Chapter 35

After Liu Chan returned to Jiangling City, he took Hua Tuo and Wu Pu to live in his home.Sun Tong handed over to Zhuge Army Division to deal with.Of the 8000 gold, Liu Chan kept a thousand gold for his own use, and the remaining 7000 gold was all handed over to the treasury for the governance of Jingzhou.

Later, in a letter, Zhuge Junshi told Liu Bei who was far away in Xichuan at this time, and Liu Bei greatly praised Liu Chan for this.

And the arrival of the genius doctor Hua Tuo even alarmed the Zhuge military division.

The next night, military division Zhuge specially took the time to come to see Hua Tuo.Military Master Zhuge was a rare visitor, so Liu Chan excitedly ran to the door to greet him.Today's military division Zhuge is wearing a white shirt and holding a goose feather fan in his hand, still so elegant and refined.

Liu Chan immediately stepped forward to greet him, and the two chatted along the way.Military Master Zhuge still did not forget to warn Liu Chan that he did not agree with him to study medicine. After all, studying medicine is not an easy task, and he should learn more about how to govern the country is the right way.

Liu Chan said that he and Hua Tuo were just named masters and apprentices, and wanted Military Master Zhuge to help him keep Hua Tuo in Jingzhou, which would be extremely helpful to Jingzhou's army.

Military Master Zhuge didn't expect Liu Chan to think so far at such a young age. He couldn't help but feel relieved for Liu Shijun, but he was also worried.At the age of 12, Gan Luo, the official of Qin State, worshiped Shangqing and died young.Now, Cao Chong, the youngest son of Cao Cao's inexhaustible genius, also died young, maybe he was really jealous of the talent.

Military Master Zhuge believed in the destiny, so he naturally didn't want such bad luck to fall on him, a precocious son.So I persuaded Liu Chan that in addition to studying hard, he can play more and stop taking risks casually.It would be nice if the affairs of the country could be taken care of by them.

Although Liu Chan didn't know that Kong Ming thought so much, but he knew that Zhuge Junshi was doing it for his own good, so he agreed.However, if you ask Zhuge Junshi to agree to let him build a medical school for Mr. Hua in Jiangling City, it is enough for him to pay for the funds needed.

Only then did Military Master Zhuge understand that the reason why Liu Chan wanted to keep the thousand gold was not because of greed for money, but because of other purposes.But he didn't understand why Liu Chan suddenly thought of building a medical school.And what is this medical school? It's not a medical center, right?
Liu Chan told Zhuge Junshi that the medical center and the medical school are different.This medical school is like the Tai Academy in Chang'an, it is a school specially used to train doctors.He is as smart as a military adviser Zhuge, and he has never thought of setting up a school for training doctors, so he can't help being surprised and puzzled.Liu Chan explained his thoughts.

First, in today's chaotic world, people's lives are too hard, and the number of doctors is too small. Once people get sick, they often cannot seek medical treatment and can only fend for themselves.What happened in Majia Village last time illustrates this point.

Second, when the army went to war, there were no professional doctors to accompany the army. They often just recruited a few civilian doctors at random, which prevented the wounded from getting good treatment and greatly weakened the combat effectiveness of the army.

Then, Liu Chan told Military Master Zhuge in detail what he saw, how Mr. Hua cleaned up the wounds of the villagers in Majia Village.

Military Master Zhuge was stunned, amazed, and emotional at the moment, completely unaware that there was such a miraculous skill in the world, and asked, "Your Master, do you want to invite Mr. Hua Tuo to teach his medical skills to the students of the medical school? But will Mr. Hua Tuo agree?"

Liu Chan said confidently: "Sir, I have already examined Mr. Hua's character. He is definitely a doctor with noble medical ethics, and he will never cherish himself. I think that as long as he sincerely persuades him, the old man will definitely agree. What's more, he is now old. He's grown up too, and I can't bear to let him run around."

Military Master Zhuge was moved when he saw that Liu Chan was thinking of Hua Tuo as a master so much, so he asked Liu Chan what help he needed.Liu Chan asked Military Master Zhuge to find him a large manor in the city, preferably with a large garden, so that it could be transformed into a medicine garden.As for the money to buy the manor, let him pay for it.

Army Master Zhuge couldn't help being surprised to see that Liu Chan only had such a request, so he asked him to say anything else he needed.

Liu Chan thought for a while, and made a request that Military Master Zhuge could never have imagined: "Military Master, if possible, please don't interfere with the affairs of the medical school. Let them handle the affairs of the school by themselves."

Military Master Zhuge felt that Liu Chan's condition was really unbelievable.But I don't understand why Liu Chan is unwilling to let the government's influence intervene in that academy, and asked, "That's all?"

Liu Chan knew that Zhuge's military master's question was just a limitation of the times, so he reminded him of the scourge of the party, Qin Shihuang's burning of books and burying Confucianism, and the Jixia Academy in the Warring States Period.The former two are the government's brutal interference in academics, leading to anger and resentment.Burning books and burying Confucianism even caused many ancient books and knowledge to be lost.Jixia Academy was thriving because of free academics, and became a wonderful flower in the Warring States Period.

Military Master Zhuge suddenly stopped and looked at the little young master in disbelief.As far as he knows, although Liu Chan has gone to school, Mr. Zhang's "Hanshu" should not have mentioned these things. How did the young master know so many things about the pre-Qin and Warring States?

