Chapter 190
Liu Chan didn't expect Ma Shi to run so fast, he could only sigh inwardly, and could only watch him leave.

Liu Chan turned to look at the Zheng brothers. There was a red wound on their throats. There was not much blood left. Their mouths were open. Although their eyes had become cloudy, they were full of fear and anger. Not faded.The two brothers died under Marsh's taking advantage of others, and it is obvious that they will die in peace.

Liu Chan walked over, told Zheng Wen's corpse not to be offended, then squatted down and groped around the corpse.Soon, Liu Chan found his short crossbow, and then found a golden bronze medal on Zheng Wen's waist, which felt a bit heavy in his hand.

As soon as Liu Chan saw it, he immediately knew that it was obviously impossible to be a private property of the people. After turning it over, he saw four words written on it-"Zhang Wei Wei Zheng", which seemed to be an official name.Liu Chan frowned slightly. As far as he knew, there was no such official position in Yizhou, and neither did Cao Weizhong.

Liu Chan remembered what Ma Shi told him at the time, that the Zheng brothers were spies of Soochow.Thinking about it now, what Marsh said seems to be true, because the military system of Soochow has always been different from that of Shu Wei.As far as Liu Chan knows, there is an army in Soochow called the "Five School Army", which is led by the five school governors. .

Liu Chan deduced from the names of the ministries "around the tent" and "under the tent" that the so-called "tent guard" official position on Zheng Wen's bronze medal may not necessarily come from these two armies.

Thinking of this, Liu Chan began to feel a little bit down, and only then did he understand why the Zheng brothers have been reluctant to reveal their identities.Moreover, Zheng Wen has always emphasized that they entered Jingshan this time to meet an important person.So this completely shows that the power of Soochow's spies has penetrated into the Jingshan area.

Liu Chan made another guess.Perhaps the purpose of the Zheng brothers is actually the opposite of his, that is to use the power of that important person to cut off the route from the East Three Counties to the border of Jingzhou, and finally trap Guan Yujun in Jingzhou!

Thinking of this, Liu Chan couldn't help but sweat dripping down his back, and the identity of this important person in Jingshan was about to be revealed - Su Lutu, the aboriginal lord who managed all the barbarians in Jingshan!
The reason why Liu Chan exists is naturally not through investigation, but from the old ferryman Adozhi that Sulutu manages all the aborigines in Jingshan and is quite powerful.In addition, this person has a very good understanding of the terrain of Jingshan, so it is extremely easy to cut off the way of the outside army here!
After thinking about it, Liu Chan came to Zheng Wu's side to search again, but he did not find any more bronze medals. Obviously, his identity and official position were lower than Zheng Wen's, and he was not qualified to hold a bronze medal like Zheng Wen.

Then, Liu Chan thought about Marsh again, and a question resurfaced—how could Marsch insist that the Zheng brothers were spies of Soochow?Could it be that Ma Shi's identity actually came from Cao Wei, because if this is the case, Ma Shi can deduce the origin of the Zheng brothers as long as he uses his brain a little, and the derivation is as follows:

Ma Shi himself is a spy of Cao Wei —>; The Zheng brothers tried their best to conceal their identities in Jingzhou—>; The Zheng brothers’ identities are definitely not Jingzhou officials, and Ma Shi himself does not know them —>; The Zheng brothers can only be from Soochow spy.

The whole story was deduced to this point by Liu Chan, which simply surprised him inexplicably.At that time, he joked with Marsh and the Zheng brothers that among the four of them were spies from the Three Kingdoms, but now it seems that the word has come to fruition!However, now that the Zheng brothers are both dead and Marsh has escaped, this matter may become an unsolved case from now on.

Liu Chan said to Zheng Wen and Zheng Wu: "Master Zheng, you did die unjustly, but I can't promise to avenge you in the future. After all, bad people in this world often live very well, let alone get a little punishment Now, you just accept your fate. In the future, when Ma Shi dies, you will settle accounts with him in the underworld, right? But I can still do it by digging into the ground and erecting monuments for you." As he said, Liu Chan stretched out his hand and wiped them in front of their eyes. The eyes of the two were closed.

