The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 196 Liu Chan's Negotiation

Chapter 196 Liu Chan's Negotiation ([-])

Liu Chan originally wanted to ride a horse into the cottage, but was told by Su Lutu that he did not ride a horse, but came on a "chariot".

Liu Chan followed Su Lutu's instructions and looked over, and saw two sets of chariots made of bamboo, which were somewhat similar to the sedan chairs of later generations, and were quietly placed aside at this time.On the front and back sides of it stood two barbarian men carrying palanquins. Their arms were bulging and they looked very strong.

However, judging from the structure of the chariot, it should be made of local bamboo, which seems a bit unstable.Liu Chan secretly thought, if this guy sits on it, he must be shaking a lot, and he doesn't know if he will fall apart halfway.

As Liu Chan expected, Su Lutu next asked Liu Chan to go into the city with him on the chariot.Liu Chan smiled, and said half-jokingly: "Lord Su Lutu, you, my son, can't bear it. I just drank three bowls of wine, and I really can't get used to things that are too wobbly."

Su Lutu seemed to know what Liu Chan was thinking, and said with a smile: "Your Highness, don't be afraid. You outsiders will be afraid that our barbarian chariot will fall apart halfway when they see our barbarian chariot for the first time. In fact, this bamboo chariot is grown locally. It is made of bamboo more than five years old, and it is very strong, even two or three hundred catties can be lifted steadily."

When Liu Chan heard this, the fear in his heart eased a little.His gaze then swept over the faces of those handsome young men, and he found that some of them actually showed contemptuous expressions on their faces.This immediately aroused Liu Chan's self-esteem. How could the majestic Prince of Hanzhong be looked down upon by a group of small barbarians?
Liu Chan straightened his clothes immediately, flicked his sleeves and said, "Master Sulutu is so kind, so I will not be polite."

He then walked to the side of the bamboo chariot and took a look. The seat on it was covered with a piece of delicate cooked cowhide, which should be very breathable in such a sweltering summer, and the design was quite reasonable.

Just when Liu Chan mustered up his courage to get on the bamboo chariot, Zhao Feng stopped him first and told Liu Chan that he should let him check it first, and then it would not be too late to sit on it.

This Zhao Feng was too careful, so he would lose face in front of the barbarians, Liu Chan waved his hand in displeasure, told Zhao Feng to go aside, and then got on the bamboo chariot by himself.

As soon as Liu Chanfu sat on the seat, he heard a slight sound of bamboo, and then the seat softened, and Liu Chan's whole body immediately sank into it, and his feet suddenly turned up.Fortunately, Zhao Feng saw the opportunity quickly, and immediately took a step forward, stretching out his hand to support Liu Chan's back.Liu Chan didn't exclaim because of this, otherwise he might lose face in front of these barbarians.

Only then did Liu Chan sit up straight, and turned his head to Zhao Feng and nodded gratefully.

Seeing this, Su Lutu also smiled slightly, and then got on his bamboo chariot, and ordered the four porters to get up.

Liu Chan just felt his bamboo chariot shake, and then his body sank down, and he almost fell from above.

Fortunately, Zhao Feng on the side reacted quickly and stretched out his hand to support him, but Liu Chan was so frightened that he almost screamed out, and then the bamboo chariot started to stagger.Only then did Liu Chan sit upright quickly, as if nothing had happened just now.

After entering the cottage, Liu Chan found that the torches were lit in front of every house on both sides of the street inside, illuminating the cottage like daylight, presumably Sulutu had given his clansmen some instructions before.And there were many people standing by the side of the road, curiously watching Liu Chan and the other strangely dressed outsiders filing in.

Liu Chan didn't care about being watched like animals in a zoo, but Zhao Feng wanted his men to disperse and separate Liu Chan from the barbarians on both sides of the street to ensure Liu Chan's safety.

Liu Chan naturally knew that Zhao Feng had been doing this all the time on weekdays, but now that he has come to the barbarian village, he should do as the Romans do, so as not to be looked down upon by others.In fact, if the barbarians really want to be unfavorable to themselves, they don't have to welcome themselves with such great fanfare.Therefore, Liu Chan immediately stopped Zhao Feng and asked him and Shi Hui to follow closely on his left and right sides.

On the way, Geke suddenly stepped forward and said to Liu Chan, "Your Highness, my home is not far ahead. I very much welcome you to visit my home."

Then, the branch pointed to the left direction.Only then did Liu Chan realize that the road ahead had forked, one road turned left, and the other turned right.

