Chapter 186
Zheng Wen nodded, looked Liu Chan up and down and said, "Well, actually, you have a pretty good character. At least you are much better than that kid surnamed Ma. Let me ask you, what kind of background is your family?"

Liu Chan immediately blurted out: "Scholarly family."

Zheng Wen had long discovered that Liu Chan had a scholarly air about him. In fact, Liu Chan had been among Mr. Zhang Xing's disciples and among the many masters of the National Medical Academy.He then asked: "If I can make you a success right now, are you willing to follow me?"

Zheng Wen actually wanted to recruit Liu Chan at this time!Liu Chan couldn't help being secretly surprised, knowing that this Zheng Wen must not be an ordinary businessman!But he quickly realized that he could agree to it, and then find a chance to escape.

But in fact, he didn't agree immediately, pouted his lips and said: "Although I am young, I know that you are just a businessman. I am afraid that your family background is not as good as mine. How can I achieve my fame?"

"You are thoughtful, which is what I like the most. I can only tell you now that my identity is not as simple as a businessman. If you are willing to follow me, I guarantee that you will be able to flourish in the future. It is better than It’s much more interesting to live a mediocre life in this mountain!” He dared to think that Liu Chan was a resident of Jingshan...

At this time, Ma Shi had already been tightly bound by Zheng Wu, and he shouted: "Master Zheng, the villain is willing to follow you wholeheartedly, I just ask you to bypass the villain's life!" Then he shouted to Liu Chan, cousin , Let Liu Chan save his life.

Liu Chan originally wanted to get more information out of Zheng Wen's mouth, but how can he continue to ask now that he is being messed up by Ma Shi?He secretly sighed in his heart why this Marsh was so shameless, and it was only at this moment that he remembered to call him cousin, the saying "a man needs face, a tree needs bark" is not suitable for this person at all!But it would be hell if a man like Marsh didn't grow up to be successful.

Seeing that Liu Chan was still thinking, Zheng Wen asked, "Is that kid surnamed Ma really your cousin? But no matter how I look at it, he doesn't look like him!"

"Master Zheng, you have good eyesight. He is not my cousin. I just wanted you to take off the shackles on my feet, so I lied."

Ma Shi said anxiously: "Cousin, even though our two brothers have always been on bad terms, and sometimes even punched and kicked each other, but now it's a matter of life and death for my younger brother, so you don't need to make trouble anymore! If my younger brother dies here today , How will you explain to my mother and your aunt when you go home?"

His words are actually very anxious and sincere, almost to the point of tears.After hearing that, Zheng Wen couldn't help thinking that Ma Shi was really Liu Chan's cousin.

Liu Chan secretly sighed, cursing himself inwardly for why he met so many "beautiful people" all of a sudden, all of them were more cunning than foxes, and more slippery than loaches!Now I am really starting to feel a little overwhelmed.

His heart moved, since he couldn't deal with four people at the same time, why not win over one of them, wouldn't it be a two-on-two situation?
Liu Chan said to Ma Shi: "Cousin, don't be so anxious, and don't be afraid of losing face to your Ma family! To save your life today, brother, I can only promise Master Zheng's appreciation! In the future, you can You must listen to me and don't offend me again."

Ma Shi immediately nodded and promised that all actions in the future will follow Liu Chan's lead.Liu Chan was very satisfied with Ma Shi's answer, so he asked Zheng Wen, if he agreed to follow him, could he let his cousin Ma Shi go?
Zheng Wen looked at Liu Chan, then at Ma Shi, frowning slightly, as if he was thinking about something.Ma Shi shouted: "Master Zheng, although my cousin is a talented person, I, Ma Shi, are not inferior to him in terms of talent, learning or wisdom. Why do you only favor him?!"

Zheng Wen nodded and said: "You may be more scheming than your cousin, but you are also more treacherous than your cousin. You are like a treacherous and slippery little jackal. Now I have important things to do, How can you easily let someone like you stay by your side?"

Ma Shi snorted coldly: "Even if I am a jackal myself, are you, Mr. Zheng, afraid that you are not an excellent 'hunter' and can't subdue me? Hmph, if you can't control me, then don't speak wild words!"

Liu Chan knew that Ma Shi was using aggressive methods to stimulate Zheng Wen's self-esteem and make the other party agree to spare him.Judging from the current situation, this Zheng Wen is actually a rather conceited person, and nine times out of ten he may fall into the trap, so Ma Shi's aggressive method is quite a clever one.

Sure enough, Zheng Wen immediately said angrily: "No matter how cunning you are, you can't escape my palm!" Then he ordered Zheng Wu to release the horse immediately.

Zheng Wu was still calm, and persuaded: "Brother, this little bastard is vicious and cunning, it's better to lock him up?"

Zheng Wen glared at Marsh and said, "No need, I want to see what kind of trouble he can create."

