The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 199 Liu Chan's Negotiation

Chapter 199 Liu Chan's Negotiation ([-])

When Keke returned home, Rico had been waiting for a long time.In fact, when Liu Chan sent someone to invite the department, Rico was already at the department's home, and he has been waiting until now.

Rico has sharp eyes, and when he saw Geke come back with a happy expression, he already guessed that he must gain something.Rictor hurried up to meet him and asked about the situation of the banquet.Keke didn't answer immediately, but after a slight smile, he brought Rikdo to the back room.Only then did he tell Liu Chan's hints and promises to him in a slightly mysterious manner.

Riktor had seen the strength of Liu Chan's team yesterday.Now that the department can get his support, Riktor is naturally very happy in his heart, but soon, he becomes a little worried.Because he really couldn't figure it out, since the people of the eldest son Liu Chan can treat the illness of Mr. Sulutu, they will definitely be able to win Sulutu's gratitude and more favors, so why should they support the department?This is really unsettling.

Regarding this question, the department just laughed after thinking about it, and told Rikdo exactly what Liu Chan said about the two old men, Sulutu and Kesu.

Rikdo is not stupid, he felt that this explanation of the subject was actually a bit forced, so he wanted to remind the subject again.Ricoto said immediately: "Young master, if Liu Chan, the eldest son of the King of Hanzhong, is just trying to prevaricate us..."

But the subject's current thoughts are no longer here. Before Rikdo finished speaking, he waved his hand so that Rikdo didn't have to say anything.Then, Geike ordered Rikdo to quickly gather a few young men from his side, and he was going to take action against Sulutu and Kesu tonight!

When Rikuto heard the words, his eyes flashed, and he felt that such hasty actions seemed to be unsafe, and seemed a little too aggressive.He persuaded again: "Master, although there is the support of the eldest son Liu Chan, is it too early to do so?"

The department shook his head, did not accept Rikdo's advice, and asked him to do it quickly.Seeing this, Rikudo knew that the department had endured it for many years.Now that the position of patriarch is close at hand, it seems that there is no time to wait.He understood Ge Ke's mentality, so he could only sigh secretly, and then walked out of Ge Ke's house silently.

It was night, and the entire barbarian village was shrouded in darkness, and even the dogs that were restless during the day no longer barked.In such a situation, it seemed unusually quiet compared to normal nights.

The number of soldiers patrolling on the walls around the cottage seems to have become much smaller today, only a few sparse figures, walking back and forth boredly under the light of the crackling torches inserted in the city!

Quiet, in the whole cottage, everything is quiet but still!
However, at this time, Sulutu's mansion was extremely lively. The wife, lady, and servants were busy treating the young master, without a moment's rest.Such a situation formed the strongest contrast with the tranquility of the cottage outside.

But the tranquility outside the cottage didn't last long. Numerous torches and low noises suddenly appeared around Sulutu's mansion—four to five hundred barbarian generals Sulu with torches in one hand and weapons in the other. Figure home is packed!
Geke soon appeared in the crowd, wearing a purple-black barbarian shirt, a pair of cowhide boots on his feet, and a sharp short knife at his waist. He looked ferociously at the tall and rich door of Sulutu's house.

With a wave of his right hand, Keke ordered everyone to find Sulutu and his son and Kesu, and the rest of them would be killed if they dared to resist!The four handsome men surrounding him immediately dispersed with their men, took out a few long ladders, climbed over the wall and jumped into the mansion!

At this time, there was only one Xiaoshuai beside Keke, Rikdo, and there were more than 100 subordinates standing behind them.Geke and Rikdo didn't intend to let their subordinates break open the door, because they all knew that this door couldn't stop their footsteps, and someone would open the door for them soon.

Soon, there was an exclamation from someone inside, as well as the warning signal of the enemy's attack, and then there was a violent shout of killing and the clanging of weapons touching each other.The department knew that his actions had been discovered, and the fight between the two sides had already begun, and it was quite intense.

Geke curled his lips, turned his head and smiled at Rick: "That old guy Sulutu's house only has a hundred people, and now that old man Kesu is also trapped inside, I see who else can come to rescue him !"

Seeing that the situation is so good now, Rikuduo had a little worry about Liu Chan, but now it disappeared, and said with a smile: "That is your great fortune, and you deserve the position of an adult!"

Rico is good at talking, and just a few words of compliment can make Ke Ke feel happy.Then, there was a heavy sound from behind the gate of Sulutu's mansion, and Kai Ke's heart couldn't help tightening. The heavy gate that had guarded Sulutu's house for hundreds of years was finally opened from the inside!

