The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 198 Liu Chan's Negotiation

Chapter 198 Liu Chan's Negotiation ([-])

On the second day, Liu Chan invited Sulutu, Kesu, and Keke, the three most powerful barbarians, to have a banquet in the small courtyard where he lived.Although it is said to be a banquet, in fact, everyone knows in their hearts that it may not be that simple.

It was noon, and Liu Chan only set up four small tables in a small gazebo. On each shore were some rare foods from the outside world, not only various exquisite pastries, but also various sea fish and lobsters. , mussels and other delicacies!

In fact, these things are all seafood frozen by Liu Chan with ice cubes, and Han Long has been responsible for purchasing them from Soochow.He brought some with him when he went to Jingzhou this time. He originally wanted to please Guan Yu. Today, in order to show his demeanor, Liu Chan took out some to entertain the three giants of the barbarians.

Seeing these exquisite foods that had never been seen before, and the various aromas that emanated, suddenly made Sulutu and others almost drool, and the department couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.They have lived in the mountains of Jingshan all their lives, and it is rare for them to go out to see the colorful world outside, and where have they seen these precious seafood?
In fact, in this era, I am afraid that even Cao Cao rarely eats these seafood in his palace.The three giants are all sighing in their hearts, the life of the prince of Hanzhong is already so luxurious, so the king of Hanzhong doesn't know how he usually lives!

The thoughts in the hearts of the three giants are naturally just a misunderstanding. In fact, the lives of officials in central Sichuan have always been simple, and Liu Bei's life is naturally impossible to be extravagant.But Liu Chan deliberately wanted to use this to make the three giants have such thoughts in their hearts, to make them feel Liu Bei's kingly demeanor, and to shock them in their hearts!

Now, seeing the expressions on the faces of the three of them, Liu Chan couldn't help feeling proud.In fact, he knows that these seafood need a lot of ice to freeze, which is not only expensive, but also has become less fresh, but there is absolutely no problem in fooling people of this era.

He let the Big Three sit down, and then introduced the names and places of origin of those foods to the Big Three one by one.Sure enough, when the Big Three heard that all the fish and shrimps came from the sea thousands of miles away, they were all shocked!
Because according to common sense, everyone knows that fish and shrimp are not easy to preserve, especially in such a hot summer day, I was curious for a while, how did Liu Chan bring these things into Jingshan.And in the face of such precious food, they are a little afraid to move their chopsticks casually.

Su Lutu cupped his hands and asked Liu Chan, "Your Highness, where do these seafood come from?"

Liu Chan smiled. In his previous life, Yang Hansheng's hometown was a coastal province, and he often saw boats in the inland river going to the ice factory to carry ice cubes to large fishing boats. Naturally, those ice cubes were used to preserve the salvaged sea fish.At that time, when Liu Chan went to Jiangdong, in order to send Sun Shangxiang the cakes to Jiangling, he used ice cubes to protect them.

However, Liu Chan is not such a simple person, and he is not willing to explain things too clearly, otherwise he would not have the slightest mystery at all.

So, he just said lightly: "These things were originally gifts from my father to the Marquis of Hanshouting, Guan Yu and Guan Junhou. Today, my son took out some to entertain everyone. Although they are not very fresh, they should still be edible. Yes." Then, he picked up a piece of fish himself and signaled everyone to use their chopsticks.

Guan Yu's name is so famous that the three giants of the barbarians have more or less heard the myth that he is like a god of war from the businessmen who entered Jingshan, and they all admire Guan Yu in their hearts.Hearing what Liu Chan said now, he immediately exclaimed.

Su Lutu even sighed: "Unexpectedly, I have lived to this age, and I am lucky enough to be able to eat Guan Junhou's food. Damn it, damn it..."

Looking at Su Lutu's lamenting expression, he was clearly inexplicably excited, not pleading guilty!Liu Chan secretly laughed in his heart, although he has always been calm, but in the face of these foods, he can't help but put on a show.

The department also said: "Guan Junhou's reputation shakes the world, son Kesu, how about we do this?"

Liu Chan didn't answer the question immediately, but looked up at Kesu, only to see that he was sitting upright with a calm expression, but his throat was wriggling from time to time. It was obvious that these delicacies had aroused his appetite, but he didn't seem to think about it. I want to compliment Liu Chan.

Liu Chan secretly sighed, Kesu is actually quite different, sometimes he becomes irritable, but most of the time he is very calm.

Liu Chan then smiled and said: "Everyone, don't pay too much attention to it. This time, my father entrusted me with a lot of things, and it should be nothing to do with it. Just eat it at ease."

Then after everyone was polite for a while, they really started to move their chopsticks.The Big Three were full of praise when they ate these delicacies!

It wasn't until everyone had finished eating that Liu Chan stopped his chopsticks and said to Su Lutu, who was still indulging in the delicious food, "Master Su Lutu, I heard that you have a child?"

