Chapter 187
The Zheng brothers, Liu Chan and Ma Shi started on their way. Liu Chan and Ma Shi were still sitting on the broken cart, while the Zheng brothers rode horses one behind the other.

After walking for an hour, Liu Chan found that their route seemed to be heading for the deep mountain, and asked Zheng Wendao, "What are we going into the mountain for?"

Zheng Wen said lightly: "Of course I went into the mountain to meet important people."

Liu Chan asked again: "Master Zheng, since you are from Dangyang and it belongs to Jingzhou, you must be working in the government of Jingzhou, right?" It was Guan Yu's subordinate.

Sure enough, Zheng Wen shook his head and said: "I can't tell you my real identity yet, but I definitely don't work in Jingzhou. So you have to keep it in mind, and be careful when you encounter officers and soldiers in Jingzhou in the future."

Liu Chan replied casually: "I see." Then he put his arms under his head, closed his eyes and fell asleep.In fact, he analyzed the identities of Zheng Wen brothers and Zheng Wen brothers based on their chat with him, whether they were spies of Cao Wei or Soochow.

At this time, Ma Shi, who had always been quite honest, came over again and touched Liu Chan.Liu Chan opened his eyes and saw that it was Ma Shi, an annoying guy again, and immediately pushed him away, unwilling to pay attention to him at all.Ma Shi didn't give up, he leaned over and said, "Brother Yang, my little brother already knows their identities!"

How could Liu Chan believe his nonsense, and pushed him away again: "Go, get out, don't hinder my sleep!"

Ma Shi leaned close to Liu Chan's ear and whispered, "They are spies from Soochow!"

Liu Chan was very shocked. How could this Ma Shi guess the identity of the Zheng brothers all of a sudden?Moreover, Marsh said it so firmly that he didn't seem to be lying at all.

However, Liu Chan thought that Ma Shi was extremely cunning, and nine and a half of the ten sentences he said were false. !"

Seeing that Liu Chan didn't respond, Ma Shi thought he was lying to him again. Originally, he just wanted to tease Liu Chan, but then he wanted to compete with Liu Chan.He still lowered his voice and said, "Really, they are really Soochow's spies. I definitely didn't lie to you!"

Liu Chan turned over and said, "I don't believe your nonsense!"

Ma Shi finally couldn't help shouting: "Really, I'm telling the truth, I didn't lie to you." Then he realized that he was speaking too loudly, and quickly turned his head to look at Zheng Wen, who was sitting there as if nothing had happened. On the horse, he didn't pay attention to the conversation between himself and "Yang Huang", so he finally felt relieved.

Only then did Liu Chan ask: "Well then, how do you know that they are not from Cao Wei?"

Ma Shi immediately became hesitant to speak, and said: "Because their voices are not from the north, naturally they cannot be from Cao Wei!"

Liu Chan laughed loudly and said: "Then according to this, your accent is from the north, and your family is from Luoyang, so you should be a spy of Cao Wei! And my son is from Chengdu, so he is a spy of Yizhou. That's really true. Great, there are only four of us here, but we already include spies from Wei, Shu, and Wu?!"

When Ma Shi saw Liu Chan speak out in such a grand manner, he was so frightened that he almost lost his breath.But when he looked at Zheng Wen, he saw a smile on his face——

Of course, he not only heard Liu Chan's words, but also guessed from Liu Chan's words that Liu Chan and the two were quietly discussing their brothers' identities at this time.But judging from the smile on his face, he seemed to think Liu Chan's words were ridiculous, so he didn't have any reaction.

Ma Shi lowered his voice and said, "Don't speak so loudly, okay? It's going to scare people to death!"

Liu Chan said with a smile: "Haven't you heard that 'good people don't live long, but bad people can cause thousands of years'? You belong to the type of people who can harm thousands of years, so I guarantee that you will live a long life."

Ma Shi couldn't help giving Liu Chan a blank look, and continued to emphasize to Liu Chan that what he just said was absolutely true.For a while, Liu Chan couldn't figure out why this annoying guy wanted to disclose this information to himself, so he pushed him away and said loudly:

"Then I'll also tell you a piece of news in return. The drugs you mentioned are on me now!" Zheng Wen was not far behind the car, so he naturally heard these words.

Hearing this, Ma Shi couldn't help being stunned, but he didn't immediately stand up to report Liu Chan like last time, but hesitantly looked at Zheng Wen behind him, and found that Zheng Wen was also looking at him.

No, Zheng Wen immediately drove his horse to the side of the broken car, raised his whip and slapped the car board fiercely, and shouted at Ma Shi: "You boy will never stop! If you continue like this, I will immediately kill you." I'll give you ten whips!"

Ma Shi looked terrified on his face, and looked at Zheng Wen innocently, because it seemed that the person who spoke so loudly this time was "Yang Huang", wasn't he? !What are you doing?He had no choice but to follow Liu Chan's example, lie down in the car and close his eyes to fall asleep.

Seeing this, Liu Chan said with a smile to Zheng Wen: "This cousin of mine looks not only like a 'jackal' as Mr. Zheng said, but also a rascal who likes to tell tales!" Then he also lay back in the car.