A tricky smile suddenly appeared on Ma Shi's face, and he repeatedly urged Zheng Wu to untie him as soon as possible, really looking like a villain.Seeing that his elder brother could not be persuaded, Zheng Wu had to untie Ma Shi.

Ma Shi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then stepped forward to thank Liu Chan.Naturally, Liu Chan didn't care about this guy's hypocritical thanks, so he told him to get out of here and stay, so as not to annoy Zheng Wen with his nonsense.Ma Shi was also obedient, and obediently stood behind Liu Chan.

Liu Chan stepped forward to apologize to Zheng Wen and said, "Master Zheng, my cousin played a little trick on you, I hope you don't remember the villain's mistakes."

Zheng Wen nodded, stretched out his hand and patted Liu Chan on the shoulder and said, "Isn't it possible that I can't see that your cousin is playing tricks? It's just that his methods are nothing compared to your straightforwardness."

When Ma Shi heard this, a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face.He thought his aggressive method would work, but he didn't expect that not only this Zheng Wen was playing tricks on him, but also this "Yang Huang" would be able to see through it at a glance.

Facing Zheng Wen's compliment, Liu Chan just said he didn't dare, and asked Zheng Wen when he was leaving today.Zheng Wen looked at the sky, it was already very late, the sun had already risen high, the sun shone on the skin, and even felt a little pain.

The fight between you and me just now wasted a lot of time, so Zheng Wen ordered Zheng Wu to pack up the things on the ground quickly, so that everyone can hurry on their way.

Liu Chan's mind was active, and he didn't need Zheng Wen's orders, so he ran over to help Zheng Wu by himself, showing full affinity.Although Zheng Wu is a shady person, he does not reject Liu Chan's help, and even nodded to him, which is really rare.

As for Marsh, although his family has strict discipline on him, he is actually a pampered son. How has he ever done tidying up?But now that "cousin" Liu Chan is doing it, he naturally can't be lazy, not to mention Zheng Wen is still watching from the sidelines!Ma Shi secretly sighed that he was unlucky, and followed Liu Chan up to help.

The Zheng Brothers actually have very few things, and it should be enough to simply get them together.When Liu Chan was tidying up the oiled paper on the ground, Ma Shi leaned over and nudged him lightly with his elbow, asking in a low voice, how did he upset Zheng Wen and Zheng Wu.

Liu Chan looked at Ma Shi and saw a malicious and flattering smile on his face, so he asked, "What do you want to do? Please don't call me cousin so hypocritically."

Marsh said with a smile: "I don't want to do anything, I'm just curious."

It's no wonder that Liu Chan would believe Marsh's nonsense, and said seriously, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't be like this! I'm really curious about how you did it, so why don't you reveal a little bit of the inside story? Did you use drugs?"

Liu Chan's face changed slightly.Ma Shi had a panoramic view of the changes in Liu Chan's face, and said, "That's right, my little brother is not such an ignorant person. However, whether the two of us can escape from their hands depends on the drug in your hand. Are you afraid of what will happen to your little brother? Where did you hide it?"

Liu Chan saw that Ma Shi had made his words clear, although he still looked distressed, as if the secret had been exposed.His eyes drifted to the broken car, and he said in a low voice: "Brother Ma, the bag of drugs is hidden in that car!"

Marsh nodded. Indeed, no one would have imagined that such a broken car was actually hidden with drugs, and a smile appeared on his face again.Liu Chan also warned Ma Shike not to act rashly, lest he would lose the chance to escape!
Ma Shi nodded, stood up and clapped his hands, let out a long breath, but suddenly took two steps back, and shouted loudly to Zheng Wen: "Master Zheng, Yang Huang has drugged you all. Hide on top of that wrecked car!"

Liu Chan was stunned by Ma Shi's yell, jumped up from the ground with a yell, threw the bastard Ma Shi to the ground, raised his fist and hit Ma Shi, the two scuffled like this together.

Zheng Wen ignored the fight between the two, and immediately searched the broken car. It turned out that after searching the whole car, there was no trace of the medicine powder at all.He knew that he was fooled by Ma Shi, and immediately shouted: "You all stop!" and asked Zheng Wu to rush over to fight.

Ma Shi was beaten by Liu Chan's random punches, and now he saw Liu Chan being pulled away by Zheng Wu, stood up from the ground, patted the mud and grass on his body, and asked Zheng Wen happily: "Have you found the drug?"

Zheng Wen said angrily: "What are you looking for? If you dare to talk nonsense again in the future, I will definitely whip you ten times!"

Ma Shi never thought that Liu Chan would give him a false information, turned his head to look at Liu Chan, and found that he was smiling proudly at himself!

Liu Chan sighed to Zheng Wen: "Master Zheng is indeed right. This jackal never knows how to repay kindness, but will bite anyone around him at any time!" Then, he also took a picture. He patted the dust off his body and continued to fold the oiled paper on the ground, as if he had been wronged infinitely.

Seeing Liu Chan's performance, Ma Shi hated him again, but there was nothing he could do about him.

(End of this chapter)

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