Chapter 33

After escorting Sun Tong down, some guards came in and reported that the fire in the village was getting bigger and bigger, and they couldn't put it out with their hands.The Sun clan outside the village gathered a lot of people, and if they want to come in to help put out the fire, should they be allowed in.

Liu Chan's heart moved, and he asked them to open the gate immediately to let the members of the Sun clan enter. What his troops had to do was to put all of Sun Tong's family members under custody, and they must not be allowed to escape in disorder.

Liu Chan then began to interrogate the housekeeper Sun Chen.Sun Chen was white and thin, dressed like a scribe.Seeing several valiant warriors standing beside him, his feet trembled with fright.

Seeing his cowardice, Liu Chan couldn't help feeling a little contemptuous, so he wanted to scare him, slammed down the table and shouted: "Sun Chen, tell me clearly about Sun Tong asking you to murder my son, or else immediately I will kill you!"

With a plop, Sun Chen was so frightened that he could no longer stand, and knelt down.Now that the masters have been arrested, the other party must have known about their plan, so there is no need to hide it anymore, so they have to reveal all of Sun Tong's plans.

Only then did Liu Chan nod his head, telling him not to retract the confession again, because there is still a need to use him.Then let him lead the way to the warehouse and account room.Sun Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Liu Chan would not kill him for the time being, so he stood up quickly and thankfully led the way.

The location of Sun's warehouse and account room is relatively hidden, so the fire did not burn here.Liu Chan first came to the account room and asked Sun Chen to take out the account books.He rummaged through it and found that the Sun family's property was too scary.

The Sun family's annual grain income is 25000 shi, and the grain stored in the warehouse is 100000 shi, which is enough to support the entire Jingzhou army for two or three years!And there are ten thousand gold in the treasury!

Liu Chan took a deep breath. A powerful family is so rich that it is enough to organize an army of tens of thousands of people. No wonder when I was negotiating with myself just now, I always had an old man who was the best in the world. Tone!

In fact, Liu Chan didn't know that although Sun's name is not big now, he used to have a lot of talents. In addition, he was the oldest family in Jingzhou area, how could his family not be rich?

After Liu Chan asked everyone to go out, he asked Han Long in a low voice if any of his diners were good at accounting.Han Long was a little confused at first, so after thinking about it, he seemed to understand a little bit, and his face was a little uncomfortable, but he nodded and brought a person in.

The man looked a little rough, and the black stubble on his face seemed to have not been shaved for a long time.With a saber on his body, he looked extremely mighty, and looked completely like a knight-errant.

Looking at this person, Liu Chan felt a little funny in his heart. Does such a person know how to do such delicate work as accounting?Liu Chan didn't believe it even if he was beaten to death.

As soon as the man entered the door, he saw the playful expression on Liu Chan's face, but he didn't care. He stepped forward steadily and said: "The villain Zu Wen has seen Mr. Liu."

Liu Chan didn't expect that the other party recognized him, so he smiled slightly, telling him not to be too polite, and then asked about his background.Ancestral character Wu Qi, a native of Fanyang, Hebei.From time to time, there were people in the family who were engaged in business, and they liked miscellaneous subjects such as arithmetic since childhood. After the war in the north, they wandered to Jingzhou.

When Liu Chan heard the word "arithmetic", his heart moved. Could it be that this ancestral text is the ancestor of Zu Chongzhi, who calculated the most accurate pi in the Southern and Northern Dynasties?He also thought that the rise of the Western industrial revolution in later generations was firstly the rise of new philosophy, and then the publication of the theory of evolution and the rapid advancement of mathematics.If this Zuwen really has a talent for mathematics, I absolutely can't let him be a hero again.

Liu Chan was overjoyed, jumped down from his seat, stepped forward to grab Zu Wen's hand, and warmly asked him to sit down under Han Long.Being able to receive such treatment from Liu Chan, Zu Wen felt very shocked, and the expression on his face was a little unnatural.

Liu Chan told him not to be nervous, and then went straight to the point, handed him the account book of the Sun family, and said, "Mr. Zu, help me calculate the least amount of wealth that the Sun family has accumulated over the years. It's really embarrassing. This is what we asked you to do when we first met."

When Zu Wen saw Liu Chan calling him "Sir", he was overjoyed. Regardless of Liu Chan's purpose in doing so, he immediately agreed and promised to clarify the accounts before tomorrow morning.Liu Chan called Dashan directly, just let him move freely in the accounting room, and then called in three guards to be his assistants.

At this time, Han Long asked Liu Chan in a low voice: "Master Liu, is it necessary to do this? If you want the wealth of the Sun family, just grab it. Aren't the officials familiar with doing such things?"

Liu Chan waved his hand to signal Han Long to keep quiet, of course he had his own purpose in doing so.Then, the two of them came out of the cashier's room and walked into the treasury. They were immediately dazzled by the golden gold.Liu Chan settled down, closed the sealed door, and asked, "Mr. Han, do you think I'm the kind of person who is greedy for money?"

