The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 197 Liu Chan's Negotiation

Chapter 197 Liu Chan's Negotiation ([-])

Liu Chan lay down on the bed. Although the doors and windows of the bedroom were closed tightly, and it was still hot summer, this was a mountainous area after all, so there was no trace of heat at night, and a quilt had to be covered in the middle of the night to ensure won't catch a cold.

Liu Chan's eyes were wide open, as if he didn't intend to fall asleep, but just looked at the ceiling quietly.Liu Chan fell into contemplation. Under the seemingly calm appearance, he was actually quite anxious in his heart, and it was still the damn time issue.

He has been away from Chengdu for more than a month, and if he drags on, he will definitely not be able to pay the job. Maybe Wu will add fuel to this matter in the future, saying that he deliberately delayed the trip for fun, and then he will be speechless .

In fact, Liu Chan only found out when he came to the barbarians today that the situation here is far more complicated and serious than what the old boatman Adozhi said!

Although the subject is only about 26 or [-] years old, he is actually quite capable except for his ambition, but his position on himself seems to be wavering.

In Liu Chan's opinion, Su Lutu, the barbarian's temperament and behavior style are quite in line with his wishes. Maybe he is really calm and indifferent to the world, but it also shows that his character is too weak, and he doesn't know Can you master the affairs of the barbarians?

There is also the barbarian elder Kesu, the old man's behavior today is not without a touch of recklessness, but he is an extremely dignified person, even Keke and his people are afraid of him.Perhaps, it is precisely because of the existence of Kesu that Sulutu has been able to keep his position as a barbarian lord so far...

Just as Liu Chan was thinking, someone outside started knocking on the door, interrupting his thoughts.Liu Chan knew that besides Zhao Feng, the only person who could knock on the door at this time was Shi Hui, but Shi Hui must have been hiding in a secret corner of the courtyard at this time, paying close attention to everything here.Therefore, the person who came must be Zhao Feng.Liu Chan said lightly and came in.

Immediately, the door was gently pushed open from the outside, Zhao Feng closed the door, and strode to Liu Chan's bed.When he saw Liu Chan lying on the couch staring at the ceiling, he didn't make a fuss and asked what he was doing, because it was just Liu Chan's habit of thinking.Zhao Feng saluted and said: "Your Honor, Captain Deng and Young Master Zhuge have both received news."

Liu Chan hummed and asked Zhao Feng to talk about Deng Ai's report first.Zhao Feng said: "Lieutenant Deng sent a secret report saying that he intercepted a caravan today and seized a large amount of goods."

Liu Chan heard the words and said: "With Deng Ai's temperament, he should disdain not to be a bandit. What's so weird about the caravan?"

Zhao Feng secretly sighed Liu Chan's understanding of Deng Ai, and said: "Your Majesty is right, Captain Deng found a few Soochow people from the caravan, and the interrogation has confirmed that they are Soochow's spies!"

When Liu Chan heard the words, he immediately sat up from the couch and motioned Zhao Feng to continue talking.Seeing Liu Chan's actions, Zhao Feng knew that Shizi really cared about this matter, and he felt a little nervous in his heart, so he said quickly: "Lieutenant Deng said that those people hide a lot of treasures, and now it has been confirmed that they are mixed with businessmen. In the middle, to give gifts to the barbarians."

"Does it have anything to do with brothers Zheng Wen and Zheng Wu?"

"This Colonel Deng is still being confirmed, but the possibility is very high!"

Liu Chan nodded, and didn't bother with this matter any more.Because this place is quite far from Soochow's territory, by the time they realized that their spies were finished and sent out the second batch again, the daylilies were already cold!Liu Chan asked Zhao Feng to report the news from Zhuge Qiao, but it was probably just a statement about the basic situation of the cottage construction.

But this time Liu Chan guessed wrong.Zhao Feng's face hesitated, Liu Chan hated others talking in front of him, he looked too lacking in courage.He urged: "What are you doing, why don't you hurry up and tell me?"

Only then did Zhao Feng tell Liu Chan that Zhuge Qiao had obtained some news from Jingzhou.The people Liu Bei, the king of Hanzhong, sent from Chengdu to Jiangling City to monitor had already arrived in Jiangling for almost a month, but the people who saw the prince had not yet arrived, and they had already reported the matter to Liu Bei.

Liu Chan sighed inwardly, he had been worried about this matter all along, but it wasn't too difficult to blame him.After all, the mountain roads along the way are too difficult to walk, and with the arrival of the rainy season, it may not be feasible to hurry!

