Chapter 29 Surgery
Liu Chan managed to survive until the third day. After being diagnosed by Zhang Fangping and Hua Tuo, he was finally allowed to walk outside the manor, which immediately made Liu Chan very happy.Although the Han family is big and has a lot of people, it is still not as fun as the outside world.

After Hua Tuo came to Zhangjiaji, except for diagnosing Liu Chan's illness and staying overnight at Zhang Fangping's house at night, he spent the rest of the time treating people outside.Now, he has visited eight or nine villages around Zhangjiaji, which moved Liu Chan a little, so he asked about Hua Tuo's itinerary for tomorrow.

Hua Tuo told him that tomorrow he was going to Majia Village, fifteen miles away, where there were many sick people, and he sent someone to Zhang Fangping for help the day before yesterday.Zhang Fangping was younger than Hua Tuo, but not as strong as Hua Tuo, so he asked Hua Tuo to go for him.

In fact, Liu Chan really wanted to follow him to see how Hua Tuo, the legendary doctor who was rumored to be invisible, healed people, so he asked Hua Tuo to take him there.Hua Tuo originally disagreed, but he couldn't resist Liu Chan, so he had to agree.

Seeing that Liu Chan's body was relatively weak, Han Long must not be able to walk that far, so he proposed to send horses to Hua Tuo.Hua Tuo refused.He has practiced medicine all over the world, and he has always walked barefoot, and has never ridden a horse.This immediately made Han Long a little embarrassed. If the master walked, if Liu Chan, a disciple, rode a horse by himself, such a thing would be detrimental to virtue in the Three Kingdoms era, and it was a very inappropriate behavior.

When Han Long was in trouble, Zhang Fangping had no choice but to come forward to persuade Hua Tuo.After all, Liu Chan is too young to walk, if it delays time, it will be bad for the patient.Hua Tuo respected Zhang Fangping very much, and seeing that what he said made sense, he finally agreed.

So the next day, Hua Tuo took his personal disciples Wu Pu and Liu Chan, the registered disciples, and the three of them rode two horses to Majia Village. horse.

Liu Chan originally thought that Hua Tuo's saying that he didn't ride a horse meant that he couldn't ride a horse. Unexpectedly, his riding skills were actually better than that of Wu Pu, a young man.Liu Chan sighed secretly that Hua Tuo was really a real person.

Wu Pu is one of Hua Tuo's two disciples. He likes to practice the "Five Animals" created by Hua Tuo. Later, he lived to be more than 90 years old, comparable to He Qi, the longest-lived Eastern Wu.Another disciple of Hua Tuo, Fan Ah from Pengcheng, is now staying in Qiao County, Hua Tuo's hometown.

It was the first time Liu Chan had seen Wu Pu as a senior brother.A few days ago, he was at Zhang Fangping's house and never visited Han Long's house.This man is different from the lean Hua Tuo, he is a bit fat, looks quite kind, and his eyes are very stable and measured, giving people a feeling of trust.

Wu Pu likes Liu Chan, a junior, very much, and the two of them chatted along the way, which was a joy.

Only then did Liu Chan know that Wu Pu's hometown is in Guangling, which is not very far from Jingzhou.He studied medicine with Hua Tuo at the age of 14. He spent more than half a year practicing medicine outside the country. He was very familiar with the knowledge and knowledge of various places. He was eloquent. enjoyable.

So much so that later, Liu Chan even wanted Wu Pu to give up studying medicine and serve in the army instead. Being a marching commander should be very suitable.But isn't this poaching Hua Tuo's corner?Hua Tuo wandered the world all his life, and it was not easy to cultivate a satisfactory apprentice. Liu Chan couldn't bear it, so he had to give up this idea.

The horse's footsteps are very fast. It takes at least two hours to walk to Majia Village, but now it only takes more than half an hour to arrive.

The location of this village is extremely remote, located at the foot of a high mountain.

There are not many bare trees on the mountain, but from a distance, it looks like a few scabies growing on the top of a bald head, which looks very ugly.

Not far away is a river, the river water is quite clear, and occasionally a few small fish are blowing bubbles contentedly on the cobblestone-covered river bed.

The village is small and looks dilapidated.The villagers lived in low, dilapidated thatched huts. The thatch on the roof had turned black. Obviously, it hadn't been renovated for many years, and it seemed that it was about to rot.

The number of houses is about thirty or forty, and the style is almost exactly the same as that of Tuobawei's two thatched huts.

When the three of them came to the entrance of the village, they saw a thin old man wandering there alone with a cane, his face looked very worried.

They went up to ask and found out that the old man was the patriarch of the village and was waiting for a doctor from Zhangjiaji.Hua Tuo revealed his identity to him, and the old man was overjoyed, and took Hua Tuo's hand and went into the village excitedly.

After entering the village, the three of them found that it was not peaceful inside. There were bursts of mournful cries, including old people, children, and women. They didn't know what happened.After asking, I found out that no one was sick in this village, but there were many seriously injured patients.

It turned out that a group of robbers broke into the village a few days ago, and after controlling the villagers, they stayed there until two days ago, killing and injuring many people.Those cries came from the victim's home.After the old man finished speaking, he couldn't help crying bitterly.

In this chaotic Three Kingdoms era, it is really difficult for the people to survive.Liu Chan really sympathizes with the miserable experiences of the villagers, and decides that after returning to Jiangling City, he must ask the military division Zhuge to send out troops to clean up the robbers in the territory, and return the common people to a peaceful living environment!

After Hua Tuo comforted the patriarch, the old man stopped crying.Hua Tuo walked into the courtyard of a family that heard the crying sound.

