The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 191 The Barbarian Plan

Chapter 191 The Barbarian Plan
After Liu Chan returned to the barracks, he didn't go to rest immediately. The first thing he thought about was the injury of the old boatman's granddaughter Ajima.In fact, Liu Chan felt a little sorry for her in his heart, because he had scolded Ma Shi in front of everyone earlier, and he must be punished.Now Marsh doesn't know where he fled to, and I'm afraid there will be no chance to meet him again in the future.

Shi Hui hurriedly reported to Liu Chan that although Ajima was seriously injured, she was treated in a timely manner. The doctors who accompanied the army were also very skilled in medical treatment, and finally saved her life. Now she is resting in the barracks.Only then did Liu Chan heave a sigh of relief, and let everyone go down to rest, leaving only Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai.

Zhuge Qiao saw that Liu Chan sent everyone away and only left himself and Deng Ai, he felt a little strange, and asked: "My lord, you have suffered a lot these days, do you want me to find a doctor to diagnose your physical condition?" ?”

Although Deng Ai was also very curious, he was always indifferent, just stood aside quietly and didn't say much.

Liu Chan waved his hand, telling Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai to remember what he said next, and then he told them in detail about the token of the Zheng brothers and that Ma Shi might be a spy of Cao Wei.

Zhuge Qiao asked in surprise, "Why did Wu Wei's spies reach into Jingshan Mountain? What exactly do they want to do?"

Deng Ai's eyes flashed, and he said: "Since the prince can think of opening Jingshan Mountain and leaving a retreat for Guan Junhou after defeat, then as long as there are wise men among the enemies, I am afraid that he will also think of cutting off Guan Junhou's power." This is the retreat."

Liu Chan nodded, secretly admiring Deng Ai's foresight, which was almost the same as what he thought.He told Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai what he had learned about the Jingshan barbarians at the old boatman Adozhi's house, and his guess that both Wu and Wei wanted to collude with the adults of the Jingshan barbarians.

Zhuge Qiao immediately thought that Zhao Feng's men had seized a large amount of supplies after they wiped out Ma Shi's men. Now that he thought about it, he might really be a spy from Cao Wei's side.

After he informed Liu Chan of the situation, he chose to focus and asked: "My lord, since there are so many barbarians in Jingshan, it is not impossible to cut off the passage of Jingshan. How do you plan to deal with them?"

In fact, this is exactly what Liu Chan is worrying about now.He didn't sort out the clues for a while, so he had to put aside the questions of Marsh and others, and looked at Deng Ai, hoping that he could give him a good idea.

Deng Ai and Liu Chan had a good tacit understanding, cleared their throats and said: "The imperial court has always dealt with aliens in two ways: force attack and appeasement, which one does the prince want to implement?"

Liu Chan thought for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.In the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the total number of troops sent was more than 50, and it took many large-scale battles to defeat the Huns.Until the Yizhixie era, the Huns were divided into two parts, the north and the south, and the south entered the Central Plains to accept the kingship, and the threat of the Huns to the Central Plains was finally lifted.After Cao Cao defeated Karasuma with military force, he annexed his army, moved his people and divided them into five departments. Each department set up a commander to divide and appease him.Liu Chan felt that the army at hand must exceed the manpower in the hands of the barbarians, but he didn't want to spend too much time and energy in Jingshan, not to mention whether Guan Yu would really be defeated like another time and space in the future is another matter.

Liu Chan said: "We have already wasted a lot of time in Jingshan, and we have lost contact with the outside world for a long time. In order to save unnecessary wasted time, this son decided to appease the barbarian adults first, and show him the righteousness. I hope they don't turn their positions to any of Wu Weizhong. What do you think?"

Peace of the world with benevolence and righteousness was originally Zhuge Qiao's wish, and he naturally had 1 people in favor: "It's very good for the son to do so. I believe those barbarians must also be willing to submit to Wang Hua."

Although Liu Chan nodded, he felt that Zhuge Qiao's words were too dogmatic.What surrendered to Wang Hua?Of those foreign races who once surrendered to the Han, which of them had no choice but to submit because they were intimidated by the powerful military of the Han?Once there is turmoil in China, these alien races are often the ones who stir up the flames.

But Liu Chan also knew that Zhuge Qiao's rhetoric must have been learned from his mentor Wang Meng, so Liu Chan couldn't deny it all at once, so he nodded and remained silent.Then, Liu Chan asked Deng Ai again: "Now you are in charge of the army, what do you think?"

