The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 195 Liu Chan's Negotiation

Chapter 195 Liu Chan's Negotiation ([-])

When Liu Chan came to the cottage through the suspension bridge, it was already dark.The city wall is full of barbarian soldiers. There are probably more than [-] people lined up to welcome them.Each of them held a torch in their hand, reflecting the top and bottom of the city wall like daylight, which looked rather spectacular.

There was also a large group of people at the gate of the Walled City, and many of them were holding torches.These people were surrounded by a group of middle-aged and old people who were dressed brightly and stood at the front. Their attire looked similar to Kesu who was an elder.Liu Chan secretly guessed that these people must be high-ranking and powerful figures in the barbarians, and he immediately had a bottom line in his mind.

And Kesu behind Liu Chan opened his eyes wide at the same time, and finally felt a little more relaxed in his heart. It turned out that Su Lutu actually came out to greet Liu Chan in person, and he didn't wear the too "casual" white cloth clothes, but changed into a very solemn one. The purple and black striped commoner.

When those people saw Liu Chan's men approaching, they immediately greeted them.Liu Chan's face was filled with a bright smile, showing the best affinity, turning his head and telling Kesu behind him to come forward, and said: "Elder Kesu, you barbarians are so enthusiastic. Come on, hurry up and introduce your son to me." tribe."

Liu Chan's words were very decent, and his expression was even more vivid like that of Liu Bei, as if these people in front of him were lost relatives he hadn't seen for decades.

Zhao Feng stayed with Liu Chan since he was a child, and he almost never left his side, and now he couldn't help but secretly nodded. After two years of training, the son has become more proficient in his temperament and handling of people.

Kesu originally thought that after Rikuduo came, he had already been left out by Liu Chan under his flattering offensive, but he didn't expect that he would let himself out at this time.Kesu was secretly delighted, and hurriedly made a special introduction for the adult Sulutu.

Then Su Lutu stepped forward and bowed to Liu Chan.

Liu Chan looked at the man in front of him whose complexion, behavior and demeanor were not quite similar to those of the barbarians. He couldn't help but feel a little surprised. This is clearly a well-educated scholar!

Liu Chan put aside his doubts for the time being, helped Su Lutu up, clinging to the old man's hand and said with a smile: "Master Su Lutu, I have to work hard for you to come to greet me, it really makes you tired!"

Su Lutu had been observing Liu Chan for a long time, and never thought that Liu Chan was so young, and he also carefully found that Liu Chan did not wear a crown on his head.

Su Lutu knew the customs of the Han people very well, and immediately judged that Liu Chan was young, and he hadn't reached the time for the crowning ceremony at all. It seemed that he should only be eleven or twelve years old.But when he heard Liu Chan's enthusiastic and very sophisticated opening remarks, he was even more surprised at the child's tact and sophistication.

He said respectfully in fluent Chinese: "My son's words really frighten us and the grassland people. Jingshan is originally in Jingzhou, and it also belongs to the territory of the King of Hanzhong. We should come to welcome your son."

As soon as Su Lutu said this, he made it clear that he was a subject of the King of Hanzhong.Liu Chan secretly rejoiced, since you are my family's courtiers, it will be easy for me, my son, to do things in the future.

Moreover, Liu Chan's mind flashed, and he had vaguely guessed that it seemed that the spies of Cao Wei and Soochow had not yet contacted the barbarians, or had already contacted them, but Su Lutu did not agree to cooperate with them.

Liu Chan said with a smile: "It's really surprising that Master Su Lutu's official words are so good."

Liu Chan's words seemed to bring back Su Lutu's memories from a long time ago, and he smiled slightly on his face and said, "Master Hui, I went to Jingzhou and Chang'an to study when I was young, so I can still speak some Mandarin."

Liu Chan snorted, no wonder this person looks so refined and refined, completely different from the mountainous aura that loomed on the barbarians in front of him, he smiled and said, "No wonder your lord has a different temperament."

Su Lutu smiled lightly, but said he didn't dare, but Liu Chan's praise still made him feel very useful.He said: "Next, please let me introduce my clansmen to the son."

Liu Chan naturally agreed, and Su Lutu held onto Liu Chan's hand and introduced Liu Chan one by one.When Su Lutu introduced his nephew, Geke, Liu Chan couldn't help but let out a sigh - this Geke was only 22 or [-] years old, and his appearance was somewhat similar to Su Lutu's, but he was a little thin , a pair of white pupils are too black pupils, it does look a bit out of phase, and it looks seldom unruly.

