The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 38 This Assassin Is A Little Stupid

Chapter 38 This Assassin Is A Little Stupid

Liu Chan has been very busy recently, switching between Mr. Zhang Xing's private school and the construction site of the Medical Academy every day.

Recently, Zhao Feng's protection work has become more and more strict, and he even asked his wife to give her a hand, take up arms again, and serve as Liu Chan's personal bodyguard.Because women can take better care of young people like Liu Chan.Unexpectedly, Military Master Zhuge actually agreed to Zhao Feng's proposal.

The reason why they made such a big fanfare was that the people involved in Sun Tong's case had already begun to judge. It is unknown what the fate of those captured heros would be, but as we all know, Sun Tong's capital crime would never escape.

In fact, Liu Chan had already privately asked Zhuge's military adviser. Those heroes of the rivers and lakes actually had some talents. Even if they were not talents, they were all very brave.The military master Zhuge also agreed, and it seemed that he did not leave any worries.So Liu Chan is still inspecting the reconstruction of houses and gardens with Zhang Fangping as before.

Looking at the bustling scene in front of him and the greetings from the refugees, Liu Chan was very happy.Over the past few months, the refugees have also known that their employer is Liu Chan, and they have provided them with food, and they are very grateful to him.

Moreover, Liu Chan has always been very approachable, and he got acquainted with everyone quickly, and even asked Zhang Fangping and Hua Tuo to give priority to treating them, so now he has a very high reputation among the refugees.

At this time, a refugee who was digging a ditch suddenly threw away the hoe in his hand, jumped out of the ditch and rushed towards Liu Chan.

Liu Chan was taken aback by the man's sudden action, and fell to the ground with a scream. Now it is impossible to turn around and run away.Seeing the situation, Zhang Fangping suddenly turned around and hugged Liu Chan, leaving his back completely to the refugee, apparently wanting to protect Liu Chan with his own body.

But someone reacted faster.Shi Hui immediately shot several hidden weapons at the man, trying to stop the man's charge.The man was very skilled and easily dodged the hidden weapon. Although his speed slowed down a bit, he rushed towards Liu Chan again.

At this time, Zhao Feng's silver spear had arrived, and the "Hundred Birds towards the Phoenix Spear" was immediately used.The young master's life is the most important thing, so Zhao Feng used all his strength when he shot, he was ruthless and accurate, the gun never left the man's vitals, and he forced the man back again and again.

Seeing that the man couldn't rush through, he took out a short knife from his pocket to parry, although he was a little flustered, but judging from the situation, it was very difficult for Zhao Feng to take down this man within ten moves.

Liu Chan didn't expect that Zhang Fangping would risk his life to protect him like this, so he was moved, and quickly asked a guard to take Zhang Fangping to the back, so as not to be affected again.Then, he ordered Shi Hui to go down to help Zhao Feng and capture this person as soon as possible.Shi Hui agreed, drew out her long knife and jumped into the battle circle.

Shi Hui's saber technique was originally designed to kill people, and now Zhao Feng's long spear was used to cooperate with him. With the first move, the man's left arm had already stabbed her, and she grinned in pain.Seeing this, Shi Hui stepped up her offensive again.

In front of Zhao Feng and his wife who cooperated with each other seamlessly, Zhao Feng quickly seized a fatal flaw in the other party, and stabbed the man's wrist with a long spear.

The man screamed, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground.But Shi Hui was the fastest, immediately seized the opportunity, and came to the man's side in a flash, with the long knife straddling the man's shoulder.The man's body froze immediately, and he didn't dare to move any more.

Liu Chan was annoyed in his heart, and without any explanation, he stepped forward and kicked the man twice.Those refugees also surrounded him one after another, picked up the clod and greeted that person, scolding him for being ungrateful and heartless, you are willing to hurt such a good boy as Young Master Liu...

Liu Chan was afraid that everyone would beat people to death, so he would not be able to ask anything, so he quickly asked everyone to stop, and asked the guards to separate the crowd.

