Chapter 184
The man in Tsing Yi stepped forward to check Marsh's injuries, and found that although his face was swollen, it was actually a skin trauma, and the swelling would naturally subside after a period of rest.But he had doubts in his heart, who caused this kid's injury, and how did someone cut off the cowhide rope on his body?

His brows were slightly frowned, and he looked at Liu Chan, who was still sleeping soundly, obviously he was the most important suspect.But he looked at the firmly tied cowhide rope on Liu Chan's body again, and quickly denied his guess.

The man in Tsing Yi stepped forward and pushed the horse, trying to wake it up, but he couldn't wake it up no matter what, but his breathing seemed to be smooth, and he was not dead.This is another oddity.The man in Tsing Yi couldn't help it, so he turned to wake Liu Chan up.

Liu Chan was sleeping soundly. He felt someone pushing him, and subconsciously wanted to slap his hand off, but now he was bound by a cowhide rope and couldn't break free. "Who is so bold to wake me up? It's still so early!"

Hearing this, the man in Tsing Yi showed a ferocious smile on his face, stretched out his hand to pat Liu Chan's face, and said with a smile, "Little bastard, you still don't know how to get up at dawn!" He grabbed Liu Chan by the collar and pulled him up from the wooden board .

Liu Chan finally woke up from the sleepiness just now, and found that the Tsing Yi businessman was standing in front of him, looking at him with displeasure.

Liu Chan said with a dry smile: "But what's the use of getting me up now? I'm tied up all over by you now, and I can only lie on the car when I wake up. Oh, no, you should have asked me to get up for breakfast, right?" ? Well, I'm really hungry right now! Why don't you let me go quickly?"

The man in Tsing Yi sneered, pointed at Marsh and said, "You don't have breakfast. Let me ask you, what is going on with this man?"

Liu Chan turned his head to look at Ma Shi's miserable appearance, and couldn't help laughing loudly, but he would not admit that Ma Shi's injury was caused by himself, and said, "Didn't you see that my son just woke up now?" Is it? And my body is still tied with a rope! By the way, quickly untie me, this is really uncomfortable."

The man in Tsing Yi sneered again, but he didn't want to pay attention to Liu Chan anymore, and he was about to walk away after calling the man in gray.Seeing this, Liu Chan found that the man in Tsing Yi was a bit scheming, and he didn't seem to talk too much, so he was really not easy to deal with.He rolled his big eyes twice, stopped the man in Tsing Yi, and shouted: "If you let me go, I can give you twenty gold as a reward!"

Hearing the words, the man in Tsing Yi turned around and said viciously: "Do you think our brothers can't see that you are a child of a rich family, and haven't thought about sending you home in exchange for reward? Hehe... there are nine out of ten fools who do such kind deeds. In the end, you all died on your false accusations! So, don’t try to use this method to escape.”

Liu Chan couldn't imagine that this person would not be tempted by high money rewards at all, so he couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.The so-called good man does not suffer from immediate losses, so he had no choice but to beg: "Master, I have been in a coma for an unknown number of days, and now I am really hungry and thirsty. Please let me go and give me some water and something eat it?"

The people in Tsing Yi knew that two days had passed since Liu Chan was found by him, and he was definitely hungry.Moreover, Liu Chan has given in now, so he gave up the idea of ​​tempering Liu Chan's temper and making him honest on the next road, so he agreed to give Liu Chan food and water, and Liu Chan couldn't help being overjoyed.

But the man in Tsing Yi threatened Liu Chan that he must be honest and not have any thoughts of running away, otherwise he would never let him go lightly.

Liu Chan naturally obediently agreed, but in fact he was secretly laughing at the naivety of this person's threat. Who would be caught and sold by others, who always thinks about running away?While Liu Chan was thinking, the cowhide rope was untied by the man in Tsing Yi.

Liu Chan cheered happily, and found that he still had a pair of shackles on his feet. Ma Shi was still in a coma, how could he get up and move around?Liu Chan said to the man in Tsing Yi with a bitter face: "Master, do you want to serve me for breakfast?"

The man in Tsing Yi felt a little strange and asked, "How do you say that?"

Liu Chan pointed to the shackles on his feet.When the man in Tsing Yi saw it, a stern look flashed in Yin Yi's eyes, and he immediately left a sentence, asking Liu Chan to wait for Marsh to wake up before they went to eat, and then turned to leave.

Liu Chan thought in his heart that this person's temperament is really strange, he is probably one of the most difficult people he has encountered so far!Liu Chan had no choice but to stop the man in Tsing Yi again, scolding him for being so shameless, has his conscience been eaten by dogs?

The man in Tsing Yi turned around and said with a sneer, "My conscience was not eaten by dogs, but by wealthy people like you!"

