The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 185 The Honest Traitor

Chapter 185 The Honest Traitor
At this time, a disdainful voice suddenly came from the side, and said with a smile: "Cousin, why is it so troublesome to use a leather rope!"

Liu Chan turned his head and looked to the side, and saw a young man in black robe with small eyes and a swollen face standing not far away, it was Ma Shi.Liu Chan didn't expect that he would wake up at this time, still holding his short crossbow in his hand, and a pair of small swollen eyes were aiming at him coldly.

Liu Chan quickly waved his hand and laughed, "Brother, don't be so joking, this bow and crossbow is very dangerous, and how could I be your cousin? I'm too high-flying!" Before he knew it, Liu Chan had drawn Calling Marsh "Xiandi" was replaced by the word "Xiongtai".

Ma Shi smiled triumphantly and said, "Brother Yang, what did you say? You heard the conversation with these two just now." He used to call Liu Chan "Brother", but now he also followed Changed to "Yang Xiandi".

Liu Chan didn't care about it either, so he could only smile and said, "Hey hey hey...Brother Ma, that's all a misunderstanding, just a misunderstanding."

Ma Shi looked down at the shackles on his feet, and said with a smile: "In this case, Brother Yang might as well try it later, how does this pair of shackles feel on your feet?"

Liu Chan was in great pain and immediately thought of running away, but how could his speed be faster than the crossbow in Ma Shi's hand?I had to stand aside silently.When Ma Shi saw this, the corner of his mouth twitched triumphantly, and he turned to Zheng Wendao, one of the two Zheng brothers: "Quickly tell me, where is the key to the shackles on my feet? Hand it over!"

Zheng Wen looked at his younger brother Zheng Wu weakly, and said, "It's on my younger brother."

Ma Shi acted very cautiously, and immediately looked at Zheng Wu, the information in that gaze was self-evident, requiring Zheng Wu to respond.Zheng Wu was already very angry at being subdued by a child, but now that another kid who had been unconscious all this time came to threaten him, he was even more annoyed, his face turned red immediately, and he snorted coldly He turned his face aside.

Liu Chan hastily persuaded: "Zheng Wu, the so-called 'a good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses', if you don't want to die, you should quickly hand over the key in your hand?" Then he looked at Ma Shi, the short crossbow in his hand was already Instead, he aimed at Zheng Wu who was lying on the ground.Ma Shi said viciously: "If you don't hand it over again, I will shoot an arrow through your heart right away!"

Zheng Wen knows that his younger brother is a strong bone who will not eat soft and hard. When he was bullied since he was a child, he would rather be beaten to death than beg for mercy, so he has always liked his younger brother's temper.But today is a matter of life and death, and there is only one life, and if you lose it, you will never get it back!

He quickly persuaded: "Brother, you are the only family member of my brother in this world. If you die, how can I live up to the oath I made when my mother died?" Looking at his expression, he seemed very sad.

Zheng Wu looked at his elder brother, and there was a hint of warmth in his ferocious eyes, his unyielding temper began to soften, but he was still unwilling to hand over the key in person.

Liu Chan said with a smile to Ma Shi: "Brother Ma, you have hands and feet, and now they have become two useless people. Wouldn't it be easier for you to search them out yourself? Why bother talking nonsense with two little-known people here?" , you will lose your identity."

Ma Shi was thoughtful, so he naturally knew that Liu Chan's persuasion to act quickly was false, and most of the words were flattering to him, but even though he knew this, he still felt very useful in his heart.He didn't say he agreed, but he walked towards that Zheng Wu.

The Ma Shiren walked up to Zheng Wu, and saw that he not only did not change his face in front of his short crossbow, but also kept looking at him with fierce eyes, and said angrily: "You stupid cow, what are you looking at!" He raised his foot and kicked It took him three or four blows to relieve the hatred.

Ma Shi searched in Zheng Wu, and soon found a purse, which exuded a faint fragrance.Marsh couldn't help thinking that it must be a gift from a certain woman.He opened it, and there were two small pieces of gold and a small key inside!

Ma Shi was overjoyed and shouted: "So here is the key!" He took it out and shook it to Liu Chan, just like a child showing off to another child how delicious the candy in his hand is.

