Chapter 3 Zhuge Kongming
Today, the weather was cloudy and rainy, and the continuous drizzle was like a bead curtain, hanging from the sky to the ground, and there was no sign of stopping.

Liu Chan was bored and bored in a corridor alone, staring at the sky in a daze. He was thinking about some shocking questions - these days, with his gradual understanding of this era, he suddenly discovered that this place seems to have It is not the history of the Three Kingdoms that he is familiar with.

Liu Chan couldn't help but wonder whether the history of the Three Kingdoms had changed dramatically because of him.

In another time and space, Liu Bei should have captured Yizhou in the 19th year of Jian'an, that is, this year.But now the situation suddenly changed.Soochow vigorously intervened in the war in Yizhou, sowing dissension between Yizhou tyrants and Liu Bei, which aroused many Yizhou tyrants' dissatisfaction with Liu Bei.

These people organized a powerful team to strongly block Liu Bei's army, and at the same time used their inextricable network of contacts, causing a large number of cities that surrendered to continue to rebel.And not long ago, they shot Pang Tong at Luofengpo, Luocheng!
It seems that in the near future, Zhuge Junshi will lead Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei and others to attack Xichuan.

In fact, the actual situation is more than that. In the next four years, Liu Bei's road to kingship will encounter even more difficulties and obstacles.It's just that the time has not yet come, Liu Chan doesn't know, and Liu Bei naturally doesn't know.

Just when Liu Chan was in a daze, Zhao Feng, the captain of the guard, came to Liu Chan in a hurry.

Since Liu Chan was sensible, Zhao Feng has been by his side to protect his safety.He was a tall, very strong soldier, and not bad-looking.It is said that he is still the registered disciple of the fourth uncle Zhao Zilong, so his sword skills are good, and he also has good marksmanship.

But what made Liu Chan feel a little distressed was that this Zhao Feng was too down-to-earth, and when he did things, he often seemed too stubborn and rigid, which sometimes made Liu Chan helpless.

Zhao Feng bowed to Liu Chan and said, "My lord, Military Master Zhuge is here and I want you to come and see him."

Liu Chan groaned, and then he woke up from the deep thinking just now.He told Zhao Feng not to be too polite, and then asked: "Mr. Zhuge is busy with government affairs, why do you have time to visit me at this time? Could something have happened?"

Zhao Feng shook his head and said, "This subordinate doesn't know." Then he asked Liu Chan to move quickly, so as not to make Zhuge Junshi wait for a long time.

Liu Chan nodded, and came to the living room at home with Zhao Feng, and saw Kong Ming sitting upright drinking tea, looking quite at ease between the altars.

He was still the same as in the past, wearing a white crane cloak, holding a goose feather fan in his hand, always looking so indifferent, calm and peaceful, giving people an unfathomable feeling.

In private, Liu Chan even thought that even if there was a huge matter in front of Kong Ming, he could easily figure out the solution as long as he did the math.

However, as long as they are officials under Liu Bei, they probably know that the affairs that Kong Ming has to deal with every day are very complicated.Because all the important military and political affairs in Liu Bei's territory are often entrusted to him alone for overall planning.Kong Ming himself happens to be a hands-on person.

Later generations concluded that: Kong Ming's own wisdom is unparalleled and his nature is extremely rigorous, so he is like a person with a "cleanliness addiction". What others do is not very satisfactory, so he has to do everything by himself.

Therefore, Kong Ming had to be tired.He is overdrawing his life to achieve the perfection in his mind.However, a person who likes perfection by nature must not be too enthusiastic.Therefore, in Liu Chan's view, Kong Ming always gives people a sense of alienation - "the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water", and later generations may describe such a feeling of Kong Ming in this way.

Facing the rare wise man in front of him, Liu Chan didn't dare to delay, stepped forward to salute and asked, "How come the military master has the time to come to see me today?"

Kong Ming saw that although Liu Chan was still young, he was so knowledgeable and reasonable, and although his face was calm, he was actually very satisfied in his heart.He stood up from his seat and saluted Liu Chan before the two sat down.

Kong Ming glanced at Liu Chan and said, "Young master has grown taller recently, but he has also lost some weight. Do you eat well every day?"

Seeing that Kong Ming cared about him so much, Liu Chan couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.In fact, he knew that Kong Ming's body was getting thinner and thinner.Since Liu Bei entered Sichuan, all the big and small affairs in Jingzhou were on his shoulders.But he is a person who does everything by himself, so it is difficult not to lose weight!
Liu Chan nodded and said with a smile: "Chen eats two big bowls for every meal, but you should take care of your health, military commander!"

Kong Ming smiled slightly and said: "Okay, Liang will eat two big bowls for every meal from now on. However, Liang does have a few things to discuss with the young master today. Yesterday, the master sent a letter back."

Although Liu Chan had correspondence with Liu Bei from time to time, the two hadn't seen each other for more than two years, so they couldn't help thinking about it, so they asked about his father's current situation.

"Although the miasma in Sichuan is bad for your health, the Lord is always in good health, so you don't have to worry."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Father is in good health, that's the best thing." Then he asked about the situation of other generals.Kong Ming just gave a concise answer, and then introduced to Liu Chan the situation of the new generals who joined him.

After the introduction, Kong Ming suddenly became a little silent, because the second news he was going to tell Liu Chan was about Sun Shangxiang.

