Chapter 25

In less than a quarter of an hour, the dishes began to be delivered one after another, and the dishes were indeed very rich.Liu Chan began to eat and drink, but Sasaki Kojiro did not move his chopsticks.

Liu Chan couldn't help wondering: "Why don't you eat it? You are not my young master's servant. If I can't eat it because of my anger along the way, I will feel uncomfortable."

Sasaki Kojiro ignored him at all, picked up his chopsticks and fiddled with them in the dish, then put them down again, with an extremely ugly expression on his face.He seemed to want to say something, but he didn't want to say it.

Liu Chan tore off a chicken leg, chewed it, and said vaguely: "Hey, the mouth grows on your body. If you don't eat it, I can't do anything. But you see me spending your money like this." How can you bear it when you are eating and drinking?"

Sasaki Kojiro was angered by Liu Chan again, and suddenly he slapped his palm on the table, almost frightened Liu Chan, turned his head and shouted loudly to the kitchen: "Bring me some vegetarian dishes, why are they all meat dishes! You have never eaten meat in your previous life! !"

With a puff, Liu Chan sprayed all the chicken in his mouth on the ground, but luckily it didn't spray Sasaki Kojiro or the good dishes on the table. He said with a smile, "Could it be that you are a monk, otherwise why don't you eat meat?"

Sasaki Kojiro was stumped by Liu Chan's new word "monk" and didn't know how to answer.Only then did Liu Chan remember that Buddhism has only come to the East for more than 100 years, and it has not yet reached the time of prosperity.Taoism is the most popular now, so I don't want to explain so much to Wonu.

In fact, Liu Chan probably already guessed that the reason why Sasaki Kojiro didn't eat meat should be to maintain his weight. It is said that the weight of each ninja should not exceed [-] catties.

Liu Chan immediately remembered that it was time to get away in the town, so he said to Sasaki Kojiro: "In my opinion, you might as well let me go now, lest you have to suffer with me along the way. My son Now that I have had enough fun, I want to go home."

Sasaki Kojiro said gloomyly: "Playing? You have to know your current identity. You are no longer that pampered Mr. Liu!"

"Guest officer, your vegetarian dishes are here. These two dishes are the unique skills of our chef, and there is no one else within a hundred miles. Please eat well." The waiter held a plate of fried vegetables Vermicelli and a plate of cold bean curd were enthusiastically placed on Sasaki Kojiro's table.

Sasaki Kojiro looked at the two plates of vegetarian dishes, then looked up at the waiter, and suddenly asked where the waiter who served the dishes was now.

Only then did Liu Chan realize that the store clerk had been replaced by another person, and this new clerk was much stronger than the one just now, so he couldn't help secretly praising Sasaki Kojiro for his sharp eyes.But I was also a little worried that I was in the hands of this person, and it would be extremely difficult to escape.

The waiter said enthusiastically: "Guest officer has really good eyesight. Xiao San just went to chop firewood, so I will serve food for him. If you want to find Xiao San, I will call for you right away."

Sasaki Kojiro saw that there were no flaws, so he picked up the chopsticks and fiddled with the dish, but then put down the chopsticks again, feeling that the dish was still too greasy, so he didn't want it.The guy explained with a bitter face that the dishes had already been prepared, so they couldn't be taken back to the kitchen.

Liu Chan didn't want the guy to be bullied by a Japanese slave, so he asked him to put down the dishes and go to the kitchen to get other dishes.A smile appeared on the guy's face, and he quickly thanked Liu Chan.

But when the guy turned around to leave, Kojiro Sasaki slipped a short knife from his sleeve and stabbed the guy in the back suddenly.

Liu Chan was frightened by the sudden scene in front of him. Although he didn't know what was going on, he hurriedly reminded the guy to be careful.As if the guy was already prepared, he quickly turned around and slapped the tray in his hand at Kojiro Sasaki's dagger. Although the tray was pierced, the dagger was also blocked.The chap dropped the tray and stepped back three or four paces.

Sasaki Kojiro said angrily: "You want to use Mongolian sweat medicine to deal with me, your thinking is too simple!" He swung his knife and rushed forward.

The man drew a short knife from his waist and started fighting with Sasaki Kojiro.There were not many guests in the hotel, and they immediately dispersed.

Liu Chan was a little worried that the things he ate just now were also drugged, so he hurriedly dug his fingers deep into his throat, trying to spit out what he ate.What Liu Chan didn't expect was that while the guy was fighting, he didn't forget to tell Liu Chan that he was not a bad guy, but a good guy who came to save him. There was no drug in the food Liu Chan ate, but please don't worry.

Only then did Liu Chan breathe a sigh of relief, but he didn't know the other person at all, so he asked the person to quickly identify himself.While fighting with Sasaki Kojiro, the man introduced himself with ease.

The man's name is Han Long, and he is a native of Zhangjiaji.Just now his buddy heard that Liu Chan was kidnapped, so he wanted to do something to save him.

Liu Chan secretly guessed that this Han Long should be a local "ranger", otherwise he would not have such martial arts and such a narrow heart.In all dynasties in Chinese history, there has never been a shortage of knights.They are often very powerful locally.For example, Xu Chu of the Three Kingdoms gathered his tribe and a group of knights to defend Wubao, and the tens of thousands of Yellow Turbans had nothing to do with them.

