The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 194 Liu Chan's Negotiation

Chapter 194 Liu Chan's Negotiation ([-])

When Kesu hurriedly brought six servants of Sulutu's family, two of them carried a large jar of rice wine, and the other four each carried food.When they came to the gate of the cottage, Liu Chan's team actually came to the mountain two or three miles away from the cottage, and they could see the situation of the whole cottage clearly.

Seeing someone coming out to greet him at the door, Liu Chan turned his head and smiled at Zhao Feng behind him, "These barbarians came out in time." Then he asked Zhao Feng to report first, and he would catch up later, so that he could show his dignity. .

Seeing that Liu Chan hadn't arrived yet, Kesu thought that Rikudo sent by the department would come out soon, so he immediately made a decision, instead of waiting at the gate of the village, he took his servants out along the main road Greeting Liu Chan - it can be seen how worried he is about the status quo of the barbarians.

After walking a mile, Kesu saw Zhao Feng's all-white guards in white clothes, white armor, and white horses with white ears, all of them with silver guns in their hands, approaching him solemnly, all exuding a murderous aura.

Kesu's heart trembled inexplicably, feeling that the aura of these people was really terrifying, and he was immediately captured by their aura.Zhao Feng raised his right hand, and all the white-eared guards behind him stopped at the same time.

Only then did Zhao Feng ride up alone and report his family name: "This general is Zhao Feng, Lieutenant of the Yizhou Military Academy, and Liu Chan, the son of the Prince of Hanzhong, is the leader of the front team. Anyone who comes, report your name quickly!"

Kesu saw Zhao Feng's heroic appearance, full of air in his speech, he really had the air of a general, he hurried forward and cupped his hands and said: "I am Kesu, the elder of the Jingshan barbarian tribe, and I came to welcome Liu Chan's son by the order of my lord."

Zhao Feng nodded, raised his hand and waved back, and the two rows of white-eared guards immediately stepped aside towards the side of the road on both sides, really full of momentum.

In fact, according to Zhao Feng's style, it is of course impossible for him to make things so cumbersome.This was all Liu Chan instructed him to do, and of course the purpose was to give the barbarians who came to greet him a blow!And a barbarian like Kesu, who had never seen this before, was so shocked that he couldn't even move his eyes.

When Zhao Feng saw Kesu and his servants were stunned on the spot, he couldn't help but secretly sighed that Liu Chan really had the foresight.He said loudly to Kesu: "Old man, Mr. Liu Chan is still behind, please come with me to meet him." Then he jumped off the horse and walked back with Kesu.

When the two walked a hundred meters away, they saw Liu Chan appearing with a convoy.Kesu never imagined that Liu Chan would be so young, with a fair complexion and a slight smile, like a Confucian scholar, and even faintly saw a trace of Sulutu in the past from him.

Kesu had a very good first impression of Liu Chan, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute him and said, "The elder of the barbarian clan, Kesu, pays homage to the son."

Liu Chan saw that Kesu was wearing a purple and black striped homespun dress, with a black band around his head, and his face was bronze, making him look very serious.And he himself has always been very serious on weekdays, so the smile he is showing now seems a little unnatural.

Liu Chan didn't have to get off his horse to return the salute, but he always had the habit of showing respect to the elderly, so he dismounted and said, "The old man came out to greet him in person, how dare I be my son?"

When Kesu saw that Liu Chan was such an honorable person, he dismounted from his horse to pay back the gift himself, his heart was agitated, and he dared not say anything.

Kesu's official dialect is actually not very good. The few polite words just now were learned from Sulutu on weekdays. Now that Liu Chan wants to continue to be polite, he is obviously a little bit overwhelmed.He had no choice but to say: "His Royal Highness, we barbarians have a rule for welcoming guests. Please try our homemade mellow rice wine first."

After saying that, the two servants carrying the wine in the back lifted the wine jar up, took out the wine drainer, took out two bowls and sent them to Liu Chan and Kesu.

Liu Chan actually doesn't drink much alcohol on weekdays, and the army even gave a deadly order to stop drinking, but it doesn't mean that you can't drink at all.He took the wine bowl, took a deep breath, a strong aroma floated into his nostrils, and praised: "This wine is really fragrant and mellow, really good wine!" The mixed fruit wine at home has a more intense and pungent aroma.

Rice wine is a must for every barbarian family to entertain guests. Now that Liu Chan praised him like this, Kesu felt very complacent, and a smile appeared on his face again.The two then lightly touched the bowls, then raised their heads to clean one up.

At this time, Liu Chan raised his head and looked forward, it turned out that there was another group of barbarians in a hurry, mixing wine and carrying meat.

Liu Chan then asked Kesu, "Elder Kesu, who are those?"

