Chapter 2 Epiphany
At this time, Liu Chan suddenly woke up: he was reborn in this era, his previous soul came from Yang Hansheng, a college student in the 21st century, and now he has awakened!
Then, he then realized that his current identity was actually that A Dou who couldn't help him!

"Is Lao Tzu's soul reincarnated and reborn? And reborn in this Three Kingdoms era where everything is lacking, except the dead...! What's worse, Lao Tzu's current identity is actually Liu Chan and Liu Adou!"

The feeling of shock made Liu Chan feel that his whole body was numb and unable to move for a long time.

Then, Liu Chan found someone pushing him and calling him, the voice sounded familiar.

Liu Chan opened his eyes immediately, and found that he was still lying on his couch, but Pang Degong had completely disappeared.His nurse, Aunt Lan, was standing in front of the couch, looking at him anxiously.

Since Liu Chan recovered the memory of Yang Hansheng in his previous life, he locked himself in his room and even lost his appetite for food.Because his heart, which was originally as simple as white jade, suddenly became extremely complicated overnight.

He was a little scared, because such a chaotic world outside could not be easily survived by a person like him who came from a peaceful age.

Moreover, he now knows the direction of the history of the Three Kingdoms, and at the same time, he also knows what his future looks like: he, Liu Chan, the empress of Shu, will be taken to Luoyang, put under house arrest, and finally become the laughing stock of future generations. It's A Dou who can't afford it!

If that guy Sima Yan didn't think he was happy in the end, and secretly sent someone to bring a glass of poisoned wine, wouldn't he be more wronged than Empress Li?At least I don't have the talent for writing lyrics like Empress Li, and I can annoy the current emperor with poetry!
What annoys Liu Chan is not just the future.Because he discovered that many of the things that Liu Chan was accustomed to before he awakened had now become a great problem for him.

For example, at night, how can he tolerate the life without electricity and lights at night with the habits he developed in the 21st century?
Liu Chan stared, looking at the dimly lit oil lamp in the room, hopping lightly, not even fully illuminating the space in the room, really feeling like he wanted to go crazy.

The second is entertainment. In fact, there is no entertainment at all at night here.Everyone is very good. When it gets dark, those who are okay go to bed immediately...

Liu Chan really misses the free life on the university campus in the 21st century.

Aunt Lan saw that the young master locked herself in the room for two or three days without seeing anyone, and she didn't know what happened to him, but she couldn't find out the reason at all, so she could only watch and worry.In the end, she was really helpless, so she had to report the matter to Military Adviser Zhuge.

On this day, the door frame of Liu Chan's room rang a few times, making an extremely low sound with a sense of emptiness.

Liu Chan was upset at first, and was lying on the desk in distress, and immediately shouted to the outside: "Who is it?!"

The visitor said indifferently to the room: "Old Mr. Pang De." Then he gently opened the door and walked in.

Liu Chan stood up immediately, and watched in disbelief that this fairy-like Pang Degong appeared in front of his eyes.

Liu Chan couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, and found that Pang Degong was still standing in front of him alive.He couldn't help but start to suspect that the Pang Degong he saw that night was actually a real person, not a dream.Moreover, Liu Chan feels that Mr. Pang De is really unpredictable. Not only is he a real person, but he can also appear in dreams?

Liu Chan was both nervous and asked in disbelief: "You, are you really Mr. Pang De? Why are you at my house?"

Mr. Pang De smiled slightly, which made people feel like a breeze was blowing through his heart.He stretched out his hand to signal Liu Chan to sit down, and then he sat down by himself, and said, "It's the old man that Kongming sent someone to invite. I heard that the young master has not thought about food and drink these days, and he shut himself in the room all day, so I came to see you." I count on you."

Liu Chan doesn't know the exact location of Lumen Mountain and how far it is from here, but it should be in Jingzhou, so it is possible for him to come so soon.

Facing such an expert, Liu Chan did not dare to be rude, and replied politely: "Thank you for your concern." Then, he carefully insinuated Pang Degong, asking how much he knew about the awakening of his own soul.

Mr. Pang De nodded with a smile and said, "Dignified Liu Chan and Liu Adou, the only son of Liu Shijun, the lord of Jingzhou, would he also be interested in such illusory things as the theory of the soul? However, I don't know much about it."

Liu Chan carefully observed Pang Degong's expression, it seemed that he was not lying, and the original tension in his heart suddenly relaxed.

In fact, Liu Chan was still worried that once Mr. Pang De leaked the matter, with Liu Bei's extremely black-bellied character, he wondered whether he would imprison himself, and then tried every means to take the trend of history to serve his own king. Palu service?At that time, I really can't survive but die!However, it now appears that there is no need to worry about this matter.