Deng Ai bowed his head and pondered for a while, and told Liu Chan that he was not opposed to using soothing measures.But the question is, what if those barbarians are rebellious and refuse to submit to the King of Hanzhong?Deng Ai then told Liu Chan that, in fact, during the construction of the cottage these days, the scouts he sent had discovered barbarian aborigines with strange movements around them.Looking at his whereabouts, it seems that he is a spy who came to investigate the eastward direction of his army. Presumably the barbarians have already begun to care about their actions.

It was the first time Liu Chan heard this news.But after he thought about it for a while, he felt more relieved. This is the territory of the barbarians. If you bring so many troops to build a large-scale construction here, it is impossible for people not to suspect that you are here to seize the territory.Liu Chan asked: "Haven't they sent envoys to test our intentions?"

Deng Ai shook his head and said, "No."

"Didn't you arrest those spies and interrogate them?"

Zhuge Qiao said: "We have been devastated by the disappearance of the son these two days, so we haven't had time to deal with it yet."

Suspicious, Liu Chan ordered Deng Ai to quickly catch one of them, and told him that he wanted to have a meeting with their native adults, and then he could put him back.Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai also felt that Liu Chan's method was very good, so that they didn't have to send people to inform the native lord in advance.

However, Deng Ai still remembered that Liu Chan hadn't finished answering his own question just now: "Your Majesty, I want to ask again, if the barbarians don't cooperate with us, and even decide to cooperate with Wu and Wei, what should we do?"

Liu Chan frowned when he heard this.Zhuge Qiao said: "The king of Hanzhong is famous far and wide, how dare the little barbarians refuse to submit?"

Liu Chan sighed, "Ah Qiao, you are too superstitious about fame. My father has really grown in popularity since he became King of Hanzhong, but there is no news in Jingshan, how do they know about my father's reputation? Just think about it for yourself."

Zhuge Qiao's face was slightly hot, the son's words were indeed reasonable.Since he showed his skills in Hanzhong, not only his father Zhuge military adviser, but also all the officials in the court have appreciated him more and more, and he can't help feeling a little proud in his heart, so that now he can no longer look at things objectively and realistically.Fortunately, the son's words finally woke him up, Zhuge Qiao quickly apologized: "The son is right, Qiao has been taught!"

Liu Chan nodded, he was very relieved that Zhuge Qiao was able to wake up in time.He comforted Zhuge Qiao not to blame himself so much, that people will inevitably feel self-inflated when they succeed, and then said to Deng Ai: "I have thought about it. To be on the safe side, we need to be prepared. On the one hand, we have to send People should go to discuss with that indigenous lord Sulutu; on the other hand, we must be ready to attack the barbarians at any time!"

Deng Ai felt that Liu Chan's method was very good, and said that he had no objection, but who should be the candidate for the barbarian mission?Both Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai's eyes stopped on Liu Chan immediately.

Of course Liu Chan knew that the two of them meant that they wanted themselves to come forward in person.But as the heir of the Prince of Hanzhong, how can I lower my status to negotiate with a small barbarian lord unless it is very necessary?What's more, now that my strength is far superior to that of the barbarians, why should I wrong myself?
A flash of inspiration flashed in Liu Chan's mind, and the only person beside him who could take on the job was Zhuge Qiao.Zhuge Qiao has always behaved elegantly, is quite friendly, and is also very eloquent. Maybe he is a better candidate than himself.He waved his hand and said, "Don't look at me. A Qiao, you don't have anything to do recently, I'll leave it to you to handle it."

In fact, Zhuge Qiao is indeed more experienced than Liu Chan in negotiating with people. When he was in Hanzhong, he learned a lot from Mr. Shi Tao.It's just that he and Deng Ai have followed Liu Chan all year round, subconsciously believing that Liu Chan's eloquence is the best among the three, so naturally he should be responsible for such a thing.

Moreover, his thinking is different from Liu Chan's. As the son of the king of Hanzhong, if Liu Chan can go to discuss with the barbarian leader in person, I believe it will be much more effective than his son's attendance.

He persuaded Liu Chan, "Young Master, Qiao has a task ahead of him. If you do it yourself, the weight is the most important. It can also show how much you value the barbarians. I believe it will be easier to succeed, right?"

Liu Chan couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, it seems that he still has to do it himself in the end!

Therefore, Liu Chan reassigned the work of the three, and handed over the task of leading the army to fight against the barbarians to Deng Ai, and told Deng Ai to find the old boatman Adozhi as a guide for the march.The construction of the cottage and the sending of people out of the mountain to contact the officials in Jingzhou were all handed over to Zhuge Qiao.

After the discussion, although Liu Chan was very tired, he did not go to rest immediately, but called Shi Hui and asked her to take him to the ward to visit Ajima.

(End of this chapter)

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