The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 189: A Brilliant Plan to Get Out of Difficulty

chapter 189

Although the food they ate was simple, it wasn't delicious, so the Zheng brothers settled it in two mouthfuls, and then drank some water.Liu Chan also finished eating quickly, and chatted with the Zheng brothers again.But he found that Marsh didn't come to join in the fun at this time, but ran to the side of the road with his back to them, and he didn't know what he was doing.

Liu Chan shouted: "Cousin, what are you doing? Are you peeing or are you scouting for an escape route?"

Ma Shi immediately turned his head and gave Liu Chan a vicious look. His mouth was full of food, and he was chewing non-stop, and he spoke in a vague voice.But Liu Chan still understood that Marsh was actually peeing.

Liu Chan couldn't help being overjoyed, this Marsh is so careless about hygiene, he actually eats while urinating!Liu Chan was also really speechless, and smiled at the Zheng brothers: "Not only is my cousin not very good, but his behavior is also more disgusting than others."

The Zheng brothers didn't comment, just nodded, obviously not concerned about it.Ma Shi quickly finished urinating, ran over and complained to Liu Chan: "Cousin, you are really dirty. When people pee, why do you suddenly call me from behind?! You almost scared me so much that I couldn't pee. come out!"

Liu Chan knew that the spoof just now was really rude, so he had to pretend to apologize to Marsh.Ma Shi didn't expect that Liu Chan would give in to him because of such a trivial matter, and he felt that the temperament of this "Yang Huang" was really changeable, and he couldn't grasp it for a while.It is precisely because of this that I have been suppressed by him recently, and now I think about it, and I feel really aggrieved.

In fact, as long as Marse gets along with Liu Chan for a period of time, he will find that Liu Chan is actually a very easy-going person who is strict and harsh in his actions.Such a person is naturally very particular and good at handling details.

While the two "cousins" were talking, the Zheng brothers started yawning and fell asleep.Seeing the exhausted faces of the Zheng brothers, Liu Chan smiled and said, "Master Zheng, did you not sleep well last night, or did you wake up too early this morning, so you want to take a nap now?"

Ma Shi looked up at the Zheng brothers, and found that their spirits were indeed a little weak now, and they seemed to be really sleepy.His heart skipped a beat, his whole heart was raised, and he suddenly thought of a very serious problem!Ma Shi hurriedly asked Liu Chan, "Cousin, why did they do this?"

Liu Chan said lightly: "What's so strange? If you don't have a good rest at night, you will naturally feel tired and want to sleep." He also yawned.

But of course the Zheng brothers on the side couldn't think like Liu Chan.They were talking and laughing with Liu Chan energetically just now, how could they become so tired after a short while?And they also found that their physical strength was gradually disappearing, and their bodies became weaker and weaker.

Zheng Wen reacted quickly, and said in surprise: "No! We were drugged again!" Then, the whole person collapsed and fell to the ground, unable to even lift his arms and legs.Then, Zheng Wu also fell to the ground, once again confirming Zheng Wen's guess!
Hearing Zheng Wen's words, Ma Shi was startled, and with a loud cry, he collapsed on the ground like a puddle of mud.Seeing that only Liu Chan was still standing among the four, he immediately said angrily to Liu Chan: "Cousin, this must be your fault again! Didn't you say that your drug has been used up, how come you still have it?" ?”

Liu Chan said with a smile: "I have really run out of drugs. But this time I used cartilage powder on you, that's why you are now lying on the ground like a puddle of mud!"

Zheng Wu said angrily: "We are really blind. We actually thought that it was Ma Shi who would use this kind of rotten method! Just remember, I will never forgive you in the future!"

Zheng Wen was much more emotional, he sighed to make Zheng Wu not get angry, and said to Liu Chan: "Unexpectedly, I would be mistaken, thinking that you are a talent that can be created, and wanting to recruit you into my subordinates for further investigation. Cultivation. Now it seems that I am wishful thinking. You are so young and have a deep mind, we are all played by you like children."

Liu Chan shook his head and said, "If it wasn't for you holding onto me, I wouldn't want to use these shady methods. Now I can only say that I was forced to do so by the situation."

Hearing this, Ma Shi snorted coldly and said, "The third bad is the third bad, how dare you speak so forcefully!"

Liu Chan is the winner now, the so-called winner and loser, why is he being scolded by this Marsh now?Liu Chan couldn't help but kicked Ma Shi, and said angrily: "Then your method is really aboveboard? How did you use the back arrow to kill me? Isn't that the third thing?! This is the most unqualified to say My person is you!"

Then he said to the Zheng brothers: "You two, although your intentions towards me are not pure. But you finally saved me who was unconscious by the roadside from being eaten by wild beasts in the mountains, so today I will let you go. "

The Zheng brothers didn't expect that Liu Chan would let them go like this, and they didn't know how to react for a while.Liu Chan told Ma Shi again that he didn't intend to let him go, and he must be escorted back to the ferry for punishment!
Ma Shi didn't expect that Liu Chan still remembered the matter of the barbarian girl, so he said quickly: "Cousin, brother, there are still important things to do now, so why don't you let me go together with Brother Zheng?"

"Who is your cousin! You and I are not relatives, so don't mistake your relatives here again! I once said that I must punish you, and I will not let you go!"

The Zheng brothers were a little stunned, and only then did they realize that the so-called cousin relationship between Liu Chan and Ma Shi was nothing at all, and they were just acting in front of themselves!The two were shocked in their hearts, how could these two young people have such deep scheming!