Liu Chan seemed to have some impression of the name "Han Long", but couldn't remember where he heard it for a while.Then, Liu Chan told all the details of Sasaki Kojiro, and reminded Han Long to be careful of the other party's Five Elements Escape Technique.

Sasaki Kojiro was startled and angry when he saw that Liu Chan had dismantled his old background, and couldn't help shouting: "Impossible, impossible at all, you are so young, how could you know the secret technique of our Fuso ninja!"

Liu Chan didn't answer, but just sneered.

Seeing Sasaki Kojiro's aura, Han Long began to become a little confused because of his excitement. He knew that the other party was a little impatient, so he took the opportunity to speed up his offensive.

Although Liu Chan doesn't know martial arts, he also saw some clues, and continued to fan the flames: "Hmph! What's so strange about the Five Elements Escape Technique, it originally originated from my Han Dynasty!"

Sasaki Kojiro shouted: "Nonsense! The five-element evasion technique was originally created by our Yamato clan!" Then, a black cloth suddenly appeared in front of him, and Han Long stabbed at it, and he tore through the black cloth from the middle.But Sasaki Kojiro himself behind the black cloth has disappeared.

Although Liu Chan doesn't understand the theory of ninjas, the knowledge of the 21st century is enough for him to make a judgment: the five elements escape technique may be camouflage and blindness.

So, Liu Chan looked up at the roof, and sure enough, he found Kojiro Sasaki on the beam above Han Long's head.Liu Chan immediately reminded Han Long, "Be careful, strong man, Sasaki is right above your head!"

Han Long didn't suspect him, and immediately threw the short knife above his head.With a bang, although the dagger was hit by Sasaki Kojiro, it also bought time for Han Long, allowing him to get out of the dangerous range and narrowly dodge the opponent's ultimate move.

Sasaki Kojiro's complexion was extremely ugly, and the eyes that looked at Liu Chan almost burst into flames, and Liu Chan immediately responded with a smug smile.

At this time, Han Long's buddy came to the lobby at some time, and threw the long sword in his hand to Han Long.When Han Longgu drew out his long sword, his aura immediately changed.Although Han Long, who was holding a short knife just now, was very strong, his movements seemed a little awkward. He was obviously not a person who was good at using a knife.Now with a sword in his hand, Han Long looked like an unshakable peak, so calm.

Liu Chan's heart was shocked, Han Long's aura seemed familiar.Zhang Fei's aura when he singled out Fu Tianyuan's five subordinates back then was a feeling of domineering and invincible.And this Han Long is obviously different, his momentum is extremely restrained and steady, but he is somewhat similar to Zhao Yun.Liu Chan secretly wondered if this person is a master of the inner family?
Sasaki Kojiro obviously also felt the pressure, put away the short sword and replaced it with a Japanese long sword.

At this time, Han Long drew out his sword, and his sword moved slowly, like the calm surface of the Yangtze River.But only Sasaki Kojiro knew that under the calmness of Han Long's swordsmanship, there was infinite power!So every time Han Long made a sword move, Sasaki Kojiro would be forced to take a step back unconsciously.

After more than a dozen swords, Sasaki Kojiro has been cornered, and there is no way to retreat!Although Liu Chan doesn't know martial arts, but judging from the current situation, Han Long has completely gained the upper hand.

"Swallow back cut!" Sasaki Kojiro shouted suddenly, and he didn't know how he did it. He rose into the air, and in the blink of an eye, a man appeared behind Han Long, and stabbed Han Long in the back!

"Canglang!" Han Long turned around vigorously, and the sword shadow attacked Sasaki Kojiro like the waves of the Yangtze River.

There were several sounds of metal collisions, and the weapons of the two were knocked sideways at the same time.But both of them were also injured: Han Long had a wound of more than an inch on his chest, and Sasaki Kojiro had a wound of the same length on his arm.Han Long praised: "Admiration, your counterattack in danger almost caught me off guard!"

"Hmph! There will be a period later!"

From Sasaki Kojiro's left hand, several hidden weapons suddenly flew towards Han Long.Han Long swung his sword to block.However, Sasaki Kojiro then released another smoke bomb, and the tavern was filled with smoke.Sasaki Kojiro came to Liu Chan's side in a flash, picked him up, and rushed outside.

Liu Chan beat and kicked and struggled: "Hey, let me go, I can't breathe!" But Sasaki Kojiro not only ignored him, but clamped him even tighter.

Han Long chased him out immediately, but Kojiro Sasaki was so fast that he couldn't catch up for a while.

At this time, Liu Chan became cruel, reached into his arms, pulled out the Dragon City dagger, and plunged it into Sasaki Kojiro's abdomen!It turned out that his dagger was hidden secretly, and Sasaki Kojiro didn't search him because he was young and looked like a polite scholar, but he never thought that Liu Chan actually had hidden weapons.

Blood gushed from his abdomen, Sasaki Kojiro felt his body was weak for a while, and after a scream, because he was running at a high speed, his body suddenly fell forward, rolled on the ground, and died immediately.

But Liu Chan also suffered a disaster.His head hit the ground, and he and Sasaki Kojiro rolled for a long distance before stopping, and he passed out long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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