Chapter 36 Dean
In just one day, Army Master Zhuge had already found a suitable place in the north of the city.

Liu Chan and Hua Tuo took a look, and it turned out to be a big house with 88 rooms.There is also a large garden near the back. The flowers, plants and trees inside are neatly arranged, obviously carefully cared for.Liu Chan discussed with Hua Tuo and felt that the garden was indeed enough for planting herbs. Hua Tuo then took someone to check the soil in the garden.

Liu Chan led people out of the mansion by himself, walked around him outside, first checked the situation of the sewer, and found that the laying was reasonable and there was no blockage.The reason why Liu Chan pays special attention to the sewer is because the garden inside will be used as a medicine garden in the future. If it is blocked in rainy days, it will cause waterlogging, which is really a terrible thing!
Then, Liu Chan checked the situation around here and found that the location here is remote enough, away from the busy city.Moreover, the surrounding people are all well-to-do families, and the houses are well-built, so there should be no security problems, which is very good for studying.

Liu Chan returned to the house and told Mr. Hua what he saw outside, and Mr. Hua was quite satisfied with the condition of the garden.So Liu Chan no longer hesitated, and made a written agreement with the original owner, and bought it with his own money.

After returning home, Liu Chan found the Zu Wen that he asked for from Han Long.Because this guy is proficient in bookkeeping and accounting, Liu Chan did not recommend him to the military adviser, but planned to stay to help him, and now he can hand over the thousand gold to him for management.Although Zu Wen was a little reluctant to accept this job, but seeing Liu Chan personally ask him, he reluctantly agreed.

Seeing that Zu Wen was not motivated enough, Liu Chan told him that after the National Academy of Medicine was completed, he would not only set up a medical department in it, but also start accounting and mathematics. He must be the first lecturer there.

Zu Wen was overjoyed when he heard the words. Although he likes to be an official, wouldn't it be wonderful if he could become a teacher and even speak for future generations?Zu Wen happily patted his chest and promised that he would manage all the accounts clearly.

However, Liu Chan knew that the accounting method at this time had many shortcomings.First of all, numbers are written in words, which not only looks laborious, but also laborious to record.The second is that the bookkeeping methods all use the single-entry bookkeeping method, but the business activities at this time are extremely simple and seem to be sufficient, so there is no need for Zuwen to learn the double-entry bookkeeping method.

Therefore, Liu Chan spent six nights teaching Zu Wen the decimal system of Arabic numerals and the corresponding addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.While studying, Zu Wen sighed over and over again, "Young master is really a god!"

And soon, another good news came. It turned out that Zhang Fangping brought his family and apprentices to Jiangling City.Liu Chan found a house for them near the Medical Academy, so that Mr. Zhang could go to the Medical Academy to teach.

Moreover, Liu Chan has long thought that Zhang Fangping is dignified and dignified, and handles affairs in an orderly manner, which is what Confucius called "a gentleman is heavy and powerful". Although his ability is not as good as Hua Tuo's, he should be the best candidate for the president of the National Academy of Medicine .

As for Hua Tuo, Liu Chan himself knows it all too well. He is a man of practical work. It is quite difficult for him to spend a lot of time on cultivating students, and let him spend all day in the hospital to deal with so many things. Chores must be extremely unrealistic—the thing Mr. Hua is most willing to do is to teach students on weekdays, and go outside to see patients in the rest of the time.

The most important thing about talents is the reasonable allocation and use of their talents. Of course, Liu Chan can't rush the ducks to the shelves, otherwise it will often be counterproductive.

In order to coordinate well, Liu Chan personally met with Mr. Hua and told him his thoughts.Mr. Hua naturally had no objection, and he did not forget to remind Liu Chan that Zhang Fangping had always been quite ambitious, so he probably would not refuse the position of president of the National Academy of Medicine.But everything should pay attention to etiquette, Liu Chan should find a time to visit Zhang Fangping's mansion in person.Naturally, Liu Chan would not object to this, and immediately agreed.

After school the next day, Liu Chan stepped forward to bow deeply to Mr. Zhang Xing and asked for leave.The stern expression on Mr. Zhang Xing's face immediately became more serious, and he put the teacup in his hand on the desk at once, with a soft sound, the tea in the cup splashed slightly.

Mr. Zhang Xing had always treated people seriously, but his demeanor was also very gentle and refined. Liu Chan was quite surprised by his sudden change of expression.Mr. Zhang Xing asked: "Are you here to ask for leave because of the matter of the National Academy of Medicine?"

Liu Chan was a little surprised that Mr. Zhang Xing didn't know the foresight, and said sincerely, "Sir, your eyes are like a torch. Recently, because of the matter of the National Academy of Medicine, my disciple can only come to class every morning and go to the construction site of the National Academy of Medicine in the afternoon to help."

In fact, what Liu Chan himself didn't know was that Military Master Zhuge had already greeted Mr. Zhang Xing a few days ago.Moreover, due to his old age, Mr. Zhang Xing has been a little weak lately, and often does not have enough physical strength to teach Liu Chan a day's lessons, so he reluctantly agreed to Zhuge Junshi's request.

Mr. Zhang Xing's piercing gaze swept over Liu Chan, and he said in a deep voice: "You have only been in my sect for a few days, and you have kept causing many troubles. You really can't teach a child!"

Liu Chan now knows Mr. Zhang Xing very well, and knows that he always speaks very stubbornly. Maybe this is the air of celebrities.However, when he said this now, he already meant to make concessions, so Liu Chan asked, "What do you mean, sir..."