Zheng Wen also smiled slightly, but didn't say anything else.But Liu Chan suddenly said intentionally or unintentionally: "Maybe that some kind of drug is actually on him, and it may not necessarily be on his own body!"

Although this sentence was not too loud, Ma Shi must have heard it, and Zheng Wen also heard it.Ma Shi was shocked, and immediately sat up from the car, pointed at Liu Chan and said angrily, "What do you mean by saying that?"

Liu Chan said indifferently: "Is this how you treat your brother?"

Before Ma Shi could speak, a cold snort came from Zheng Wu in front.Needless to say, it must be Zheng Wu, the younger brother, who felt disgusted by Ma Shi's words and deeds.The so-called orderly seniority is a very strict code of conduct.

Ma Shi's face turned red with anxiety, and he was about to explain to Zheng Wen, but found that the other party was staring at him angrily with wide-eyed eyes!Marsh panicked and shouted, "It's not me, it's really not me..."

Liu Chan said lightly again: "Cousin, the pure will be clear, the turbid will be turbid, and the fool will be foolish. What are you panicking about? My uncle has always taught us to 'a gentleman should act cautiously'. Now you throw his words into the sea. Has the fish gone? At worst, to prove your innocence, you can just ask Mr. Zheng to search himself."

Liu Chan's words of "framing and sowing dissension" were so righteous and upright that Ma Shi was speechless and dumbfounded, and he could only grit his teeth with hatred in his heart.

When Zheng Wen heard what Liu Chan said, he couldn't help feeling a little suspicious of Ma Shi. In addition, the cowhide rope on Ma Shi's body was cut off for no reason before, and it seemed that the matter was not simple.He asked Zheng Wu to stop the car, came to Ma Shi, and shouted: "Get out of the car!" Then with a snap, the horsewhip hit Ma Shi's left shoulder.

Ma Shi was whipped inexplicably, grinning his teeth in pain, rubbing the whipped place vigorously, staring at Liu Chan with angry eyes, as if he was about to swallow him alive.

Liu Chan didn't care about Marsh's glaring at all, but just looked at it with a smile, and even lay on his back with Erlang's legs up, which was so leisurely.

Ma Shi is not stupid, knowing that Liu Chan did this to blow himself up, he turned his head and said to Zheng Wen: "Master Zheng, I really don't have any drugs on me, all of this was done by Yang Huang!"

Liu Chan sneered and said, "Even if I did it well. But you are my cousin, let's search from you first."

Seeing that Ma Shi was so coy, Zheng Wen was already very impatient, and shouted: "Get down soon!" He grabbed Ma Shi by the collar and pulled him off the car.

Zheng Wu stepped forward to search Ma Shi, and his technique was very skillful, as expected of a professional spy.Soon, Zheng Wu's hand stopped at Ma Shi's sleeve, opened the pocket inside the sleeve, and took out a small piece of paper from it.He opened it, and there was a trace of white powder on it, and his brows immediately frowned.

Seeing Zheng Wu's expression, Ma Shi's heart suddenly hung up.He couldn't figure out how the piece of paper got into his sleeve, so he quickly argued: "This piece of paper is not mine, it really isn't mine..."

Zheng Wu glared at Ma Shi viciously, and handed it over to Zheng Wen.Zheng Wen only took a look, and recognized that this is one of the three worst methods often used by the rangers!
Furious, he jumped off the horse and yelled at Marsh: "Unexpectedly, it was you, a bastard, who took advantage of our brother's sleep and poured the drug into our wine, but planted it again and again. On your cousin!" But he completely forgot that Liu Chan drank more at that time, but why was it okay?
Marsh wanted to explain, but now that the evidence is solid, how could Zheng Wen give him a chance to defend?Pa, pa, pa... The whip fell on Ma Shi like rain.

Ma Shi let out howls, which made Liu Chan feel terrified, but there was another pleasure of revenge, which made Liu Chan feel so relieved!
After about a dozen lashes, Ma Shi's body was already bruised and purple. Liu Chan could not let him be beaten to death by Zheng Wen, so he persuaded Zheng Wen: "Master Zheng, my cousin should be punished. But I believe that after After this incident, he will definitely learn a lesson, and he will never dare to do anything else in the future."

Zheng Wu interjected: "If a bastard like him knows how to repent, the sky will fall. He planted you like this, and you still have to intercede for him? I think it's better to let my elder brother beat him to death!"

Liu Chan said with a smile: "If the sky will collapse because of a bad boy like him, then I, as a cousin, also have the responsibility to help him hold the sky up first."

Seeing Liu Chan speak so earnestly, the two Zheng brothers couldn't help being moved, so they stopped, and shouted to Ma Shi: "Boy, be more honest with me from now on!" Start again.

Marsh was seriously injured, and it was impossible to lie down and rest in the car anyway, and he could only sit at most.

Liu Chan then smiled at him in a low voice: "Brother Ma, let me tell you the truth, the drugs were actually on my body. And the paper that wrapped the drugs was when I was fighting with you just now. , secretly put it inside your sleeve."

Hearing this, Ma Shi couldn't help rolling his eyes, not knowing whether Liu Chan's words were true or not, so he immediately turned his face away.Because even if what Liu Chan said was true, he would never have the courage to report to Zheng Wen again!

(End of this chapter)

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