Liu Chan saw the doubts on the face of Zhuge Junshi, so he simply expressed his thoughts: "Sir, there is no doubt that Confucianism is the study of sages and sages. However, it should not exclude other schools of thought because of this, thinking that it should be respected Confucianism, dismiss hundreds of schools. We should give space to other thoughts, otherwise, if there is only one thought in the world, it will be extremely dangerous. The so-called listening to both will make you bright and listening to you will make you dark!"

Military Master Zhuge is a man who has read poetry and books, and his thoughts are extremely active, but even so, he dare not think about such deviant things.His heart moved, but he was also shocked, and quickly stopped Liu Chan's strange talk, telling him not to talk nonsense outside.Whatever Liu Chan wants, he will help.

Now that even people like Mr. Zhuge can't understand him, Liu Chan is not only a little disappointed, but this is indeed the limitation of the times, and he has long been mentally prepared to make a way out by himself.Liu Chan sighed secretly, adjusted his mood, and followed Mr. Zhuge to the living room.

Mr. Hua had long admired this mysterious Mr. Zhuge himself, and when they arrived, he was already standing at the door to greet them.Seeing Liu Chan following a young man who is as elegant as a fairy, he was taken aback for a moment, the other party seemed too young?Then he immediately realized that this person was the legendary Zhuge Kongming, and he was indeed young and promising!
Liu Chan then introduced each of them.I don't want to, the two of them felt that they hit it off when they met in the first day of junior high school. Military Master Zhuge stepped forward to hold Mr. Hua's hand, and the two entered the living room together.

After the guests and hosts sat down, Military Master Zhuge chatted with Mr. Hua.Military Master Zhuge studied heaven and man, not only proficient in astronomy and geography, but also dabbled in medical skills. The two chatted very speculatively for a while, and put Liu Chan aside.

Seeing that the words of the two of them might not be finished for a while, Liu Chan deliberately coughed to remind Military Master Zhuge that he asked for help to persuade Mr. Hua just now.Military Master Zhuge understood, changed the subject, and asked: "Mr. Hua, I know you are old, have you thought about where you will spend your days?"

Hua Tuo laughed and said, "To tell you the truth, this old man has never thought about it. This old man has volunteered all his life to heal people's illnesses."

"Liang hit it off with Mr. Hua today. Does Mr. Hua intend to stay in Jiangling City?"

Hua Tuo couldn't help hesitating a little. Because of his age, his body has indeed deteriorated in recent years, but he still wants to continue to do something for the people until he can't walk anymore.However, Military Master Zhuge invited him so warmly that he didn't know what to say.

Seeing that Mr. Hua hesitated, Liu Chan also said: "Sir, you are not young now, it's time to settle down. You should leave the opportunity to young people and let Senior Brother Wu Pu try it himself. You just leave In Jiangling City, let the disciples take good care of you."

Hua Tuo looked at Liu Chan with excitement in his eyes: "This..."

Military Master Zhuge said again: "Mr. Hua, let's tell the truth. This named disciple of yours really cares about you, and even I was touched. He just asked me to help you find a big manor. He wants to let you Opening a museum to teach apprentices in it! All the funds will be paid by him!"

Hua Tuo stood up suddenly and said in shock, "Opening a museum to teach apprentices? I, Hua Tuo, am just a little doctor, not a well-educated Confucian. How dare I do this."

Liu Chan walked over, helped Hua Tuo to sit down, and said with a smile: "Sir, medical skills are a great knowledge of curing diseases and saving lives. You should carry them forward so that the world can re-understand its value. If a master of medical skills like Mr. If you do it, it will be even more impossible for other people to do it. The first half of your life, sir, is treating diseases and saving lives, and the second half of your life, you should also do something for your colleagues."

Hearing Liu Chan's words, not only Hua Tuo himself, but also Zhuge Junshi was moved at the same time.Military Master Zhuge once debated Confucianism with excellent eloquence, but he thought that he would not be able to say something as touching as Liu Chan for a while, so he was even more surprised by Liu Chan's talent.He firmly believed that under the instigation of Liu Chan's words, Hua Tuo would no longer be able to refuse.

Sure enough, after Hua Tuo thought about it for a while, he said, "Forget it, I really can't hold you back. But, this matter of teaching apprentices..."

Liu Chan was overjoyed in his heart, and immediately told Mr. Hua not to worry about the students, he had his own way to find them for him.Moreover, I have already written to Zhang Fangping, inviting him to come to Jiangling City to open a hall and teach students together.Hua Tuo was slightly relieved when he heard that Zhang Fangping was also invited.

Strike while the iron is hot, Liu Chan knew that Zhuge Liang was proficient in calligraphy and painting at the same time, so he simply invited him to write the plaque of the medical school.He had already thought of the name, and it was called "Yiguoyuan".The name was too exaggerated, and Hua Tuo was taken aback again, and asked Liu Chan to change it again, but he couldn't speak more than Liu Chan, so he had to keep silent in the end.

After thinking about it for a while, Military Master Zhuge asked someone to bring the Four Treasures of the Study, and wrote the word "Yiguoyuan" in one stroke, and it was indeed vigorous and powerful.Liu Chan immediately asked Zhao Feng to rub it and find the best craftsman to make a plaque.

(End of this chapter)

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