Chapter 39
This time, Liu Chan did not act on his own, because the old fox Futianyuan was too cunning, without the plan of Army Master Zhuge, there was no guarantee that he would have the possibility of escaping again.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately asked Jing Sheng to explain the situation of Fu Tianyuan clearly.It turned out that Fu Tianyuan was hiding in a mountainous area more than 300 miles outside Jiangling City, and more than 1000 people had gathered around him, and there was a great possibility of becoming bigger again.

Liu Chan secretly hated, this Fu Tianyuan is really an unkillable cockroach, as long as you give him a little time to breathe, he can turn around and come to bite you again!

Then, Liu Chan asked Jing Sheng to explain clearly the terrain of the valley and the defense situation of the minions.After thinking about it for himself, Liu Chan came up with an idea.On the one hand, he immediately sent ten white-eared imperial guards to be scouts, first to go to the mountain area to scout the situation; on the other hand, he immediately sent someone to Zhang Fei to inform him to discuss matters at the government office.

When Liu Chan came to the government office, Army Master Zhuge was working inside as usual.Liu Chan went in and told the information he had obtained, which immediately attracted the attention of the military adviser. He had never seen the remnants of the Yellow Turbans, but the military adviser definitely knew their viability.He immediately put down the work at hand and discussed with Liu Chan.

Half an hour later, Zhang Fei also rushed over excitedly, and Liu Chan and Military Master Zhuge also had a good deal of discussion.To Liu Chan's surprise, the military master Zhuge agreed to most of his plans, and he kept praising Liu Chan for his careful planning, and he was really a child can teach in the art of war!

Being able to get a little affirmation from Military Master Zhuge suddenly made Liu Chan secretly happy.

Then, the Zhuge army division ordered Zhang Fei to lead the team himself, with Jing Sheng as the guide and Liu Chan as the companion, and according to the planned strategy, sent troops to wipe out the bandit village in Futianyuan.

In fact, at this time, Liu Chan's forty silver-armored imperial guards had already been led by Zhao Feng, and were ready to go outside the government office.

When Liu Chan and Zhang Fei came out of the government office, they saw Zhao Feng and others lined up majestically, and couldn't help smiling at Liu Chan, "Adou, you don't have to be so anxious, do you?"

Liu Chan also laughed and said, "If you work with Uncle San, if your hands and feet are not fast enough, how can you keep up!" Then he flattered Zhang Fei a little.

Zhang Fei chuckled, and then helped Liu Chan onto his dying horse. He was going to ride the same horse with Liu Chan, which showed his doting on Liu Chan.

So, a group of people rushed towards the barracks outside the city like flying.

Zhang Fei entered the barracks as usual.Liu Chan remembered the last time the two came here to pick up the men and horses. This time Zhang Fei must have behaved the same way - galloping horses galloping inside.

So, before Zhang Fei could open his mouth, Liu Chan had already raised his voice and shouted to the surrounding tents: "Assemble, assemble, you bastards quickly assemble... Today we are going to eliminate harm for the people and eliminate Futianyuan's gang!" The remnants of the Yellow Turban...!"

Zhang Fei was delighted to hear that, good guy, this kid is about to become a roundworm in his stomach, he knows what he wants to do!However, this is also good, I didn't hurt him in vain.

For a while, there was a lot of chaos in the barracks, but six or seven thousand soldiers quickly stood in line.Zhang Fei ordered 6000 troops, of which [-] cavalry marched first, led by himself.The remaining [-] infantry, led by the lieutenant general, came later.

After two days of marching, the cavalry came to the outside of the Futianyuan Bandit Village. In fact, they had slowed down a bit in order not to distance the infantry too far, but they still exhausted Liu Chan, a pampered son. .

The silver-armored guards sent by Liu Chan soon discovered Zhang Feijun and immediately came to report to Liu Chan.They have already discovered the specific location of Futianyuan bandit village, and this area is indeed a mountainous area as Jing Sheng described.

Its terrain is surrounded by mountains on three sides in the east, west and north. It is shaped like a skip and slopes from northwest to southeast.Such a geographical environment can be relied on by mountains and concealed by hills for war.And once he is attacked by the enemy, he can easily escape by taking advantage of the complex terrain.

Seeing that everyone was almost ready, Liu Chan asked Zhang Fei why he attacked Futianyuan's bandit village.Zhang Fei could hold his breath, and told Liu Chan not to worry, and wait for the infantry from behind to come.He only has 1 people now, and the opponent must have a lot more troops than him. Of course, he can defeat Fu Tianyuan with this kind of troops, but if he wants to catch him in one go, he can't do it without multiplying his troops. .

When Liu Chan heard the words, he immediately calmed down and asked Zhao Feng to take out dry food and eat it together with the soldiers.

