Chapter 182 Intrigue ([-])

Seeing Shizi rushing out to chase the enemy alone, Zhao Feng felt very anxious, but he was entangled by the enemies in front of him again, he couldn't separate himself at all, so he could only yell loudly for Liu Chan to come back quickly.But now Liu Chan is too angry in his heart, he will not pay attention to Zhao Feng's words, he just chased him out again.

After Liu Chan chased him for two or three miles, he clearly saw the figure of the black-robed youth galloping on horseback.And the other party also found Liu Chan behind him, so he whipped his mount with a whip, trying to make it run faster.

But Liu Chan's current equestrian skills are already small. After chasing for a while, he has come to one to 20 meters behind the black-robed youth.Liu Chan shouted loudly: "Little thief in front, get off my horse and accept surrender, or I will kill you without mercy!"

A hint of anger appeared on the pale face of the young man in black robe, and he whipped his mount violently, ignoring Liu Chan's words at all.

Seeing this, Liu Chan took out a small crossbow the size of a palm and a short ten-centimeter arrow from his arms, and Zhuge Junji gave one to himself and Zhuge Qiao each when he entered Hanzhong.Its shape is very delicate, but its power is not too great, but it is very suitable for self-defense.

Liu Chan adjusted his posture so that he could sit more stably on the horse, aimed at the back of the young man in black robe, pulled the trigger, and the short arrow shot out with a whoosh!

To Liu Chan's surprise, his own archery skills were really bad. Although he felt that his aim was accurate, after the arrow was shot, it was completely off.And the young man in black robe obviously also heard the sound of the bowstring, couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and hurriedly adjusted the reins to let the mount rush to the side, which happened to be the direction where the short arrow shot.

Now Liu Chan is really a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, he himself is ignorant, and the other party is also an idiot in martial arts!

Suddenly, the horse of the young man in black hissed long, and Liu Chan's arrow hit it in the hind legs. The horse's head stood upright, and the young man in black was thrown off the horse's back at once. After rolling a few times, he fell into a coma .Then the horse himself fell down on the road, must have broken many bones, and could never get up again.

Seeing this, Liu Chan cheered excitedly, but forgot to stop his mount immediately.When Liu Chan came a few meters in front of the horse of the young man in black, he exclaimed and wanted to rein in his mount, but it was too late.

The front legs of the mount stepped on the mount of the black-robed young man, and as soon as he leaned over, he threw Liu Chan off the horse, and fell unconscious as well—this time, not only did he not catch the enemy, but followed him. The enemy made a pair of brothers and sisters.

I don't know how long it has been, but Liu Chan feels his head hurts, his body is shaking and uncomfortable, and the sunlight outside seems to be glaring, so Liu Chan wants to call the guards to close the window for him.But when he blocked his eyes with his hands and barely opened his eyes, he suddenly found that he was not in the room.

Surrounded by a field, the weeds are long, the sky is blue, and a cloud floats slowly, like a lady taking a leisurely walk in the garden.The weather was really nice.

But Liu Chan was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery, because he was lying on a broken car bumping, his body was in pain, and there were many bruises.

He looked at his feet and almost cried out in fright. One of the shackles was put on his feet, but the other end was put on another person's feet. It was that goddamn black-robed youth—his situation seemed to be worse than his own. Oops, still unconscious.

Liu Chan was finally Zhang Fangping and Hua Tuo's registered apprentices, so he checked his body a little and felt relieved when he found that there was nothing serious.

Liu Chan's anger towards this black-robed young man still persists in his heart. If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have fallen like this, so he couldn't help but waved his hand and slapped him hard on the face.But the man was in a deep coma, without even a slight reaction, only a red five-fingerprint appeared on his face.

Seeing this, Liu Chan even wondered if he was already dead, but he could see a slight floating in his chest, obviously still alive.

At this moment, there was a conversation in front, which was still in Mandarin.Only then did Liu Chan remember that he should see who caught him.

He sat up from the broken cart and saw two knights in Han Chinese clothes in front of him, one in gray and the other in green.Because their backs were facing each other, Liu Chan couldn't see their faces clearly, but judging from their figures, they were not so strong. Among them, the horses of the men in gray were pulling Liu Chan's broken cart.

Liu Chan suddenly remembered something, quickly reached out to touch his waist, and found that his belt was still there.Then, he touched his riding boots and found that the Dragon City dagger was still there. Liu Chan immediately took it out and pinned it to his belt, so he felt relieved.

The man in Tsing Yi laughed and said: "Brother, what is the origin of those two boys, why did they both fall unconscious by the side of the road together?"

