Chapter 30

Everything was logical. When Liu Chan and Hua Tuo returned to Han Long's manor on the same horse, he saw Zhao Feng, his silver-armored guards, and thousands of Jingzhou troops.

It turned out that after Zhao Feng's unauthorized attack that night, although Liu Chan was taken away, he was not completely uncaptured, but let him intercept the two ninjas who were used to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

After a battle between the two sides, Ishikawa died in battle, and his sister Shi Enhui was captured.After Zhuge's military division's plan, Ishikawa Shi Enhui finally explained where they made friends.

Therefore, the Zhuge army division sent Zhao Feng to take the crime and make meritorious service, and immediately went to make a surprise attack, but unfortunately there was no one there.

Zhao Feng was so anxious that he was about to go crazy, and immediately reported to Zhuge Military Adviser, and now even Kong Ming became anxious.As a result, groups of troops were sent out to search for Liu Chan along the Yangtze River, but unfortunately they found nothing.

Until this day, they finally got a letter from Liu Chan.Zhao Feng wept with joy, and immediately rushed towards Zhangjiaji with his men.Army Master Zhuge was afraid that there would be another accident on Zhao Feng's road, so he allocated 1000 troops to chase after him.But Zhao Feng's men were cavalry, and the infantry would have been left far behind if they could keep up.

Zhao Feng's men came to Han's house and were about to enter the village to pick up Liu Chan, but encountered great trouble.Because the local wealthy families have always been extremely repulsive to the officers and soldiers, Han Long is naturally no exception.

The reason why his manor was armed was to resist the invasion of bandits on the one hand, and to resist officers and soldiers who were no different from bandits on the other hand.Therefore, the negotiation broke down without a few words between the two parties.Not even giving face to the government, it can be seen how rebellious the local wealthy families were at that time.

Zhao Feng was concerned about the young master's safety, he lost his usual calmness, and immediately ordered his men to dismount, intending to storm the gate of the manor.

Han Long was quite calm, and quickly retreated into the manor, ordered people to close the gate of the manor, and launched defenses.Suddenly, many archers appeared on the walls and towers!However, Han Long didn't want to easily start a war with the government when the situation was unclear, so he ordered the people on the towers everywhere to only closely monitor the movements of Zhao Feng's troops and not to attack casually.

Zhao Feng saw that there were many archers, and now his side lacked manpower and siege tools, so he was not an opponent at all.He calmed down slowly, stopped acting rashly, and asked Han Long to come out to negotiate again, otherwise the Jingzhou army would immediately raze his manor to the ground.

Han Long was dismissive of Zhao Feng's threats at first. As local tyrants and heroes, they have never been afraid of death. When have they ever been afraid of other people's threats?What's more, there are only fifty people on the other side.However, Han Long felt that the Jingzhou army came to him today, and the matter was really incomprehensible, so he climbed up the tower and asked Zhao Feng to explain the matter clearly.

The kidnapping of Liu Chan has always been top-secret information of the Jingzhou army, and the identity of that person must not be disclosed to outsiders, so that Han Long misunderstood that Zhao Feng was here to catch his diners, so the conflict broke out between the two sides.Zhao Feng had no choice but to tell Liu Chan's affairs and appearance.

Only then did Han Long know that Yang Hansheng Yang, who he had rescued from Sasaki Kojiro, was the young master of the Jingzhou Army, Liu Chan, and it was hard to hide it from him, so he asked Zhao Feng to leave quickly, Liu Chan is not in his village now .

Although Zhao Feng didn't read Liu Chan's letter, the military adviser clearly told him that Liu Chan was at Han's house.Now that Han Long didn't admit it, Zhao Feng thought he was deliberately not letting him go, and was furious in his heart. He drew out his long sword and shouted. The sword attacked Han Long.

Seeing that Zhao Feng was as light as a swallow, Han Long knew that he must be a master of the inner family, so he wanted to compete with him, so he immediately drew out his sword to fight.Han Long's diners were all heroes of the rivers and lakes, and they all liked to fight alone. When they saw two people fighting, they didn't even take the ladder, and jumped directly from the top, letting the two on the tower play freely.

As soon as the two exchanged hands, Zhao Feng and Han Long knew that the other party's strength was extraordinary, so they stopped trying and started attacking each other directly.After a few tricks, the two of them couldn't help being a little shocked, the opponent's strength was not inferior to their own!
Although Zhao Feng's best weapon is the long spear, his swordsmanship was also taught by Zhao Yun himself, and his attainments are also extremely high.He had already determined in his heart that as long as Han Long was subdued, Liu Chan could be rescued, so he decided to give it a go, every move was ruthless, and it was a desperate attack. Han Long was immediately forced back again and again by Zhao Feng.