After opening the door, there was a strong smell of sweat and decay in the air.All the doors and windows inside are closed, the light is very dark, and it also creates an extremely airless condition.A woman and a little boy were kneeling in front of a dying man, weeping softly.

Seeing someone breaking into the house, the woman immediately held the little boy in her arms, her eyes full of horror.It seems that the shadow left by those robbers in the hearts of the villagers has not dissipated yet.Fortunately, with the patriarch's explanation, the woman stopped being frightened and asked Hua Tuo to save her husband.

Wu Pu opened all the windows in the room, and the room became brighter, and everyone finally saw the appearance of the injured person clearly.

This is a middle-aged man in his 40s and [-]s, his eyes are closed, his face is pale, and his breath is already extremely weak.His wound was on his right chest. The wound was treated briefly and wrapped in a white cloth.If there is no doctor to diagnose and treat, I am afraid that I can only lie on the couch and wait to die.

After Hua Tuo let the mother and child go out, he stepped forward and untied the white cloth, and a foul smell wafted from it.It seems that this person has been injured for a long time, and the wounds have begun to rot.

Then I saw a black mass covering the wound, which must be the earthwork made by the villagers. When this person was injured, he couldn't find a doctor to treat him, so he had to use the dead horse from the earthwork as a living horse doctor.But nine out of ten kinds of such things are deceitful. Not only will they not have the effect of treatment, but they may often aggravate the condition.

Hua Tuo took the knife that Wu Pu handed over, and picked the lump away.The wound was ten centimeters long. Judging by the shape of the wound, it was caused by a weapon such as a knife or a sword.

Seeing the situation inside the wound, Liu Chan couldn't help crying out, then covered his mouth with a look of horror on his face.

It turned out that three maggots had grown out of the wound, and they were wriggling constantly. It was really disgusting!Liu Chan's stomach began to churn, and the atmosphere in the room made it difficult for him to breathe smoothly. It wasn't until he took a few deep breaths that he felt better.

When Hua Tuo saw Liu Chan's performance, he didn't say anything. He just sighed softly and told Wu Pu to prepare the utensils.

Wu Pu took out two golden handfuls from the medical box, which were very similar to the camera, and handed them to Hua Tuo.Liu Chan never imagined that in this era, there are such advanced things as "tweezers", and they are made of gold, so they must be expensive!
He went over to see that there were several identical "tweezers" in the medical box, so he secretly asked Wu Pu about the origin of these gold tweezers.Wu Pu actually didn't know, I heard that it was sent by a certain family.Liu Chan thought for a while, I'm afraid this is the only possibility, Hua Tuo is a poor man with no wealth, it is impossible to make so many gold "tweezers".

At this time, Hua Tuo used the "tweezers" in his left hand to open the wound, and the "tweezers" in his right hand squeezed out the three maggots one by one.Liu Chan was greatly impressed by his smooth and steady movements.Perhaps the level of surgeons in the 21st century is nothing more than this.

Wu Pu took out another pack of medicinal powder, found a bowl and mixed it with water, and poured it on the wounded patient.Liu Chan looked at the bowl in Wu Pu's hand in surprise. The thing inside must be Mafeisan, which has been rumored to be miraculous in the future!

When Liu Chan asked, Wu Pu replied that it was Mafeisan!Liu Chan was really overjoyed.If this thing is used on the battlefield, it should be able to reduce the pain of the wounded a lot!I secretly decided in my heart that I must get the secret recipe of Mafeisan in the future!

After the effect of Mafeisan took effect, Hua Tuo lit a piece of candle and put the knife on the fire to roast it.Only then carefully cut off the carrion around the wound with a knife, then applied medicine and bandaged it up.This process took a full two quarters of an hour!
However, Liu Chan felt a little strange seeing that Hua Tuo only cut off the carrion and did not suture the wound, so he had to ask Hua Tuo the reason.Hua Tuo looked at Liu Chan in surprise, really curious about the origin of his named apprentice, how could he even know such things as suturing wounds? !

He told Liu Chan that although the wound healed quickly with stitches, there was no guarantee that it would not fester, and it would be safer to recover slowly like this.Liu Chan nodded, but he knew in his heart that this was due to the insufficient level of disinfection and the absence of antibiotics and other drugs.

Seeing that Hua Tuo was tired after half an hour of "surgery", Liu Chan obediently moved a wooden pier and poured a glass of water, and told Hua Tuo to rest before going to another home for treatment.Seeing Liu Chan being so attentive, Hua Tuo couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Because there were too many patients and the injuries were difficult to deal with, Hua Tuo was busy until late at night before seeing the patients, and he had forgotten to eat.And at this time, Zhangjiaji might not be able to go back, so the three of them had to spend the night at the patriarch's house.

The villagers were grateful for the life-saving grace of the three of Hua Tuo, and they all took out the best things in the house as treats, but in fact they were just things like millet flour, and the quantity was still very small.

Hua Tuo's heart is kind, so he asked them to leave the good things to the patients, and they can just eat and drink.Seeing this situation, Liu Chan was deeply moved, and he admired Hua Tuo's medical ethics even more in his heart.

Moreover, Liu Chan couldn't bear to see that the life of the villagers was so difficult, so he decided to go all out to help them.He asked the patriarch to bring a pen and paper, wrote a letter to report the situation in Majia Village, Zhuge's army division, and asked him to send someone to bring some food.

Only then did Hua Tuo's master and apprentice know that his named apprentice was actually the only son of Liu Bei and Shijun Liu. They were surprised and immediately asked Wu Pu to ride a horse and go to Jiangling City to deliver the letter.

(End of this chapter)

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