After letting go of a boulder in his heart, Liu Chan asked about his dream that night.This time Mr. Pang De didn't answer the question as straightforwardly as he did in the last question, but just pretended that he didn't know.

After Liu Chan asked several times, Pang Degong still didn't answer, or he just said that everything has its own destiny.Liu Chan had no choice but to suppress his curiosity and wait until later to explore.

Then, Liu Chan thought that if he could establish a good relationship with a celebrity like Mr. Pound, it would be of great benefit to him in the future, so he begged Mr. Pound to accept him as an apprentice.But Pang Degong waved his hand and refused, because he only wanted to hide in the mountains and forests in this life, and lived a life of idle clouds and wild cranes, and had no intention of entering the world.

Liu Chan couldn't help being very disappointed.And thinking of the pitiful life of being under house arrest by Sima Yan in the future, he couldn't help but beg Pang Degong that it would be good for him to go back to the mountains with him.

Pang Degong refused again, because he thought Liu Chan could not do so.And if Liu Chan is taken in in his hermitage, will Liu Shijun feel at ease?They will definitely send someone to protect them.Then my leisurely days are probably coming to an end.

Liu Chan was so anxious that he almost cried, and repeatedly asked Pang Degong for advice, how should he go in the future?Pang Degong stretched out his hand and touched Liu Chan's head, telling him not to worry, let alone worry, a famous teacher would come to him in the future to point him to the right path.

Liu Chan was overjoyed and asked, "Really? How does he compare to you?"

Seeing Liu Chan's innocent question, Mr. Pang De laughed again: "Don't worry. The old man promises that compared with me, he must be strong but not weak."

"That's fine. However, you must stay here for a few more days, so that the disciples can ask you for advice."

"Okay, the old man promises you. But you have to remember, within a few years, if you kill Tiansha, Beidou will lose all its glory."

"What do you mean?"

Pang Degong just shook his head and said nothing, and only said that this was Liu Chan's own destiny, even more catastrophe, and he would definitely tell him when he had the opportunity in the future.Liu Chan had no choice but to give up.After Pang De's official talk was over, he went out, leaving Liu Chan alone in thinking again.

After a long time, Liu Chan stood up with a snap and suddenly came to his senses:

Yes, I am Liu Chan, the unsupportable Adou!
But so what?My body is a Dou, but my soul is from the 21st century. What is my body? It's just a stinky skin!

Do you want me to obediently accept the arrangement of fate and become that Duke An Han who is under house arrest in Luoyang and can only live in fear?I bah, I don't want to, I don't accept it, I want to resist!
I, Liu Chan and Liu Adou, swear today that I will use this stinky skin to fight against fate and obtain a different life!

Thinking of this, Liu Chan rushed to the door, stretched out his hand and slammed the door open, and called a guard, telling him to go and get the food, he wanted to eat.

For the past two days, Pang Degong has been staying at Zhuge Liang's house, because their two families are related by marriage. Zhuge Liang's sister married Pang Degong's son Pang Shanmin as his wife.

After hearing the news, almost all the famous people in Jingzhou went to pay a visit.They don't just talk and have a banquet every day. How can there be a lot of time for Liu Chan to ask him for advice?
In fact, Liu Chan still had a faint feeling in his heart that Pang Degong seemed to avoid him on purpose, maybe there was really some kind of hidden secret in it.Otherwise, with his lofty personality, how could he possibly attend any banquet?
The time soon came to the day when Lord Pang De should leave.

When Lord Pang De came, no one knew about it.When he was about to leave, except for Zhuge Liang and Liu Chan who saw him off, no one else was notified to come, which really fit his fresh and elegant personality.In fact, before, Zhuge Liang and Liu Chan tried their best to keep them, but a hermit is a hermit, and you can't keep them any longer.

The two kept sending Pang Degong to the pavilion 30 miles outside the city, and Pang Degong told everyone not to send it again.

It was still very early at this time, and the sky was just showing a white belly, like a blank space in a gray oil painting.

There are crystal dewdrops hanging on the weeds by the roadside. When a passerby touches them lightly, or is gently shaken by the breeze, they fall to the ground and disappear into the soil.

Duke Pang De asked Liu Chan, "Son, are you still worried?"

Liu Chan shook his head, and said sonorously: "Sir, I know that I am Liu Chan with my feet on the seven stars. Don't be a mediocre idiot. I want to live to save the common people in the world! Because saving the common people is actually saving myself!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhuge Liang beside him was startled, and then a very gratified smile appeared on his face. This future lord is really not a mortal!

Only then did Pang Degong smile and pat Liu Chan's head, telling him to take care of himself in the future, then he stepped on the steed Liu Chan had prepared for him, and walked slowly towards the distance in the morning light.

Mr. Pang De did not say a word of farewell, nor did he wave goodbye, leaving only a glorious figure behind.

(End of this chapter)

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