Han Long shook his head and said honestly, "Mr. Han doesn't know, but he doesn't agree with your approach."

Liu Chan knows that there are actually two types of heroes. One type behaves like robbers and hooligans, with an eye for money;Han Long definitely belongs to the latter category, which is why Liu Chan admires Han Long so much.Liu Chan said: "Mr. Han misunderstood. I did this to save the lives of Sun's family. Think about it, Sun Tong's crime of murdering my son is to destroy the nine clans."

"So you want to use the wealth of the Sun family to buy their lives? But Sun Tong..."

"Sun Tong must not stay here, otherwise he will come to retaliate against us in the future. I know that Sun Tong has a daughter and a son, and I don't want them to be implicated because of his father's mistakes. Enough people have died in the war so far. I don't want to do more murder."

Hearing this, Han Long suddenly knelt down to Liu Chan, and said excitedly: "Mr. Liu, Han used to think that you had a bright future, but now he realizes that you have a heart of benevolence and righteousness. Han accepts it! You were rude just now, sir, forgive me."

Liu Chan nodded and helped Han Long up, and the two looked at each other and smiled.Only then did Liu Chan let the guards and doormen waiting outside the door carry in several boxes.Let them collect 6000 gold first, because this is his minimum amount.

Only then did the two walk out of the vault and came to the grain warehouse, where they were stunned by the mountains of grain inside.Liu Chan pointed inside and said, "Mr. Han, why do you think they are hoarding so much food? I'm afraid it's enough for the Sun family to eat for 100 years. It will definitely rot in the future. It's a pity."

Han Long nodded and told Liu Chan: "Actually, Han's family also hoarded a lot of food, but not as much as the Sun's family. Otherwise, how could it be possible to support so many diners?"

But Liu Chan does not agree with this view, because this is only a superficial reason, as long as anyone with a little knowledge can see it.Then he told Han Longdao: "The real reason is that wars are still frequent nowadays, and food can save lives. So people have an illusion because of this, thinking that the more food stored, the better, and the more food, the safer, so they desperately collect food. , regardless of whether they will rot from sitting too long."

Han Long's heart was shocked, the fact seemed to be true, Liu Chan seemed to have completely seen through the psychology of these rich and powerful families!Han Long hurriedly asked Liu Chan for advice.

Liu Chan told Han Long very seriously that the existence of the rich manor economy was originally a mistake, which not only blocked the free circulation of the local economy, but also greatly hindered the development of agriculture.Theoretically, a perfect national economy must be a market economy with free competition.

These economic theories of later generations are very simple in Liu Chan's view, but ancient people like Han Long must not be able to understand them.

Liu Chan had no choice but to sigh, and directly instructed: "Mr. Han, you can keep the food in your family for five years. For the rest, take part of it every year to sell and store it in gold; The annual new grain in the hands of the tenants is exchanged; another part is used to hire people to build water conservancy during the slack season to ensure the grain production in the next year."

"Oh!" Han Long exclaimed in surprise: "Young master is really a god!" Then he was about to bow down again, Liu Chan hurriedly supported Han Long.In fact, ever since he saw the wealth of Han Long's family, he has been thinking about the economic problems of the rich manor, and at least he can come up with something for him.

Liu Chan persuaded Han Long again: "Mr. Han, the food for these five years should include the population of all tenants in your family. If there is a disaster year, use it to help them, otherwise they will starve to death or flee famine. Then the agriculture that can be restored in one year after the disaster, I am afraid that no one will cultivate it for you in the next few years, and the loss will be immeasurable. Mr. Han, although this will not benefit the world, it will be enough to benefit one party."

Han Long was moved for a moment. He was originally a person with great ambitions. Knowing that Liu Chan had pointed out a clear path for himself, he quickly agreed: "When Mr. Han returns home, he will definitely follow the orders of the young master!"

Then the two chatted about other things. When it was almost dawn, Zu Wenzhen sent over the account book of the new work, and told Liu Chan that the account book had been done seamlessly, as long as he left two thousand gold for the Sun family.Liu Chan was overjoyed, and immediately asked the guards to move the box and put another two thousand pieces of gold in it.At this time, Liu Chan said to Han Long again: "Mr. Han, I have something to ask, I wonder if you can agree?"

"Young Master Gao Yi, even if you want Han's head, I will give it to you immediately!"

Liu Chan said with a smile: "Mr. Han's head is very valuable, I dare not take it. Can you leave Mr. Zu Wen with me and let him find a job?"

The diners were originally free to go and stay, and of course Han Long had no right to stop them, so he agreed immediately.Zu Wen was also overjoyed.Originally, he was unrecognized for his talents, so he could only live in Han Long's house as a guest. Now that someone appreciates him, of course he readily agreed, and knelt down to salute Liu Chan again.

Liu Chan helped Zu Wen up and told him to stay at ease.He also saw that the sky was getting brighter, so he asked everyone to go to rest quickly, there are still important things to do this afternoon!
(End of this chapter)

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