The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 188: A Brilliant Plan to Get Out of Difficulty

Chapter 188

Liu Chan really had a sound sleep in the car.While he was still asleep, he found someone pushing his arm and said to him, "Cousin, get up, get up..."

Liu Chan moved his arms away from his eyes, the strong sunlight was so dazzling that he couldn't open his eyes.After his eyes adjusted to the light outside, Liu Chan realized that it was Ma Shi who was bothering him again, and he was sleeping comfortably now!He asked impatiently, "Why?"

"It's already noon now, Mr. Zheng and the others have stopped to rest, so you should get up quickly."

Liu Chan just sat up from the car and found that the clothes on his body had been touched by someone.The clothes on Liu Chan's body were always neatly dressed, so it was easy to find something wrong. He knew that it was Ma Shi who did it while he was asleep.

Liu Chan asked Ma Shi calmly, "Cousin, did you find anything on me when I fell asleep?"

A slight look of surprise appeared on Marsh's face.When he started to search Liu Chan's body, he tried again and again to make sure that Liu Chan was really fast asleep.Originally thought that it could be done seamlessly, but Marsh really didn't expect how Liu Chan discovered his little tricks.

He straightened his face and said with a smile: "Cousin, what are you talking about? When you fell asleep, my younger brother fell asleep as well."

Seeing that he was going to carry it to the end, Liu Chan smiled and said, "If you fell asleep too, how would you know that I fell asleep too? It wouldn't be after you tested that I was already asleep that you fell asleep. Bar?"

Ma Shi was taken aback, because Liu Chan guessed right again!He argued aggrievedly: "Cousin, I really didn't do anything to you! Otherwise, you can see for yourself now to see if there is anything missing from you."

Liu Chan patted Marsh on the shoulder and said, "If you were really asked to find out something, do you think you would wake me up here so quietly?" Then Liu Chan lowered his voice and told Marsh that he It is impossible for Mashita to find those drugs.

With that said, Liu Chan jumped out of the broken car.Ma Shi felt extremely annoyed when he saw Liu Chan mentioning the drug over and over again in front of him so arrogantly.But what can he do now, he really couldn't find it, so he had to follow Liu Chan to get off the car.

Liu Chan saw Zheng Wenzheng sitting under a tree to rest alone, watching with his female sword in his hand, but Zheng Wu didn't know where he went.He walked over and asked, "Master Zheng, where is Erye Zheng now?"

Zheng Wen pointed to the grass beside him and asked Liu Chan to sit down. Instead of answering Liu Chan's question, he asked, "This sword is your saber, right? It's really a rare and good sword."

Of course Liu Chan knew that it was a good sword, and it was also a famous sword, so he said without humility: "This is indeed a good sword that is hard to find!"

When Ma Shi saw that Zheng Wen only let Liu Chan sit beside him, he knew that he was a little bit aggrieved at first, but now that Liu Chan was so arrogant, he snorted coldly and said, "Don't tell me it's a good sword if you say it yourself. Yet?"

Liu Chan gave Marsh a supercilious look.If a person wants to pretend to be self-cultivated, it is best to remain calm; if a person wants to pretend to be knowledgeable, the best way is to be a silent bystander!
This Ma Shi doesn't know how to get involved now, Liu Chan couldn't help but despise him, he just didn't bother to talk to him, and waved his hand to tell him to roll aside, what should he do!Marsh was almost blown away by how the two ignored him.

Zheng Wen asked again: "Since this sword is so expensive, where did you get it?"

"This is a family heirloom."

"Can you use a sword?"

Wu Yi has always been an insurmountable high wall in front of Liu Chan, shaking his head and saying: "No. So this sword can only be a decorative object by my side now."

Ma Shi finally found a place to play, and said with a sneer, "If you don't know how to dance a sword, you still dare to run around with your family's sword. It should be in someone else's hands now!"

Liu Chan couldn't help getting a little angry in his heart, and scolded: "Among the literati and martyrs in China, since when have there been no famous men with crowns, shoes and swords?! Cousin, if you continue to be so cynical and sarcastic to Brother Wei, Brother Wei will definitely not want you!" In front of Master Zheng, I will defend my authority as your elder brother!"