Liu Chan pulled out his own Dragon City dagger and looked at it. Although it was extremely sharp, it was too small and too short. It was unrealistic to use it to dig out two graves.He looked again at the long knife on the ground, and at the figures of the Zheng brothers, feeling discouraged again.

Just imagine two tombs that are one meter deep, one meter wide, and two meters long, which means that Liu Chan will have to dig out 4 cubic meters of soil by himself, which is impossible in terms of Liu Chan's physical strength.Liu Chan couldn't help but muttered: "I lost all my belongings along the way, why haven't Zhao Feng and the others found them until now?!"

Liu Chan simply sat down to rest beside him, and soon found that mosquitoes and flies kept flying and landed on the bodies of the Zheng brothers.Liu Chan felt extremely disgusted, so he drove them away from the next branch of the tree next to him.In fact, according to Liu Chan's prediction, they should arrive soon, otherwise Shi Hui's ninja would really be in vain!

However, the difficulty of finding Liu Chan's trace was obviously much more difficult than Liu Chan himself imagined. Until the afternoon of this day was about to pass, Zhao Feng and the others still did not see any trace!Liu Chan found out the food left by the Zheng brothers, and swallowed a piece of cake to finally fill himself up.

At this time, the sunset in the sky was about to set, and the mountains became pitch black, but the shape of the mountains became clearer. The sultry weather also made the bugs in the mountains scream more vigorously.

Liu Chan thought that he might have to spend the night here alone tonight, but seeing the bodies of the Zheng brothers on the ground and thinking of the wolves and beasts in the mountains at night, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart!
Liu Chan immediately got up from the ground, and wanted to find some firewood and come back to light a bonfire.Just as he was walking on the main road, his ears couldn't help pricking up, as if he heard a rush of horseshoes coming from a distance.

Liu Chan hurriedly turned around to look in the direction of the sound, and soon, a white figure appeared in the distance - it was a white horse, and immediately a man in black!Finally meeting a living person, Liu Chan felt excited.

When the man approached, Liu Chan couldn't help exclaiming, because Shi Hui's petite figure, delicate and slightly haggard appearance came into view.Liu Chan was immediately thankful in his heart, and stopped looking for firewood, and stood in the middle of the road with his hands behind his back, waiting for Shi Hui to come over.

Shi Hui's eyesight is naturally much better than Liu Chan's. He has already spotted Liu Chan, hurriedly urged the horse to come to Liu Chan, and immediately got off the horse and knelt down on the ground: "The rescue is late, please forgive me!"

Liu Chan was obviously very dissatisfied with Shi Hui's performance this time, and said slightly angrily: "My son has already left you a clue on the way, why did you come so late? You know, I almost died in the hands of others today ?!"

Seeing Liu Chan's dirty body, Shi Hui seemed to have really suffered a lot, and a trace of shame appeared on his face.Moreover, she has been with Liu Chan for a long time. Today is the first time she sees the prince angry, and she can't help but feel panic, and then she said: "The prince suffered because of the negligence of the subordinate. I am really terrified. Are you injured? , this subordinate will treat you immediately."

"No need. Why are you the only one here, what about Zhao Feng and the others?"

"Because there are too many forks in the mountains, Xianggong, Xiaowei Deng, Young Master Zhuge and others are leading people to look for Young Master separately. The subordinates have left clues along the way, and they will find them soon."

Only then did Liu Chan get Shi Hui up from the ground, and then led her to the body of the Zheng brothers.Shi Hui saw that the two people on the ground had their throats cut to death, and her ninja knowledge and experience made her immediately judge that the two should have died without any resistance.Shi Huiqi said: "Your Majesty, these two were killed by an expert who could make these two big men helpless!"

Liu Chan then told the ins and outs of the matter, and Shi Hui was terrified when he heard it, and at the same time, he was impressed by Liu Chan's wit.After the two waited for more than half an hour, Zhao Feng finally came with dozens of people and pleaded guilty to Liu Chan again.

The anger in Liu Chan's heart has long since dissipated, so he asked them to dig out two graves for the Zheng brothers and bury them on the spot.Then, not long after, Deng Ai and Zhuge Qiao's people also came one after another.Finally seeing his two best friends, thinking of the intrigue between himself and Ma Shi, Liu Chan couldn't help but feel a burst of sadness in his heart, and almost couldn't help crying.

(End of this chapter)

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