It was only then that Liu Chan could see clearly what this person looked like, and he was around 25 or [-] years old.Although he looked very sloppy in the clothes of a refugee, but the aura on his body and the way he looked at people all showed that this person's identity was actually a hero!
Liu Chan couldn't imagine that he had been so magnanimous to the people of the Sun family, and those diners were still so ignorant of good and evil.No, it should be said that it is unreasonable!It seems that we must find a way to eradicate all these diehards, otherwise our personal life will not be safe in the future!

Liu Chan couldn't help saying angrily: "You really don't know how to live or die. There are so many guards here, how dare you come to assassinate me?! Are you a diner in Sun Tong's family?"

The man's expression was still very arrogant, but when he heard Liu Chan's words, his expression changed, and he shouted: "The man will change his name and surname if he wants to sit down. I am Jing Sheng, the seventh generation grandson of the hero Jing Ke. Sun Quzheng It's my master!"

When Liu Chan heard this person's introduction, he couldn't help but smile.It turns out that this person is Jing Ke who tried to assassinate Qin Shihuang in the name of offering pictures in the pre-Qin period.His ending was that he was chopped into a pile of meat by Qin Shihuang on the spot.It seems that this Jing Sheng is quite simple, just asking such a question, he reported his family background, I am afraid that he wants to imitate his ancestors, is he going crazy?

Liu Chan told Jing Sheng: "Nowadays, there is no other family of heroes who may come to assassinate my son, except for the diners of Sun Tong's family. But why are you so ignorant, my son has already let Sun Tong's family go? Still coming to kill me?"

The man's face changed, and he urged Liu Chan to ask what was going on?Liu Chan was also a little stunned, dare this guy is really a stunned young man, he came to assassinate him without knowing what was wrong?
It was the first time Liu Chan met such a person who didn't take his own life seriously. He really couldn't laugh or cry.Liu Chan asked Zhao Feng to tell the right and wrong of the matter, and told him about the pardon of Sun Tong's family and all members of the clan.

After Jing Sheng heard it, he suddenly groaned and kowtowed to Liu Chan, and he kowtowed very hard - although there was ground underneath, the sound of thud, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump could be heard.

Liu Chan was afraid that he would knock his head to concussion, so he told him to get up quickly and stop kowtowing again.Only then did Jing Sheng raise his head, but his head was bleeding, but Jing Sheng didn't seem to care.

Liu Chan invited Zhang Fangping to bandage his wound, and Jing Sheng said: "My lord is benevolent and righteous. I, Jing Sheng, have no eyes and no eyes, and that's why I committed such a capital crime. A man has no joy in life, nor fear of death. My life is at the mercy of you today." .It’s just that my family has an old mother, so please take care of me in the future.”

Seeing that he was really stupid, Liu Chan entrusted his mother to others like this, which made people laugh and cry, and he was not going to kill him, so he asked him the whereabouts of his mother, who was still living in Bingzhou.Bingzhou is thousands of miles away from Jingzhou, so Liu Chan doesn't bother to take care of it.

He then asked, "It's been so long since Sun Tong's case, why don't you know the details. Isn't this incredible?"

Jing Sheng honestly told the ins and outs of the matter.It turned out that after he escaped from Tong Sun's house with a dozen people that day, he didn't dare to go back.They all guessed that Sun Tong's family must be doomed, so they began plotting to assassinate Liu Chan.But now that they have no food and clothing, how can they avenge Sun Tong?Fortunately, one of them knew a group of thieves, so he rushed to seek refuge.

No, the leader of that group of thieves had a grudge against Mr. Liu, and happily provided a lot of help. Later, he sent someone to investigate and reported that Sun Tong was about to be beheaded.Jing Sheng couldn't bear it any longer, and sneaked out by himself to assassinate Liu Chan.

Liu Chan heard Jing Sheng say that some thieves had enmity with him, so he asked quickly, "What is the name of the leader of that group of thieves?"

Jing Sheng thought for a while and said: "It seems to be a rare surname, it seems to be Fu, the specific name is not clear."

Liu Chan and Zhao Feng were shocked at the same time: "The clouds are floating in the sky!"

Liu Chan immediately asked Zhao Feng to send someone to inform Zhang Fei that he already knew Fu Tianyuan's whereabouts, and told him to return to the city as soon as possible.This time, no matter what, he will not let go of Fu Tianyuan's wolf!

His time for revenge has finally come!
(End of this chapter)

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