The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 32 Unpredictable People

Chapter 32 Unpredictable People
By the time the silver-armored guards defeated the group of swordsmen and chased them to the Sun Family Manor, the gates had already been locked, and the walls and towers were lined with archers waiting for their arrival.As soon as they approached, the other party could not help but shoot arrows immediately.

Facing so many archers, the Silver Armored Guards, no matter how skilled they are in martial arts, no matter how sophisticated their armor is, they cannot get close at once.

Seeing this, Liu Chan knew that it would be extremely difficult to defeat Sun with this manpower, so he decided to use negotiations to save him before the third uncle arrived.He immediately asked the two sides to stop the war and let Sun Tong come out to negotiate with him.

Of course, Sun Tong had his own little girl in his heart, and then he led two or three hundred diners and walked out of the door arrogantly, but the archers on the wall and tower did not withdraw.Sun Tong glanced proudly at Liu Chan, and said with a dark smile, "Mr. Liu, do you want peace talks at this time?"

Liu Chan originally wanted to be polite to Sun Tong, but seeing that this man was so rebellious, he didn't take him seriously.The difference between this person and Han Long is that his insight is really bad - a person who dominates for ten miles wants to be an enemy of someone who can dominate for thousands of miles? !Isn't this courting death?
Liu Chan curled his lips and said: "You respect me as Mr. Liu, so I might as well call you Mr. Sun. Mr. Sun, you must know that Mr. Hua Tuo is my master's teacher, and he has good friendship with many powerful people. You have to figure out the joints in it yourself.”

Sun Tong snorted coldly and said, "Are you threatening me? My Sun Tong's family has a thousand hectares of fertile land, and thousands of servants and diners. Who are you afraid of?"

Liu Chan didn't know if this person really ate Xiong Xinbao's courage, or if he had some backing in the dark, he dared to speak like this.When Liu Chan was in a fit of anger, he heard a rush of horseshoes from behind, and someone shouted loudly: "Sun Clan is so angry!"

Liu Chan turned around and saw that it was Han Long riding a black horse.Far behind him, there was still a large group of people following him, and it was impossible to see how many people there were in the dust.It must be the diners in Han Long's house.

Liu Chan exclaimed, almost ecstatic.He originally thought that it was the third uncle who came here at this time, but he didn't want it to be Han Long, so he hurried up to meet him and saluted Han Long.Han Long was a little flattered, and hurriedly dismounted to return the gift, and then came to Sun Tong with Liu Chan.Seeing that the relationship between Han Long and Liu Chan seemed to be very shallow, Sun Tong felt a little uncomfortable on his face.

Han Long smiled and said, "I haven't seen Sun Clan for a long time, how are you doing?"

Sun Tong cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Han is rare. I don't know what you can learn from my village today?"

Although Han Long said in his mouth that he would not dare to see the teacher, he then talked about Hua Tuo's relationship with him and Zhang Fangping.When Sun Tong heard this, his face became a little cloudy and uncertain.

It turned out that Sun Tong's mother was critically ill back then, and was rescued by Zhang Fangping's skillful rejuvenation. Now that Han Long brought up the old matter again, he was obviously here to ask for favors, and the debt had to be repaid.

Sun Tong pondered for a while, and his face has eased a lot, and then he said that he can let go of the past and release him immediately, but please don't worry about Liu Chan for the time being, and then said: "Everyone came from a long way, and I offended you just now. Please let Sun Tong I invite everyone to have a drink to make amends."

Liu Chan was anxious to return to Jiangling City, so he wanted to refuse.But Han Long pulled the skirt of his clothes behind him and gave him a wink.

Liu Chan understood immediately, and said with a smile: "Since the Sun Clan is so kind, I'd rather be obedient than respectful."

Only then did Sun Tong invite them into the manor. Zhao Feng and other guards and Han Long's diners were also invited.Liu Chan was careful, and asked Zhao Feng to send someone back to tell Zhang Fei before entering the village that the matter had been settled and there was no need to come to support him.

After entering the village, Sun Tong ordered his servants to release Hua Tuo's master and apprentice. When Hua Tuo's master and apprentice were brought to Liu Chan, Liu Chan and others stood up to greet him.Seeing the miserable scene of Hua Tuo and his wife again, Liu Chan became angry with Sun Tong again, but at this time he could only keep it in his heart.

Liu Chan asked Sun's servants to bring hot water, wrung out the towel with his own hands, and wiped away the stains and blood on Hua Tuo's face.Others didn't know the relationship between the two, and thought it was the grandson washing the grandfather's face!

Although Liu Chan is his registered disciple, but he is the son of Liu Shijun, who wiped his face himself, Hua Tuo couldn't help being very moved.

After Hua Tuo washed his face, Sun Tong stepped forward to apologize to Hua Tuo's master and apprentice, hoping that Master Hua Tuo would not remember the villain's mistakes.Hua Tuo was a broad-minded person, and he only wanted to save others, so he told Sun Tong not to mind, he only suffered minor injuries.Then, everyone walked to the place of the banquet together.

Perhaps the Sun family often held large-scale banquets, so there was a magnificent banquet living room in the house, which was tens of steps wide and hundreds of steps long!The food and drink had been set up, and Zhao Feng and other guards and Han Long's diners were already waiting for them.