The marching speed of the infantry team was really unflattering. They didn't arrive until the afternoon of two days later, almost killing Liu Chan.However, the troops they dispatched this time far exceeded Fu Tianyuan, so there was no need to carry out sneak attacks at night.

After another night of recuperation, it was finally time to act, and Liu Chan was already eager to try.However, at this time he was no longer in the barracks, but in a mountainous area.

He was surrounded by not only Zhao Feng and five silver-armored guards, but also Shi Hui. Their task was to scout the enemy while cutting off the connection between the enemy's stronghold and their scouts.The other silver-armored guards were also divided into groups of five by Liu Chan, and they kept shuttling between the mountains to intercept any thieves who were going to deliver letters to the cottage!
In fact, this was Liu Chan acting on his own initiative. Originally, this task was entrusted to Zhao Feng, and Liu Chan secretly followed him.

At this time, Liu Chan, Zhao Feng and others have changed their attire.He was wearing a mountain man's clothes, and his face was still a little dirty. In addition, Liu Chan's current figure was a little thin. It was impossible to tell that he was a pampered son, but he was a little yellow and thin.

At this time, a hurried figure suddenly appeared on the mountain road below, and at a glance, he knew it was Fu Tianyuan's little minion.

Liu Chan secretly felt complacent, the path he chose was indeed their passage!He nodded to Zhao Feng, and the two of them jumped out at the same time to stop that guy.Liu Chan slapped his head and face with great style and asked, "Who are you, and why are you sneaking here?"

That guy was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Liu Chan and Zhao Feng.He also saw that Zhao Feng was much taller than himself, and thought he was the leader he didn't know.And the little man in front of him should be the leader's subordinate, otherwise he wouldn't have jumped out to ask questions—if Liu Chan knew what he was thinking at this time, he would definitely be dumbfounded.

The young man hurriedly revealed his identity, and told the two of them that he found a large group of officers and soldiers on the mountain road.Liu Chan laughed secretly in his heart, the guy in front of him was really unreliable in his work, and he recruited the matter himself before he was arrested for interrogation!
Liu Chan nodded, waved his hands in a serious manner and said, "Understood, next time, be quicker and quicker, so don't delay the military situation!"

The little boy laughed secretly in his heart that this kid really knows how to pretend to be powerful, then nodded and said: "My brother is right!" Then he walked past Liu Chan.

But when the minion came to Zhao Feng's side, Zhao Feng suddenly pulled out a dagger and stabbed it in the back of the minion.That guy didn't even know how he died, so he just passed his breath, he was so familiar with it!
After Zhao Feng threw the body down the hillside, Liu Chan sent one of his men to inform Zhang Fei that the army's whereabouts had been detected by the enemy, and there was no longer any delay, so they had to speed up the march.

After Zhang Fei got the report, he immediately drove his men and horses to a forest at the foot of the Bandit Village in Futianyuan as quickly as possible, where Liu Chan was already waiting with his silver-armored guards.Moreover, Liu Chan has already checked the surrounding terrain in detail.

Futianyuan's cottage this time was built against a mountain. The mountain peak is relatively steep, but the mountain peak is not very tall.Fu Tianyuan obviously learned the experience and lessons of the destruction of Baling Mountain, especially set up a small cottage on the mountainside, and set up the main village on the top of the mountain.

In this way, when the cottage on the mountainside is attacked, the cottage above can also prepare in time to deal with it.Liu Chan secretly sighed that this old guy Fu Tianyuan was really cunning, he was born to be a thief!
At this time, the cottage was extremely quiet, and Zhang Feijun was not spotted by them.In fact, Zhang Fei was very lucky. The news sent back by those minions were all intercepted by Liu Chan's scattered people on the way, so the thieves didn't notice it.

Zhang Fei was about to launch a surprise attack on the cottage according to the strategy agreed upon by Zhuge Junshi and Liu Chan.Liu Chan immediately stopped and said, "Third Uncle, wait a minute."

"Adou, what's the matter with you?"

"Third Uncle, I'm afraid the previous strategy needs to be adjusted."

"How to say?"

"Our previous strategy was that Fu Tianyuan would definitely find our whereabouts, so we formulated a surprise attack strategy, and we wanted to take down the stronghold in one fell swoop. But the situation is different now, the other party has not found our whereabouts, so we can Divide the troops and surround the foot of the mountain heavily, and then launch a sneak attack with a surprise soldier. In this way, the enemy will become a turtle in the urn, and none of them can escape!"

Zhang Fei thought about it for a while, and couldn't help but patted Liu Chan on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Okay, your military skills have really improved. The previous strategy of blindly raiding will indeed cause many fish to slip through the net. It is also a little tricky to catch Fu Tianyuan." Difficult. Your method is indeed much safer!"

Therefore, Zhang Fei immediately sent troops to surround the entire mountain, and then ordered the storming troops to attack the first cottage.

(End of this chapter)

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