The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 192 Liu Chan's Negotiation

Chapter 192 Liu Chan's Negotiation ([-])

After Liu Chan visited Ajima, he took Deng Ai to find the old boatman Aduozhi.

When the old boatman saw Liu Chan, the savior again, his mood suddenly became extremely excited, and he immediately fell to the ground and knelt down.

Liu Chan hurriedly stepped forward to support him, and said, "Old man, you don't have to be so polite. Helping the poor and fighting the injustice is what a human being should do." Then, Liu Chan explained to the old boatman the reason for his visit this time.

When the old boatman saw that Liu Chan needed his own help, of course he knew everything, and told in detail everything he knew about Sulutu, an aborigine of the Jingshan barbarians.

It turned out that since the barbarians entered Jingshan, this Sulutu's family has been hereditary as an aboriginal adult.The adults in the past dynasties are not bad, and the life of the barbarians in the mountains is relatively happy.But since Sulutu took over, the outside world has been in chaos. Although he tried to rule, the best result can only be to make his people barely survive.

After listening to the old boatman's story, Liu Chan and Deng Ai felt that Su Lutu was a good leader who could do his best for the barbarians.But Jingshan has always been blocked by traffic. How could the war outside have such a huge impact on the lives of the people here?
After Liu Chan asked, they realized that the matter was caused by Su Lutu.Sulutu is now old and frail, and it should be time to hand over the power of the barbarians.But unfortunately, although Sulutu has a son, he has been weak and sick since he was a child. He has been bedridden all year round since a few years ago.Therefore, Sulutu had to hand over most of the family affairs to his nephew Keke (the son of Sulutu's sister).

As we all know, the Section has been eyeing Sulutu's position as an adult. He is greedy and hypocritical, and has been in close collusion with outside businessmen.There is little land in the mountains, so there is little food produced, so the special products in the mountains can only be exchanged for daily necessities such as grain and salt.Now this group of people colludes internally and externally. On the one hand, they try their best to lower the prices of local products, and on the other hand, they deliberately raise the prices of daily necessities, making the life of the barbarians miserable.The worst thing is that Sulutu, who is an adult, has been kept in the dark by the department all the time!
Liu Chan and Deng Ai finally understand now that the person in power among the Jingshan barbarians is actually the person named Keke.And the power of Sulutu, the real barbarian master, has been emptied by the department!

Liu Chan thought about it, and felt that things seemed to be easier to handle next.Since this Keke is such a greedy person, his nostalgia for power and position is probably very deep.As the saying goes, if you want to get what you want, you must first give it. Liu Chan felt that he seemed to be able to start from this aspect.

So, Liu Chan asked A Duozhi to take him back to rest, and also gave him a lot of things.Then, he and Deng Ai began to discuss strategies.

So, that night, the barracks was quite uneasy.In particular, the Accounts Department staff brought out by Liu Chan from the National Academy of Medicine were the busiest group of people, and they were all preparing for the trip according to Liu Chan's instructions.

In the early morning of the next day, the moist air in the mountains caused a mist, covering the mountain road outside the camp, as if covered with a white veil.The activities outside the human barracks disturbed the usual leisure and tranquility of the mist, and it slipped into the camp in a misty way.

Today, Liu Chan woke up very early, and more than a dozen vehicles filled with items were neatly lined up outside the gate of the camp. Zhao Feng led a hundred white-eared guards and three hundred soldiers. Accompanying protection is ready to go.As for Deng Ai, he had already set off secretly for a long time in the middle of the night last night with the old boatman A Duozhi leading the way, and he is probably already halfway there.

Liu Chan is wearing a white robe today, coupled with his handsome appearance and refined temperament, he is indeed quite elegant.He stepped on a white horse that Zhao Feng had prepared for him, looked back at his team, and felt very satisfied.

Soon, Shi Hui came to report that all the items ordered by the staff and the prince had been prepared.Liu Chan nodded, let Zhao Feng lead the team to set off immediately.Zhao Feng raised his right hand, and the team and horses moved slowly, crushing the mist on the ground.

Along the way, Liu Chan's men and horses walked very calmly, but the scouts sent out to scout around would come back from time to time to report and found suspicious barbarian aborigines peeping around.Liu Chan just smiled lightly at this, and didn't care too much in his heart.