The man in gray said: "I don't know about that. However, judging by the appearance of those two people, they are not very old, and the clothes on their bodies are also very expensive. We might as well treat them well. Maybe we can learn from their family members because of this." Get more benefits."

The man in Tsing Yi thought for a while and said: "Brother's words are wrong. Didn't you see that both of them were carrying sharp weapons and crossbows? One of the black horses fell to death because of an arrow. If you're not a good person, let's not cause trouble, shall we?"

The man in gray nodded, then turned his horse and walked towards the back of the broken car, obviously wanting to follow behind the car so that Liu Chan and the two would not sneak away after waking up.The man in gray looked at Liu Chan and the two of them, and found that they were still unconscious.In fact, when Liu Chan saw the man in gray turning his horse's head, he immediately lay down again and pretended to be unconscious. His whole body remained motionless, so he was not found awake.

Liu Chan was standing next to each other like this, but he was constantly thinking about how to escape from the hands of these two adults.Until sunset, Liu Chan noticed that the young man in black robe beside him was breathing a little harder, and his fingers moved slightly just now.

Liu Chan finally learned some medical skills, and now he is extremely sensitive to the movement around him, knowing that the man is actually awake, but he is pretending to be unconscious just like himself, secretly thinking that this man is really alert.

Time soon fell into the night, the sky was decorated with stars in the dark sky, and the moon only had a slanted bend, like a cut in the night sky.

It's very dark tonight.

The two merchants camped in an open space by the roadside. In fact, they just lit two big bonfires so that the wild beasts in the mountain would not dare to approach them.

After they ate something and drank a little wine, they found that Liu Chan and Liu Chan were still in a coma. They couldn't help but feel a little discouraged, because if they continue to be in a coma like this, their injuries will be too serious to save, or they will starve to death.

However, the reason why they still have a little concern about the life and death of the two is simply because the lives of the two can be sold for money.The two merchants were afraid that they would run away when they woke up in the middle of the night, so they took two cowhide ropes and tied them tightly before going to sleep in peace.

The two merchants quickly fell asleep, snoring loudly.

Liu Chan was secretly delighted. Although his hands were tied, his wrists could still move, so as long as he turned his wrists to draw out half of the Dragon City dagger, and stroked the cowhide rope with pain, it would definitely break!
Liu Chan was thinking like this, and inadvertently turned his head to look to the side, only to find that the young man in black robe was also looking at him, his eyes were frighteningly cold and full of hatred!

But when he saw Liu Chan turning his head to look at him, the hatred in his eyes immediately disappeared, replaced by a smiling face, and whispered: "Brother, I didn't expect you to wake up too."

Seeing the other party's treacherous smile, Liu Chan felt even more disgusted in his heart, but he didn't point out his lies, and said with a smile: "Yeah, what a coincidence, we both woke up at the same time. How does your body feel?"

"Fortunately, there shouldn't be any serious problems. You should be fine by looking at Xiongtai's appearance. Little brother Marsh, do you know Xiongtai Gao's name?"

Liu Chan took out his usual alias and said, "I'm Yang Huang."

Ma Shi laughed and said, "So it's Brother Yang, I'm sorry I'm tied up so I can't show you my respects."

Liu Chan said with a smile, "Brother Ma is too polite, so of course I won't blame you." Liu Chan's remark was obviously to take advantage of Ma Shi, but Ma Shi just smiled lightly, as if he didn't take it seriously at all.

The two then chatted about their respective hometowns—this Ma Shi was from Luoyang, so Liu Chan naturally wanted to say that he was from Chengdu.However, the two have their own concerns now, so naturally they don't believe that the other party will tell the truth, so they repeat each other's words without saying a word. As a result, after chatting for a long time, they didn't get any useful information from each other!

At this time, Marsh yawned and said with a tired look: "Brother Yang, I'm tired and hungry now, I want to rest first. How about you?"

"Brother is naturally tired, brother, you should rest quickly."

What's funny is that although both of them said they wanted to sleep, they actually had ghosts in their hearts. Half an hour later, the two of them still looked at the starry sky with their eyes wide open, without any intention of going to sleep at all!
Liu Chan couldn't help feeling that it was funny, but he couldn't help feeling a long-lost excitement, and couldn't help but want to continue playing with him.Ma Shi felt a little uncomfortable, and asked, "Brother Yang, why aren't you sleeping?"

Liu Chan replied solemnly: "It's my brother, you don't sleep, otherwise how would you know I'm awake? Besides, my brother likes to sleep with his eyes open..."

Ma Shi was speechless to Liu Chan, and only then did he realize that people can "talk nonsense with their eyes open" like this!He thought that his skin was already thick enough, but he didn't expect that compared with this Yang Huang, it was like comparing the thickness of a tile with a piece of stone!
(End of this chapter)

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