Liu Chan could not have imagined that this ruthless Ma Shi would have such a childish side, so he smiled and said, "Congratulations, Brother Ma." In fact, he was very upset, because after the shackles were removed from Ma Shi's feet, the next owner would not have to. Said, it must be myself.

Marsh squatted on the ground and inserted the key into the keyhole of the shackles, and the shackles were opened.No, at this moment, Liu Chan suddenly let out an exclamation. Ma Shi turned his head to look at Liu Chan, and found that his face was full of surprise.

Then Marsh noticed a black shadow appearing on the ground in front of him, the color seemed to be getting darker rapidly.He raised his head, and finally, like Liu Chan, he let out a cry of surprise.It turned out that Zheng Wu, who was still lying on the ground, had already rushed towards him at this time, his speed was extremely fast, obviously he was still a warrior with high martial arts skills!
Ma Shi secretly scolded himself for mistaking Zheng Wu. At this time, he wanted to raise the short crossbow to kill Zheng Wu, but it was too late. In the blink of an eye, Zheng Wu had already thrown himself on Ma Shi!

Zheng Wu was over [-] years old, no matter in terms of body shape, strength or martial arts, a young man of [-] or [-] was naturally impossible to be an opponent like Marsh.Now being thrown to the ground by Zheng Wu, Ma Shi couldn't get Zheng Wu away from him, so he could only grab and beat him with both hands and feet.

Zheng Wu yelled angrily, and punched Ma Shi's face with his thick fist, making his already bloated face even more swollen.

Then he grabbed Marsh's arm with both hands, and twisted it to the side vigorously, causing Marsch to turn over. His face could only face the ground, and he could no longer struggle indiscriminately. Can't help but fall to the ground.

Zheng Wu subdued Ma Shi effortlessly!
Seeing this, Liu Chan immediately thought of himself, if he didn't take this opportunity to slip away, when would he wait?I did it when I thought of it, but when Liu Chan turned around, he suddenly found that his front was blocked by a gray wall.

Liu Chan looked up, and Zheng Wen, who looked rather foolish, was smiling at him. He didn't know when he had come to him, and at the same time blocked his escape route.Unexpectedly, this person is also a samurai!Moreover, what makes Liu Chan feel strange is, why does the smile on Zheng Wen's face look so treacherous now?
Zheng Wen smiled and said, "Boy, do you still want to run now?"

Facing a warrior, a three-legged cat like Liu Chan naturally had no possibility of escaping, so he shook his head and said, "Of course not, I am in a hurry to urinate now and want to make it easier, please make way for me." Be calm and polite.

Zheng Wen patted Liu Chan on the shoulder and said, "Since everyone is a man, don't be shy, just pee here, I won't peek."

"But if someone is around, I can't pee."

"In this case, you should stay by my side all the time. If you can't pee, doesn't that mean you don't have to pee?"

Liu Chan couldn't help being speechless, and thought to himself, under the logic of a robber like you, living people must be suffocated to death by urine, right?He couldn't help but wonder in his heart, how come this Zheng Wen suddenly seems to be replaced by another person, and his eloquence has become so weird?
At this time, Zheng Wen put Ma Shi in front of Zheng Wen.Zheng Wu suddenly asked Zheng Wendao in a very solemn tone: "Brother, what should we do with these two treacherous boys?"

Zheng Wen looked up and down Ma Shi, who was beaten even worse, and said: "This kid surnamed Ma is cruel, you can whip him twenty whips first, then tie him behind my horse and drag him away." Shi really suffered a lot!
Liu Chan discovered that the master-slave status between the two brothers of the Zheng family had been swapped all of a sudden, and replaced by this Zheng Wencai who knows the master?He couldn't help asking Zheng Wendao: "Why does your brother listen to you so much now?"

Zheng Wen smiled proudly: "In fact, he has always listened to me, but you don't know it. We grown-ups have been through storms all our lives, and the intrigues between people, how can young people like you know that?" where?"

Liu Chan suddenly realized that this seemingly honest Zheng Wen was actually the most treacherous villain under his mask!Liu Chan secretly sighed that he always thought he was smart, but he never thought that he would fall into the hands of this little-known Zheng Wen today!
Liu Chan sighed: "I have always thought I was smart, and it is not wrong to fall into your hands today. If you want to play, you have to admit defeat. What are you going to do with me next?"

(End of this chapter)

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