The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 193 Liu Chan's Negotiation

Chapter 193 Liu Chan's Negotiation ([-])

Liu Chan's efficient action made the department who got the news a little bit impatient.He immediately found Rikdo, who was the most eloquent among his cronies, and asked him to take some people to wait at the gate of the village, take the opportunity to sound out Liu Chan's tone, and then come back and report to himself, so that he can take a stand to meet Liu Chan.

In fact, from the complex mentality of the department, it can be seen that Liu Chan's trip this time was too hasty, and he didn't even do the basic communication with the other party.But now Liu Chan's time is too short, such a bad move is really a last resort.

Ricotto was only in his thirties, of medium height, with a strong build, a bronze complexion, and a pair of eyes that looked very energetic. He looked like a typical barbarian honest man.But it is such a Rictor, who can be counted as a good eloquent among the barbarians.Over the years, the department has been in charge of colluding with foreign businessmen to deal with it, and Rictor has never let the department down.Therefore, when encountering such an urgent matter today, the first person that the department thought of was this Rick Duo.

Seeing Rikdo come in, the department quickly stepped forward and asked him if he already knew about the Yizhou special envoy.Riktor had the most contact with outside businessmen, so he had the most extensive knowledge in the cottage. Seeing that the department was so anxious, he seemed too impetuous and impatient. How could such a person take over the position of the boss?He said: "Master of the department, I already know the matter, what's your order?"

Keke said anxiously: "Rictor, I want you to meet that Liu Chan first. You have to help me find out the intention of his trip, and then I will go to see him."

Rick hesitated for a while. In fact, he was still very confident in his talents, but the problem was that the spy Liu Chan had released earlier had just returned and said that he wanted to visit Lord Sulutu.Therefore, Rico felt in his heart that Liu Chan's intentions for this trip must not be simple, and the department should think of some countermeasures in advance, instead of being led by the nose by Liu Chan, an outsider.So, Riktor told the department his thoughts.

Ge Ke nodded, although he thought Rikdo's idea was reasonable, but he was actually a cautious person and never liked to take action lightly, so he didn't really take Rikdo's proposal to heart.He patted Rikdo on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "I know what you mean. Now hurry up and organize people."

Rikdo's eyesight has always been good, looking at Keke's indifferent expression, he knew that Keke didn't take his reminder seriously.Since he can become the most valued person around the department, he naturally knows how to advance and retreat in front of the department.So he knew that persuading him now might only be counterproductive, and he didn't have anything more to persuade, so he hurried out to find the things his people were going to meet.

Just before the section talked with Ricardo about what to do next, the news that Liu Chan came to the barbarians was also known by other interested people in the barbarians.After Prue heard the news, he rushed home in a hurry, and immediately alarmed his father, another powerful figure in the cottage—Kesu, the cousin of the barbarian master Sulutu—the elder of the barbarian!
This person is over sixty years old, but his body is still quite strong.Since he was in his 20s, he has presided over all the ceremonies and celebrations in the cottage, and has executed the family rules to punish crimes. He can be said to be an elder among the barbarians, and his prestige is second only to the adult Sulutu.Now that Sulutu's power is being emptied by his nephew Keke, Kesu is the only one among the barbarians who can stand up to him.

Moreover, this person has been able to sit firmly on the position of the elder of the barbarian clan for decades, so he naturally has a special way of dealing with people.What's more, he is a deadly orthodox and blood theorist. Even though Sulutu's son is already sick and one foot has stepped into the coffin, Kesu still believes that the position of barbarian lord should be passed on to Sulutu Nephew Sultan.This is the most important reason why Kesu often conflicts with the department.

As soon as Prue entered the house, he rushed to his father Kesu's room and pushed the door open without even knocking.Kesu was sitting in the house drinking tea while waiting for the family to prepare dinner.Therefore, Prue's sudden intrusion startled him so much that he almost knocked over the teacup in his hand.But the splashed tea still made him very painful, so he quickly put the teacup back on the table beside him, and wiped the tea off his hands on his clothes.

Seeing his son flustered and inappropriate, Kesu lost the calmness he had cultivated since he was a child, and said, "Why didn't you knock on the door when you entered the house? Why are you so flustered?"

Prue said quickly: "Father, I just got a very important news, so I forgot everything when I was in a hurry."