However, Liu Chan found that Zhao Feng was always hesitant to speak along the way, knowing that due to his professional habits, it was difficult for him to tolerate people around him spying on information, so he must feel particularly awkward now.Therefore, Liu Chan ordered those scouts to expel the barbarian spies once they found them, but not to kill them.Zhao Feng's expression softened a little.

After Liu Chan's team walked non-stop for several hours, the rugged mountain road still slowed down their speed. It was not until the afternoon of this day that they came to a large village two or three miles away.It is not accurate to say that this is a village, because it seems more appropriate to call it a "fortress".

The villages and towns are surrounded by gravel from the mountains. It may have been built for a long time. The wind and sun have turned the stones into dark black. There are many barbarian soldiers holding javelins and other weapons on patrol. .

The three sides of the fortress are still built facing a river more than ten feet wide, forming a natural moat.Now it is the rainy season, the mountain torrents are particularly large, and the wide river is full of turbid currents.And because it is built on the hillside, most of the buildings inside the fortress can be seen from the outside. Once there are enemies from outside, they can even shoot directly from the hillside.

Looking at such a strong fortress, Liu Chan secretly calculated that if he wanted to attack it by force, he would have to use Deng Ai's entire army to encircle it.However, this is an extremely time-consuming thing. No one in a year or so will probably survive the starvation of the people inside. How can he have the time and resources to spend with them now.Therefore, Liu Chan secretly decided that his negotiation this time must be successful.

In fact, when Liu Chan's troops entered Jingshan Mountain and started building large-scale projects in the mountain, they were discovered by the local barbarians.Perhaps out of a kind of instinctive fear of outsiders, one or two barbarian Xiaoshuai (the next is Xiaoshuai, the village head of a village) actually organized several attacks against Liu Chan's troops.But where were they Deng Ai's opponents, they were dispersed with only a few hundred people.Therefore, when Liu Chan traveled to the mountains and waters, he said that he knew something about the barbarians who entered the mountains.

These young commanders quickly reported the situation to the barbarian adults, hoping to get Sulutu's instructions, but the news was finally intercepted in the hands of the section.Because recently there have been some news from the outside that people from the north and the south are coming to give gifts, but the news does not disclose who the north and the south refer to.Therefore, the department had a faint feeling in his heart that this information might be useful to him in the future, and it would be better not to let that damned old man know for the time being.So he took the information and called a few young handsome men from his inner circle to discuss it.

When those people heard that the other party had brought 6000 to [-] troops, they all turned pale with fright, and strongly opposed the department's further risky move.The department couldn't help cursing that these people are all cowards, how can they achieve great things with such people?But now he can't do without the support of these people, and he knows very well that now is not the time to attack rashly.

Therefore, the department ordered those handsome villages to take a wait-and-see attitude and not allow any more attacks.Time was wasted in this way, Deng Ai quickly built the cottage, and then left 500 people to guard it, and did not commit any crime to the surrounding barbarian villages.As a result, the barbarians were relieved, they just dispatched some people to scout the situation every day, and let Deng Ai's men build other cottages.Sometimes, it is easy for people to be satisfied with a peaceful state, as long as you do not offend their interests.

A few more days passed like this, and Deng Ai's second cottage had already started logging and laying the foundation.

Until yesterday, things reversed.One of the spies sent by the barbarians was captured by the other party. It turned out that the tacit understanding between the two sides was broken.The news quickly spread back to the cottage, and the department began to get nervous again, and sent people to find the cronies to discuss again.

But when everyone was clamoring, the man who was taken away miraculously came back and brought a big news: Liu Chan, the prince of Hanzhong and special envoy of Jingzhou, will visit the barbarian master in the cottage soon.

Everyone was a little dizzy by Liu Chan's title. How could the prince of the Wang family appear in this shitty Jingshan?But these people are relatively knowledgeable among the barbarians. At least they often contact with businessmen from other places, and most of them know who the king of Hanzhong is. After all, Jingzhou is now fighting with Cao Wei, and the news has already spread all over the country.

In fact, the department already knew that Deng Ai's army came from Yizhou, but they didn't expect that there was such a big man as Liu Chan in the army, so they were full of suspicion in their hearts, and couldn't guess the other party's intention to come to see Su Lutu.But instinctively out of the protection of vested rights, the department has already decided without waiting for everyone to discuss, no matter who this Liu Chan is and what intentions he has when he comes here, he will not let him see Su Lutu.

But to the surprise of the department, on the second day after the spy brought back the news, Liu Chan really came to the cottage in a big way!
(End of this chapter)

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