Han Long couldn't help getting angry, and started to fight Zhao Feng with the most exquisite sword skills.The two sides fought back and forth, and fought with each other with hundreds of moves, but it was still a dead end.Zhao Feng knew that the opponent's strength was equal to his own, and he would not be able to subdue him for a while, so he also felt sympathy for Han Long.Just at this time, the 1000 troops sent by the military division Zhuge arrived.Zhao Feng made a false move to get rid of Han Long and jumped down the tower.

Zhao Feng then wanted the army to surround the entire manor, but later found out that the manor was so big that a thousand Jingzhou troops could not encircle it.He had to assign people to block the main entrance and all the side entrances.

Just at this time, Liu Chan and Hua Tuo came back together.Seeing Liu Chan with an old man, Zhao Feng was a little dazed at first, then rushed to the horse, knelt down on the ground with a slap, and kowtowed to Liu Chan.When Zhao Feng raised his head, blood was already bleeding from under the helmet, and his eyes were also bright red: "My lord, you have suffered, it's all the dereliction of duty of the last general, you deserve to die!"

Liu Chan didn't have the intention to blame Zhao Feng, let alone he didn't suffer.Seeing that he is so loyal to him now, he is really comparable to Cao Wei's Dian Wei, and I feel a little moved.He waved to Zhao Feng and comforted him: "Zhao Feng, I don't blame you. You all get up."

Only then did Zhao Feng stand up and help Liu Chan off the horse.

Hua Tuo was quite surprised when he saw the swords and swords on both sides outside Hanjiazhuang, and he didn't know what happened.Now that he saw that the people outside the village were here to pick up Liu Chan, he was relieved.

Liu Chan introduced Zhao Feng to Hua Tuo.As Liu Chan's chief bodyguard, Zhao Feng is in charge of Liu Chan's daily activities, of course it is necessary to get to know his mentor, otherwise wouldn't it be embarrassing if he didn't know him if he wanted to meet in the future?
Zhao Feng never imagined that the energetic old man in front of him was Hua Tuo, a well-known genius doctor all over the world.He didn't expect that the young master would worship this person as his teacher, and his respect for Hua Tuo increased even more, so he quickly saluted Hua Tuo.

At this time, the gate of the Han family's villa was also opened. Han Long led a group of diners to push away the Jingzhou army blocking the door, came to Liu Chan, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, oh, no, it is Mr. Liu who is right!" .You have deceived me so hard!"

Liu Chan couldn't help feeling a little feverish, and quickly apologized to Han Long, explained the ins and outs of the matter clearly, and then asked Zhao Feng to apologize to him.After the battle just now, Han Long admired Zhao Feng's martial arts very much, and hurriedly asked Liu Chan not to do so. He and General Zhao were not acquainted with each other.

Only then did Han Long invite everyone to come in for a detailed discussion and a meal, but Zhao Feng refused: "The military adviser has strictly ordered that after you find the young master, you should immediately take him back to Jiangling City. I really dare not delay here any longer."

Liu Chan couldn't help sighing secretly, why is Zhao Feng still acting so rigidly?Han Long invited him with good intentions, how could he be so disrespectful to others!But Liu Chan couldn't do it, and also felt guilty for scaring all the civil and military officials in Jiangling City for so many days, so he reluctantly bid farewell to Han Long and Hua Tuo, and invited them to visit Jiangling City in two days.

The two immediately agreed readily. Han Long may have been very careful and thoughtful because he had contact with many people on weekdays.Knowing that Liu Chan was exhausted all the way back from Majia Village, he asked his servants to prepare a very comfortable carriage for him.

And before leaving, Liu Chan did not forget to visit his other named teacher Zhang Fangping.After saying goodbye to him, the group set off for Jiangling City.

When the team was halfway, Liu Chan heard a rush of horseshoes coming from behind, and someone shouted his name loudly.Liu Chan poked his head out of the carriage and looked back, and saw Han Long riding in a hurry, sweating profusely from running, and didn't know what was urgent.

When Han Long came to the front of the car, Liu Chan found out after asking that Han Long sent him the geese.It turned out that when they visited Tuobawei a few days ago, Liu Chan told Tuobawei not to want the wild goose, so he gave him stewed soup.In fact, he was just talking casually at that time, but Han Long really remembered it in his heart, and really sent him the wild goose.

Seeing Han Long take down the fat gray goose from the saddle bridge, Liu Chan was moved. It turned out that this is the true temperament of a hero!

(End of this chapter)

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