But Liu Chan was suddenly a little annoyed.Liu Bei sent someone to monitor him, which clearly showed his distrust of his ability. He asked, "Why did the King of Hanzhong send someone to Jiangling to monitor this son? Did Queen Wu come out to give me a wrench again?"

Seeing Liu Chan's face suddenly changed, Zhao Feng told Liu Chan that he didn't know the details, and Mr. Zhuge didn't mention it.Liu Chan couldn't help saying angrily: "What are Zhuge Qiao's people doing? Such a thing has not been investigated!"

Zhao Feng was one of the people who knew Liu Chan best. He knew that Liu Chan was getting angry right now, which is why he was implicating Zhuge Qiao. The king will not blame you for this. And with the ability of Mr. Zhuge, there should be news soon."

In fact, as soon as the words were uttered just now, Liu Chan knew that he had not controlled his emotions well and blamed others indiscriminately.At this moment, Zhao Feng stepped down the steps for himself, and Liu Chan's expression softened, and he said, "Then tell Zhuge Qiao in a while, and let him find out as soon as possible. By the way, let him send more people to pay close attention to Queen Wu's situation." Everything moves."

After Zhao Feng made the promise, he didn't leave just now, but continued to report to Liu Chan: "There is another news from Mr. Zhuge that the Eastern Wu army is becoming more and more active today, but the purpose seems to be unclear."

Liu Chan sneered and said, "What's not clear! My uncle Sun Quan has been staring at Jingzhou all the time. Now that Guan Yu is leading the army in the Northern Expedition, Jiangling's troops are empty. I'm afraid he can't resist the temptation!"

Seeing Liu Chan casually calling Guan Yu's name like this, Zhao Feng couldn't help feeling very surprised.After all, with Guan Yu's current reputation, current power, and prestige under the King of Hanzhong, it is very rare for him to be called by his first name, not to mention that he is actually the second uncle of the eldest son!

Zhao Feng quickly reminded: "My son, when you see Guan Junhou in the future, you should respect him..."

In fact, Liu Chan just blurted out just now, without realizing his slip of the tongue, now that Zhao Feng said this, he thanked Zhao Feng.

Then Zhao Feng asked: "Your Majesty, you just said that Marquis Wu couldn't resist the temptation. Do you mean that the Eastern Wu army is ready to attack Jiangling?"

Liu Chan nodded.

Seeing this, Zhao Feng couldn't help being a little surprised.

In fact, he had heard Liu Chan's worries about the situation in Jingzhou more or less from there before, but under the situation that Yizhou was optimistic about Guan Yu, Zhao Feng, like most people, felt that Liu Chan was worrying unfoundedly. The idea should not last long.But what Zhao Feng didn't expect was that until now, Liu Chan still insisted on such a view, which inevitably made Zhao Feng feel that the prince really loves to stick to the horns.

Zhao Feng wanted to persuade Liu Chan a few words, but Liu Chan seemed to know what he was thinking, waved his hand to let him stop talking, and then asked him if he had anything else to report?Zhao Feng took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Liu Chan, then turned around and walked out of the room.

Liu Chan looked at the envelope, it was actually written by Deng Ai.Liu Chan felt a little funny in his heart, he and Deng Ai are now one in the cottage, the other is outside the cottage, and he still made this trick for himself to make a mystery?
Liu Chan opened the letter and looked at it, and the smile on his face disappeared immediately.Then he lay back on the couch and continued to stare at the ceiling with wide eyes.

After a long time, Liu Chan got up from the bed and walked out of the room.There were a lot of lights lit outside, and the flowers and plants in the small garden not far away were in full bloom, sending a slight fragrance with the wind.

He looked around, summoned two white-eared guards, and then said to the garden: "Where is Shi Hui?"

Shi Hui's petite figure dressed in black came out from a very secret shadow, saluted and said, "What is your order?"

Liu Chan beckoned and said, "I want to take a walk in the garden, the three of you will accompany and protect."

The three of them came to the garden immediately. On a cool night like this in the mountains, walking in the garden accompanied by the stars under the sky is really a sentimental feeling.Liu Chan chatted with Shi Hui while walking, as if he wanted to temporarily relieve himself from many difficulties.

After walking for a while, Liu Chan asked Shi Hui, "If there is a poisonous snake hiding in the crevices of the rocks, it will come out to bite people at some time, and it is difficult to catch, then what will you ninjas do?"

Shi Hui thought for a while and said, "Just force it out with smoke."

Liu Chan nodded and sighed: "Your thoughts are very similar to Deng Ai's." Because Deng Ai had already thought of a solution to the barbarians for him in the letter.Its essentials can be summed up in only nine words: lead the snake out of the hole, cut the mess with a sharp knife!
(End of this chapter)

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