Ma Shi saw that Liu Chan's opinion was so firm, and he couldn't change his mind for a while, so he sighed and said, "In this case, I have no choice but to accept my fate now. But what I don't understand is how you use medicine Knocked people over twice."

Liu Chan told Ma Shi quite proudly that his method was actually very simple.

The first time, he smeared the drug on the mouth of the wine bag. The Zheng brothers would definitely be lost after drinking, but the time must be very short.Originally, this period of time was enough for Liu Chan to escape, but he didn't expect that Ma Shi would come out to make trouble halfway, which made him fail.

Therefore, in order to give Ma a small punishment, Liu Chan used the trick of blaming him, and made him suffer a little at the hands of the Zheng brothers.

Hearing this, the Zheng brothers were afraid for a while, while Ma Shi hated Liu Chan so much.

Liu Chan then told them that his second method was slightly more complicated.When he took the initiative to serve food for the Zheng brothers, he went with Ma Shi's hand.In fact, Liu Chan had already smeared cartilage powder on his hands, so part of the cartilage powder stuck to Ma Shi's hands.

The reason why he did this was because he was afraid that Marsh would be cunning and refused to eat the food he gave him, but it turned out that he was too careful.Because when Liu Chan took out three pieces of cake and secretly spread cartilage powder on them and handed them to Ma Shi, he readily took them.So after the three of Marsh ate the pancake, they naturally turned into a puddle of human flesh very quickly!
The three of them couldn't help exclaiming when they heard this, they didn't expect Liu Chan's thoughts to be so detailed.Marsh asked again: "Can you tell me where you hid some of your medicine?"

Since Liu Chan decided to let the Zheng brothers go, it is natural for him to reveal as little as possible of the tricks he used to save his life, not to mention that he has said too much now.He immediately refused coldly: "This is my son's secret. If you know, I can only make you three cold corpses immediately!"

At this time, it was already past noon, and the scorching sun was in the sky, as if it was about to burn the earth into smoke.The surrounding weeds also looked a little listless, with a low and noble expression.

Liu Chan bid farewell to the two Zheng brothers, and then brought the two horses of the Zheng brothers over, intending to put the horses on the horse and take them away.

No, Liu Chan just stretched out his hand, when Ma Shi's right hand suddenly grabbed Liu Chan and pulled him down forcefully.Liu Chan never imagined that Ma Shi could still move!He exclaimed, and fell to the ground at once, Ma Shi took the opportunity to jump up from the ground, immediately ran to Zheng Wu's side, and pulled out the saber on his body with a swipe!
Ma Shi's shocking change immediately stunned Liu Chan and the Zheng brothers. Liu Chan fell to the ground and forgot to get up.Zheng Wu said angrily to Ma: "Little bastard, why haven't you been overwhelmed by the medicine? Hurry up and return the knife to me!"

Ma Shi sneered and said: "Since I knew that Yang Huang was carrying the drug, even if I was starving to death, I didn't dare to take a bite of your food. Just now you all thought I was peeing, but in fact I took the opportunity to take that The piece of cake was thrown into the grass! Hehehehe... Do you remember how many whips you have whipped me? My son is now here to collect debts from you!"

Without waiting for Zheng Wu to make any arguments, with a swipe, the knife in Ma Shi's hand slashed across Zheng Wu's neck!The cartilage in Zheng Wu's body was scattered, and it was impossible to struggle because of the pain. His wide-open eyes quickly lost the brilliance of life, and he died.

Ma Shi dodged Liu Chan's cartilage powder, which was enough to surprise him, but now seeing Ma Shi kill Zheng Wu so simply and neatly, he was immediately dumbfounded.Zheng Wen let out an exclamation: "You bastard, I should have killed you in the first place..."

Ma Shi sneered and said: "Master Zheng, now that your younger brother is dead, you, the eldest brother, of course have to follow him to see it! By the way, I also want to calculate with you how you underestimated me!" Zheng Wen said , there was a hint of fear in his eyes, and when he was about to speak, Marsch's knife cut his throat again without mercy!

After killing the Zheng brothers, Ma Shi walked towards Liu Chan with a bloody knife.Liu Chan was still in shock at this time, seeing Ma Shi coming in front of him, he resisted the fear in his heart and stood up from the ground, but his face was terribly pale.Ma Shi smiled grimly: "Brother Yang, what do you think I should do with you now?"

Liu Chan suppressed the fear in his heart, sighed, and said, "Even if I let you go just now, according to your personality, it is impossible for you to let me go now, not to mention that I had no intention of letting you go just now!"

Ma Shi laughed, because Liu Chan was right!

Just when Ma Shi was overwhelmed with complacency, a white light flashed in Liu Chan's hand, and the Dragon City Dagger was pulled out from his waist with lightning speed, slashing across Ma Shi's right arm.There was a long wound on Marsh's arm, and the knife in his hand fell to the ground.

After Marsh exclaimed, he reacted immediately, regardless of the wound on his arm, turned around and ran out, stepped on a horse, and galloped away.And the other one, when he ran out, was driven away by him at the same time.Now, Liu Chan can only watch him run away!

Looking at Ma Shi who was gradually going away, Liu Chan secretly sighed that this person is really difficult to deal with, and hoped that he would not meet this person again in the future.But how did he know that the grievances and grievances between him and Marsh have only just begun!

(End of this chapter)

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