The department was overjoyed, and immediately rushed into the mansion with the troops.However, the 500 people in the department dealt with dozens of helpless people in Sulutu's family. Is there any need to talk about the results?They quickly wiped out any servants who dared to resist, and approached the small courtyard where Sulutu's Aiko lived.

At this time, Su Lutu was still in his Aiko's room, silently watching Aiko who had just finished drinking the medicine, and his eyes were full of love.In fact, Sulutu still doesn't know about the division's attack so far, it's all because the division's action was too sudden and too fast, so that Sulutu's family had no time to report it!
Suddenly, the door of Sulutu Aiko's room was pushed open vigorously from the outside. It turned out to be the housekeeper of Sulutu's family.He may have been too flustered, or because he had exerted too much force just now, so he fell to the ground all at once.But there was a wound on his arm, which was bleeding profusely!

Seeing this, Su Lutu stood up abruptly and asked, "What's wrong with you? How did you get hurt?!"

The housekeeper yelled: "My lord is not good, he has rebelled, and now he has brought people over here!"

When Su Lutu heard the words, he stood on the spot in a daze, not only his face became pale, but his mind also went blank.In fact, he was stupefied, and he never imagined that his people would launch a "coup" against him!
Then, he only felt his feet go limp, and he fell to the ground with a slap, not knowing how to deal with such an unexpected situation now, which showed his weak personality.The first thing he thought of was to ask his cousin Kesu for advice, but the bad thing was that Kesu was invited to drink by Liu Chan now, what should he do?

However, the butler was quite calm, otherwise it would be impossible not to run away, but to report to the master.He told Su Lutu, isn't the eldest son Liu Chan still living at home?Now that there is such a sudden change in the family, it is impossible for him not to come forward to help!Let Su Lutu quickly send someone to the back courtyard to ask the eldest son Liu Chan for help!

When Su Lutu heard what the housekeeper said, he came back to his senses a little bit, knowing that this is the only way to do it now.He looked in the house, and there was no one there, sighed secretly, and said to the butler: "I want to stay here to take care of the young master, you should hurry up and seek help from your son!"

The butler immediately stood up from the ground and rushed out.

At this time, in Liu Chan's house, the doors and windows were closed for some reason, but the lights inside were still bright.Various fruits and vegetables and a jug of fine wine were placed on a small table, exuding a faint aroma of wine.

Liu Chan sat on the main seat, with a bright smile on his face. Opposite him sat an old man, who was the barbarian elder Kesu.Kesu also changed from his usual majesty and restraint, with a smile on his face, he picked up the jug on the case, filled a glass for Liu Chan, and said: "My son brought a good doctor to my nephew, Kesu is really grateful Do it! Come, please drink this cup!"

Liu Chan smiled slightly, raised his glass and drank it down, and then asked Kesu: "Elder Kesu, you have been in the position of this elder for ten years, and Master Sulutu's personality is too weak, what do you think about it?" What do you think?"

In fact, Liu Chan's words are not expressive enough, and the meaning is even more confusing.But Kesu seemed to understand, his face straightened, and he said seriously: "Although my cousin is too talkative and doesn't care about everything, he has a good temper and treats his tribe very well. So I don't have anything to say about it. idea."

Liu Bei touched a soft nail, and quickly coughed softly to cover up his embarrassment.He wanted to continue to test Kesu, but he heard Zhao Feng knocking on the door saying he had something important to report.

Liu Chan then let Zhao Feng in, and didn't let Kesu avoid him, so he heard Zhao Feng report: "My lord, a group of thugs have entered Master Su Lutu's house, and they are now killing people everywhere!"

Kesu couldn't help exclaiming, he was concerned about the safety of Sulutu and his son, and he didn't ask where Zhao Feng was from. He immediately stood up from his seat and was about to rush out.

Liu Chan immediately called Kesu to a stop, and said: "Master Kesu, don't mess up your position. You are alone now, and if you go out, you will only die. Wait until I ask the matter clearly."

Zhao Feng continued to report: "According to our people's investigation, those thugs are all members of the department. It should be the rebellion launched by the department to take the opportunity to replace Lord Sulutu."

As soon as Kesu heard the name of the division, he lost control of his emotions and exclaimed: "The division! I knew that my cousin would entrust the affairs to him, and he would definitely do something good..."

(End of this chapter)

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