Chapter 183 Intrigue ([-])

But not long after, Liu Chan finally couldn't help closing his eyes heavily, and there was a slight snoring sound.

Marsh was overjoyed secretly, and closed his eyes, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.From time to time, he slightly opened his eyes and peeked at Liu Chan, until he confirmed that he had indeed fallen asleep, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, even colder than the cold smile when he ordered that sharp archer to kill Liu Chan!

Ma Shi twisted his body a few times as lightly as possible, trying not to wake Liu Chan up, and a small, unusually sharp knife less than an inch long slipped out of his cuff!With a force on his wrist, Marsh cut the unusually strong cowhide rope.

But what almost scared Ma Shi out of his wits was that Liu Chan suddenly became dishonest at this time.He also had a strange dream, his feet were lifted up and kicked in the air, and the shackles on his feet made a rattling sound!Marsh had no choice but to immediately stop what he was doing, closed his eyes and continued to pretend to be asleep, but his back was already covered with cold sweat.

Sure enough, the movement of Liu Chan's shackles was too loud, which woke up one of the two merchants, and shouted: "What noise, it's so noisy!" Then he fell into a drowsy sleep again, and Liu Chan's noise also stopped.

After being frightened like this, Ma Shi didn't dare to act rashly anymore, and pretended to sleep for another half an hour. Seeing that Liu Chan had slept soundly again, he took out the dagger again.After only a few cuts, the firmly tied cowhide rope on his body was cut off.Ma Shi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Liu Chan who was still sleeping, and cursed in a low voice: "You don't know how to live or die, you like to toss so much even when you sleep!"

Ma Shi sat up gently and looked at a bonfire not far away. There were two sheets of oil paper spread on the grass, and the two merchants were lying on it, sleeping like dead pigs!Marsh knew that if he didn't run away now, when would he wait?
But he looked down at his feet. His right foot and Liu Chan's left foot were both locked by the same shackles. Even if he loosened the rope on Yang Huang, it would be extremely inconvenient for them to escape together like this!

Marsh recalled his father's teaching: man does not kill himself for himself!He gritted his teeth, and whispered to Liu Chan viciously: "Don't blame me for being vicious, since I killed you once that day, it is logical to kill you again today, and then chop off your leg! "Speaking, he raised the short knife in his hand and was about to stab Liu Chan's chest!
But at this time, Liu Chan groaned in his mouth, as if he was dreaming again, and turned his body unbelievably—the rope was loosened in such a miraculous way, Liu Chan turned over and lay on Ma Shi, holding Ma Shi with his left hand The right hand with the knife!
Without any preparation in advance, Ma Shi was crushed by Liu Chan and lay back on the broken car, unable to move at all for a while.

Ma Shi was a little confused at this time, because he couldn't figure out how the cowhide rope on Liu Chan's body came loose. Could it be that when he moved the knife just now, he also cut his cowhide rope unknowingly? ?But this is simply impossible!
Marsh's second feeling was that he was very uncomfortable.Because Liu Chan not only pressed his big head on his chest, his saliva quickly stained his chest, and even his thighs were pressed on his body.The current self is like a married person sharing the bed with a wife and concubine who sleeps poorly, it is simply miserable.

But he didn't dare to move, for fear that if Liu Chan woke up, he wouldn't be able to kill him, so how could he escape?So Marsh decided to bear it, and just stared at the sky with wide eyes in a daze!

But even so, Liu Chan is still not honest.He seemed to be sleeping a little restlessly, and suddenly opened his eyes with a small slit, and whispered to Marsh: "Little brother, you have grown up so much now, why don't you read books, and still like to play with knives? If you continue to do this Go on, maybe I will tell my father tomorrow!"

As he said that, Liu Chan reached out and took down the dagger in Ma Shi's hand, and he didn't know where to throw it when he raised his hand!Then he closed his eyes again and continued to sleep soundly.It looked like it was just a dream again.

Ma Shi really hated Liu Chan this time, wishing to strangle him to death with his own hands, because he threw away his precious short knife.Because that knife is not only sharp and small, but also a weapon that my father bought from a Hun for his own self-defense on his birthday!

