The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 200 Liu Chan's Negotiation

Chapter 200 Liu Chan's Negotiation ([-])

Liu Chan didn't want Kesu to yell like this in front of him, so he quickly advised him to calm down, now is not the time to get angry.

Seeing this, Kesu couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.After all, Liu Chan is only a young man in his teens, and he can be so calm in any situation. It is really out of character for an old man in his sixties to act so flustered.He immediately shut up.

Liu Chan secretly lamented that Kesu was very sensible, and he could deal with such a person in the future.Then he immediately ordered Zhao Feng to go out and gather his people together, and immediately rushed to rescue Su Lutu's family.

When Zhao Feng led a group of white-eared guards out of the small courtyard, he saw barbarian soldiers walking around with weapons.Many of them still had blood on the blades in their hands, it seemed that they had already killed someone just now.

Seeing this, Liu Chan knew that these people were just small shrimps, and there was no need to waste time killing them.He immediately ordered Zhao Feng to mobilize some troops to drive away these scattered barbarian soldiers.Then, he asked Kesu to lead himself and most of the people to the place where Sulutu lived.

Along the way, barbarian soldiers came out to block the way from time to time, but where the opponents of the white-eared guards were, it was often a few guards who made a slight attack, and they were either killed or injured.Therefore, under Kesu's leadership, Liu Chan's men quickly came to Sulutu's bedroom.

The situation here seems to be okay, but the flowers and plants in some places have been trampled badly.Other than that, things are pretty normal.

But Kesu's heart sank inexplicably, because these scenes are enough to show that someone has broken into here just now!

Sure enough, when they pushed Sulutu's room away, there was a strong smell of blood immediately.I saw bright red blood flowing all over the floor of the bedroom, and the corpses of an old woman and a girl lay in front of the bed.

The old woman should be Su Lutu's wife. Someone from the department must have come in to search for Su Lutu, but they killed the old woman when they couldn't find it.

Looking at the miserable situation inside, Liu Chan frowned immediately.And Kesu couldn't hold it back at that time, he only felt his legs start to go weak, and the old tears spewed out immediately.

Liu Chan had no choice but to comfort him: "Elder Kesu, don't be so sad. Since there is no body of Lord Sulutu here, it means that he still has hope of survival!" Then only a dozen or so were left to protect himself, and the rest People immediately dispersed to find Sulutu's whereabouts.

At the same time, the department has already led people into the courtyard where Sulutu's Aiko lived.Looking at this courtyard which is quite different from other places inside——

Not only is it bigger, but it has also been recently renovated. The newly pasted window paper and white walls can really reflect people's portraits.In fact, even the flowers and plants planted in this courtyard are more valuable than other places, and the care is better!They are still blooming proudly in this quiet but bloody night, exuding wisps of fragrance, as if anyone should be short in front of this fragrance!

Thinking of Sulutu's love for his son, and thinking of that sick and listless guy, even though he was about to die, he still had the highest level of enjoyment and treatment. He spit out a mouthful of phlegm heavily on the ground.Then, the department drew out the dagger at his waist, and the leader immediately kicked open the door of Sulutu Aiko's room!
I saw Sulutu sitting on Aizi's couch, with fear shining in his eyes.He held his beloved son Zig in his arms.At this moment, Ziggy had already been alerted by the noise outside, and he was also frightened by these tiger-wolf-like murderous guys rushing in. For a while, he could only stare at the division like Sulutu up.

Seeing Zieg's pale face, skinny body, and panda-like dark circles, the jealousy in Kai Ke's heart suddenly disappeared.

He suddenly felt that the world was still fair. Ziggy had all the best enjoyment of the barbarians, but God also made him suffer from five years of severe diseases!Moreover, today he will replace the heavens to achieve the last justice for the barbarians—to use force to overthrow the rule of the Sulutu family over the barbarians for hundreds of years!
There was a cruel grin on the corner of Keke's mouth, and he walked towards Sulutu and his son coldly, the dagger in his hand was shining with the light of death.

At this time, Sulutu seemed to wake up from the bewilderment just now, and shouted at Ke Ke: "Gai Ke, what do you want to do? You are my favorite nephew, are you going to kill me?" Did you kill your dearest uncle?!"

Su Lutu's eyes were fixed on the department, hoping to use his majesty as a barbarian lord for three to forty years to make the department stop obediently.But Kai Ke didn't stop, he still walked towards him viciously with a sharp knife in his hand!Su Lutu knew that he was at the end of the road now, and he had no last hope.