Sun Tong also called his younger brother, Sun Yue, and invited Zhao Feng, the only general, to come too.Although Zhao Feng felt a little uncomfortable, under Liu Chan's instruction, he sat down next to Wu Pu Hanlong.Han Long and Hua Tuo sat on either side of Liu Chan.As the banquet started, the banquet hall suddenly became lively.

As the host, Sun Tong first toasted Liu Chan, and then to everyone one by one.But this person looks rough, but he is actually not good at drinking. After a round of toasting, he is already too strong to drink.He immediately found an excuse and asked Sun Yue to greet the guests for him, and was staggered and helped to leave the table to rest first.Sun Tong turned around the corridor and saw his official family member Sun Chen already waiting for him there.

At this time, Sun Tong's men suddenly came to their senses and shook off the servant's arm. The servant was so astonished that he walked up to Sun Chen steadily and quickly.

Sun Tong's eyes were fixed on Sun Chen, with a vicious light shining inside: "Today you must let those people get drunk, and their demands are fulfilled. Today I will make them all disappear from this world!"

Sun Chen was shocked when he heard that, that was nearly [-] lives, so they killed them if they said they would kill them?Sun Chen asked tremblingly, "Master, what should Mr. Liu and Han Long do?"

Sun Tong sneered, and said, "Are you afraid? Let me deal with it all! Then, we will seek refuge in Jiangdong. The Lord of Jiangdong is from my family, and with Liu Chan's great gift, even if I seal him It is not an exaggeration to pay homage to an official!"

Sun Tong said it so easily to kill such two big men?Sun Chen's body softened, and he held on to the pillar next to him so that he didn't fall down.And the servant's expression changed, and he hurried away, as if he had seen a ghost.

After Liu Chan and the others saw Sun Tong leaving, they relaxed even more, and the atmosphere became more enthusiastic.

At this time, a servant brought up the dishes, and while putting down the dishes, secretly slipped a note under Han Long's bowl, and went out.Han Long was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and glanced at the figure of the other party, as if he didn't recognize him.

He took out the note and read on it: Be careful, benefactor, Sun Tong is not a good person!

Han Long was startled and almost spit out the contents of his mouth.He never thought that Sun Tong was so vicious that he wanted to attack them!Han Long calmed down and quietly handed the note to Zhao Feng.Zhao Feng's complexion also changed slightly, and the two discussed toasting each other.

After a while, Zhao Feng stood up from his seat, walked to his subordinates, and began to toast.Then, Han Long also walked towards his diners.

The banquet lasted until late at night, and almost everyone was drunk.In fact, Zhao Feng was almost drunk, but he still dutifully sent Liu Chan and Hua Tuo to the same room to rest.

When he was about to wait for Liu Chan to fall asleep and blow out the candles, his spirit suddenly became vigorous, without a trace of drunkenness at all.

Soon, there was a sound of shouting and killing outside the house, and many places were on fire.The entire manor seemed to suddenly become a battlefield.

Both Liu Chan and Hua Tuo were startled awake and hurriedly jumped up from the couch.

Only then did Zhao Feng tell the two what happened.Liu Chan secretly lamented the unpredictability of people's hearts, and gritted his teeth with hatred for Sun Tong.Sun Tong had better not be caught by him, or he would die!But he still has to stay in the house obediently, killing people is not something he can get involved in.

After Liu Chan had been anxious in the house for nearly an hour, the fire outside became louder and louder, but the sound of beating and killing subsided.A guard came in to report that they had completely controlled the entire manor.

It turned out that Han Long's diners were really all kinds of birds, and many of them were wearing drugs and the like. When they went to the toilet, they secretly turned over many people in the Sun family.So when they attacked, among Sun Tong's one thousand diners, there were not many people who could be organized, and they could only be caught in the end. The total number was about 600.

Liu Chan was overjoyed and asked the guards to escort Sun over. Sun Tong was really stubborn and scolded all the way.

But at this time, Sun Tong was not as vigorous as before, his clothes were covered with dust, and there were still many wounds on his body, which must have been a tenacious resistance.

Han Long's condition is not very good, and there are several wounds on his body, it seems that he is working very hard.

Liu Chan asked Hua Tuo to help Han Long take care of the wound, and then Hua Tuo's master and apprentice went out, and there were many injured people outside.

Liu Chan then began to interrogate Sun Tong.Sun Tong's mouth is really hard, no matter how sarcasm or threat Liu Chan makes, he just doesn't say why he wants to kill them so much.Later, Liu Chan was so angry that he wanted to kill him.

But he remembered the story of Sun Ce, the "little overlord" of Jiangdong in the past, who died at the hands of Xu Gong's three disciples.Although most of the members of Sun's family were captured tonight, among the thousands of guests, many must have escaped, and among them there must be many who were willing to die for Sun Tong.And assassins are the most tolerant group of people. The so-called gentleman's revenge is not too late, it is definitely not nonsense.Therefore, for his own safety in the future, Liu Chan must handle it carefully.

Therefore, Liu Chan decided to take Sun Tong into custody for the time being, and then send someone to notify the Zhuge military division to send someone to support him.

Han Long and Zhao Feng were very puzzled by Liu Chan's approach.Liu Chan explained his doubts again, and they suddenly realized that they all supported Liu Chan's approach very much.

(End of this chapter)

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