Liu Chan stopped the bamboo chariot, and the rest of the people naturally couldn't go any further.Moreover, Su Lutu's bamboo chariot was next to Liu Chan, so Su Lutu clearly heard the invitation of the department.

Su Lutu's temperament has always been very gentle, but today the department sent someone out privately to welcome Liu Chan, which has already made him feel a little grudge, and now it is so big and small, wanting to bring his guests to his home, this pair has always It is a great insult to the hospitable barbarians.

But Su Lutu was still very self-restraining, glared at Ke Ke, and asked in a bad tone: "Gai Ke, His Royal Highness is my distinguished guest today, what are you doing?!"

The department did not expect that his uncle, a good old man, would be angry sometimes, and his expression was quite majestic.In fact, he has also been used to being arrogant recently. The invitation just now was just a whim, and he said it without thinking too much.

Now the department also regrets his outspokenness, and quickly defended Su Lutu: "Uncle, you misunderstood me. I just want to ask the prince to come to my house to rest for the time being because it is very close to my house." That's all. Don't get me wrong."

When Su Lutu heard this, the expression on his face eased a little.

Liu Chan naturally has his own [-] points in his heart. According to his current position, he doesn't want these two people to stop here, so that it will be more beneficial to his future position.

Liu Chan's eyeballs rolled around, and he smiled at the department: "Master of the department, since your home is very tight, and this son is also a little thirsty, why don't you go to your house first. "

The department was overjoyed when he heard the words. He didn't expect Liu Chan to agree so readily, and he immediately stepped forward to lead Liu Chan.

No, Sulutu suddenly said: "My son, I don't think there is any need for it? It's getting late now, and the old man has ordered his family to prepare a banquet for you, and I'm waiting for you to go there. Besides, my house is not far away. Take this road and turn right, and you'll be there in no time."

Liu Chan looked at Su Lutu, and then at the subject, with a look of hesitation on his face, and then said to the subject with a little apology: "Master of the subject, since Master Sulutu said so , then this son has no choice but to follow his wishes. I will visit your house another day, what do you think?"

Seeing Liu Chan, the department talked about this point, but it was hard to say anything else. It just felt a little regretful, but it began to be more dissatisfied with Su Lutu in its heart, but in the end it could only nod.Only then did Liu Chan order to get up the sedan chair quickly, and the group continued to march towards Su Lutu's mansion.

Taking the fork on the right, after walking less than half a street, Liu Chan came to the front of a big house. Two dark doors were opened to welcome guests. This was Su Lutu's mansion.

What interested Liu Chan was that although the house didn't look very big, the gate was a little low, and the outer wall was not high, they were all stacked one by one with small stones by the river. It's not neat, but it looks beautiful.And from the degree of weathering on those stones, it can be seen that this house is indeed quite old.

Liu Chan followed Sulutu inside and chatted with him about the house. After inquiring, he found out that the house had a history of more than 100 years, and three generations of barbarian adults had lived there.Liu Chan nodded, and praised the house again, and then quickly came to the hall, where everyone drank some tea.

Only then did Su Lutu ask Liu Chan, his family has prepared a banquet, can we start now?In fact, for Liu Chan, he has been climbing mountains and ridges all day today, and now he is a little tired. It is best to have as little entertainment as possible.But when he saw Su Lutu and those young handsome men being so enthusiastic, he couldn't refuse more, and he could only sigh in his heart, drinking and socializing with others was also one of his daily duties as the prince of Hanzhong.

So, Liu Chan followed everyone to the banquet place. After everyone drank for three rounds, Liu Chan felt that it was not interesting after eating a little, and he still had a lot of things to think about, so he found an excuse to end the banquet .

In fact, Liu Chan's status as the son of the prince of Hanzhong is there, and it is extremely rare to be able to put down his dignity and drink with barbarians like them, so why should he worry about ending the banquet early?
Then, Liu Chan came to an independent courtyard that Sulutu had prepared for him. There was also a small garden inside, and its design style was almost similar to the courtyard in the Central Plains.

In fact, this was originally where Su Lutu lived. It can be seen that his degree of Sinicization is really extraordinary, and it can also be seen that he is quite interested in Liu Chan.The bedroom where Liu Chan rests is beside the small garden.

Liu Chan didn't have much thought to appreciate the garden now. As soon as he entered the bedroom, he immediately ordered Zhao Feng to send someone to protect his courtyard closely, and no one was allowed to approach it.Then he lowered his head and meditated, seeing that there was still a trace of tiredness in his expression!
(End of this chapter)

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