Ke Ke finally walked in front of Su Lutu, lowered his head and looked down at the most noble father and son of the barbarians, and suddenly wanted to laugh.This pair of most honorable father and son actually embraced each other now, trembling all over because they were afraid of themselves!
Ke Ke cleared his throat, and said to Sulutu lightly: "My good uncle, you are the most honorable adult of our barbarians, but do you know that your weakness has made our barbarians suffer so much? So, today I will take your place and become the new master of the barbarians!"

"You, beast, disregarding my trust in you all these years!" Sulutu's voice began to tremble.

The section sneered: "Because the more you trust me, Uncle, the more I can discover my own abilities, and the more I despise your incompetence! Do you know that it is because of you that the relationship between us is gradually closed?" The relationship has been pushed to the point where it is today?"

When Su Lutu heard the words, he was so angry that he couldn't speak.He really couldn't figure it out, could it be a mistake to trust his relatives?He couldn't understand even more, how could he have fallen into this situation today?
But Zig suddenly spoke, his voice was trembling like Sulutu, but he seemed weak: "Cousin, you were raised by my father, why are you so ungrateful?! Do you remember when you were young, your father always When you give me candy, I will never forget your share..."

Geke immediately interrupted Zieg roughly, and said angrily:

"You worthless piece of shit, why are you teaching me?! Ever since you were a child, what else can you do besides playing with your temper and throwing things? But just because you are the son of a barbarian, the entire barbarian will be handed over to you in the future." In my hand! I don’t want to accept it! My self-confidence is ten times that of yours, and my courage is ten times that of yours. Why do we let you step on my head..."

Keke became more and more excited as he talked, until the sound of shouting was close to hysterical roaring.Seeing this, Rico quickly stepped forward to persuade the department to calm down.

"Get out!" Keike suddenly threw Ricoto's outstretched hand away and said angrily.Faced with such a reaction from the department, Riktor was immediately at a loss. He had never seen the department in such a crazy state.

Su Lutu sighed suddenly, as if he had resigned himself to his fate, and begged the subject: "Oh, uncle knows what you're thinking. Chigurh's talent is indeed not as good as yours, and his temperament is also weak, so he is not suitable for being a barbarian adult. But he I have suffered for so many years, and now I finally have the hope of a cure, please let him go for the sake of being cousins..."

The department sneered: "If it wasn't because this trash has hope of being cured, do you think I would still be in such a hurry to start a fight? My uncle, we have talked too much today, and it is time to send you away!"

As Ke Ke said, the short knife in his hand flashed with silver light, and it had already crossed Su Lutu's throat, and a red bloodstain immediately appeared on Su Lutu's neck.

Seeing a trace of bright red slowly appearing on Sulutu's neck, Sulutu's wide-open mouth and gradually cloudy eyes, Keke laughed out loud again.And Chigurh, who was seriously ill, called out to his father in surprise, then fainted, completely unconscious.

In the view of the department, it is better for Zieg to be like this, because as long as he cuts him down again, he will stay away from the torture of the disease forever without knowing it!
Just when Kai Ke raised the dagger in his hand again, and was about to kill Zig again, there was a loud noise on the roof, and a pile of tiles fell with a whimper.

Ke Ke screamed and squatted on the ground.His head was hit by two or three tiles, and the wound was dripping with blood!Just when Kai Ke was screaming in pain, he suddenly felt a flash in front of his eyes, as if a petite black shadow appeared, and then a silver light flashed, as brilliant as a shooting star!
The department felt a little cold on his neck, and it became difficult to breathe.He wanted to reach out to touch his neck, but his hands were shaking.When his hand touched his neck, he found that his hand was covered with bright red blood!
Geke wanted to laugh a little, because he felt that these bloodstains must belong to Sulutu who was killed by him, but his heart told him clearly that these bloods belonged to him!

The subject really couldn't figure it out, how could he just die because he was only half a step away from success?And the way of death is exactly the same as Sulutu!

Ke Ke tried to raise his head, and his blurred vision saw the delicate face of a woman next to Sulutu's body.He recognized this person, he wanted to raise his finger to point at the woman, but he was exhausted, and then fell to the ground immediately, only his fingers were still twitching slightly!

(End of this chapter)

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