The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 26 Two Famous Doctors

Chapter 26 Two Famous Doctors
This is a very large room.Two windows were opened on the front wall, like a pair of bright and huge eyes.

There are still many gadgets in the corners on both sides, and there is a large carved screen against the back wall, and a young man with a pale face is lying on the couch.

His eyes were closed tightly, his breathing was fairly even, and he seemed to be in deep sleep.

In this room, besides the boy, there are two adults who are talking.

One is a strong middle-aged man, the Han Long who saved Liu Chan.Then the boy who is lying on the couch now is naturally Liu Chan.

The other is an old man with white hair.He is just like ordinary people, only wearing a gray cloth, but he has an extraordinary and refined temperament, and he looks energetic.

The old man sighed: "Nowadays there are frequent wars between the North and the South, the world is in turmoil and epidemics are prevalent, and the people are struggling to survive. Alas, since I was 15 years old, I have abandoned my ambition to be an official and studied the art of Qihuang. I really hope that I can use this to save the common people in the world."

Han Long nodded and said: "The heart that Mr. Zhang insists on is the heart of his parents, and the skills that Mr. Zhang has learned are the skills of good fortune. If everyone in the world has the same heart, there will be no danger of disputes in the world."

It turned out that this old man was Zhang Zhi Zhang Fangping, an elder from the Zhang family of the Zhang family.His father is Zhang Bozu, a well-known doctor in Jingzhou, and the master of Zhang Ji and Zhang Zhongjing, who are known as the "Medical Saints" in history.Now Zhang Zhi has already learned the truth of his father's medical skills, and even like Zhang Zhongjing, he is better than blue.

Zhang Fangping and Han Long were already very familiar with each other, and also liked Han Long's temperament. He said with a slight smile, "Linsheng, you are really admiring the old man. Doctors have not been valued by officials for a long time. The situation is really embarrassing." .”

Han Long hurriedly comforted Zhang Fangping. In today's world, the plague is prevalent, and countless people have died, even genocide.If not for Zhang Fangping, Zhangjiaji would have become a dead town like other places because of the epidemic.

At this time, there was movement on Liu Chan's side.The body twitched slightly, and some undigested food residues spit out from the mouth, which immediately made the room extremely sour.But Liu Chan didn't wake up, his eyes were still tightly closed.

Han Long and Zhang Fangping hurried over to the couch.Zhang Fangping took out a handkerchief, wiped off the dirt around Liu Chan's mouth without hesitation, and checked carefully.Then Zhang Fangping told Han Long that judging from the current situation, the child fell really badly, and he probably hurt his brain, which is why he vomited when he was unconscious.

Han Long's heart tightened, knowing that Liu Chan's injury must be serious, otherwise Zhang Fangping would not be so earnest, and quickly said: "Mr. Zhang, please do your best. No matter what medicinal materials you need, this junior will find it for you. Junior I promised this child that I must save him from that wicked man, but I almost killed him if I didn’t want to.”

Zhang Fangping knew that Han Long was a man who honored righteousness and kept promises, and sighed: "This child should be blessed. Mr. Hua Tuo Hua Yuanhua, a genius doctor with superb medical skills, is about to come to our town. He will definitely come to my house for a stay at that time. The old man will invite him to come and treat the child."

Han Long was overjoyed, who in the world didn't know the name of the genius doctor Hua Tuo?He then asked, "Mr. Zhang, when will that Mr. Hua arrive in town?"

Zhang Fangping waved his hand and said, "Don't worry about getting promoted, Mr. Hua's footsteps, you can arrive at the latest by tomorrow evening."

"Wouldn't it be faster for the younger generation to send someone to meet him on the road?"

"You don't know, Mr. Na Hua has always been walking in the world of medicine. Besides, I just got his letter, and I don't know where he is coming from."

Hearing this, Han Long had no choice but to give up.

At noon on the second day, the weather was fine, there was not even a cloud in the sky, only a few bamboos in the yard were shaken by the majestic wind, like thin and thin scholars shaking their heads and reading.

However, such a peaceful atmosphere was quickly broken.

There was finally movement in Liu Chan's ward, and a scream came out, saying: "Oh, it hurts me to death!" It turned out that Liu Chan finally woke up.

Liu Chan rubbed his eyes, feeling that his head was a little heavy and slightly painful.Then, he saw a big couch, a mosquito net as thin as smoke, and an old man with gray hair and long beard.

The old man is not tall, and he looks a little thin. He doesn't look young for his age, but he looks very energetic.

What surprised Liu Chan even more was that the skin on the old man's face didn't have any wrinkles, it was no worse than the average young skin!

——This person has such a strange appearance, I must have met a monster, right?But this person is so benevolent and kind, he shouldn't be a monster, not to mention that my son is also a monk from time to time!
Liu Chan was thinking in his heart.

However, Liu Chan soon put on a bitter face.Because he didn't have half a piece of clothes on his body, and there were more than a dozen silver needles stuck in it, shining brightly.When the body moves, the silver needles will shake, which reminds people of the life-saving method of golden needles in martial arts novels.

Then I saw, with a bang, the door was pushed open from the outside, and two more people rushed in from the room.

One is a strong middle-aged man, wearing an expensive silk robe.The other one is an old man with a dignified appearance.

After the two came in together, seeing Liu Chan sitting on the couch, he could already open his eyes, and the expression on his face suddenly became joyful.

Liu Chan joked to the kind-hearted old man, "Old man, are you giving me acupuncture, or opening up my tendons?"


The two old men were a little surprised.In this era, there are actually not many people who know how to use acupuncture, and even fewer people can see it.Unexpectedly, the other party looked like a teenage child who was not yet a teenager, but he would have such good eyesight.

The old man asked Liu Chan how he knew about acupuncture.Of course, it is impossible for Liu Chan to tell the other party that such scenes are everywhere in Jin Yongda's novels.

He laughed and said, "I just know, I won't tell you! But, please help me pull them up, it's really numb and itchy, I can't take it anymore."

Only then did the old man realize that he had been a little reckless just now, and actually forgot to finish the finishing work, so he quickly put away all the silver needles on Liu Chan's body.Only then did Liu Chan ask for the names of the three of them one by one.

The benevolent old man smiled slightly, and told Liu Chan the names of Zhang Fangping, Han Long and himself.

Then, Hua Tuo told Liu Chan that Han Long was the owner of this place, and it was Han Long who rescued him from the bad guys.And this Mr. Zhang Fangping is a well-known local doctor, and Liu Chan's treatment was handled by him before.

No, Liu Chan's first thought was not to thank Han Long or Zhang Fangping, but suddenly said in surprise: "Hua Tuo! You are the genius doctor Hua Tuo!" Sure enough, it was the name of a person, the shadow of a tree!
In this war-torn Three Kingdoms era, Hua Tuo was no ordinary person.Apart from those myths about him, if this man, who can be called the "ancestor of surgery", is used on the battlefield, he does not know how many wounded people whose wounds cannot stop bleeding can be saved!Unexpectedly, Liu Chan met here by accident. Isn't this God helping him?

Thinking of this, Liu Chan was so excited that he jumped up from the couch.But now he was completely naked, and immediately burst into tears, screamed and quickly got into the bed, his face was as red as an apple.

Seeing Liu Chan's funny appearance, the three of Hua Tuo couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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