Liu Chan looked into the opponent's eyes, and couldn't help feeling a chill in his heart. The opponent's eyes were actually burning with blazing anger like vengeance!Liu Chan secretly guessed that this person must have been severely stimulated before, so that his mind was twisted and even a little abnormal. Such a person cannot be provoked now, otherwise he might kill himself immediately, and it would be too bad.

Liu Chan said kindly, "Master, I have been hungry for many days, and I am spoiled, ignorant, how can I escape in front of you two strong men?"

Then, he pointed to Ma Shi and told the man in Tsing Yi that Ma Shi was his cousin, and he could put his shackles on Ma Shi's feet, so he couldn't leave his cousin and run away alone, right?
The man in Tsing Yi felt that Liu Chan's words were actually somewhat reasonable, so he took off the shackles on Liu Chan's feet and put them on Ma Shi's other foot, which really hurt Ma Shi.

Liu Chan was overjoyed, this person in Tsing Yi was cautious in everything, but he still couldn't compete with his glib tongue!Now that he is light without shackles, it will be no problem to escape when the time comes.Liu Chan stood up from the broken car very proudly, and moved his numb body on the broken car.

Seeing Liu Chan dawdling like this, the man in Tsing Yi felt a little unhappy again, and scolded: "Hurry up and get out of the car, if you dawdle any longer, I promise you will starve for another whole day!"

Naturally, Liu Chan didn't want to talk to this guy with psychological problems, so he obediently got out of the car and followed behind the man in Tsing Yi.Then, he saw the man in gray standing close by and looking at him, his eyes were obviously much softer, not as fierce as the man in green, and he subconsciously felt that the breakthrough should be on this man.

Therefore, although Liu Chan was extremely hungry, he still slowed down on purpose, making friends with the man in gray without saying a word.

Maybe it's because it's too boring to walk with people like the man in Tsing Yi, and the road is really suffocating, so the man in gray quickly opened up the chatterbox.

It turned out that the man in gray was named Zheng Wen, and the man in Tsing Yi was named Zheng Wu, who lived in Dangyang. The purpose of entering the mountain this time was to negotiate business with the local aboriginal adults.Apart from these, the man in gray would never reveal anything else.

Liu Chan saw that this person's words were a little secretive, and there seemed to be some ulterior motives, so Liu Chan couldn't help but began to doubt the identities of these two people.But he didn't continue to ask any further, because the man in green must have heard what the man in gray said, and he was looking at him with stern eyes, and shut up quickly.

Seeing that Liu Chan had shut up, Zheng Wu took out a piece of cake from the package and threw it to Liu Chan.Although the cake was ugly, but now Liu Chan was very hungry, smelling the faint aroma, almost drooling.

But Liu Chan has always been calm. The common sense of the 21st century tells him that people who are starving continuously cannot overeat immediately, otherwise the food will wear through their stomach wall and let them die unexpectedly!Liu Chan suppressed his appetite and said to Zheng Wu: "I want to drink water first, otherwise this cake will be hard to swallow."

Zheng Wu glared at Liu Chan, threw the wine bag over, and said, "Why do you have so many things to do? I only have wine here."

Liu Chan took a look, his eyes lit up, this wine bag is a little different, it seems to be a water bag used by the army!Liu Chan was even more suspicious of the identities of these two people. He opened the stopper and poured a lot of wine into his stomach. He sneaked his right hand into his belt, wiped it on the mouth of the wine bag after drinking, and praised: "Good wine! Drink I feel really comfortable afterwards!"

Liu Chan did not return the wine bag to Zheng Wu, but threw it to Zheng Wen.Zheng Wen took it subconsciously, and after taking a big sip, he handed it back to Zheng Wu and said, "Second brother, you also have a sip to refresh yourself." How deadly!

Zheng Wu didn't doubt that he was there, so he also took a sip of wine, and it was still a big gulp before he put away the wine bag, sat on the side and didn't speak anymore.Liu Chan ignored the two of them and gnawed at the piece of cake, silently counting the time in his heart.

After half of Liu Chan's cake was eaten, the Zheng brothers began to feel weak, and without warning, they quickly collapsed on the ground and couldn't get up.Liu Chan was overjoyed when he saw this. Although the drug he had smeared on the mouth of the wine bag was very little, it was still possible to make the two of them feel weak.

Zheng Wu's reaction was extremely quick, realizing that there must be something wrong with the wine he drank just now, and seeing Liu Chan looking at him as if nothing had happened, he immediately asked: "Could it be that you have tampered with my wine?" Is it? But how is this possible!"

Liu Chan threw away the cake in his hand, clapped his hands and smiled and said, "How do you know it was me who did it? Hehehehe... But, I will let you enjoy being tied up with a cowhide rope later." taste!"

(End of this chapter)

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