Kesu turned around and looked, and it turned out that Rikudo also brought people here.He didn't hide anything, so he told Liu Chan about Rikdo's identity.It turned out that when Rikdo came to the gate of the cottage, he heard that Kesu had already led people to meet Liu Chan first.

Rico didn't expect that Kesu would know the news of Liu Chan's arrival, and that he acted one step earlier than himself. He couldn't help but feel anxious, and hurriedly led people to chase him up, but it turned out that he was still one step late.

When Rick saw a teenage young man in white clothes standing in front of Kesu, with a majestic and heroic appearance, he already guessed in his heart that this person was Liu Chan, the son of the Prince of Hanzhong.

Naturally, he didn't dare to delay any longer. He walked up to Liu Chan in two steps at a time. After paying a big salute, he said in official Chinese that was much more fluent than Kesu's: "Rick, the barbarian commander, pays homage to the King of Hanzhong." Prince, the young master of my family heard that you were coming, so he ordered a villain to come out to greet you."

Liu Chan saw that one of Rikdo and Kesu claimed that he was ordered by the department, and the other was ordered by the barbarian master Sulutu, so he knew that the current barbarian tribe might really have split into two factions, each supporting their own. the master.However, this is not bad, if the barbarians are monolithic, it will be even more difficult for them to deal with!
Therefore, Liu Chan said with a smile to Rick: "You barbarians are really very enthusiastic. Before I even arrived at your door, two groups of people have come to greet you. Oh, the name of the son of your family, This prince has also heard about it, and heard that the barbarian master Sulutu has handed over all affairs to him, right?"

The reason why Liu Chan said such words at this time was insidious, purely to sow discord.Sure enough, the complacent expression on Kesu's face suddenly faded away, and he seemed quite embarrassed for a moment.

However, Rikdo's originally dejected application immediately turned from cloudy to sunny, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is really well informed. My son is now quite trusted by the Lord Sulutu, and maybe in the future..."

Before Rikudo finished speaking, Kesu suddenly blushed, and a cold snort came from his nostrils, which immediately interrupted Rikudo's words.Kesu said rather dissatisfied: "Rictor, no one will know until the last moment in the future. Also, this elder is here now, when will you be arrogant here as a handsome young man?"

It was only then that Riktor realized that Kesu's big round eyes were glaring at him with big, round eyes.Only then did he think of the majesty of the old man Kesu in normal times, and Rikdo couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, only then did he realize that he was too complacent just now!He hurriedly apologized to Kesu: "Elder forgive me, Riktor did not mean to ignore the elder's authority."

Kesu snorted again, apparently the grievances between him and Rictor may not last for a day or a half.Seeing this, Liu Chan knew that he had sowed dissension and tested how deep the conflict between them was, and it was time to come out and act as a peacemaker.

He then said with a smile: "Both of you are respectable adults in the barbarian tribe. Don't hurt everyone's peace by welcoming this son. In that case, this son's crime will be serious." Responsibility was taken upon himself.

When Kesu and Rick saw Liu Chan come forward, they both felt that if they continued to argue like this in front of outsiders, it would be too embarrassing for the barbarians.Kesu coughed in a low voice, turned his face away and stopped looking at Rikdo.

And Rikdo is complete, and his position is lower than that of Kesu, and he must be the one who bows his head in the end.He apologized to Liu Chan and Kesu respectively, and then said to Liu Chan: "Your Highness, according to the rules of our barbarians, can you drink the rice wine of my son of the family?"

Kesu originally thought that after Liu Chan drank his rice wine, he would no longer accept the rice wine from the department.But he was wrong, because Liu Chan had already made up his mind not to offend both parties.

Liu Chan peeked at Kesu, and found that his face was a little displeased, but Liu Chan deliberately pretended to be confused, and said with a smile: "Of course, I will not shirk the rice wine from the master of the department." Then he took it Rikdo drank the wine bowl in one gulp.

Rico was the most careful, and when he heard Liu Chan call the subject an "adult", he felt secretly happy, and quickly drank his own rice wine in one gulp.He said to Liu Chan: "Your Highness, it's getting late now, please let the villain lead the way for you." As he said this, he was about to reach out to lead Liu Chan's horse. He was really a thoughtful person.

No, Zhao Feng stepped forward and blocked Rikdo, his tall body blocked Rikdo at once, preventing him from approaching Liu Chan's mount at all.Liu Chan snickered, and told Zhao Feng not to be so nervous, and then told Rikdo not to have to do this, and he could just ride over by himself.Then, everyone set off again.

Along the way, Liu Chan secretly looked at Kesu many times, and his expression was always not very good.Liu Chan couldn't help laughing secretly, only if this son puts pressure on you, your real master, Su Lutu, will probably feel quite nervous to see this son!

(End of this chapter)

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