When Su Lutu heard this, his half-closed eyes suddenly opened wide, as if Liu Chan's words awakened the dreamer.Su Lutu quickly calmed himself down, and said with some sadness: "Exactly. The child was seriously ill a few years ago, and now it is serious and intractable."

Liu Chan comforted: "Lord Su Lutu, please mourn. Your son's illness in his young age is really sighing. I don't know if you have invited a famous doctor to see him?"

Kesu said in great pain: "Of course there is, but it's a pity that there is nothing to do! Pity my nephew, the good young man is bedridden like this!"

Liu Chan peeked at the department at the side, and found that he just lowered his head, but his expression was still calm, without any sadness.Liu Chan comforted the two old men again, then suddenly patted his palms a few times, and saw a man in a gray gown coming in from outside the pavilion.He said that the son saluted Liu Chan, and then stood aside silently.

The three giants couldn't help feeling strange when they saw Liu Chan calling someone to come in at this time, but the man just stood silently aside.

Only then did Liu Chan point to the Confucian-like man, and introduced to everyone: "Everyone, this gentleman is Mr. Wang Quan, a famous Yizhou doctor who followed my son to Jingzhou this time. Mr. Hua Tuo, a genius doctor, studied medicine, and now he has acquired extraordinary medical skills. Since Mr. Su Lutu's beloved son is suffering from an illness, you might as well ask Wang Quan to treat him."

Su Lutu was overjoyed, and quickly thanked Liu Chan: "My son's kindness to my son, Su Lutu will never forget! In fact, I sent someone to invite Mr. Hua Tuo at that time, but it is said that he has already entered Sichuan. Unexpectedly That rumor turned out to be true!"

Then, Su Lutu went over to salute Wang Quan and said, "I didn't expect to see the successor of the miracle doctor in my place outside Jingshan. This time, there is the technique of rejuvenation for Dr. Wang."

Wang Quan said he didn't dare, so he helped Su Lutu up.

On Liu Chan's side, his eyes swept across Kesu and Keke again, and found that the expressions of the two were different: Kesu was grateful, but Kesu was generally frightened and half angry.Liu Chan sneered in his heart, and then asked Wang Quan, Su Lutu and Kesu to go to Sulutu's Aiko for treatment, but left the department alone and refused to let the banquet continue.

The department was a little anxious, and really wanted to know whether this famous doctor from Yizhou could cure his cousin.If it works, it will be really bad, and my hard work over the years will really be wiped out!

The department hurriedly said to Liu Chan: "Your Majesty, the villain is also concerned about his cousin's illness, why don't we stop drinking and go and have a look?"

Liu Chan smiled, waved his hands and said: "Master of the department, please rest assured, this son of Wang Quan's medical skills are still known, and there are very few intractable diseases that can be difficult for him." Then he raised his cup and asked the doctor frequently Branch toast.

Whether the subject continues to drink or wants to leave, he has been worried that Wang Quan can really heal Sulutu's son, and his face suddenly turns blue and purple.

Seeing this, Liu Chan didn't say anything, but continued to chat and drink with the department without saying a word.After a while, a guard came in and reported that Wang Quan had diagnosed Sulutu's son and he was sure he could be cured!
With a bang, the cup in Geike's hand suddenly fell to the ground, the wine splashed all over his body, and he didn't know it, his face was full of panic.

Liu Chan was secretly laughing, but he quickly asked the department what happened.Only then did the department realize his gaffe, stood up quickly and apologized to Liu Chan, and told Liu Chan that he drank too much just now, so that he couldn't even hold the cup, and now it's time to go back and rest.

Of course, Liu Chan couldn't just let the subject go, otherwise these delicacies would be in vain!He waved his hands and smiled, "Sir, I don't think you're drunk, but you're not feeling well, right?"

The department was startled, and quickly asked Liu Chan what he meant by this.

Liu Chan stood up from his seat, walked up to Kai Ke and said with a soft smile: "Master Ke Ke, how can I not know that you have great ambitions? Lord Sulutu's character is too weak, how can he protect the barbarians in this troubled world?" Your safety? Although Master Kesu is smart and capable, Kesu is also old after all, I think the future of the barbarians can only rely on you!"

Hearing this, the division couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, but still didn't understand a little, and asked, "If that's the case, then why did the prince save my cousin?"

Liu Chan patted Kaike on the shoulder and laughed softly: "Wang Quan said he can be saved, so can he really be saved? Now Mr. Sulutu's mansion must be busy saving his son. Now Isn't it the best time for you to succeed in this department?"

Ke Ke said in surprise: "My lord, what do you mean..."

Liu Chan nodded with a smile, and promised: "Tonight I will only let my people guard the courtyard where I live, and will not interfere with your affairs. You just let go and do it."

The department was ecstatic in its heart, and immediately knelt down and worshiped: "After the work is done, the department will definitely follow the prince's lead!"

Liu Chan was very satisfied with the answer of the subject, so he agreed to leave the subject.After another salute to Liu Chan, the department rushed out of the garden.Looking at the back of Keke going away, Liu Chan snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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