Ma Shi suppressed his anger, gently pushed Liu Chan away from him, and wanted to sit up again.I don't want to, Liu Chan seems to feel too comfortable sleeping on Marsh's body, and now it feels uncomfortable to go back to the hard car floor, and suddenly wakes up with his eyes open.

Seeing this, Ma Shi quickly lay down on the car, but the back of his head hit the car board painfully, making a thumping sound.

Liu Chan was still raving: "Where are the drums beating, stop!"

Marsh had no choice but to answer softly: "It should be thunder in the distance... It's very late at night, don't bother with those anymore, go to bed quickly."

Liu Chan groaned, turned over, pressed his hands and feet on Marsh again, and snored again.Ma Shi secretly sighed that he was too unlucky, how could he let himself meet such an "octopus"?Even sleeping is so annoying!He wanted to push Liu Chan away again, but he could smell a very quiet and faint fragrance in his nose. It tasted very good, and he didn't know it was the fragrance of flowers.

Marsh couldn't help but took a deep breath. For some reason, he felt drowsy all of a sudden. He couldn't help but started to yawn, and finally closed his eyelids heavily, and actually fell asleep.

At this time, Liu Chan opened his sleepy eyes, rubbed his eyes and sat up from the car board, with a smug smile on his face——with such a sufficient energy, it is not like a person who just woke up from a deep sleep. people.

Liu Chan stretched out his hand to pat Ma Shi's face, and said with a smile: "Boy, you are too young to play tricks on your family!" Legs, it's just a lifelike performance!If Marsh was still awake now, he must have exploded with anger.

Liu Chan took out a few small packets of powdered medicine from his belt, checked it, and found that there was still a lot of weight in it, so he was relieved, and sighed: "If it weren't for these drugs given by Shi Hui, this son would have It's really not an easy task to get rid of this Ma Shi! But this man is too hateful, he actually killed this son twice, we must not let him go like this!"

So, in the silent night, apart from one or two messy chirping insects, there was another crackling sound.I saw Liu Chan's slap fell on Ma Shi's face unceremoniously like a whirlwind. Ma Shi's face became red and swollen, but he was still in a coma. Shi Hui's drug was really powerful of.

After hitting him ten or twenty times in a row, Ma Shi's face was swollen like a pig's head, and Liu Chan also felt pain in his hands, so he stopped with satisfaction.

Liu Chan looked at the masterpiece he had left on Marsh's face, and finally couldn't help but giggled: "It's all right now, not only has it turned into a pig's head, but I'm afraid I can't even open a pair of small eyes. !Hey Hey……"

Liu Chan saw that Ma Shi had been taught a good lesson by him, and now that he was out of anger, he finally couldn't help yawning, and it was time for him to sleep peacefully.Liu Chan stretched out his foot and kicked Ma Shi aside, occupying most of the car, and then tied the cowhide rope back to his body.

Shi Hui has been with Liu Chan for so long, although Liu Chan can't learn her high-tech unbinding technique, but he has learned the little trick of binding himself.So, after three or two strokes, Liu Chan turned himself into a mess, and then lay down and fell asleep.

In the morning, the sky was bright, and a thin mist rose on the mountain, filling the few gaps between the trees, and the forest looked like three-dimensional gardens floating in the sky.

For those who are capable of doing business, the most needed quality is hard work, so the man in gray naturally woke up early in the morning.He didn't care about washing up, so he came to the broken car to check on Liu Chan and the two, but he was so frightened that he screamed and fell down on the grass.It turned out that he was frightened by Marsh's bruised nose and swollen face, and thought he had seen a ghost.

The scream of the man in gray woke up the man in Tsing Yi.He thought something unexpected happened to his brother, after all, there are many evil beasts in the mountains.He immediately got up from the ground, grabbed a knife and rushed out, but saw his brother fell to the ground.

He ran over to help the man in gray up, and when he looked at the broken car, he couldn't help being a little stunned, and said angrily, "What's going on? This man was fine before, why did he become like this now?" ?!"

Of course no one would tell the man in Tsing Yi what happened.Because the victim, Ma Shi, is still unconscious, but the client, Liu Chan, is still in a deep sleep, drooling all over the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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