When Ma Shi saw that Liu Chan used the identity of "cousin" to suppress him, he felt a little discouraged. He secretly hated why he had to admit that he was his cousin in front of Zheng Wen that day?But now I have no regret medicine to take, the etiquette of the old and the young is there, and he can't tolerate any more presumptuousness in front of Zheng Wen, so he can only mutter, and then lower his head and dare not say any more.

Seeing Liu Chan's two words, Zheng Wen suppressed the rebellious Ma Shi to death. He was obviously very satisfied with Liu Chan's performance. The sword, I will return this sword to you after my business is done."

Although Liu Chan had his own plans in mind, he still thanked Zheng Wen for a few words.Zheng Wen took out the short crossbow that Zheng Wu had snatched from Ma Shi, and told Ma Shi that his short crossbow was exquisitely made, and he wanted to study it more carefully.From what he said, it seemed that he didn't want to return it. In fact, he didn't even know that the short crossbow belonged to Liu Chan.Without waiting for Ma Shi to defend, Zheng Wen put away the short crossbow, making Ma Shi extremely helpless.

Soon, Zheng Wu came back on horseback. There were two bulging water bags hanging beside the saddle bridge. Liu Chan guessed that Zheng Wu was looking for water just now.It turned out that the wine in their wine bag was not because they smeared some drugs on the mouth of the bag. They mistakenly thought that the wine in it was drugged, so they poured it all out, so that they could only drink water along the way.

Sure enough, after Zheng Wu stopped his horse, he shouted to Zheng Wen: "Brother, the water bottle is back, the mountain spring water is cool and refreshing." He threw a water bag to Zheng Wen.

Ma Shi also felt thirsty, and wanted to reach out to pick up another water bag, after all, his current position was the one closest to Zheng Wu.Not wanting, Zheng Wu looked at Ma Shi and frowned, then threw it to Liu Chan beside Zheng Wen.

Liu Chan was not polite, and he didn't maintain the demeanor of "Kong Rong let pears". He immediately opened the stopper and started drinking, but his right hand touched his belt intentionally or unintentionally.After drinking enough, he proudly threw the water bag to Marsh.At this time, Marsh's face was already flushed red.

After bitterly drinking a few sips of cool spring water, Marsh finally felt a little more at ease in his heart.But Liu Chan didn't let him stop, because he was already feeling hungry.He waved to Marsh and said, "Cousin, I'm hungry now, come with me to get some food for the two Master Zhengs."

Although Ma Shi is being suppressed to death by Liu Chan now, it does not mean that he will be convinced, and his stomach is actually hungry, but he said again: "Cousin, Mr. Zheng hasn't spoken yet, how can you be like this?" Self-assessment?"

Liu Chan pointed to the sky and said, "Why are you so blind? It's almost noon now, everyone has finished drinking water, and of course it's time to eat! Even if Master Zheng and the others are not hungry now, but we are like this Do it for them, and they won't judge us."

Ma Shi wanted to argue again, but Zheng Wu was already impatient, and shouted at Ma Shi: "What are you dawdling about? If you don't eat now, do you want to go to the side of the road to starve to death on the way!"

Liu Chan was secretly happy, walked over to hold on to Ma Shi's hand, and walked towards Zheng Wen's horse. The food for the four of them was placed in the horse's luggage.

Ma Shi still didn't forget to bring up the old story again, and began to ask Liu Chan if he still had the drug, otherwise how would the two of them escape from the hands of the Zheng brothers?Liu Chan let go of Ma Shi's hand, and told Ma Shi in a low voice that his drug had actually been used up, and the paper wrapped in the drug on him was enough to explain everything.Marsh couldn't help feeling really disappointed.

Liu Chan continued: "Why do you always ask me to be drugged? Can't you think of any other way to escape?"

Ma Shi replied in a low voice: "Of course I have a plan!" Then he told Liu Chan that as long as the two of them work together, they will steal the weapons of the Zheng brothers in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping, and then kill them both. If so, it will work!
Liu Chan secretly laughed at Ma Shi's method, although it was not ruthless. The first method proposed was to kill people to silence them, but the feasibility was not so good.He just nodded, giving Marsh a moment to think.Then, he took down the bag containing the food, took out three cakes and asked Ma Shina to give them to the Zheng brothers, and he picked up one and ate it...

(End of this chapter)

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