Kesu saw that Prue was sweating on his face, it seemed that he was really in a hurry, so he asked him to explain the matter clearly.Prue told the news about Liu Chan's coming that he had inquired about, without missing a single word, and especially emphasized that the department strictly sealed the news.

Kesu glanced at his son and asked, "Since the department has strictly sealed the news, how did you know about it?"

Seeing the look in his father's eyes, Prue couldn't help but tremble.He always remembered in his heart that he cheated some money from his mother two or three years ago when money was tight.Later, Kesu learned that he was tied to the threshing ground and beat him to death in front of the tribe. Finally, the adult Sulutu pleaded for mercy, and he was saved from death.So since then, Prue never dared to lie in front of Kesu again.

He then smiled and said, "Father, I can lie to others, how dare I lie to you? I met Eke on the road just now, and I chatted with him casually, and he told me secretly."

Only then did Kesu believe what Prue said.Because Eke is the only son of Rikdo, the most trusted confidant of the department, and Rikdo has always doted on him very much. Now the news that Prue got from this population should not be false.

With good political awareness and political struggle experience, Kesu immediately realized that people from the government had not visited their Jingshan barbarians for many years. If he could grasp this opportunity well, he might be able to get Sulutu out of the country. Take back all the overhead power!
So Kesu sent Pru away, and then hurried out to Sulutu's house.He learned from the servants of Sulutu's family that Sulutu had finished his meal and was now taking a routine walk in the garden behind.

Kesu sighed inwardly, his cousin Sulutu still didn't know that the surroundings were full of dangers, so he was so carefree!In fact, when Su Lutu was young, he went outside to study "Lao Tzu", and his life has always been elegant, but it is this attitude towards life that makes him not very good at fighting for power and profit with others.

When Kesu came to the garden, he saw Sulutu wearing a white cloth, with a white scarf wrapped around his head, and watering the flowers with a small bucket in his hand, looking like a refined gentleman.Moreover, Sulutu's skin color is not the same as the common copper-colored skin color of the barbarians in the mountains, it is very smooth and fair.

When Kesu saw it, he was furious. He walked over and reached out to hold Sulutu's bucket, and persuaded him, "Cousin, what time is it now? Are you still thinking about watering the flowers and planting the grass?"

Su Lutu smiled lightly, gently patted Kesu's hand off, and said calmly, "What's wrong with you?"

Kesu said anxiously: "Your family property is about to be taken away by someone, and you still act like nothing happened. I really can't stand it anymore!"

Seeing that Kesu, who has always been prudent, would lose his composure like this today, Su Lutu smiled in his heart, and said with a smile, "What's wrong with you today? By the way, the Han Dynasty has been wiped out twice for hundreds of years ( Although the name of the Great Han is still preserved, in fact, it will not be long before its demise. In history, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty took the Zen throne in this year), let alone our small barbarian family? Don't worry, the boat will arrive The end of the bridge is naturally straight."

When Kesu saw that Su Lutu was playing Tai Chi with him again, he really couldn't explain his reason to him, and then he remembered the reason why he came to Su Lutu's house today.He hurriedly told Su Lutu about Liu Chan. After Su Lutu listened, he suddenly put down the bucket in his hand and frowned very rarely, as if he was lost in thought.

Kesu asked Sulutu what he wanted to do, should he ask about it himself?But Su Lutu waved his hand and sighed: "I'm old, I don't care about clan affairs for a long time, I think it's better to leave it to the department, after all, he handles clan affairs very well now."

Kesu thought to himself, that's because you are stuck at home all day, not knowing what happened outside.That dead boy Keke has harmed the tribe now, Kesu even if I sue you, but you still don't want to believe it, and now that kid is getting more and more arrogant!Kesu said anxiously: "That Liu Chan is from the official family, no matter what you say, you should go and see him."

Sulutu looked up into the distance.The sun has set, the sky is twilight, the sky has turned pink, and night has really come.He sighed: "In this case, you can meet that Liu Chan for me. I am old now, and my legs and feet are not flexible."

Kesu looked at this cousin who was three years older than him, he looked much younger than him, what was the reason why his legs and feet were not flexible, it was obviously because he was too lazy to move!Kesu nodded and hurriedly went to handle the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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