Seeing Su Lutu introducing himself, the division quickly stepped forward and saluted: "The villain should be the division, and I will pay my respects to the prince of Hanzhong. I am the division that sent Rick to greet the prince." His official words are It's actually no worse than Rikdo and Sulutu.

Liu Chan let go of Su Lutu's hand, let Ke Ke stand up, and said with a smile, "I have heard all along the way that a young man has recently appeared among the barbarians. Today I saw him and he looks really extraordinary!"

The subject did not expect that Liu Chan would say that he was a "young talent", and secretly lamented that the Han people's language is really rich. Although I can speak Mandarin well, I really can't learn these literary things!He laughed and said, "My lord, you praise too much."

"This is not a compliment to you. I heard that you are handling almost all the affairs of the barbarians. It seems that you have a bright future in the future!"

As soon as Liu Chan said this, there was a slight disturbance in the crowd, and some people started talking quietly.

Liu Chan took a sneak peek, and Su Lutu's expression didn't change much, but it was a bit embarrassing. After all, it's not time to bring this matter to the table.

Kesu's behavior was the same as before, with an angry look on his face - he has always taught his son to be calm, and he has always been calm when he encounters problems, but only when he encounters a battle for the position of an adult, he is a little out of control Hold on to your emotions.

When Liu Chan said this, he originally wanted to continue to sow discord in front of so many people, so he naturally didn't care about the reaction of the people, and then said: "This department, since I heard about your name, my son went out I even specially ordered someone to prepare a gift for you before. After the convoy arrives later, I will ask someone to give it to you."

The department was simply flattered.If he heard that Liu Chan was going to come to the barbarians, he still had some doubts about his purpose, but now the department has completely let go of his guard against Liu Chan, and immediately thanked Liu Chan again: "Thank you, my son, for your reward! "

Liu Chan nodded involuntarily, secretly thinking that these barbarians were very straightforward, and even saved the polite words of hypocritical resignation.Then, Liu Chan asked Su Lutu to continue to introduce the next few young handsome men, but found that Su Lutu's face was a bit unsightly.

Of course Liu Chan knew that it was because he gave the damn a gift, but he didn't give him a gift.This is no longer a question of the weight of the gift, but a matter of face. For men, most of them want to save face.

Liu Chan smiled at Su Lutu: "Oh, I forgot about it when I was happy just now. In fact, I also prepared a gift for Master Su Lutu. Let the team bring it to you later. .”

In fact, he deliberately wanted to give gifts to the department first, to stimulate Sulutu, and then sent Sulutu's gift.

Su Lutu's face returned to normal when he heard the words, and then he also thanked Liu Chan and introduced the next four young handsome boys in detail.

At this time, more than a dozen of Liu Chan's cars had also passed the suspension bridge, so Liu Chan reached out to take a document from Zhao Feng, handed it to Su Lutu and said, "Master Su Lutu, I heard that the recent barbarian people's life It’s relatively poor, so I first sent you some firewood, rice, oil and salt. This is the list, you can send someone to check it later. Gifts for the barbarians and adults, I will order my people to distribute them to everyone after entering the city of."

The roads in the Jingshan Mountains were difficult, and the merchants took the opportunity to drive up the prices. What the barbarians lack most now is firewood, rice, oil and salt. These things Liu Chan sent can be described as "timely rain"!
Although Su Lutu didn't care about affairs, he still knew some things that needed to be known. He immediately took the document respectfully and thanked Liu Chan gratefully.

And the barbarian soldiers behind him obviously heard the news from the whispers of the young commanders, and immediately cheered, and then the barbarian soldiers holding torches on the city wall also boiled, and even waved the torches in their hands.

After Su Lutu put away the documents, he immediately ordered people to bring over the wine and meat, set out more than a dozen bowls, filled them all, and distributed them to the handsome young men.Then, Su Lutu toasted Liu Chan: "His Royal Highness, thank you for your kindness to our barbarians. According to the rules of our barbarians, please drink this bowl of wine!"

Liu Chan naturally knew this rule, he had already had two more drinks with Kesu and Rick before!He said with a smile, "It's better to be respectful than to obey!" He stretched out his hand to take the wine bowl brought by Sulutu, and said loudly to the crowd: "I am very happy to be able to come to the barbarians! Come, let's drink this bowl together." Good wine!" Then he drank it in one gulp!

Of course, Su Lutu and those young handsome men would not lag behind, and they all drank them all in one gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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