watching the battle on the shore intently.Suddenly, the guard next to Liu Chan rushed to the side, and then screamed. A black-feathered arrow had pierced his back, and he fell to the ground and died. It turned out that he was going to help Liu Chan block a deadly black-feathered arrow.But since he was dead, he was naturally helpless against the second black feather arrow!
Liu Chan screamed, and the second black-feathered arrow hit him in the chest, and his body fell into the river!Seeing this, the young man in black finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

And Zhao Feng also discovered the situation on Liu Chan's side, and he was almost scared out of his wits.With a cry of surprise, he performed light kung fu and landed on the ferry. Seeing Liu Chan hiding in the water under the cover of the ship's side, his face was pale and he was still in shock. He was obviously frightened, but it seemed that he was not injured.

It turned out that Liu Chan had been wearing the "gold silk soft hedgehog armor" that Cao Cao gave Yang Song in Hanzhong, so he saved his life today.

Zhao Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief and pulled Liu Chan out of the water.The enemy obviously also found that Liu Chan was still alive, and the sound of three long arrows piercing the air behind Zhao Feng came again.

Zhao Feng was already furious in his heart, he turned around quickly, with the silver spear on his tiger head unceremoniously swept away the three black-feathered arrows, and loudly called two guards to come over to defend the eldest son Liu Chan again.Then, Zhao Feng returned to the shore and rejoined the battle, shouting loudly: "End the formation, the enemy will not be left behind!"

Eight majestic voices immediately shouted: "Yes!" The nine people gathered together and instantly formed a very strange formation, which shows that their cooperation is very skillful!
Seeing this, the young man in black robe ignored Liu Chan's side as well. He was already attracted by Zhao Feng's formation, and his small eyes were fixed on Zhao Feng's side.

Suddenly, Zhao Feng's formation attacked, and nine shiny silver spears struck out like a whirlwind, piercing the chests of five enemies at a time!The black-robed youth was shocked. He only saw the opponent's formation change, but he didn't see clearly how they changed and how they killed his subordinates.

At this moment, Zhao Feng's men suddenly broke out, and Zhao Yun's "Hundred Birds Facing the Phoenix" spear shot, and thousands of silver spots appeared in the sky, and instantly knocked down the four of them with a single shot. People are dumbfounded!When Zhao Feng landed, the formation behind him followed suit and launched another attack, causing the enemy to become chaotic.

Seeing such a reversal in the situation of the battle, the black-robed youth, how could he continue to fight this battle?After all, the young man in black robe was young, so he felt a little discouraged, so he pinned his hope of turning the tables on the archer again, and ordered the archer to snipe Zhao Feng, a super expert in a low voice.

The master archer reached out to touch his quiver, but his heart was slightly shocked. There were only two arrows left in his quiver!what does this mean?It means that the arrows I shot just now have almost no results, except for shooting a pawn of the opponent!

The sharp archer was a little annoyed, and even more unconvinced.He took the arrow again, nocked it, raised the bow, and took aim again. Just as Zhao Feng's tiger-headed silver spear was attacking, the sharp archer released his left hand, and the black-feathered arrow flew out.The sharp archer feels that this is definitely a must-kill arrow, and he expects Zhao Feng, a strong opponent, to be passed by in an instant!

Zhao Feng suddenly shouted: "Good time, now is what I've been waiting for!" He was in the air, but when he turned around, he turned the tiger-head gun in his hand and swept away the two black-feathered arrows with ease. Already prepared for the opponent's sneak attack.

Then, Zhao Feng yelled and raised his right hand, the silver gun with the tiger's head shining, let go of his hand, like a silver lightning, and shot at the young man in black robe who was on the horse.The young man in black couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and almost fell off his horse.

The sharp archer had no more arrows to use, so he had to rush to the black-robed young horse and leap up, a short knife appeared in his hand, and he blocked it with the tiger-headed silver spear.But Zhao Feng's spear was a blow that exhausted all his strength, a string of sparks appeared on the sharp archer's sword, but the tiger's head spear remained unchanged.

The sharp archer was heartbroken, and after a loud shout, he actually blocked the tiger-headed spear with his body, and was instantly pierced through his heart!What a loyal guy!After the tiger-head gun killed the sharp archer, it finally fell in front of the black-robed young horse.

But Zhao Feng didn't stop there.After he landed, he jumped up again and drew out the sword from his waist. Now that the archer was dead, he could finally charge the black-robed youth without any scruples.

The young man in black robe was already frightened by Zhao Feng's bravery. Now that he saw him rushing towards him, he immediately turned his horse and ran away regardless of the fact that there were many subordinates in front of him protecting him.

Liu Chan hated the young man in black to the point of itching his teeth. Seeing that he was about to run away, he suddenly became angry and lost his usual calmness.He pushed away the two guards in front of him, rushed to the bank, climbed on a black horse, and chased after the black-robed youth.He seems to have completely forgotten that his martial arts are actually quite simple.

(End of this chapter)

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