The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 414 Who and Who Returns

Chapter 414 Who and Who Returns ([-])

As far as Guan Yu's temper is concerned, after being ignored by Liu Feng like this, it is of course impossible for him to swallow this breath.He immediately wrote to Chengdu and severely sued Liu Feng to Liu Bei.The knot between the two has also become deeper.

Five days later, Cao Pi felt that the battle ahead had almost stabilized, so he decided to return to Xuchang, because some ministers close to him had recently begun to persuade him to enter.Cao Pi felt that this matter was the most important thing at present, and decided to set off immediately to meet Xuchang.

Cao Pi originally decided to recruit Cao Ren from Xuchang and come back to take charge of military affairs.However, after thinking about it for a while, I felt that we could first entrust the military forces to Le Jin and Jia Xu.After the situation in Jingzhou is completely calmed down, it will not be too late to recruit Cao Ren.

And Jia Xu also came to the Xiangshui River as an envoy on this day.Out of etiquette, Liu Chan sent Mr. Ma Liang across the river to meet him.

The weather today was actually quite good, the sun was shining brightly, and there were undulating white spots of light constantly flashing on the surface of the sparkling water.

Jia Xu is dressed in a formal black robe and a purple jade ribbon, which symbolizes status and rank.Under the crown is well-combed pale hair. Although the beard on the chin is not much, it is paler than the hair.

The current Jia Xu, although he still looks high-spirited, but judging from his appearance, he is indeed really old.A gust of cold and slightly damp river wind blew by, and his beard was pulled aside obliquely, making him feel a little chilly, so he couldn't help pulling his clothes.

Soon after, thirteen large ships appeared on the Xiangshui River, their white sails were all opened, like huge sharks, with their white fins exposed on the water.The sun shines from the side, and the huge hull and even bigger sails cast a shadow on the constantly rippling water.

Standing on the bow of the first ship was a thin official who was also wearing a black official uniform, a crown on his head, and a purple ribbon on his waist. stand up.The biggest features on his face are the two mustaches on his mouth and the white spots on his brows, which look very conspicuous.

Of course, this person is Mr. Ma Liang who was sent by Liu Chan to meet Jia Xu on the other side.The general in white armor standing behind Ma Liang is Zhao Feng, who was ordered to protect Mr. Ma Liang.

Jia Xu is a well-informed person, when he saw Ma Liang's demeanor, he secretly praised that although he was young, he had an extraordinary demeanor, so he knew that he must not be an ordinary person.

After the big ship docked, Ma Liang took Zhao Feng and a group of white-eared guards off the ship.Of course, Mr. Ma Liang is very familiar with this pier. This is the place where he used to organize people to cross the river.

Mr. Ma Liang saw a group of chariots and horses parked in front of him, and a hale and hearty old man was surrounded by many soldiers, watching him.

Mr. Ma Liang left Zhao Feng's people behind, walked forward quickly, cupped his hands at the old man and asked, "Is this gentleman Jia Wenhe doctor?"

After Jia Xu told Ma Liang up and down again, a name suddenly appeared in his mind.He took a step forward and replied: "This old man is Jia Wenhe. Your Excellency has white spots on his brows, so he must be Ma Jichang, the military advisor of Jingzhou?"

Ma Liang smiled slightly, and said: "It's the official. Today, the official was ordered by the eldest son of my family to cross the river to welcome Dr. Jia to Xiangyang City."

Jia Xu nodded and said with a smile: "It is said in Jingzhou that 'Ma's five permanent members, white eyebrows are the best', seeing him today, he really has extraordinary bearing. The son of the prince of Hanzhong can get the help of Mr., it is really like a tiger with wings added."

Ma Liang smiled, saying that he didn't even dare.The two sides were polite again, and after really doing the trick between celebrities, the impressions of both sides are quite acceptable.

Then Ma Liang said to Jia Xu: "Doctor Jia, it's almost time now. Would you please get on the boat with the officer and cross the river?"

Jia Xu nodded and said, "That's very good."

So, the two boarded Ma Liang's big boat side by side, accompanied by the soldiers protecting Jia Xu and several accompanying assistants, and then boarded the boat.The fleet turned around and galloped towards the south bank of Xiangshui.

By the time Ma Liang brought Jia Xu's people into Xiangyang City, it was already afternoon and dusk, the sun had already tilted slightly to the west, and the color had begun to turn yellowish.

After Jia Xu got off the car, she looked at the dilapidated post house in front of her. It was obviously in disrepair for a long time, and the facade was only slightly repaired.Jia Xu was stunned for a moment.I am also an envoy of Wei at any rate, and everyone is a state of etiquette. Is this how Liu Adou welcomes guests?

Of course Liu Chan already knew about the post house.But after he checked it himself, he felt that although the place looked a little old, the decoration was actually okay, but it was not luxurious.Therefore, when Ma Liang wanted to allocate funds to find someone to repair it, he was blocked by Liu Chan.

Of course Ma Liang wanted to argue, and said, "Your Majesty, this matter concerns the dignity of the King of Hanzhong, you, and the entire Jingzhou. This posthouse has to be refurbished."

At that time, Liu Chan just smiled and said to Ma Liang: "Sir, the face of this country is supported by our domestic people, not by outsiders. As long as our people are happy and the army is strong, that is the real truth. So, let’s not spend so much money to build posthouses. If Jia Wenhe is not satisfied, you can let him pay for the repairs himself.”

Ma Liang was really speechless to Shizi at that time.

So, seeing Jia Xu's hesitant expression now, Ma Liang certainly knew what he was thinking in his heart, his face turned slightly feverish, and he felt very ashamed in his heart.

But of course, Ma Liang couldn't save himself, so he said to Jia Xu: "Mr. Jia, although this posthouse looks a bit old on the outside, it is actually very comfortable to live in. The son will also let him walk away." Most of the servants have been sent over."

But Ma Liang didn't tell Jia Xu next: "What do you need, even if the postman here said it." It's clear that the services they can provide here are really limited...

Jia Xu turned to look at Ma Liang, knowing that Ma Liang's words were really unbelievable.But his trip was only for a few days, and he felt in his heart that he didn't have to worry too much about that stingy and rude person like Liu Adou.

Jia Xu felt a little annoyed, so she didn't reply to Ma Liang's words, but just walked into the post house.

Seeing this, Ma Liang finally breathed a sigh of relief.Then, he followed him in, and after arranging Jia Xu's room, he told Jia Xu that Shizi would meet him in Shizi Xingyuan tomorrow.

After Mr. Ma Liang came out of the posthouse, he immediately rushed to the Shizi's residence and reported Jia Xu's situation to Liu Chan.

Liu Chan saw that Ma Liang's expression was different, and his eyes were a little erratic.Liu Chan asked him what happened.

Ma Liang hesitated for a moment, then sighed: "Today I took Jia Xu to see the dilapidated post house. I saw him standing outside in a daze, and it took him a long time to walk in. I really felt a little ashamed..."

It turned out to be a matter of old and new posthouses!Ma Liang has always been very free and easy, but after all, he is still troubled by the problem of face.

Liu Chan burst into laughter immediately, and said, "Then Jia Xu didn't all live in it in the end? Well, if he really complains, let him live in my Xingyuan, and I'll go to live in the posthouse. "

However, Ma Liang gave Liu Chan a rare look, obviously a little dissatisfied with Liu Chan's nonsense, and said: "My son, be careful, I will never mention this matter again."

Liu Chan chuckled, and the matter stopped there.

(End of this chapter)

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