He originally thought that after such a long separation, Liu Chan's memory of Sun Shangxiang should have been extremely vague, and he had even forgotten the poor woman who had been his stepmother for two years.I don't want Liu Chan to be overjoyed when he heard about Sun Shangxiang from Kong Ming, but he kept urging Kong Ming to tell the details quickly. The joyful look on his face was much more excited than when he heard the news about Liu Bei.

Kong Ming sighed first, and then told Liu Chan with some sadness that according to the spies' report, Sun Shangxiang was under house arrest by Sun Quan in the Taifu of the Wu State, and tried to die several times, but was rescued by the guards.Because of this, Wu Guotai scolded Sun Quan every day for being heartless and cheating even his own sister.Sun Quan had no choice but to send Sun Shangxiang to Ganlu Temple some time ago.

Liu Chan knew that Kong Ming's news should be true.Sun Shangxiang is an extremely staunch woman, and it is entirely possible to commit suicide for love.Liu Chan couldn't help but feel sad for that poor mother, and then burst into tears, cursing Sun Quan as a king, bastard, and egg, and he must settle accounts with him in the future!

Seeing that Liu Chan was so sad, Kong Ming couldn't bear it.He has always boasted that his eloquence is unparalleled in the world. When he debated Jiangdong's Confucian scholars, he easily killed a group of talented people on the other side.But now I want to comfort Liu Chan, I don't know why I suddenly feel that my tongue is stiff, and I can't find the appropriate words, so I can only comfort Liu Chan not to be sad again, he will try his best to rescue Sun Shangxiang.

Only then did Liu Chan nod and stop crying, wiping away the tears on his face.

The third thing Kong Ming wanted to say was that it was directly related to Liu Chan himself.Liu Chan has been studying at home since he was six years old. After Liu Bei asked Kong Ming to come to Jingzhou, it should be time to find a decent teacher for Liu Chan.He also asked Kong Ming to read more practical and useful books and read less pompous and pompous works by Meng Lang.

In fact, Liu Chan did not resist reading in his heart, and even liked it very much, so he asked Kong Ming for advice: "Military Master, what books should I read?"

Kong Ming said: "The Lord's letter said: You can read "Hanshu", "Book of Rites", "Book of Songs", and watch the philosophers, "Six Secret Teachings" and "Book of Shang Jun" in your spare time, which will benefit people's mind and wisdom."

In fact, Liu Chan has always believed that reading "Hanshu" is like reading a historical story, and he has read it before.But the "Book of Rites" and "Book of Songs" are very annoying, and some people don't want to learn them.But because he was in front of Kong Ming, he couldn't say anything, so he reluctantly agreed.

Then, Liu Chan asked: "Then when will we learn the art of war in the Six Secret Teachings?"

Kong Ming smiled and said: "Nowadays is a troubled time, the young master naturally wants to study the art of war, but the art of war is difficult, you can wait until you grow up."

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Mr. Pang De came to see Chan a few days ago, but he said he wanted to find a famous teacher for me. I wonder if the military teacher is talking about that one now?"

"That's not true. There seems to be something wrong with Mr. Pang De, so it may take some time for that person to come to Jiangling to give lectures for Mr. Pang De."

Liu didn't expect that the "famous teacher" he was waiting for Pang Degong to introduce, but he didn't want Kong Ming to give it to another teacher, and he was slightly disappointed.

Then, Liu Chan suddenly thought of something, and said pitifully: "Military Master, I have a request. You can study, but can you stop locking me at home all the time? I'm going to get sick from boredom! Let me go to Mr. Going to study at home is also good."

Kong Ming thought for a while and agreed.After all, within Jiangling City, Liu Chan's safety is still guaranteed.

At this time, Liu Chan remembered the matter of Xi Chuan again, and asked: "Recently, I heard that Pang Junshi died unfortunately, and the poor Juncai died young. It is really a pity!"

Kong Ming's expression couldn't help but be gloomy, he sighed softly and said, "Poor Pang Shiyuan is so talented, he died before his ambition was fulfilled!"

Liu Chan said again: "Then next, is the military adviser going to lead the army into Sichuan himself?"

Kong Ming was taken aback when he heard that, how did the young master know about the military secrets designed for marching and fighting?This matter is big or small.He then asked: "This matter is confidential, how did you know that Liang is going to Sichuan?"

Of course it is impossible for Liu Chan to tell him that Zhuge Liang did this in history.In fact, as long as you use your brain a little, you can imagine that since Pang Shiyuan died, it is inevitable for Kong Ming to go to Sichuan to help in the battle.

Liu Chan said: "Of course I guessed. If the military division Pang died, my father would lose the most important brain trust. If you don't go to help the military division at this time, it will be unreasonable."

Kong Ming nodded when he heard this, and praised: "Although the young master is still young, he really knows everything!"

Liu Chan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed to be praised by a wise man like Kong Ming.

Then Kong Ming told Liu Chan that after he entered Sichuan, he should take good care of himself when he stayed in Jiangling alone, and he should also study hard with his husband and so on.

Liu Chan naturally patted his chest and agreed one by one.Then the two chatted about going to Sichuan this time. Based on the knowledge of Yang Hansheng in his previous life, Liu Chan said a few opinions, which were quite in line with Kong Ming's wishes. He won Kong Ming's praise again, which really made Liu Chan very proud. Bundle.

(End of this chapter)

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