Mr. Zhang Xing waved his hand and said: "You go, the old man is old and I can't control you anymore."

Liu Chan was overjoyed when he heard the words, he didn't expect that Mr. Zhang Xing would be so talkative today, and he persuaded him with only a few words.

He himself had been terrified by Mr. Zhang Xing, so he lay on the couch last night and tossed and turned, thinking of a lot of excuses, but he didn't expect that they were all useless now.

Then, Liu Chan thought that Mr. Zhang is a great Confucian who is famous all over Jingxiang, why not let him also go to the Academy of Medicine to set up an imperial discipline?
I don’t want to, after Liu Chan brought it up, Mr. Zhang Xing’s eyes flashed brightly, and he said smugly again: "Tai Xue is the study of the emperor, how dare you presume so much?! Confucianism is the way of sages, how can it be compared with miscellaneous studies?" Complicity?"

Liu Chan made fun of it, knowing that people like Mr. Zhang look down on other learning besides Confucianism.In fact, it can't be blamed for his lack of open-mindedness. After all, in this era, Confucianism is the orthodox knowledge. We can only blame Liu Chan for bringing it up without thinking carefully, and finding Mr. Zhang Xing to scold him for nothing.

Liu Chan couldn't help but sigh secretly, in this era, I'm afraid no one can understand his painstaking efforts?I can't help but worry that after the establishment of the National Academy of Medicine in the future, it will be attacked by Confucianists!

And Liu Chan quickly thought, if those Confucian scholars were allowed to enter the Medical Academy now, with their arrogant attitude of being self-reliant, wouldn't the medical and accounting students be oppressed by them?Liu Chan thinks about it, let's forget it first, and talk about it later.He hastily bid farewell to Mr. Zhang Xing, exited Mr. Zhang Xing's study and fled.

After Liu Chan came out of Mr. Zhang Xing's house, he asked the coachman to go directly to Zhang Fangping's house.

Zhang Fangping's new home is only a long street away from the hospital. It is a very quiet courtyard house with two front and back entrances. There is also a small garden with well-groomed flowers and plants.It used to be the home of a small wealthy businessman, and he wanted to change to a bigger home when he got rich recently. It happened that he knew Han Long again, so Liu Chan bought it at a low price and gave it to Zhang Fangping through Han Long's relationship.

The Zhang family only has a married son, a grandson, a daughter who is already married, and a wife. The family's population is actually small, and this courtyard is very suitable for their family to live in.

Liu Chan also sent two of his family servants to the Zhang family and Hua Tuo's family. Anyway, Liu Chan seldom stayed at home, as long as the laundry and cooking people were left, it was enough. Idle at home, so that everyone's greatest marginal utility is wasted?
When Liu Chan got out of the carriage, he saw that the vermilion gate had been repainted, the two copper rings on the gate had been polished brightly, and the plaque under the eaves had been replaced with the word "Zhang Fu".

Liu Chan asked Zhao Feng to knock on the door, but the person who opened the door happened to be a servant Liu Chan gave to the Zhang family.The servant naturally recognized Zhao Feng, and when he looked around, he saw Liu Chan standing in front of the steps, wearing a white brocade robe, looking at him with big piercing eyes.

The servant hurriedly stepped forward to give Liu Chan a deep salute.Only then did Zhao Feng tell the man to quickly enter the internal communication.Naturally, the servant didn't dare to neglect, and immediately rushed inside to report.

Soon, there was a rush of footsteps in Zhang's mansion. It turned out that Zhang Fangping came out with the old lady and his son Zhang Lin to greet him.

Liu Chan stepped forward to meet Zhang Fangping, and saluted him, "Mr. Zhang, I really feel ashamed to ask you to come out to welcome me in person."

Zhang Fangping said with a smile: "My lord is a distinguished guest, to be able to come to my house as a guest is really a splendid sight."

Liu Chan even said he didn't dare, and after saying hello to Zhang Fangping's wife, Mrs. Zhao, Zhang Fangping came to the study together with Liu Chan's hand.After Zhang Fangping ordered his family to bring tea, he began to ask Liu Chan why he came.

Liu Chan put down the teacup in his hand and said, "Sir, the National Medical Academy is about to start construction, and now we need a highly respected adult to preside over the affairs. This disciple wants to invite you to be the president of the National Medical Academy."

Zhang Fangping waved his hand and declined: "Young master, you have said it before, Zhang Zhi is just a rural doctor, how can he be regarded as highly respected?"

"Mr. is not only a leader in Jingzhou's medical field, but also generous. Who in Jingzhou would not admire you? You are the most suitable candidate. Don't refuse, sir."

In fact, Zhang Fangping's heart has long been moved, but he still has concerns, and asked: "As for Mr. Yuanhua..."

As soon as Zhang Fangping said this, Liu Chan knew that he had succeeded, and said with a smile: "Mr. Hua Tuo is like a wild crane, and it is already quite embarrassing for him to be a lecturer. But sir, you are strict and dignified, and you are really the dean. The best candidate. My disciples have asked for Mr. Hua Tuo’s opinion yesterday, and he also strongly recommends Mr. to be the president of the National Academy of Medicine.”

Only then did Zhang Fangping feel relieved, and said with a smile: "Since the young master is talking about this, it would be hypocritical for the old man to refuse."

Liu Chan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and stood up to thank Zhang Fangping, and then the two chatted about other things before Liu Chan left Zhang Fangping.Liu Chan drove to Mr. Hua Tuo's house again and told him that the matter had been settled.

(End of this chapter)

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